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Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe

OP Lyzko  44 | 9725  
30 Mar 2019 /  #121
@Rich, your distinction is valid and I apologize for not being specific.

As far as Polish property appropriated by the Communists in Poland AFTER WWII, much of that "Polish" property was doubtless owned in part by Jewish families and so we're back to square one in terms of the entire question of reparations!
Ironside  51 | 13091  
30 Mar 2019 /  #122
If descendants of former Jewish Polish citizens are able to recover some of the disputed property,

OK. Once again. It has northing to do with descendants of former Jewish Polish citizens to recover some of property.

If it comes to American Jewish citizens who had some claims to property in Poland it had been settled by 1960 agreement in which Poland(Soviet Poland at the time) paid a lump sum of dollars to the American government. According to that agreement all claims of Such a nature by American citizens of Jewish origin should be taken care by the USA government. Period. What the Congress is doing I don't know. Fekkers who are getting paid to know and to act in the Polish gov are incipient ...fekkers or what not.

All other that have claims can apply in Polish courts which are giving a preferential treatment to Jews. Polish people doing the same have no change in hell to get their property back.

Hell, those who have properly in the east - lost lands - have even less chance to get it back. I'm such a case. What the f Congress do for me? eh? Discriminate against?

As a property owner in Poland I will have to foot the bill for those ridiculous and outlandish claims supported by those Fat corrupt F! F them !
Slavictor  6 | 193  
30 Mar 2019 /  #123
In "israel", Poland aligns itself with those who possess the ethics of genocidal maniacs and the morals of gangsters. Lets' hope the Polish people know this lesson well by recognizing this same cancer which has stricken the USA; their revered protector.


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TheOther  6 | 3596  
30 Mar 2019 /  #124
Polish people doing the same have no change in hell to get their property back.

For the same reason others have no chance either: if anyone would win such a court case, the Polish courts would be swamped with law suits from all around the globe and the result would be chaos.
Ironside  51 | 13091  
30 Mar 2019 /  #125
Yet again you are guessing without knowing anything about the issue at all, nor about a legal system in Poland or its judges and their practises. To let you know some people won in court.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
30 Mar 2019 /  #126
"Polish" property was doubtless owned in part by Jewish families and so we're back to square one in terms of the entire question of reparations!

The matter is more complicated than that.

First of all, in pre-war Poland Polish Jews very often bought real estate on credit in Polish banks, like the biggest bank in Poland: PKO Bank Polski. Most of that credit was never paid back to National Bank of Poland [PKO] when WWII broke out.

So the price of unpaid credit should be deducted from the sum of a final reparation.

Furthermore, almost all real estate in Warsaw (and to lesser extend in other big cities of Poland) was destroyed during WWII and rebuilt by Poles after war.

This should also be deducted from the sum of the final reparation.

In many cases the sum of deductions would exceed the value of a lost property.

And obviously I'm only talking about rightful claimants, that is those rightful claimants with all the proper documents and not some NGO's like World Jewish Congress with absolutely no rights to claim any reparations from Poland.
pawian  226 | 27817  
30 Mar 2019 /  #127
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
30 Mar 2019 /  #128
In many cases the sum of deductions would exceed the value of a lost property

Exactly,so Lyzko is just stirring up unnecessary problems.
As I have said previously,this is not worth it.
Jews need to drop this like a hot potato or it will bite them on the bum.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
31 Mar 2019 /  #129
To let you know some people won in court.

So is there an increasing number of court cases pending now? Do you know? If a few people already won, then this should attract a lot of vultures from both inside and outside Polish borders.

Yet again you are guessing without knowing anything about the issue at all

That's why I asked...
OP Lyzko  44 | 9725  
31 Mar 2019 /  #130
I'm not the one stirring up the problems, mate!

The World Jewish Congress has been an embarrassment to our people since they sat on their hands during
the early years of the Holocaust, watching, but not acting!!
pawian  226 | 27817  
25 May 2019 /  #131
Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe

Not really. An Israeli delegation was turned down by Polish Foreign Office after they introduced some changes which hadn`t been consulted with Poles. Israeli nationalist government is pressing on Holocaust property reparations issue but Polish government refuses to talk about it. Are Israelis mad? When Polish government officially refuses to acknowledge Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and invites a Palestinian delegation to Warsaw for talks, Netanjahu will beg Poles with tears in his eyes to forgive him his foolishness.

The problem is that PiS government won`t do it becaue they rely on the USA and Trump who support Israel unconditionally.

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 May 2019 /  #132
The world's most powerful shabbos goy is helping Jews in their extortion attempts by signing the JUST act which past presidents didn't do. This has made relations with Israel even worse. Poles certainly aren't happy about this and pis but especially konfederacja are taking advantage of poles anger about this. #stop447

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