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Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history?

cheesymac  4 | 60  
9 Dec 2011 /  #1
I hear about the holocaust all the time from western outlets... it is shined upon the western world as the greatest of holocaust, they might even blame Poland for these atrocities... but from what I understand they want muslims and the entire east to take these crimes into their heart.

During Mao's era in China... 50-80,000,000,000 were killed. That is 10x the amount that Hebrew's claim, while in all we never hear about this because what?

I want to know if you agree or disagree about the world's worst genocide.... was it in the east or the west, did it take place in Poland or somewhere else?

Sidliste_Chodov  1 | 438  
9 Dec 2011 /  #2

80 billion? I don't there have ever been that many humans in total ;)
OP cheesymac  4 | 60  
9 Dec 2011 /  #3
80,000,000 I got mixed up with the money in my bank account.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 Dec 2011 /  #4
During Mao's era in China... 50-80,000,000,000 were killed.

Chinese killing other Chinese, that's much different than Holocaust. Was Holocaust of Jews worse or not, It's a matter of personal perspective I think... It was definitely one of the worst genocides in the history. I don't like it when sometimes, especially in the USA, It's been treated like a main event in the history of mankind but It definitely does deserve attention.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60  
9 Dec 2011 /  #5
To be honest, it is overlooked in the USA. USA is focused on US history, not world history. World history is very brief. The start and end of WW1 and 2 were somewhat meaningful but the holocaust was mentioned, maybe for a week. Slaves in America, very little causualities ( a dead slave isn't a working slave ) ... was more focused on, not to belittle them but I thought atrocities around the world should be more equalized so that America ( the world power ) will see/ sympathize with all likes of people rather then blacks, very little sympathy for native-americans (God knows how many were killed), and the Jews.
legend  3 | 658  
9 Dec 2011 /  #6
Under Trotsky and Lenin:
20,000,000 killed in Slavic Europe

7,000,000 killed in Ukraine area

Under Stalin:
~numbers very from 21,000,000 (this is a lie imo) to 50,000,000.


As most know most of the important Bolshevik Leaders and top men were Jewish (Trotsky, Lenin (perhaps 1/4Jewish), Uritsky, and hundreds others which can be found on the above sites or many other sites.

Jews love to play the innocent game but really they are not.
Lenin and Trotsky killed more Christians than Hitler killed Jews in the Holocaust.
Of course in the zionist run western media this is taboo and morons will use the anti-semetic card.
They dont teach this here in universities and colleges either.

The real Holocaust is all the WWII casualties which include 50 million white Christians.
Everyone knows the 6 million figure for the Jews but not many people know how much Poles died.
For example 3 million ethnic Poles died, 3 million Jewish Poles, 1 million Soviets, gays, communists, etc.

Jews get the most sympathy from any group. They also have the most lobby groups, most cash from the event, they are still bothering the Germans and others for billions of dollars and property 60 years after the event!

Look at all the hollywood movies about the Holocaust (and most dont mention ethnic Poles).
How many Holocaust museums are there? Plenty.

Blacks suffered equally if not more and there is very little money involved, no reparations, nothing.
KingAthelstan  9 | 141  
9 Dec 2011 /  #7
Lenin was 1/4 Jewish, Stalin a Georgian. Holodmor is a Ukrianian was not a genocide it's part of Bandera type Ukrainian Nationalist anti Russian rhetoric, there was a famine in the whole of the South West of the USSR not just the Ukriane.

As for the Holocaust, You are forgetting the gypsies and the genocide of the Serbs in WWII plus the 20 Million Russians killed, the Jewish holocaust is NOT a myth, but more attention should be payed to other victims aswell.
legend  3 | 658  
9 Dec 2011 /  #8
If you want to see how this topic is twisted in the media.. They claim 2 million Poles died instead of 3 million...

Here they claim that Poles, Romani, Soviets, and "Most of all Jews" died.
Everyone knows more Russians died than Jews but people just dont get it.

Many of these sites are very underestimating the situation...
Some of them say Hitler killed only 12,000,000 (when thats just the Holocaust alone).

For example here:


In the above source they claim 23 million Soviets died. Most were from the Nazis (Germany, Romania, etc). Im guessing Hitler killed at least 23 million + 10(12),000,000 million (which is ~33(35,000,000)

Holodmor is a Ukrianian was not a genocide it's part of Bandera type Ukrainian Nationalist anti Russian rhetoric, there was a famine in the whole of the South West of the USSR not just the Ukriane.

It was a famine and genocide.
OP cheesymac  4 | 60  
9 Dec 2011 /  #9
Look at all the hollywood movies about the Holocaust (and most dont mention ethnic Poles).

I was speaking what is taught in school, kids at my school called kids jews as a joke... no sympathy... except where the money is.

As for the Holocaust, You are forgetting the gypsies and the genocide of the Serbs in WWII plus the 20 Million Russians killed, the Jewish holocaust is NOT a myth, but more attention should be payed to other victims aswell.

11,000,000 at most of all people died.... I think 8 million.

Looks like Mao whens for greatest genocide.
legend  3 | 658  
9 Dec 2011 /  #10
11,000,000 at most of all people died.... I think 8 million.

