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Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland?

guesswho  4 | 1272  
22 Feb 2011 /  #241
IMO they should have been rounded up and/or shipped out.

How can you guys be so hateful toward the Jews? You both went through the same hell, I don't get it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Feb 2011 /  #242
Jews are Jews, and not ethnic Poles.

Nah, they're Polish. Deal with it.

I suspect most of us would prefer that racist trash like you was shipped out.

We all know that they all moved elsewhere anyway ;)
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
22 Feb 2011 /  #243
How can you guys be so hateful toward the Jews?

You're barking up the wrong tree, he's one of you and his quote to prove it

I was born and live in the states

or perhaps even an absent minded Jew who forgot what he put in his profile and accidentally spilled the beans in one of the threads on this forum, pretending to be Polish to show God knows what. Whatever he is one thing's for sure, by his own admission he's American troll, one of You if you still don't get it.

Edit: So do tell

How can you guys be so hateful toward the Jews?

BBman  - | 343  
23 Feb 2011 /  #244
Nah, they're Polish. Deal with it.

Actually they feel Jewish first, Polish (or any other nationality) a distant second.
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 Feb 2011 /  #245

A huge generalisation. It depends entirely on the person, how they identify themself.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
23 Feb 2011 /  #246

"Why did Hitler kill so many Jew's in Poland?"

A: Alot of the Jews were there allready
B: Hitler was going on with killing Poles so he just added an other group to that pile

C: There is no C only the beginning... Or the end! Idk you choose
Crow  154 | 9531  
23 Feb 2011 /  #247
Why did Hitler kill so many Jew's in Poland?

to cover his primary mission, what was extermination of as much as possible Poles (Slavs in general)
25 Jun 2011 /  #248
The Question is very Tedious but not hard to Answer!
Hilter was anti-Christian as well as anti-semetic!
The Hilter movement was a runoff of a 19th century Left-wing Marxist Socialist anti-Christian Greenpeace movement!
This Anti-Christian Greenpeace movement wanted to unite Northern Germany which was mostly Protestant Lutheran with Austria which was mostly Roman Catholic.
Religious differences were the reasons that prevented full unification of Germany with Austria!
After WW1 when Hilter opened up his Beerhall club in Vienna (Austria) which was not in Germany, Hilter had to to disavow the Roman Catholic church and The Protestant Lutheran Church.

In order to discredit Christianity Hilter had to first disavow JUDIAISM! And JESUS CHRIST who was also a Jew!
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #249
The Hilter movement was a runoff of a 19th century Left-wing Marxist Socialist anti-Christian Greenpeace movement!

Hilter opened up his Beerhall club in Vienna (Austria) which was not in Germany,

What are you smoking and where can I get some?
Llamatic  - | 140  
25 Jun 2011 /  #250
The Hilter movement was a runoff of a 19th century Left-wing Marxist Socialist anti-Christian Greenpeace movement!

Sure. The Leftists of today are like the Nazis of yestercentury.
JonnyM  11 | 2607  
25 Jun 2011 /  #251
when Hilter opened up his Beerhall club in Vienna (Austria) which was not in Germany

What was the door policy?
Sczur  - | 28  
2 Dec 2015 /  #252
The official death toll does not add up we all know who publishes the history books
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
2 Dec 2015 /  #253
Poland remained Hitler's foremost killing ground. Next to such even today "judenreine" countries as the Baltic States, Poland is nearly one giant graveyard for Jews!
nothanks  - | 626  
3 Dec 2015 /  #254
In the early 1930's Pilsudski voiced concern over the large Jewish population in Poland. He recognized the Jews will require their own area.

In 1938 @ Evian Conference, Hitler asked the globe to accept his Jews and even offered to transport them on luxury ships.

So Hitler was surprised when Poles defended "their Jewish brothers". Hitler punished Polska for bringing the West into the War.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
3 Dec 2015 /  #255
Hitler also allegedly proposed the now infamous "Madagascar Plan" in an effort to ship remaining Jews to the far corners of the globe that might agree to taken them in, like so much flotsam and jetsam:-)
nothanks  - | 626  
3 Dec 2015 /  #256
@ Lyzko

Judging since? Hitler's plan was probably superior [for Non-Western powers]
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
3 Dec 2015 /  #257
Had it gone through, it's safe to assume there would have either been no Holocaust in the dimensions known today, or, at best, it would have been deferred by several years.

Always tough to second guess history:-) Either way, the Jews would've lost. The Missouri incident now, that might have changed the course of the Holocaust a bit more favorably, if not the War. In the latter, Hitler would have perceived Roosevelt as a far stronger nemesis than he turned out to be. Instead, history has proven our president to have been snug in the pocket of the Breckenridge Longs, the Bilbo's, Rankins and Gerald L. K. Smiths of the time!
7 Jan 2016 /  #258
i just what to know what the life of a jew in poland would be like
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
8 Jan 2016 /  #259
Today, Kraków is the prime destination for foreign Jews wishing to get in touch with Poland's Jewish past, e.g. Kazimierz Dolny etc.

Most of Poland's surviving Jews live almost exclusively in larger urban areas. Rule of thumb I've heard from a sixty-something Polish-born Jew still residing in Poland

of Holocaust survivor parents,now both deceased; you don't bother them (meaning the Christians) and they won't bother you:-)
nothanks  - | 626  
8 Jan 2016 /  #260
Expect some Western European-Jews to come on East to Polska. They are a main target by Arabs and we do not have many currently.

This will help continue to destroy the "Polish Nazi camps" myths.
jon357  72 | 23482  
8 Jan 2016 /  #261
i just what to know what the life of a jew in poland would be like

Now or pre-Shoah?

Nowadays, just like anyone living anywhere in Europe. Before the war however when the community (communities) were much larger was a different story. Hopefully the community will grow again. Anti-semitism is alive and well sadly however as educational standards slowly improve and exposure to other cultures grows, this is slightly decreasing.

Remember also that the way people live in Warsaw and what happens out in the sticks is very different.

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