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Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!

JonMystic  - | 7  
1 Jul 2010 /  #151
Here we come!! Watch out Polskis! But don't worry, your Arabian friends will come to your rescue. Of course, you will have to trade some of your pretty blonde ladies as payment for the protection. Yes, them muzzies love blondies..

I am wondering what city the Israelis are thinking of hitting first.. Warsaw, Krakow?? We have been planning this invasion a long time. I am sure the Ruskies will have no problem letting us use their airspace, as they despise the Poles more than we do. Actually, Saudi Arabia jsut gave Israel the greenlight to use their airspace for an Iranian invasion. The enemy of my enemy is my friend! An old middle eastern proverb.

With one of best air forces in the world, nuclear subs floating right off your beaches and 100+ nukes, you Polskis better be praying hard.

You know that everyr Jew and Israeli dreams of conquering Poland and enslaving you.. Yes, in fact, I have just finished constructing my torture chamber where I will bring my Polish prisoners to torture, rape and mutilate day and night!

MUHAHAHA.. I just cannot help myself, I am such an evil Zionist.
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
1 Jul 2010 /  #152
How many times have you been to Israel, MC?

Not once :(((

Going there next summer!

Of course, you will have to trade some of your pretty blonde ladies as payment for the protection. Yes, them muzzies love blondies..

They are already doing it, gever ;)
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
1 Jul 2010 /  #153
It was just how fervent she was in her denials. She vehemently opposed anything the man said and he was there. BBC really has some oddballs in their ranks!

I don't believe a word he said! She asked him about what happened onboard that ship that night and he rants about 800000 children dieing. Doesn't matter because it snot the point. The point is that the soldiers who climbed onboard were attacked first and they retaliated. Considering that they are highly trained they killed off nine turks. The Israel-Gaza issue is secondary at this point, because the world is screaming about the aid workers getting shot for no reason. Which is not true. I mean the guy admits that they had a plan to attack them with any weapon except knives. And the video is pretty much clear.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Jul 2010 /  #154
Well, Turkey and Israel are meeting to discuss it in Brussels so all should be cleared up to their respective satisfaction.
Crow  154 | 9541  
2 Mar 2011 /  #155
Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!

Polish PM to Netanyahu: You can count on us

"You can count on our cooperation and support, dear friend," Tusk said.

Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!

Tusk and the whisperer
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
4 Mar 2011 /  #156
Israel will not attack Poland, especially with nuclear weapons...Because where would the Israeli Jews go if Israel is dismantled?

Check out this piece from the website of Roy Tov, former IDF soldier: roytov.com/articles/uganda2.htm
jonni  16 | 2475  
4 Mar 2011 /  #157
Check out this piece from the website of

Another nutter.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
4 Mar 2011 /  #158
No: Nutter is the name of our mayor here in Philadelphia, Michael Nutter...He is a Freemason, Prince Hall (Blacks only) Lodge...Tov OK.

Anyway, Israel won't nuke Poland.

I don't think Israel nuke anyone, because this would be the end...Only possibility would be USA...Another fake 'Muslim' attack.

BTW, did you hear that Gaddafi is actually Jewish?...Explains why he has been around for so long:


In Hebrew from Israel's Channel 2

jonni  16 | 2475  
4 Mar 2011 /  #159
Maybe they wouldn't let you join, but plenty of other white people have!
Marek11111  9 | 807  
9 Mar 2011 /  #160
Israel seeks $20 billion in US military aid


now that is going to buy sh i t load of guns.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
11 Mar 2011 /  #161
Research has shown that witnesses usually don't tell the truth, either because they are too shocked by what happened or they are member of the group which has an interest in any of the outcomes.

Yes, true, sometimes, as illustrated by the ridiculous stories told by many 'holocaust survivors'...Most of their testimony was given many years after WWII, and many were paid....Tales of 'gas chambers'...The supposed existence of gas chambers was never noted by Eisenhower, Churchill, any war leaders or military, or any journalists after WWII, which is notable, since the existence of such 'gas chambers' would have been world wide news, and certainly been brought to the docket as a war crime at Nuremberg....Most of the gas chamber nonsense was 'Made in the Soviet Union', or hatched up by worms such as Elie Wiesel.

