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Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe

OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
21 Feb 2019 /  #31
Next, you''ll be expecting the Poland should demand compensation from Israel. Well, you guys are crazy enough to think it:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Feb 2019 /  #32
Well Poland is seeking to extradite the commie Jew Stefan michnik from Sweden. Perhaps we can start with confiscating all his wealth and redistribute it to the families of ak soldiers he had killed. Then we can track down all the other commie Jews in SB and who allied with the red army and do the same.
21 Feb 2019 /  #33
Well Poland is seeking to extradite the commie Jew Stefan Michnik from Sweden.

Reminds me of that old joke: "there are two Michnik brothers -- one of them is that Jew who should finally stand before the court of law for everything he did in the past, and the other one lives in Sweden". ;)
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
21 Feb 2019 /  #34
I wouldn't generalise in blaming Jews for this anti-Polish spew over the last week. Even though there are some Jews in Poland and elsewhere, happy to attack Poland, there are also many (particularly Jewish groups in Poland) defending it. It's more about Israel. Their politicians and media are constantly attacking Poland, they can't help themselves, almost like, they have an agenda or something. Hmmmm.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
21 Feb 2019 /  #35
Jews defending Poland? That a myth, kind of like big foot
21 Feb 2019 /  #36
That's right. For example Michael Schudrich (the chief rabbi of Poland).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
21 Feb 2019 /  #37
He's accused of being a Polish apologist by right wing American Jews, just for the record.
21 Feb 2019 /  #38
Well, he must be doing something right then.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
21 Feb 2019 /  #39
I'm certain there were Polish Jews who fought in the mighty resistance against the Nazis, side by side with their gentile neighbors.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
21 Feb 2019 /  #40
Nah,they had their own resistance movement,I am not sure that many Poles trusted their loyalty.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
21 Feb 2019 /  #41
Their bigoted suspicions then were THEIR problem!

How about US W.A.S.P.s having the pure gall to question the patriotism of their Catholic brethren, accusing many as "friends of Rome" whose loyalties lay elsewhere except here at home, simply because they were Catholics?

Are you surprised J.F.K. was assassinated?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
21 Feb 2019 /  #42
Their bigoted suspicions then were THEIR problem

Not at all,it was the other way round and I suggest to you that is why The Poles didn't trust The Jews.
They rarely showed any loyalty to Poland.
They showed loyalty to their own.....unlike the many brave Poles who risked their lives and often lost them for saving Jews.
Check out Yad Vashem if you need more information......
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
21 Feb 2019 /  #43
No doubt, there were also instances, if unreported, of Jews helping their fellow gentile Poles.
It simply doesn't sound as good the other way round:-) Fuels the flame of the bigots, at home in
their illusionary prejudices, comfort food for many a sinning soul!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
21 Feb 2019 /  #44
No doubt, there were also instances, if unreported, of Jews helping their fellow gentile Poles.

Unreported because they never happened.
Can you really even imagine that happening under German occupation?
And when The Russians came in The Jews really helped The Poles didn't they?
Live on in your dream world......reality hurts.....you need to face up to it.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
21 Feb 2019 /  #45
You simply want to paint a false picture of Jews as disloyal parasites living off Poland, the good graces of their saviors, as it were, righteous gentiles, who in your mind ought to have let what happened to the Jews come what may!

Well sir, EVERY group has their heroes and their ingrates. You merely wish to believe no Jews would help a gentile neighbor, that's the way you think.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
21 Feb 2019 /  #46
You simply want to paint a false picture of Jews as disloyal parasites living off Poland

B××××××s,I just think some Jews are trying to rewrite history and lay blame on Poles for their own gain.
As I said earlier,check out Yad Vasheem and see which country is most rightious of all the nations in the world....
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
21 Feb 2019 /  #47
I have, Milo, I have, and while at Yad Vashem, I was reminded of how unequal the distribution of gentiles to Jews in Poland proper!

