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Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!

Stu  12 | 515  
31 May 2010 /  #91
I hate Jews and just to let you know I am a young Pole living in Canada.

What a well thought through opinion! Wow! I am amazed. That must have taken him days, no even months to come up with.

<If some people become only a little more stupid, you'd have to water them twice a week ... :-S>
rychlik  41 | 372  
31 May 2010 /  #92
Are you Jewish? Don't be a coward. I came up with this opinion in a few nano seconds :) But at least I have an honest opinion and will leave it at that. Also, just so you know I've had experience with a couple of Jews in Toronto. They are very bitter people.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 May 2010 /  #93
But at least I have an honest opinion and will leave it at that.

True. Unfortunately.

Also, just so you know I've had experience with a couple of Jews in Toronto.

Ah, so these few bad experiences is enough for you to hate an entire ppl? You have to explain to me how you do that; I can't. No matter how I try, I cannot hat an entire ppl based on a few incidents.

They are very bitter people.

Just like the Poles :)))


M-G (tiens)

I gave you my opinion- live with it.

And Stu is giving you his opinion. Live with it. If you want freedom of speech and thought, learn to accept that there will be ppl who don't agree with you. And as long as you don't say any further silly things, I will not mingle in the discussion. But if you do, I will.


M-G (tiens)
rychlik  41 | 372  
31 May 2010 /  #94
And Stu is giving you his opinion.

He insulted me. I had to respond. He's not even Jewish. People hate each other in this world or discriminate for various reasons. We should all accept it. This topic is provoking and re-enforces stereotypes that Jews are anti-Polish AND funny enough I have met a few nasty Jews in Toronto. What do you think my opinion of Jews would be!!?? I'm an honest guy.
time means  5 | 1309  
31 May 2010 /  #95
He insulted me. I had to respond

Herein lies the problem and why presumably the conflict is on going, tit for tat.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 May 2010 /  #96
He's not even Jewish.

But I am, at least half :)

This topic is provoking and re-enforces stereotypes that Jews are anti-Polish AND funny enough I have met a few nasty Jews in Toronto.

It does, unfortunately. I have met a few nasty Jews too. But I also met some nasty Poles, Arabs, Dutch, Germans, Belgians and so on. I've also met a lot of good ppl from these groups. I just think you cannot judge an entire ppl based of a few experiences.

I'm an honest guy

That is granted and appreciated. But I still think that you should look at the good examples you've met (and I am sure you have) and think that there are good and bad ppl in every group. Don't waste your time hating other ppl, it will only consume you and turn against you eventually. And you don't want that, do you?


M-G (tiens)
Crow  155 | 9700  
31 May 2010 /  #97
Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!

well, i would only say- i`m not surprised. You know what i mean
rychlik  41 | 372  
31 May 2010 /  #98
That is granted and appreciated.

Yeah you are right. I'm much more tight lipped in person though :)
Stu  12 | 515  
31 May 2010 /  #99

Sorry for having lashed out at you like I did, but I can really get mad when someone says that someone has one or two nasty experiences with someone of a certain religion or nationality and then says that that's the reason why he doesn't like people of that certain religion or nationality.

Every once in a while, I come across one or two nasty Poles, or Dutch, or Germans, or French or catholics, or protestants, or Jews, or women, or shopkeepers or whatever; now according to you it would mean that I should hate all Poles, and Dutch and Germans and French and catholics and protestants and Jews and women and shopkeepers. But isn't that a bit short-sighted?

I hate those individuals that were nasty to me, not the group to which they belong.

So ... sorry again. And I am Dutch by the way ... ;)
Kuntuchi  - | 2  
31 May 2010 /  #100
strange, I always thougt it would be france
scottie1113  6 | 896  
31 May 2010 /  #101
He said Israel would wipe Warszawa off the map!

Nowhere did he specifically say Warszawa.

Was Sun-Tzu or Clausewitz also some army guys?

Uh, sort of. As a US Marine officer way back in the late 60's, I studied these "guys". They're taught in Marine officer training and at West Point. Some officers actually learn something from them.

A Confederate general in the American Civil War, Nathan Bedford Forrest, was asked what his secret to success in battle. His reply: get there fustest with the mostest. Timeless advice.

Sadly, paranoia, bigotry, conspiracy theory and slander run rampant in this thread, and in fact on PF.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
21 Jun 2010 /  #102
I hate when some people try to make a name for themselves by spreading bile. Anyone who thinks that Poland is a major foreign policy concern of Israel's is sadly mistaken.

Don't blame messenger...It was an Israeli 'military consultant', a think tank guy, who made the statement...And it was really just a psychological tactic that Israelis use against Europeans...They have not yet threatened Americans with nuclear bombs, but WTC was bad enough...They have also threatened Russia...Problem with Israeli 'leadership' is that they feel they must keep Jews in a constant state of fear of 'another holocaust'...Read Jewish professor, the late Israel Shahak on this ploy...Shahak survived WWII,; he lived in Poland...He just didn't appreciate fear mongering...Israel condemns own self by action of leadership and military in ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, let alone piracy and murder of Gaza relief workers...IMHO, Israel must join rest of human race...Israelis claim to follow Mosaic law, but turn all the commandments on their heads.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2010 /  #103
That's true but they don't seem to realise the minefield they are sitting on. They have eased the blockade on Gaza so they are not that tough after all.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2010 /  #104
You'd have to ask the IDF that, MC! I don't go around beating defenceless women and children for protesting about land theft. So, how did Pizano do? ;)
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
21 Jun 2010 /  #105
Isn't it distressing to be a nazi, Seanus man?