In this case, the ex-Marine gave completely reasonable testimony corroborated by other passengers on the ship, and his testimony was given only a short time after the Israeli attack, so 'embellishments' of history could not be spread so easily by controlled media.

This goes hand-in-hand with the atrocities committed by Israel against the Gaza population in 'Operation Cast Lead', which has been thoroughly documented by a myriad of media sources.
Crow  154 | 9541  
5 Apr 2011 /  #162
Merged: Do you know that Israeli President made allusions that `they` buying Poland?

see for yourself >

Israeli President: We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Romania and Poland

valpomike  11 | 194  
5 Apr 2011 /  #163
This would never come to past, they could never buy up Poland. It is just a pipe dream, and what they wish they could do.

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
5 Apr 2011 /  #164
There was a whole thread on this about 2 years ago, when Peres gave his little speech....They love to talk, but in this case Peres was probably telling the truth...You would have to find the real names behind real estate and developers in Poland to get the full picture...Most big real estate is controlled through holding companies, which serve as fronts....Same with corporations.
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
5 Apr 2011 /  #165
Please the Arabs are gonna breed them out of Israel, Arabs are multiplying like rabbits.
Crow  154 | 9541  
5 Apr 2011 /  #166
true. Look what happened with Serbian southern province of Kosovo, where Albos came as illegals and then taken whole region for themselves. For now

They love to talk, but in this case Peres was probably telling the truth.

i hope they won`t s***w Poland. We Serbs have a lot of hope regarding support from Poland
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
5 Apr 2011 /  #167
true. Look what happened with Serbian southern province of Kosovo, where Albos came as illegals and then taken whole region for themselves.

But in the case of the Zionist entity in Palestine it was the Zionists who came and took the whole for themselves. Those who understand the situation there look forward to the Arabs getting their land back whether it be by babies or by bullets.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
12 Feb 2018 /  #168
I though we already had a "why are Jews hated so much..." thread?

Most have been deleted or closed.

You'll never read about it but Arab leaders fear nuclear Iran more than a nuclear Israel.

Iran really has no bone to pick with Poland where Israel is not a happy camper with the new law that Poland just passed showing the Jews that they have milked Poland enough.

It no doubt has strained the relations between the two countries but hardly to the extent of a war.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
12 Feb 2018 /  #169
The Jews have been hated because they were always seen as being different. Unlike the New Testament, the Old Testament contains a line in which it commands the Israelites aka "Judaeens" to GO FORTH FROM AMONG THEM AND BE YE SEPARATE!! Precisely who "them" is remains a bone of contention to this day.
Ironside  50 | 12946  
14 Feb 2018 /  #170
The Jews have been hated because they were always seen as being different.

No, because they believe they are special when in fact they are 'special'.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
14 Feb 2018 /  #171
Another example, Ironside, of misunderstanding the expression "Chosen People" (and no, I'm not referring to North Korean Jews eitherLOL).
It never meant, contrary to popular opinion, the Jews believe they are chosen above all others, aka, to be "better", rather, that G_d chose THEM to be a light unto the world.

There's a huge difference between these two ideas, perhaps not easily gleaned by a non-native English speaker:-)
Ironside  50 | 12946  
14 Feb 2018 /  #172
of misunderstanding the expression "Chosen Peop

Who talk about chosen people? Not I. I just give an answer to your post in which you have written why in your opinion Jews are hated.

a non-native English speaker:

well for you as a self-proclaimed Jew English is not your 'native' language either.
Crow  154 | 9541  
14 Feb 2018 /  #173
I don`t think that Israel wants to wipe Poland off the map. Israel is serious and wise and knows that any such move place Israel in state of war with entire Slavic world and that wouldn`t be wise.

Israel and Jews just need more time to understand that resurgent Poland isn`t anti-Israel. Actually, that Poland isn`t `anti-` anybody but truly pro-Poland.

But in the case of the Zionist entity in Palestine it was the Zionists who came and took the whole for themselves.