Isolated examples apart, for instance Lodz which before the War was allegedly 3/4 Jewish, the Jews were so outnumbered, so isolated comparatively
(save for those ultra urban assimilated) that they weren't in an equal position to help Poles with weapons, supplies etc.

Try again, dude!
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
21 Feb 2019 /  #48
You don't trust a Jewish institution to faithfully report the facts?
I give up!
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
21 Feb 2019 /  #49
Actual stats are no doubt accurate. What's your point though?
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
21 Feb 2019 /  #50
I have no point.
I have just given up with you on this subject because of your narrow minded,blinkered and biased mentality.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
22 Feb 2019 /  #51
If you have no point, there can be no discussion. Tough to be mired in facts, easy to be deluded by myth:-)
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
22 Feb 2019 /  #52
O.M.G..... mosbacher, a Zionist from the most Zionist occupied government, asks Israel to apologize to Poland.... I must be dreaming...

OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
22 Feb 2019 /  #53
She's delusional, end of story! The shoe's clearly on the other foot, always was:-)
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Feb 2019 /  #54
Never say never. Building an anti-Iranian (or rather pro-war) coalition may take some sacrifices. Israel may as well learn some humility in the process.

Yet hearing the apologies from Israeli officials and then not joining the pro-war coalition by Poland would be priceless.

After such move Poland would be slandered in Jerusalem Post and New York Times every single week for another decade or so :-P
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
22 Feb 2019 /  #55
I have just given up with you on this subject because of your narrow minded,blinkered and biased mentality.

His mission is to generate fresh division, mistrust and antisemitism.

Why he does it, one can only wonder why.
OP Lyzko  44 | 9723  
22 Feb 2019 /  #56
Then you clearly misunderstood my posts!

I'm saying quite the opposite, if you've bothered to even read them. When Poland decides to come clean and admit that they weren't all angels, the poor downtrodden victims of Hitler's minions without exception, Israel will be glad to build those bridges and mend those fences. Lord knows, both countries have a heap of things that need mending, haven't they.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
22 Feb 2019 /  #57
When Poland decides to come clean and admit that they weren't all angels

I think Poland has admitted the above , and from what I know we were not all angels , but lyzko not all jews were angels either, my family knows that first hand, the good that took in the crops for my grandfather and the bad that helped deport my parents.

I dont know what you need for all this to stop , I want a better future, the Jewish survivors who I spoke with told me to be a part of that future, Jeeze the way you hammer away you are turning people against your cause, i'm doing my best to focus on what the survivors told me and not your constant Poland bashing.

The kids in Poland today know nothing about our Jewish heritage, I myself am just beginning to learn more such as the soviet backlash against the Jews in the sixties, I am more worried about my British homeland that is slipping down a slope of antisemitism.
mafketis  38 | 11261  
22 Feb 2019 /  #58
When Poland decides to come clean and admit that they weren't all angels

Who has ever claimed they were? The questions are, should Polish people feel collective guilt about the holocaust? (my answer: no) and Does the modern Polish state owe anything to descendants of holocaust victims? (my answer: no) and does the modern Polish state owe anything to Jewish advocacy groups looking for money payouts? (my answer: no)

What are your answers?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
22 Feb 2019 /  #59
When Poland decides to come clean and admit that they weren't all angels

They would expect that from Poland, yet they are not eager at all to admit that Jews also weren't all angels during WWII either.

I think Poland wouldn't oppose the idea of having a press conference with Israel on which both heads of the state - Israeli and Polish - would admit that:

"yes, there were some Poles and some Jews who did immoral things during WWII but we also have to remember that the most of them behave morally and many of them heroically in face of death. And also let's not forget that the whole territory was occupied by German forces which were the perpetrators of the holocaust"
Miloslaw  22 | 5208  
22 Feb 2019 /  #60
And that is the point.
Jews pointing fingers at Poles is disgusting.
They need to look in the mirror first.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybeArchived