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Why does the idea of a "Slavic Union" with Poland seem so popular on this site?

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
21 Jun 2011 /  #61
I must say, I've never met any Poles or Polish-Americans in real life that possess this view

First of all, this is just a web forum, where ideas are thrown about.

I have no idea what the average Pole would think: probably, like the average American, too busy to think about lofty political or social ideas.

However, the Slavs are a great nation, many different cousins and such, and the idea of some kind of unity, whether in political, cultural or economic areas, is a natural...Hasn't there always been a prejudice among Western Europeans toward Slavs, regarding them as 'neo-barbarians'?...One thing Hitler did actually say was that Slavs were incapable of self-government, maybe making an exception with the leadership of Pilsudski, whom he respected.

So, why not prove this to be a fallacy, not just to make a point, but for concrete benefits that would flow from such a union?...You have the EU, which is too big and unwieldy, so why not a more well thought out Slavic confederation?
OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #62
First of all, this is just a web forum, where ideas are thrown about.

And it certainly welcomes stupid ideas.

Hasn't there always been a prejudice among Western Europeans toward Slavs

Not really.

So, why not prove this to be a fallacy

You want a Slavic union because you want to prove a dead man wrong? (Assuming he did actually say that)

You have the EU, which is too big and unwieldy,

Poles have benefited so much from the EU by being able to find jobs.

so why not a more well thought out Slavic confederation?

Because you simply want a union based off a lingoethnic group which is stupid.

If by blood soaked western Europe could have started the new Union, I don't see the reason for Slavs not to try something similar?

The EU is not based off a lingoethnic group. That is not the same thing. Last time I checked, Poland is a member of the EU.
George8600  10 | 630  
21 Jun 2011 /  #63
Why does the idea of a "Slavic Union" seem so popular on this site?

Because Crow is a good spammer and identity changer.
OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #64
I take it he's from a southern Slavic country? They're usually the ones advocating this sort of garbage. I guess compared to their shithole, Poland must be paradise so no wonder they would be so supportive of a Slavic union.
George8600  10 | 630  
21 Jun 2011 /  #65
Yes, Crow is Serbian.

Edit: Rethinking this it sort of ticks me off, not to be a nationalist but the vast majority of Polish history is independent to Poland, Poland's existence in the modern day after it was attempted oh so many times to be wiped out by surrounding powers (whom were most time ironically Slavic) was rebuilt, maintained, and struggled for survival by people who called themselves Poles and nothing else. Not to mention Poles imported and contributed to tons of romantic, renaissance, and enlightenment ideals from the West that other Slavic countries either saw as lame or were too foreign to them. I've studied my Polish history well both in college and on my big bookshelves.... Polish culture, national identity, and ethnicity is indeed a domestic treasure. Furthermore, while in the modern day there is still anti-polish sentiment, it's because Poles in general aren't narcissistic nationalists like some Brits, French, Greeks, or Italians who bloat about their past. They'reopen minded people who seek to keep an innocent and golden identity pure, and all the past attempts at similar Slavic Unions (soviets, paritions, etc.) have failed horrible. Poland is distinct, maybe other Slavic countries should focus more on themselves and self-improvement instead of seeking a union. It would make sense for economic aid, but we all know Poland's economy is booming and with help no other than the EU's... I don't see what some Slavic union (even with Russia) could ever provide economically as their economies now are suffering greatly. Good day.
mephias  10 | 296  
21 Jun 2011 /  #66
It is Crow's spamming and for some unknown reason it is allowed here (it is getting better recently). If there is a cultural, political, sociological need (no sign of such need) there is nothing wrong in a Slavic union but the truth is it will not create wonders. In my opinion it could never bring more positives to Poland than what EU brings recently(economical, political, cultural positives).
George8600  10 | 630  
21 Jun 2011 /  #67
Why don't you start one over at the US? If it works it can be tried in Europe next.... ;)

There already is a mexican/spanish union...they're dominating in amounts that Slav's could only make a fraction of.

Slavs are quite similar in their appearance,customs,character,mentality and this is obvious to any visitor of slavic countries.

I would say that central european slavs are quite different from eastern and southern. Especially southern since southern slavs don't particularly call themselves slavic or associate themselves with it, they prefer to link themselves with ancient, indigenous, and medieval people's of the Balkans/Mediterranean. As for the eastern Russians and similar to Russians, they seem to be in a whole different world than Poles and central Slavs. Also Southern Slavs have little R1a in their blood which is most commonly the genes of original Slavic tribes.


Dark green is southern Slav, Medium green is eastern, Light green is central.
milky  13 | 1656  
21 Jun 2011 /  #68
"Crow, fetch the ball, good boy, fetch the ball."
Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Jun 2011 /  #69

so called west had Slavs in their grasp. they managed to divide and almost absolutely conquer us Slavs. They isolated Russia (and Russia isolated itself) that much that any kind of trust between Poland and Russia was destroyed, any trust between Catholic and Orthodox Slavs.