Where are you getting these numbers from? What are you speaking off?
beliall  - | 25  
9 Dec 2011 /  #11
Better quote


For all with highest and lowest estimates
sascha  1 | 824  
9 Dec 2011 /  #12
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kill_the_Indian,_Save_the_Man this link has a very strange propaganda poster. just take a look.

interesting to me that the wealth of one continent is based on the genocide of another volk. seems that everyone has forgotten...
legend  3 | 658  
9 Dec 2011 /  #13
My God. So many deaths its mind boggling.
I didnt know 4,000,000 people died in the Deluge :(
sascha  1 | 824  
9 Dec 2011 /  #14
from the link above....shocking, right, but taken for granted. now its time to accuse others...

10,000,000[39][page needed] 40,000,000[40][page needed] European colonization of the Americas The Americas 1492 1900 The European conquest of the Americas led to the deaths caused by disease, violence, and displacement of Native American populations during European settlement of North and South America as constituting an act of genocide (or series of genocides). The genocidal aspects of this event are entwined with loss of life caused by the lack of immunity of Native Americans to diseases carried by European settlers and their livestock (see Population history of American indigenous peoples).[41][42]
ShAlEyNsTfOh  4 | 161  
9 Dec 2011 /  #15
now just think about the next upcoming world war and the casualties...
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
9 Dec 2011 /  #16
I hear about the holocaust all the time from western outlets... it is shined upon the western world as the greatest of holocaust, they might even blame Poland for these atrocities

Worst genocides in the Soviet Union under communist rule, and in China.

Many others: Germans after the war from Allies, Armenian Christians, slaughter currently going on in Congo/Rwanda.

Genocide is a bit of a loaded term; let's just say when Satanic forces take over, a lot of people get killed...Iraq war could be included.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 Dec 2011 /  #17
They claim 2 million Poles died instead of 3 million...

What's wrong with that ? Around 2 million Polish civilians killed by Germans is accurate number... add to that people killed by Soviets, Ukrainians, soldiers fallen in many, often strange parts of the world and you will get around 2.5 million, these are realistic WW2 loses for ethnic Poles. The whole "3 million" stuff was taken out of nowhere and can not be proven in any way, I don't understand why It still is treated as a kind of official figure...
IanM  - | 11  
9 Dec 2011 /  #18
Genocide isn't a competition, you know. There is no 'worst' genocide. Each person who dies to any genocide has their own tragedy.

You can keep your anti-semitic claims about money as well. (I don't mean the starter of the thread here).

Jewish people do not get the most sympathy. Anti-semitism (and Holocaust denial) is massive anywhere. Oh, and no-one thinks that non-Jewish Poles are the most responsible people for the Shoah.
Barney  19 | 1733  
9 Dec 2011 /  #19
Genocide isn't a competition,

This man talks sense
IanM  - | 11  
9 Dec 2011 /  #20
Thanks Barney! :)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Dec 2011 /  #21
This man talks sense

Truly he does. The mania for ranking things like this needs to be gotten over. That being said I would like to mention a somewhat obscure ancient genocide. Plutarch claims that Alexander the Great was so distraught over the death of his friend Hephaestion that "....he went into the country of the Cossaeans and for no reason massacred the entire nation."
IanM  - | 11  
9 Dec 2011 /  #22
A slight over-reaction, methinks.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
9 Dec 2011 /  #23
Indeed it is the most sickening story about Alexander that I know and there is no dearth of other stories relating his obnoxiousness and brutality. I suppose one could, as with his treatment of the corpse of Batis the defender of Gaza, attribute this horrific action to his penchant to imitate Achilles, but Achilles only sacrificed twelve live Trojans on the pyre of Patroclus. Who knows how many Cossaeans paid with their lives for Alexander's grief?
10 Dec 2011 /  #24
Belgian king Leopold II and 10 000 000 Congolese people.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Dec 2011 /  #25
The whole "3 million" stuff was taken out of nowhere and can not be proven in any way, I don't understand why It still is treated as a kind of official figure...

Because it mirrors the " 3 million Polish Jews"?
TBH,Ive always treated it as "fact"....

Genocide isn't a competition

We have a clear winner anyway...

OP cheesymac  4 | 60  
10 Dec 2011 /  #26
Who knows how many Cossaeans paid with their lives for Alexander's grief?

Alexander couldn't get into India though, thanks to the brave warriors of Punjab.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
10 Dec 2011 /  #27
Alexander couldn't get into India though

No, he conquered India west of the Indus river. That may not be part of India today, but that is only owing to the stupid British partition of Durga's land.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Dec 2011 /  #28
Stop trying to arIe lick, he's one of yours ;) For," stupid british partition" I think ya better name check Jinnah old chap . Slight problem of most Indians and all the departing British officials NOT wanting partition, most Muslims and lots of Hindus WANTING partition......

Of course, if simply refering to the actual *hands in the air, shut eyes and draw a wiggly line on the map* outcome, yeah, spot on.

BTW, WB dessi :)
legend  3 | 658  
10 Dec 2011 /  #29
Of course in the zionist run western media this is taboo and morons will use the anti-semetic card.

You can keep your anti-semitic claims about money as well. (I don't mean the starter of the thread here).

Perfect example.

What's wrong with that ? .

If the number is 2 million than I can claim only 1 million Jews died. That can get me arrested for not worshipping the 6 million figure. (Of course I still believe in the 6 million figure but theres no way of proving it).
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Dec 2011 /  #30
Claim what you want legend, no rational people would take you seriously anyway.
I bet even if you stood in the middle of Tel Aviv shouting this guff the strongest reaction you'd get would be a kindly jewish mama patting your head and asking where your care workers were at.................

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