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Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!

OP DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
20 Mar 2010 /  #31
Dariusz - before I go - for every Israeli fanatic you've just quoted there are at least 100 or more Arab fanatics with even more venomous speeches.

I agree. The arabs are ten times worse, and I understand the israelis. I would do the same thing! And I have said this in previous posts. But I expect more from a highly developed society. I'm no supporter of the arab mentality and islam. But that's not the point here. The point is that Israel and the jewish people of the world are trying to be the "ultimate victims of the world" and at the same time act as they do in the middle east. I just feel it's such hypocrisy. If I'm a staunch polish patriot, who shouted "Poland for poles", but at the same time would marry a thai girl and have kids with her, and then hire illegal immigrants to work for me, that would make me a hypocrite! This is what Israel does, it's citizens and jews around the world promote the holocaust and hype up anti-semitism to such a degree, it can be found every day in one form or another on our TV, radio or the internet. But at the same time they are killing, bombing and oppressing millions of people the same way they were treated by the nazis...it just bugs me.

But if the israelis said, listen we're not better than anyone, we just defend ourselves, and act accordingly, (not using white phosphorus, shooting kids and torturing prisoners, taking more land, amongst a long list of things), I think there would be less hate or critizism against them.

So the fact that a Jewish professor, who actually comes from Israel, can say something like he said, about sending nuclear missiles to Europe, it just shows that they just don't know when to stop.

I know if Poland would find herself surrounded by muslim states, we would have to have nuclear weapons aswell. And be ready to use them.

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
20 Mar 2010 /  #32
Just wait another 70 years, we might well end up Israel of Europe.
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
20 Mar 2010 /  #33
I know if Poland would find herself surrounded by muslim states, we would have to have nuclear weapons aswell. And be ready to use them.

1jola  14 | 1875  
20 Mar 2010 /  #34
I know if Poland would find herself surrounded by muslim states, we would have to have nuclear weapons aswell. And be ready to use them.

Just imagine the reaction if a Polish military historian lecturing at West Point would say that we will not hesitate to use nukes against our enemies and ...neutral countries for good measure. This is basically what the Israeli said. Is it to the point that these kind of statements are tolerated and accepted with a sheepish look because of the Holocaust guilt the non-Jewish world must endure for eternity? I say not, but help me find the critique of this scholar's statements in any major publication.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Mar 2010 /  #35
1Jola, 8.5 years, sorry. It is a highly insightful book which sheds some light into why many have failed to bring Afghanistan to heel over the years. Stubborn with tactical gems at their disposal, what a combo! Anyway, I'll PM you about the book if you wish.

As for Israel, they would be isolated were they to attack Poland. I'm not going to invoke the NATO card here but there are other reasons why it won't happen. The dogs must be silenced!
20 Mar 2010 /  #36
If I wasn't so busy draining the blood of Catholic children to supply the Israeli market with (business is really booming! They don't just use it for bread now: they're bathing in the stuff! I'm coining the cash in!) I'd make a comment about how nuking Poland is such a silly idea: 72.8% of Israel's supply of white slaves come from the Poland region and 92.39% of the Christian child blood Israel consumes does too! There's no way the yids would ever fcuk with such a profitable business, you know what they're like with money!
1jola  14 | 1875  
20 Mar 2010 /  #37
Put away the pipe, Harry. Everyone knows that Christian blood business is down by 6%, so quit bragging.

I think some Israelis would like some naives to believe they are " I'm crazy, don't come near me!" They should be criticized publicly but they are not. Europe will not fall forthis, but the Americans might. They like wars. I heard so many times in the US that we needed a good war when the economy was down.

Seanus, I find it interesting to have a Scot recommending Polish authors to a Pole. Reading the brief on this book it sounds like a very good book. Thanks.

It's off topic, but have a look at this program in Polish about Abu Nidal in Poland during PRL. Abu Daud makes an appearance, his face bearing scars from the bullets he absorbed in Hotel Victoria, Warsaw, in 1981, a long time after Munich. Gen. Kiszczak admitts terrorists were doing business with communist Poland; Jaruzelski has amnesia as usual.

Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Mar 2010 /  #38
Why is that interesting, 1Jola? Aren't you an American with Polish roots? People read for different reasons and I just feel that getting some authors some outlets isn't a bad thing, that's the point.

Idle threats from Israel. When will they ever learn?
Crow  154 | 9541  
20 Mar 2010 /  #39
Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!

you know what would i tell you and so i won`t tell anything
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Mar 2010 /  #40
Serbia is no fan of Israel's either so I think we have a fair idea.