I don't think EVEN the nazis had one of these on their controlposts....so leave Seanus, the PF nazi alone! (Joke).

See, now they can riddle small children with bullets without even coming out of their cozy army barracks...just eat their bagels and push a few buttons!!

  • Unmanned machinegun post in Gaza 1

  • Unmanned machinegun post in Gaza 2
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2010 /  #106
I understand the Nazi philosophy but you simply can't go around wiping people off of the map, especially innocent people.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Jun 2010 /  #107
I don't think EVEN the nazis had one of these on their controlposts

I'm fairly sure the Nazis didn't have those posts. It's technology from the 21st Century, you know.

My my my, aren't we all so concerned about those poor Palestinians who lie dying of hunger in the streets of Gaza city...Who get bombarded all the freaking time...If you guys are all so concerned about the fate of the Gaza Strip, why don't you go over there and actually help them instead of "supporting" them from behind your computer?

Sorry, but I get a bit cynical from this hypocrit charade.


M-G (grumpy)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
21 Jun 2010 /  #108
If you guys are all so concerned about the fate of the Gaza Strip, why don't you go over there and actually help them instead of "supporting" them from behind your computer?

They just need an excuse to let out their antisemitism.

Why don't they criticize the (muslim) Regime in Sudan, that won't grant the same rights to (muslim/Christian) Blacks?
OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
21 Jun 2010 /  #109
I actually posted another place in here that I understand Israel and having to deal with Arabs like they do. Who knows even Poland, if situated where Israel is today, would have done the same thing as the Israelis do. I am not a fan of the Arab culture, the way they interpret Islam there or how they go about with sending rockets, suicide bombings and the like.

The Arab/Israeli conflict has so many layers it's almost impossible to understand it without doing a PhD on it. But, and there is always a big but..

What if the US put up unmanned machine gun posts on the Mexico border, or if Germany/Poland did it to each other...wow, can you imagine the outrage? The countless TV shows, newspaper articles and demonstrations? Have you seen the "fence" between Israel and Gaza and the US/Mexico one, and compared them? More people get killed, kidnapped and mutilated on the latter border every year than on the first one...still..no unmanned machine gun posts there...not even that much police...just some farmers with guns driving up and down, trying to protect their cattle and property.

The "problem" Israel has is that they are playing the victim card in the western world, which they successfully do, while they act like Nazis to the Arabs. How can they win if they keep on doing this? They can't. More and more people, at least here in Norway, have now become against Israel, while there for only 15-20 years ago were more support for them. (Might have to do with the enormous influx of Muslims to Norway in the same period).

Israel need to stop whatever they are doing and think through their policies and come up with something new. Because when the day comes that the president of the US is named Jorge Garcia and Europe has stopped caring, the soon-to-be majority of Arabs in Israel will rise up. And then we can start talking about a real holocaust of the jews. And you can't nuke your own country....(There I got this thread back on track!).

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
21 Jun 2010 /  #110
You can Israel watching self-destruct slowly but surely...now that they successfully turned off their once biggest ally in the region, Turkey, they now pressure their few allies in Europe, Germany and Poland, in the Brodsky-affair to go against their own laws.

I won't even mention the current Niebel-affair. Making sure to lose support here now too rapidly.
What stupid sods! Popcorn moments :)
vetala  - | 381  
21 Jun 2010 /  #111
You can Israel watching self-destruct slowly but surely...

Sad but true... In just few months Israel managed to p*ss off EVERYBODY. WTF are they thinking!
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
21 Jun 2010 /  #112
Turkey was never a trustable ally for Israel. Everybody knew they would end up falling for their muslim brothers ,as they do now.

Turkey is nobody's friend. Too bad not few European politicians still believe in Turkey's friendship LAWL
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2010 /  #113
Turkey is a strategic asset and is being used, MC. That much should be clear.
convex  20 | 3928  
21 Jun 2010 /  #114
Turkey is taking care of Turkey. They have their alliances and they've been very supportive, especially regarding their participation in NATO. With any luck, they'll stay out of the EU sinkhole and just go the free trade route. They're doing a great job of managing their economy and their internal problems. No one is making decisions in Turkey other than the Turks...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2010 /  #115
Which is the way it should be, I agree. They are not really Europeans, more Eurasians like most of Russia.

They have Israel by the kahunas as they supply them with one of the most important provisions of all in water.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
21 Jun 2010 /  #116
EU sinkhole

You know, if the EU goes down, I predict there's gonna be a war. A war between the countries that have always been paying and the countries that always have been profiteering from the EU, the poor countries the EU easily could've done without. Do you really think that countries that have been paying ever since the start and have paid a terrible lot for it, will accept that poor profeteering countries bring the EU down? Don't think so.

They should've stayed the original Six and the rest can perhaps trade with us if they're nice. If it were to be the original Six again we would have been the strongest market in the world. But no, all those poor boggers have join too. And those are bringing the EU down.


M-G (out with Greece!)
Miguel Colombia  - | 351  
21 Jun 2010 /  #117
They are not really Europeans, more Eurasians like most of Russia.

One has to be really blind to claim Turks are European. Yes, yes,youdidn't do it, but some people still believe Turks are Europeans in denial.
convex  20 | 3928  
21 Jun 2010 /  #118
Or that Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians, Macedonians, etc are European.
Matowy  - | 293  
21 Jun 2010 /  #119
One has to be really blind to claim Turks are European. Yes, yes, you didn't do it, but some people still believe Turks are Europeans in denial.

Well if they're potential candidates for the E.U, then they have to be at least partly European. And if they do enter the E.U, then they will be European.
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Jun 2010 /  #120
Or that Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians, Macedonians, etc are European

What's wrong with Bulgarians?

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