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Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland?

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
13 Apr 2010 /  #211
Well, Poles and Jews are so much alike. They both have issues with the past and always feel mistreated somehow. Anyway, they can't be with eachother, but they also can't do without eachother and both are equally good and equally wrong.

The German saying goes: "Wass sich liebt, dass näckt sich" (what loves eachother, teases eachother).

There's more truth in that then you think. :)


M-G (hm)
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
13 Apr 2010 /  #212
Well, Poles and Jews are so much alike. They both have issues with the past and always feel mistreated somehow.

Wow, MareGaea, I'm actually speechless. When I read your statement, a thousand things went through my brain. I could address your statement from ten different angles, but I don't know if it would do you any good. I'm trying to envisage what kind of person who can actually come up with what you said, and mean it seriously.

You know you're on a POLISH forum? You know you are being racist and hateful to people from another country, don't you? You know, the kind of thing you mentioned above is so superior in ignorance of a people and it's history, that I actually have yet to read something equalling it anywhere on this forum.

God bless you, MareGaea.

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
13 Apr 2010 /  #213
you are being racist

If I am racist with this statement, then I wonder what you are with your many anti-Jewish posts?

a people and it's history

Which ppl? The Jews? They have a longer history than the Poles. Perhaps that's what you meant?

Well, if you think it's a wrong statement, prove me wrong then? Mentality wise, I mean.

Or is it that Poles are allowed to moan constantly and the Jews are not?

Tell me, oh Dariusz, see if you can find some more anti-semitic sources ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
13 Apr 2010 /  #214
If I am racist with this statement, then I wonder what you are with your many anti-Jewish posts?

Hahaha, you're racist for comparing Jews to Poles. How dare you!
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
13 Apr 2010 /  #215
I assume you're joking, otherwise I will have to send you to your room without dinner ;)

I was talking about mentality. About the whinging and whining. But I'm sure you got that.


M-G (punishment - reward)
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
14 Apr 2010 /  #216
The German saying goes: "Wass sich liebt, dass näckt sich" (what loves eachother, teases eachother).

"Kto się lubi, ten się czubi". :)
Geek  - | 1  
10 Dec 2010 /  #217
On one hand it prides me that my little country by the sea was the most tolerant state in the world on the other hand it doesn't surprise me at all. We've always been ahead of everybody else in Europe. :P

Always? LOL

and the Dutch slave trade and slavery were the best examples of that, weren't they, MareGaea?

Probably because of the Dutch tolerance and being ahead of everybody else in Europe Prince Bernhard, father of your current monarch, Queen Beatrix, worked for IG Farben, joined the Nazi Party - Sturmabteilung and was made an officer of the German Reiter SS Corps and his brother, Prince Aschwin was an officer in the German army. huh?

If you are one of those who need to be told who they are instead of being yourself then fine, obey the flag and be proud of it, MareGaea.


here's a short video clip of Hitler talking about Jews and why "they'll face trouble they never dreamed of"

Marek11111  9 | 807  
10 Dec 2010 /  #218
Why did Hitler kill so many Jew's in Poland?
Poles are Jews or Jews are Poles
David_18  65 | 966  
11 Dec 2010 /  #219
Or maybe for the simple fact that 1/5 of all the Jews in the world lived in Poland?

Before WW2 1% of the German population were Jews. And same goes for the rest of Europe besides Poland that had over 10.8%.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
11 Dec 2010 /  #220
Why did Hitler kill so many Jew's in Poland?

It was the Roman Catholic Church.

After the fall of the Roman Empire they were two educated classes in Europe, the merchant class jews and the religious clerics of the Roman Church. The illiterate warlords of medieval Europe needed an educated class to handle the affairs of their fiefdoms. The Jews and Roman Church clerics competed for the jobs and power. In 1200 AD the roman church started the Inquisition, they killed and tortured any one who was a threat to their political power. They especially targeted the Jews. For 600 yrs. from 1200AD-1800AD the Roman Catholic Church ran Europe like a Nazi Concentration camp. Remember Galileo, under house arrest for 30 years barely escaping the death penalty for suggesting that the earth rotated around the sun? That was the inquisition. Napoleon and the Napoleonic wars put an end to the Inquisition. Since that time the RCC gradually lost political power and by approximately 1850 AD they were relegated to the Vatican. Ever since, they have been trying to regain their lost political position in Europe. Nazism was an attempt at their return to political preeminence in Europe. That's why the Jews were killed.
11 Dec 2010 /  #221
Nazism was an attempt at their return to political preeminence in Europe.

Do you come with those new revelations often?
ender  5 | 394  
11 Dec 2010 /  #222
It was the Roman Catholic Church.

You are an ingnorant in so many aspects that I wont point all.
I suggest you to read more about Galileo and Inquisition.
BTW I'm allmost sure that Polish Inqusition killed less people then American Protestants killed witches.
Ogien  5 | 237  
11 Dec 2010 /  #223
Some of you people are extremely uneducated. Pick up a history book for once and read it!