Israel had better stop the feet stamping. There will come a time when certain powers lose patience.
20 Mar 2010 /  #41
lol! Not only do the Jews control everything but we now also have a Jewish Hitler. Watch out, the Jewish Nazis are coming!!! They are going to turn Poland into a Jewish ghetto and make everyone speak their ****** language oh no! Are they going to steal all of the children in Poland with "Jewish features" and convert them rofl! But seriously, this guy is foaming at the mouth he is absolutely crazy. They just want to make people think they can do something to get a rise out of everyone because it makes their weak little minds feel secure.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Mar 2010 /  #42
That's exactly it, Allison. It's amazing what some people will peddle these days. Almost as bad are the idiots who buy such books and believe the messages.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
20 Mar 2010 /  #43
"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. We have capability to take the world down with us".

I believe that this quote was paraphrased from a statement by an unidentified Israeli in Seymour Hersh's book 'The Samson Option' concerning the same subject.

Any plans to attack Poland are new to me, as the original statement I believe was more directed at France and Italy...Now Russia, they are always on the target list.

'The Samson Option' I believe was published around the same time that the 'Pollard affair' happened in the US...Jonathan Pollard was a US Intel agent who stole volumes of files from the US Navy primarily, concerning missile launch codes, flight paths, etc...Pollard stole these for Israel, and Israel in turn sold them to the former USSR, and possibly other nations.

However, Israeli is capable of this: Witness 911, and also note that Israeli 'security firms' have contracts at many US nuclear facilities, both civilian and military.

Interesting discussion stormfront/forum/sitemap/index.php/t-224989.html

In any case, this is an interesting article, and many extreme Zionists do hold positions such as this...There are examples from Kaballa that are also used to 'suggest' that some kind of worldwide destruction will be needed before the Jews can establish total rule over the 'nations'.

The fact that certain segments hold these views certainly gives one pause, since we have seen these type of 'isms' before in history, and should understand how insane they can be.

Also, the comments after the article are interesting.

Their real enemy today is Iran.

Iran?...What 'terror' has Iran participated in?...Israel, on the other hand has been behind the Lavon Affair, the attack and killing of US sailors on the USS Liberty, the pre-emptive bombing of the Iraqi Osiris reactor, slaughters in Lebanon and Gaza, and, not the least, the '911 event'...A reasonable person would have to question who the real terrorists really are.
jonni  16 | 2475  
20 Mar 2010 /  #44
What 'terror' has Iran participated in?

Where to start? Maybe when they took all those Americans hostage back in 79. The list is long.

When push comes to shove, Iran is a country that people seem desperate to get out of. Israel however has a huge influx of people year on year.
1jola  14 | 1875  
20 Mar 2010 /  #45
Israel however has a huge influx of people year on year.

You mean Jewish people. I doubt you would have much of a chance to emigrate to Israel if you didn't pass the kosher test. Am I wrong? Are non-Jewish immigrants welcome? It is a great vacation destination though.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Mar 2010 /  #46
Israel is open to tourists and that's to its credit. It's always critical to separate the government from the people. Netanyahu is under intense pressure from his hawks to keep up the creation of settlements and claim what they didn't claim after the 6-day war in 1967. Successive Israeli governments have learned that many don't have the balls to intervene in their affairs and put them right. Applying that analogy to parents and children, the child will repeat the action ad nauseam. There has to come a time when discipline is enforced and they are not let off the hook.
Wroclaw Boy  
21 Mar 2010 /  #47
I know if Poland would find herself surrounded by muslim states, we would have to have nuclear weapons aswell.

If Poland was a manufactured country perhaps. Israel is a totally different cup of tea altogether.
vetala  - | 381  
21 Mar 2010 /  #48
Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!
Look on the bright side, at least Islam won't have a chance to 'talk' over Poland!
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
21 Mar 2010 /  #49
Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!
So what’s the problem? Are they out of erasers?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
21 Mar 2010 /  #50
Where to start? Maybe when they took all those Americans hostage back in 79. The list is long.

The list is long?...And this is the only example one can give?

Let me explain the hostage taking...The US, UK and Israel had interfered in Iran's affairs since the end of WWII...I should also include the Russians, since they had a division in Northern Iran after the war.

The prime Western violation was the Mossadeq affair, when the freely elected Mossadeq, President of Iran, was removed by a combine of CIA/MI6 operatives, because he had nationalized the Iranian oil industry, and taken money from Rothschild, Rockefeller pockets...FDRs nephew, I believe his name Kermit, admitted this publicly on National Public Radio in the USA.

After this, Shah Reza Palavi come in...Some say he was really a Russian Jew...No matter...The Shah was a puppet of US/Britain...Mossad train his SAVAK secret police, teach them 'counter-insurgency', torture, other such skills. The Shah also sold discount Iranian oil to Israel for many years, unloaded at the port of Eilat on Gulf of Aqaba.