But, greedy so called west mistaken in its greed and attacked us Serbians. So called west mistaken when used mujaheedines against Serbians. It was just too much. It was insult for Poles, they took it as warning for themselves, it was one more joke on the account of Poles. Poles don`t like to see how EU and NATO support expansion of Islam on Slavic ground, on the realm of old Polish warlords.

After all, Poles knows us Serbs. they trust more to the Racowie then to the false friends of Poland from EU and NATO.

and now, Poland awakening.

Yes, Crow is Serbian.


Serbians understanding of Poland is on the tribal level. Its above Catholic-Orthodox antagonism, its primordial. In Poles, we Serbs see only Poles, Sarmats, our people.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 Jun 2011 /  #70
Because losers always try to invent something to stick to: unions, shackles, serfdom.

C'mon Nathan, Ukrainians are pro serfs:)))
Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Jun 2011 /  #71
In my opinion it could never bring more positives to Poland than what EU brings recently(economical, political, cultural positives).

for one, Slavic governments controls more resources then governments of so called west (even no matter that so called west pressured world with its armies).

Then, Slavic Union wouldn`t collaborate with mujaheedines (extreme Islam), while people on so called west takes it as something natural. In Slavic Union, official language would be Polish language, Warsaw would be Capital (political center), while financial center goes to Belgrade and cultural to Prague.

all in all, many nice things telling in favor of Slavic Union (Slavic Confederation).
sascha  1 | 824  
21 Jun 2011 /  #72
Why does the idea of a "Slavic Union" seem so popular on this site?

...take some people long enough pushed around with some common identity and this is what you get. ;)

actually not a bad thing in contrast to the imperial politics coming from us/nato.;)

eu members should start to look for some alternatives. it might be risky to bet just on one horse. ;)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
21 Jun 2011 /  #73

R1a and R1a1a are believed to have originated somewhere within Eurasia, most likely in the area from Eastern Europe to South Asia. The most recent studies indicate that South Asia is the most likely region of origin.


The point of origin of R1b is thought to lie in Eurasia, most likely in Western Asia.[7] T. Karafet et al. estimated the age of R1, the parent of R1b, as 18,500 years before present.[1]

Keeewwwwl! ;)



The origins of R1 remain unclear.

- Haplogroup R1a. Mainly found in Eastern Europe, Central Asia and South Asia.

- Haplogroup R1b. Mainly found in Western Europe, Central Africa and South West Asia.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2127  
21 Jun 2011 /  #74
Keeewwwwl! ;)

Well it was too hot for all the Poles and they moved to Europe to kick some German butts for sport... is that sooooo cool? ;p
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2011 /  #75
Because there is strong sentiment through ID and shared heritage. As I've said before, metal groups do their best to create such feelings and they tend to be pagan. No surprises there!
Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Jun 2011 /  #76
metal groups

party! :)

ARKONA - Yarilo (Official)

Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2011 /  #77
Music reaches out to the people whereas politicians reach out for peoples' pockets. Music has the great potential of bringing Slavic people together. You only have to read the comments to videos like Crow has just posted. There is a real feeling of closeness. My wife felt it when she went to see the Ukrainian band, Nokturnal Mortum. Politics brings bickering whereas music brings unity and commonality of cause/purpose. Many here on PF see that.
OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #78
Seanus, is your wife a Rodnover?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2011 /  #79
Not today, no ;) Can we stay on topic, please!? :)

youtube.com/watch?v=SgXlUxDGFvU, many Slavs love this kind of music. It really has an integrating influence. Masha Scream is sexy!!
OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #80
Can we stay on topic, please!? :)

Slavic Neopaganism is somewhat related to the topic since people want a union based on commonalities. :-)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2011 /  #81
OK, I've just read up on what Rodnover means :) :) Yeah, she fits the bill quite well but not completely. She is no Catholic, that's for sure. She is far closer to Ukrainian sentiment than Russian.
Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Jun 2011 /  #82

something beautiful for you > Serbian metal project that glorify Poland (throne of ice) and Sarmatians (dragons) >

Thundergod - Dragon's spirit, solo by Žarko Đorđević


Born from the fire
Far far away from our lands
Lord of his kingdom
On throne of ice he stands

Feel the power of his wrath
He comes and plants the seeds of death
He is destined to fly forever

Up on the hills
the legend lives

Mighty wings to conquer skies
Burning flames are in his eyes
Brighter than all the stars
Hear the roar from mountain heights
Dragon's spirit never dies
He will fly forever free

Up on the hills
the legend lives

NOTE: in Serbian epic poetry ancient Poles are seen as people from the ice-land (Northern brotherly tribes), while both- Poles and Serbs are children of Dragons (refers on Sarmatian origin- in time when Sarmatian name was universal name of all Slavs)
21 Jun 2011 /  #83
Music reaches out to the people whereas politicians reach out for peoples' pockets. Music has the great potential of bringing Slavic people together.