The Nigerians are the ones who rounded up the Jews and killed them. Anti-Semitic Nigerians!
Marek11111  9 | 807  
11 Dec 2010 /  #224
well Hitler made statement that he is going to finish what catholic church started
and yes Hitler was religious and catholic
Ogien  5 | 237  
11 Dec 2010 /  #225
I know he was baptized Roman Catholic but I don't think he continued practicing Catholicism...
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
11 Dec 2010 /  #226
and yes Hitler was religious and catholic

Hitler was Jewish at least according to a recently published DNA study of 39 of his relatives. Proving Hitler had Jewish roots.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
12 Dec 2010 /  #227
Do you come with those new revelations often?

The information about the Roman Catholic Inquisition was released by the Polish Pope who apologized profusely in 1999, for the Inquisition.

BTW I'm allmost sure that Polish Inqusition killed less people then American Protestants killed witches.

There was no Inquisition in Poland. Because of the Inquisition Poland invited the Jews into Poland as a refuge. Read your history.
12 Dec 2010 /  #228
The information about the Roman Catholic Inquisition was released by the Polish Pope who apologized profusely in 1999, for the Inquisition.

Lovely. Now explain about your statement "Nazism was an attempt at their [Roman Catholic Church] return to political preeminence in Europe."
ender  5 | 394  
12 Dec 2010 /  #229
There was no Inquisition in Poland. Because of the Inquisition Poland invited the Jews into Poland as a refuge. Read your history.

Read your history Inquisition had nothing to do with Jew. Inquisition was chasing 'fake' Christian.
I know my History

On the lands belonging to the Polish Kingdom, little was known about the activities of the Inquisition until the appearance of a Hussite heresy in the fifteenth century. Polish inquisitorial tribunals in the fight against this heresy issued at least eight death sentences at about 200 processes carried out


shortly 200 investigation 8 death penalty I believe 0 Jew convicted. :-)
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503  
12 Dec 2010 /  #230
Lovely. Now explain about your statement "Nazism was an attempt at their [Roman Catholic Church] return to political preeminence in Europe."

I summarized 600 years of European history in a small paragraph, try this:

ender  5 | 394  
12 Dec 2010 /  #231
Sorry mate your 'historical' page looks more like Daily Star. Who writes title:
A Polish St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre!!!
and then:

After the very timely death of King Sigismund on August 8, 1572, Poland elected a new king. The new king was none other than the French Henry of Valois, son of the infamous poisoner Catherine Di' Medici.
Henry was highly displeased when he had to sign a compact that guaranteed religious toleration in his new kingdom. He was very unhappy by this restriction on his absolute power to carry out his plans for a massacre, so when the French throne became vacant by the death of his brother Charles IX, he secretly returned to France.

End of story.
Can you tell me some information about: A Polish St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre!!!
Plus this 'History was written by Jews for Jews:

"And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven." (Acts 2:5).

When these real Jews returned home, they brought the good news of the Gospel to their respective homelands.

The country called Poland did not exist until 966 A.D., but the vast area of central Europe outside the Roman Empire was called SCYTHIA. The Scythians were a highly intelligent and freedom loving people who ELECTED their kings and greatly admired deeds of valor in warfare.

I wont waist my time on that.
Babinich  1 | 453  
12 Dec 2010 /  #232
and yes Hitler was religious and catholic

Please... Hitler was not a practicing Roman Catholic.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
13 Dec 2010 /  #233
How do you know if Hitler was practicing religion or not and what the different make if he was or was not would be less of a crime if he was not practicing religion or catholic church would have a lesser of a black eye, does it matter? his religious view were form when he was young and he was practicing catholic then so his statement as to finishing what the church did not do as killing all Jews..

You just have to face the fact that catholic church was anti semitic less so now but still is.
Babinich  1 | 453  
13 Dec 2010 /  #234
How do you know if Hitler was practicing religion or not

Read a biography about him.

his religious view were form when he was young and he was practicing catholic then so his statement as to finishing what the church did not do as killing all Jews

Killing those that practice Judaism is not in the RCC catechism.
Crow  154 | 9260  
13 Dec 2010 /  #235
Why did Hitler kill so many Jew's in Poland?

just if. What if Hitler was Jew himself?
Marek11111  9 | 807  
14 Dec 2010 /  #236
Killing those that practice Judaism is not in the RCC catechism.

You just have to face the fact that catholic church was anti semitic less so now but still is.
Babinich  1 | 453  
14 Dec 2010 /  #237
And you have to accept the fact that the RCC is led by men. Leaders: secular, religious, in public service or private are fallible.
musicwriter  5 | 87  
14 Dec 2010 /  #238
Not only the Jews were rounded up and herded into camps, but also Gypsies, homosexuals, clerics, and college professors. During WWII Hitler had some German officers executed for failing at a campaign (as with Gen. Ervin Rommel), or also for plotting to assasinate him.
Pierdolski  - | 31  
22 Feb 2011 /  #239
Jews are Jews, and not ethnic Poles. Same in Germany and many many Euro countries. The gene pool has nothing to do with Europeans. Jews also prospered and became heavily involved in finance and politics until Adolf made a move. IMO they should have been rounded up and/or shipped out. Murder is not the answer. Today Europe is being infiltrated again.
jonni  16 | 2475  
22 Feb 2011 /  #240
they should have been rounded up and/or shipped out

I suspect most of us would prefer that racist trash like you was shipped out. As far away as possible.

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