At some point, CIA get tired of Shah Palavi...He bucked them in some way or other...So what happens?...CIA and Polack Brzezinski give money and support to Ayatollah Khomeini who was living in France...This ties in with strategy of supporting 'Islamic militants (CIA tools) in Afghan war involving Soviet Union.

So, Khomeini come home, US tell Shah to 'hit the road, Jack'...Shah dies of cancer in exile, can't understand why US betrayed him...In the ensuing chaos, some Iranian elements break into US Embassy, get classified documents revealing US duplicity, and take hostages...All very good for TV ratings in US, as it made the Jewish run 'Nightline' program on ABC (w/Ted Koppel) the most watched program in US.

What happens to hostages?...Are they killed, harmed?...No way...Not one hair on one head...Secret deal made and they released on Ronald Reagan's inauguration day.

This is terrorism?...No, just 'show business'.

Then after this, US finance Saddam Hussein to attack the 'evil rogue state' of Iran...War last 5-6 years, useless slaughter...What Iran do?...Nothing.

Lesson learned?...Don't be a US puppet.

Just ask Saddam Hussein!

Oh, wait...We killed him.

Israeli wants to wipe Poland off the map!
Look on the bright side, at least Islam won't have a chance to 'talk' over Poland!

You make a point.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
21 Mar 2010 /  #51
Israeli - what? one person wants to remove Poland off the map? :D

Or did he mean Israel as a country? I very much doubt it..

Jew haters are the worst scum of the earth and you are one of them....
Crow  154 | 9541  
21 Mar 2010 /  #52
on Balkan, Israel coordinates with Islamic league and so called west against Slavs. But, nobody knows here what Poland (with Tusk as PM) doing side by side with all of them. If Zawisha Czarny, Jan Sobieski or Wladislaw Warnenchyk just could arise from their graves they would probably think that they somehow faces some fa*** `twilight zone`
Nathan  18 | 1349  
21 Mar 2010 /  #53
still they dont have enough nukes to squander them on countries totally irrelevant

Exactly, who needs irrelevant countries?!

As pointed out Israel has no real friends

Who has them? ;)

to western failure to ever subjugate Afghanistan. We know it is impossible, but it would be interesting to get another glimpse as to why.

No, it would interesting to get a face punch for even having such a retarded idea as subjugating anyone. All the governments making their countries to participate in military operations in Afghanistan are a bunch of crooks and degenerates who have no value of their citizens and especially soldiers.
Amathyst  19 | 2700  
21 Mar 2010 /  #54
All the governments making their countries to participate in military operations in Afghanistan are a bunch of crooks and degenerates who have no value of their citizens and especially soldiers.

for me now its personal, my god sons father is out thier and my friends son goes out tomorrow!..I get upset when one of our boys dies..Its not our war..its time for them come home..We have own problems...The Argis are starting their crap again and we need to deploy our troops where they are needed.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
21 Mar 2010 /  #55
I get upset when one of our boys dies..Its not our war

Exactly. And Afghani mothers and sisters feel the same. All is being done right now is to make things worse just to feed hungry war machine and parasites sucking off it. People die of genocide in Africa, there is nuclear threat from Korea,...What is being done out there? Nobody cares. Not even peace-supporting troops are being sent there. Chasing guys growing poppy seeds in the mountains, murdering along the way innocent civilians, this is the priority.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Mar 2010 /  #56
It's a repeat of Iraq. I've also seen a video of American mercenaries killing randomly on the highways outside Baghdad. Sickening!

Israel is gonna get caught out sooner or later.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
21 Mar 2010 /  #57
Israel is gonna get caught out sooner or later.

I think sooner ;) The only worry it presents the whole world might be sucked into the war.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Mar 2010 /  #58
It'd be a war of highly dubious allegiances. I don't like the inept stance of the ME Quartet but at least it brings the big powers together rather than create even more divisions.

I'm just wondering what the one step too far will be. They have committed human rights atrocities, broken international law countless times and are assuming Iran to be guilty before proven innocent. Netanyahu heads up a hardline party in Likud. If they can have nukes, why can't Iran? Iran is an oppressive regime, yes, but their Supreme Leader (NOT Ahmedinejad) doesn't want nukes.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
21 Mar 2010 /  #59
Joe put it out really nice in his post #51. Thanks, Joe.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Mar 2010 /  #60
I just hope that no pretexts are used by Israel to do anything silly. There are certainly plenty of potential pretexts where certain powers could have instigated some action against them.

What was the outcome of that passport fiasco earlier this month (or last month?)? They offended British intel with that one. Even the BBC are neutral at best towards Israel. Many writers show restraint but many will grow tired if the right-wing hawks in the Knesset up-the-ante.

However, we all know that all the 'right' leaders are in the 'right' places. Brown, Merkel and Sarkozy blow out the rhetoric and nothing concrete will be done. Tusk isn't much better!

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