That is why Serbian government recognized Palestine. Serbia didn`t deny Israel but also recognized Palestine. At first Israel didn`t understand and now seek for best possible relations with Serbia. Point is to have consistent politics and then Jews understand you.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
14 Feb 2018 /  #174
Gosh, Ironside, you'll have to explain that one to our members, 'cuz you're making a royal ass out of yourself:-)
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
14 Feb 2018 /  #175
Speaking of chosen people, there is a notable difference in the Jewish faith to other religions. That difference is that Jews do not seek to preach to people or convert then. People of other religions on the other hand, do this all the time.

Now for this reason, non-religious people might find Jews less annoying, because they are not trying to 'force' their religion on them, but what is more interesting is the reason they do not try to convert people and it is more to do with the fact that Orthodox religious Jews believe they are chosen.

If you aren't born Jewish, then they believe that perhaps you aren't chosen by God like them, perhaps you weren't meant to be a Jew - you were meant to be a gentile.

Other religions don't have this mentality. Anybody who converts to Christianity or Islam isn't considered not as good as those who were born in to the faith. That's why those religions preach their word and encourage others to convert.

At least, I think this is the case. Perhaps somebody can enlighten me? Can a convert to Judaism [like say, Ivanka Trump] be considered to be on the same level as an Orthodox Jew born of Jewish blood, or would she never be considered as Jewish as them?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
14 Feb 2018 /  #176
Can a convert to Judaism [like say, Ivanka Trump] be considered to be on the same level as an Orthodox Jew

I think Orthodox Jews do accept converts, as long as you accept their rules and that you prove to their satisfaction that you've converted. It's not like Christianity where most denominations go "sure, no problem, just have some simple baptism and that's you", but the road is open.

With other denominations, it seems that some rabbis will accept you for cash, while others will make you prove it to varying degrees.

You're right though, it is strange that they don't actively try to convert people. Never thought of it like that before...
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
14 Feb 2018 /  #177
think Orthodox Jews do accept converts

No they actually don't really accept nor recognize converts as 'real' Jews. According to Jewish law, a person receives his or her 'jewishness' from the mother. If the mother is not jewish, their son or daughter isn't - according to strict Jewish law which Orthodox follow. They do not recognize 'converts' and I believe only the more liberal sects like 'reform' recognize them.

Its worth noting that Orthodox place more emphasis on Torah than Talmud. In fact, many orthodox jews, especially groups like netuya karta, do not recognize Israel as the Torah states that Jews are not to have a homeland until their messiah comes.

Can a convert to Judaism [like say, Ivanka Trump] be considered to be on the same level as an Orthodox Jew

She is not considered to be a 'real Jew' because she does not have a Jewish mother. Although, if she keeps kosher, follows Jewish law, etc. then the more liberal sects will recognize her as a Jew.
18 Feb 2018 /  #178
Does anyone actually have a link to the wording of the law in question? Me and my family are having a disagreement about this issue, and I would like to know the facts. Does the law prevent anyone from saying that the some Polish people collaborated with the Nazis in helping them to imprison or kill people of Jewish decent? From what I heard, the only thing that it actually states is that the Polish government or the Polish people as a whole, are not responsible for Oświęcim, Majdanek, etc..., and are opposed to calling them "Polish concentration camps." If the law actually states that nobody is allowed to say that some Polish people collaborated or took it upon themselves to either kill Jews or to help send them to concentration camps, that would be a great injustice to the truth. Can someone actually give a link as to what the law actually says? The only thing I've read, is that the law states that the Polish government is opposed to calling them "Polish concentration camps", but my family says that the law also states that one can't say that some Polish people collaborated with the Nazis. I'm confused, please help to clarify...
Crow  154 | 9541  
18 Feb 2018 /  #179
No, I am sure that Israel don`t wish to wipe Poland off the map. Let`s not be paranoid. Israel just farts great smoking sulfurous farts.

But, this complete issue giving great lesson to official Poland. Lesson that telling that Poland have to have more consistent politics and not blindly to follow EU and NATO. Alright, EU is already shunned little bit but its not enough.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
5 May 2018 /  #180
Still no reply Lyzko ?

Israel just farts great smoking sulfurous farts.

Crow, you do have a way with English words to make them most effective.

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