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Why does the idea of a "Slavic Union" with Poland seem so popular on this site?

A J  4 | 1075  
21 Jun 2011 /  #31
Yeah, I hate you too brother. (One big happy family here!)

OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #32
It does not change the fact that Slavs do enjoy a genetic common root:))))

A genetic common root that doesn't seem to be enjoyed by almost half of the Polish population since they don't carry the R1a haplogroup at all. :-)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 Jun 2011 /  #33
Nope, they carry a different yet common combination, the only real divergence is with Serbs and Macedonians who mixed with an indigenous Balkan population over 1500 years ago to a point where their genetics were altered and they're the only truly divergent genetic cluster, otherwise Slavs are the tightest knit genetic ethnic group.
A J  4 | 1075  
21 Jun 2011 /  #34
otherwise Slavs are the tightest knit genetic ethnic group.

They shouldn't be too afraid of having something Dutch in them. (Might make them a bit taller too!)

OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #35
Nope, they carry a different yet common combination

What are you referring to exactly? The R1a haplogroup in general is not carried by 44% of the Polish population.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
21 Jun 2011 /  #36
They shouldn't be too afraid of having something Dutch in them. (Might make them a bit taller too!)

Poles were never afraid of mixing :)

What are you referring to exactly? The R1a haplogroup in general is not carried by 44% of the Polish population.

R1A1 group is just a single group mentioned in Wiki, for example the central european Slavs (Czechs, Slovaks and Poles) make up a group R1a1a1, Poles after undergouing the mutation L260 aquired a group R1a1a1g2 which is visible also in the Czechs and is believed to be natively Polish.

Essentially Slavs have the same basic grouping which becomes divergent but similar through a series of mutations, it doent take an R1a combination to be a Slav, all it takes is the same root identified in all Slavic peoples, the root itself contains several different but similar, neighbouring genes.

In layman terms, there's a group of genes that underwent specific mutations, together they create a cluster of genes specific to a certain genetic group, Slavs have them and they prove the common genetic ancestry - ie there was a small specific group of peoples genetically outfitted in a similar manner who went on to become Slavs.
AussieSheila  5 | 75  
21 Jun 2011 /  #38
Slavic Union means slavery to Russia. Tried once , rejected by all!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
21 Jun 2011 /  #39
Common ancestry is not supported because its not a theory, its a scientific and antropologic fact and as such it is acknowledged.


Sokrates is right Delph. It's been proven in a European DNA testing that Poles are something between Czechs and Russians, leaning a little more towards Russians (probably since Czechs later mixed more with non Slavs). Of course Poles got admixture with neighboring peoples with came later, but there is a common Slavic ancestry and similar outlook.
OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #40
R1A1 group is just a single group mentioned in Wiki, for example the central european Slavs (Czechs, Slovaks and Poles) make up a group R1a1a1, Poles after undergouing the mutation L260 aquired a group R1a1a1g2 which is visible also in the Czechs and is believed to be natively Polish.

You are just telling me about subclades of R1a.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
21 Jun 2011 /  #41
Slavic Union just makes sense.

The reason why Slavs have been left behind is because instead of united we always would rather attack each other which gave Mongols, Germans, Vikings, Tatars, ect ect the Upper hand.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
21 Jun 2011 /  #42
Why does the idea of a "Slavic Union" seem so popular on this site?

Because losers always try to invent something to stick to: unions, shackles, serfdom. They need someone's hand to lick, someone's **** to suck. "Slavic Union" idea was born from laziness and will to control by one and will to stand on the knees by others. People united by something other than money and mutual profit, for example, by retarded ideas of R1a or Y2K or any other combination of letters, "common blood" and other crap are destined to what the Slavs already went through. It seems history indeed doesn't teach some at all.
legend  3 | 658  
21 Jun 2011 /  #43
Slavic Union means slavery to Russia. Tried once , rejected by all!

Wasnt that a forced idea by the Soviets.
Im thinking a slavic union would have representatives from each country proportionally.
(Anyways I doubt it will happen because countries are hungry for money and the western countries are full of it).
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
21 Jun 2011 /  #44
Wasnt that a forced idea by the Soviets.

Pan-Slavism was exploited by the Soviets in the 20th Century but its original manifestation was rather idealistic and noble.