Nothing to do with widening the audience for sales, then.
OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #84
I've always had a great interest for European pagan religions. Although, I don't trust that Rodnovery is a 100% accurate revival of what the early Slavic pagans practiced. It's a shame that people from the Abrahamic religions such as Victor Shnirelman try to paint Rodnovers as vicious antisemites/racists which is far from the truth.
Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Jun 2011 /  #85
Bratwurst Boy

last words of Otto Von Bismarck on his deathbed was `SERBIA`. From the Rujan to the Lusatia everything was part of Sarmatia! from the west to the east of Europe, from the North to the South. Land of green, land of free, one language, one people. Bismarck died with that truth

Now, let us save what can be saved. let us form Slavic Union. Germans themselves should return to Mother Slavija!
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
22 Jun 2011 /  #86
So, why not prove this to be a fallacy, not just to make a point, but for concrete benefits that would flow from such a union?...You have the EU, which is too big and unwieldy, so why not a more well thought out Slavic confederation?

That's interesting.

As a Polish American, I was brought up to be proud of my Slavic roots. It was almost just as important of being proud of my Polish heritage.

I can't remember how many times I've heard my relatives watch a sport event with participants who were Polish and or some other Slavic ancestry and route first for the Polish guy and then the Slavic guys.

If the Polish guy lost and somebody who was Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, etc was the guy who ended up winning, my Polish relatives would say, "Well maybe the Polish guy lost BUT at least a SLAVIC guy ended up winning!" lol

When I read Polish American newspapers like the Post Eagle, the editors always speak highly of Americans of Slavic ancestry. That's just the way many of us Polish Americans were raised.

So although Slavic nations in Europe may have had their ups and downs with one another, the Polish-Slavic diaspora in America and other countries for some reason like to take pride in their Slavic roots together.

So this is why talk of a Slavic Union or Slavic Confederation keeps coming up from time to time by Slavic people.

Its the kind of thing where its not for every Slav. Especially those Slavs who might be hyper nationalist about their Slavic nation vs another Slavic nation.

But for the rest of us people of Slavic origin, its a nice concept to always keep in mind and explore.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Jun 2011 /  #87
If the Polish guy lost and somebody who was Russian, Ukrainian, Serbian, etc was the guy who ended up winning, my Polish relatives would say, "Well maybe the Polish guy lost BUT at least a SLAVIC guy ended up winning!" lol

It's very odd, because I can't imagine a Pole ever rooting for another country just because they're Slavic - this sense of "brotherhood" is exceptionally weak here. Perhaps they'd root for Croatia, and hooligans for Serbia - but that's about it. In fact, Poland is actually friendlier with Hungary, England and The Netherlands than anything else. Oh, and possibly Spain.

So although Slavic nations in Europe may have had their ups and downs with one another, the Polish-Slavic diaspora in America and other countries for some reason like to take pride in their Slavic roots together.

I guess it's just distance and isolation - Polish Americans would never have had 44 years of their Slavic "brothers" oppressing them.

What's certainly very odd is the Polish-America support of right wing candidates like Kaczynski, while supporting other Slavs. Very odd, especially as Jaroslaw Kaczynski was one of the worst people for promoting Polish (and only Polish, not Slavic) nationalism.
OP Rebirth  
22 Jun 2011 /  #88
In fact, Poland is actually friendlier with Hungary, England and The Netherlands than anything else. Oh, and possibly Spain.

Don't forget Italy.

I think Media is full of **** for the most part. I have never met a Polish-American that would talk about Slavic pride. That kind of stuff is almost virtually nonexistent among the PolAm community.

Not to mention, a lot of non-Polish Slavic-Americans that I've met were antipolonist.

That's just the way many of us Polish Americans were raised.

Lies...all lies.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
22 Jun 2011 /  #89
Very odd, especially as Jaroslaw Kaczynski was one of the worst people for promoting Polish (and only Polish, not Slavic) nationalism.

There you go again with KACZYNSKI. You're paranoid of him even though he has no authority in Poland. You seem to be obsessed with the Kacznyskis even though one is dead now. You seem to have Kaczynski on the brain in every other one of your messages. Most of Polish America is not engaged in Polish politics and did not participate in any support of Kaczynski. They are focusing more on their American concerns.

If Kacznynski was not Pro-Slavic, why did he have sympathy for Serbia?. Oh that's right he didn't have a kind word for your Russia and as usual that's what this all about with you.

Not to mention, a lot of non-Polish Slavic-Americans that I've met were antipolonist.

I think your full of ***** too. You come out of no where just recently just to knock other Poles and Polish Americans. It seems like you're the arm of another anti-Polish troll on this forum. The fact you are supporting Delphiadomine on issues, says all one needs to know about you.

Lies...all lies.

You sound like a troll. You're the one lying. Have you read Polish American newspapers like the Post Eagle?

You sound like the Rebirth of another troll on this forum.
George8600  10 | 630  
22 Jun 2011 /  #90
last words of Otto Von Bismarck on his deathbed was `SERBIA`


"In fact, Bismarck's last words before dying in 1898 expressed the wish that he would once again see Johanna, who had passed away some years earlier."

I don't know how someone confuses Johanna with Serbia...

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