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Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe

OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
23 Feb 2019 /  #61
I have never denied that the kapos were pretty darned low, nor that the Judenraete were damned lame attempts at attempting to curry favor with Hitler.

Let us be clear though that kapos who did their Nazi masters' bidding were doing same in order to survive, albeit taking the easy way out for sure. They WEREN'T

kapos for personal or financial gain, and herein lies the crucial difference between those Polish collaborators and Jewish kapos.

Just to set the record straight here!
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #62
Let us be clear though that kapos who did their Nazi masters' bidding were doing same in order to survive

That's a really lame excuse. Pathetic really. A total revisionist lie.

Jewish Kapos and Judenraete could and should have defied the Nazis and sacrificed their own lives for Poland. But they decided not to by choice. They were Zionist Jews first and foremost and did not regard themselves as Poles anyway.

This is why collaboration came easy to them.

Their own survival meant personal and financial gain even if it meant Poland would be no more. But this was merely icing on the cake they were willing to bake with the Nazis.

What they did should be called betrayal but they never had any attachment to Poland.

They only feared being held to account for their actions and not for what their actions caused.

This is why so many of them easily abandoned Poland without a second thought after the war.

In their Zionist heads, Israel was always their homeland anyway.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
23 Feb 2019 /  #63
That's a really lame excuse. Pathetic really. A total revisionist lie.

Lyzko excuses the Jews that betrayed their own people to survive and then accuses the few Poles who did the same to the the Jews,for the same reasons, whilst totally ignoring the over 30,000 Poles executed for helping Jews!

Pure hypocrisy!
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #64
Spot on Milo!

The mental gymnastics on display from Lyzko and others would be comical if it wasn't all so very sad!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
23 Feb 2019 /  #65
And it is sad......Poles and Jews share so much....
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Feb 2019 /  #66
@Shitonya Brits

The nazis just happen to be the ones at the time with which the Jews could benefit from. Before them it was the partitioning powers, after it was the red army and USSR. Today it's the Jewish ngos, lobbies and Israel.

They WEREN'T kapos for personal or financial gain, and herein lies the crucial difference between those Polish collaborators and Jewish kapos

Ummm yes they were. The Jews fought amongst each other to come a kapo. They got special treatment and didn't even share a room with regular inmates.

Next you'll tell me the judenrat didn't financially gain from their positions off the backs of other Jews...and that they were just doing it to survive....
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #67
Spot on too Dirk!
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
23 Feb 2019 /  #68
You put several people inside a small, stinking cage, throw them some meat and now YOU all tell us how they, for that matter any one of us, would react under such

conditions! And you call me a hypocrite? Kindly don't make saints out of us either.

Apparently once more, my posts have either gone unread or misunderstood (not out of the question with this crowd), as I NEVER once would have had the temerity to even insinuate that many Poles aka Witold Pilecki, Leopold Socha (of the Lwow Underground Resistance) along with countless others were not the truest of true blue heroes who did indeed risk their lives in order that their Jewish fellow citizens might live.

I deeply resent this particular slander!
mafketis  38 | 11261  
23 Feb 2019 /  #69
my posts have either gone unread

What is it that you want Polish people and the Polish government to do that they haven't already done?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Feb 2019 /  #70
I'm listening to Polish radio in the car right now oh man they're taking calls about the whole Israel Poland situation oh man you should listen to the Polish callers rail Israel and the Jews hahahah

Right now the last lady said 'in whatever countries the Jews stayed have run out eventually'

Second caller 'well the whole world doesn't like Jews'

I am so glad that my fellow poles here are so woke to the zionists shenanigans.
Shitonya Brits  
23 Feb 2019 /  #71
the truest of true blue heroes who did indeed risk their lives in order that their Jewish fellow citizens might live.

Whoa! So for you heroism in Poland is defined by sacrificing your life for a Jew but not the other way around?

That's one serious psychotic disorder you got there.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
23 Feb 2019 /  #72
You put several people inside a small, stinking cage

Kind of like the commie Jews i.e. Stefan michnik did to AK fighters?

Poles aka Witold Pilecki, Leopold Socha (of the Lwow Underground Resistance

The real debate lies in whether they would do it again knowing how commie Jews treated poles right at the end of WW2 and the years after it or if they knew how israel and the Jews are treating Poland today
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
23 Feb 2019 /  #73
Great point Dirk!
Jews like Lyzko just make it worse for themselves.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
24 Feb 2019 /  #74
I give him credit for standing up outnumbered.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
24 Feb 2019 /  #75
I represent the voice of reason!

Jews doubtless tried to help their gentile neighbors. Many in fact, sent generous funds to the families of Poles post '45 who helped hide them during the war.

This is documented.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
24 Feb 2019 /  #76
I represent the voice of reason!

then answer my question in #69....
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
24 Feb 2019 /  #77
Maf, I want nothing in and of itself from the Polish "people". From people one cannot expect that much.
The Polish state though is another matter:-)
mafketis  38 | 11261  
24 Feb 2019 /  #78
There was no Polish state during the holocaust so the post-Holocaust state bears no responsibility for it (or to the survivors as harsh as that sounds).

What do you want from the post-holocaust and post-communism Polish state?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
24 Feb 2019 /  #79
There was no Polish state during the holocaust

True. In the years 1939-45 it was a General Government/Generalgouvernement that is Polish lands occupied by German army and under German administration. And the remaining parts of pre-war Poland were directly absorbed by the IIIrd Reich.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
24 Feb 2019 /  #80
Obviously, people, I wasn't referring to the Polish Gov't in Exile, but from the post-war or current government.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
24 Feb 2019 /  #81
Jews doubtless tried to help their gentile neighbors

Show us the evidence of this.....
pawian  226 | 27817  
24 Feb 2019 /  #82
I figure most hope for some reprochement, but we're not holding our breath either.

Guys from Israeli government smelled blood and attacked with that Polish antisemitism cliche after PiS government scored a major failure with their new law last year. I suggest that a new Polish government should teach Israelis some respect for Poland by threatening to support Palestinians. I can imagine those pilgrimages of Israeli politicians to Warsaw, begging Poles for forgiveness. :):)
mafketis  38 | 11261  
24 Feb 2019 /  #83
but from the post-war or current government.

Why should the post-war, post-communism government be responsible for things that happened when it didn't exist?
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
25 Feb 2019 /  #84
Why conversely should the post-war German government, while we're asking questions. Different people, different times, different society.....SAME HISTORY!
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
25 Feb 2019 /  #85
, while we're asking questions. Different people, different times, different society.....SAME HISTORY!

Because people have had a belly full of whining people trying to extort money that does not belong to them.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
25 Feb 2019 /  #86
When the North took over the South after the end of the Civil War, and some carpetbagger(s) all but "stole" you or your family's rightful property, businesses, land etc., hell Johnny, you'd be fightin' mad and want to get restitution for what was taken from you and which was at the time RIGHTFULLY yours!

After the Anschluss in '38, Jewish property similarly was purloined by the Nazis and many descendents not to mention survivors of those Jewish families to this day haven't seen as much as a penny in compensation. Plenty have, but plenty haven't.

If you've had a belly full of whining, complaints and so forth, just imagine what the Jews had to go through, and of course, the Sinti-Roma along with plenty of others affected! They're as sick of your being sick of complaints as they are of making them, I'm sure of that.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Feb 2019 /  #87
Jews doubtless tried to help their gentile neighbors. Many in fact, sent generous funds to the families of Poles post '45


If Jews sent funds to families of poles it was most certainly polish jews, not gentiles. The Jews of the time were taught in yeshivas not to even sit with a goy and to **** them over any way possible, not help them and most certainly not give them money.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
25 Feb 2019 /  #88
...to the families of gentile farmers and fishermen who hid them, of course!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
25 Feb 2019 /  #89
The Polish state though is another matter:-)

The Polish state owes you nothing.
Jews on the other hand owe Poles who died trying to help them some gratitude.
A gratitude that is actually priceless and worth much more than any financial gain Jews may obtain from Poland.
I think it is time for Jews to show more respect,instead of greed.
Back off and apologize for your actions,which frankly,I find pretty disgusting.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
25 Feb 2019 /  #90
How about Israel and the Jews pay up for the people who they killed? There's thousands of families who suffered thanks to the Jewish commies, collaborators, and SB/UB agents

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