PolskiMoc  4 | 323  
21 Jun 2011 /  #45
Slavic Union means slavery to Russia. Tried once , rejected by all!

The Soviet Union was like the Anti Slavic Union. It was created by Jews & Germans to destroy Slavs.

A Real Slavic union could be like the U.S.A with each Nation being like a State with a similar goal.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 12015  
21 Jun 2011 /  #46
A Real Slavic union could be like the U.S.A with each Nation being like a State with a similar goal.

Why don't you start one over at the US? If it works it can be tried in Europe next.... ;)
Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Jun 2011 /  #47
finally interesting thread
guesswho  4 | 1272  
21 Jun 2011 /  #48
Why don't you start one over at the US?

What do you mean BB? Slavic Union in the US? lol How is that suppose to work? Vast majority of our population is of German descent.
Crow  154 | 9561  
21 Jun 2011 /  #49
Slavic Union in the US?

that reminds me

You know what Gavrilo Princip answered to the prosecutor during trail when he was asked what was his aim when decided to assassinate archduke? Gavrilo said, among else, that he dream of Unity of Slavs. Prosecutor then asked again, trying to get `satisfactory` answer: ``You mean, Slavic Unity within the Austro-Hungaria under Hapsburg monarchy?`` As an answer Gavrilo just replied: ``God forded!`` and he placed cross on himself.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
21 Jun 2011 /  #50
Vast majority of our population is of German descent.

17.1%. 2000 census.
guesswho  4 | 1272  
21 Jun 2011 /  #51
I didn't lie, did I?

German Americans are citizens of the United States of German ancestry and comprise about 51 million people, or 17% of the U.S. population, the country's largest self-reported ancestral group.

teflcat  5 | 1024  
21 Jun 2011 /  #52
largest self-reported ancestral group


Vast majority of our population

guesswho  4 | 1272  
21 Jun 2011 /  #53

well, pretty much every 6th American has some German blood in him. I call it a vast majority, you can call it what you want.
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Jun 2011 /  #54
Slavs are quite similar in their appearance,customs,character,mentality and this is obvious to any visitor of slavic countries.When abroad most foreigners are likely to confuse Poles with Czechs and Russians and even Serbs you must be really experienced to tell the differences by appearance.The local differences were created by historical reasons usually life under different ocupators.
milky  13 | 1656  
21 Jun 2011 /  #55
The onslaught of the 'Asian tribes' after and before the collapse of the Roman Empire and 'their occupation' of the Eastern part of Europe' must' be a big part in the genetic make-up of the tribes and people who didn't run or escape. Goth and Francs mixed with invaders from Asia = Slav..Just a thought..
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Jun 2011 /  #56
In my opinion slavic women appearance was so overwhelming that they left little choice to the indigenous populations.In case of Byzantium it was politics.We let the Slavs in to block the Germans from invading.
OP Rebirth  
21 Jun 2011 /  #57
I call it a vast majority, you can call it what you want.

Majority would mean over 50%.

Slavs are quite similar in their appearance,customs,character,mentality and this is obvious to any visitor of Slavic countries.When abroad most foreigners are likely to confuse Poles with Czechs and Russians and even Serbs you must be really experienced to tell the differences by appearance.The local differences were created by historical reasons usually life under different ocupators.

Can you go back to jerking off to pûrn instead of posting rubbish?
Natasa  1 | 572  
21 Jun 2011 /  #58
In my opinion slavic women appearance

I like the warmth I experienced with Slavs in general.

And they are... uninhibited...taste of freedom everywhere, concept of duty unknown :))))

We let the Slavs in to block the Germans from invading.

When will they stop, when, when, when????? or Wann? Wann? Wann? ;)
Palivec  - | 379  
21 Jun 2011 /  #59
Soviet Union 1922-91
Yugoslavia 1918-92
Czechoslovakia 1918-92

Looks like Slavs don't love each other that much.
Natasa  1 | 572  
21 Jun 2011 /  #60
Looks like Slavs don't love each other that much.

Hardly an argument. Wars happened between now quite strong allies. Civil wars too.

If by blood soaked western Europe could have started the new Union, I don't see the reason for Slavs not to try something similar?

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