The treaty moreover defined that Austria had to pay 500.000 Reichthaler to Poland and take over all Polish debts from the war against Sweden...
See? Not only are you an ignorant but also a liar, there was nothing about the debts, the sum or the amount of forces involved, the exact wording was "all available forces" which is focking vague.
Oh, did they count the Turks killed by Poles separately? You know, since the combined cavalry attacked the Turks and not the Poles alone.
The charge was not combined, the only place where it was combined is wikipedia, Germans got stuck on countercharging Sipahi units that numebered some 6000 men, Poles broke through and did all the fighting.
So yeah its safe to assume that out of these 15.000 casualities more than 90% were caused by Poles, its a historical fact that the success was achieved by polish cavalry while german elements were completely ineffective, especially infantry which not only failed to dent the turkish units but suffered appalling losses itself.
The German troops you mention were mostly light infantry, the heavy cavalry of 20.000 troops you mentioned comprised of both Polish and troops of the HRE, and the Turks collapsed after both flanks attacked.
I'd be worried about your dislike of Poland if not for the fact that you're an ignorant dumbass, 20.000 charging troops consisted of 8000 heavy cavalry and 7000 light cav such as Woloskie banners for a grand total of 15.000 Poles and 5000 German and Austrian Cuirrassiers and Reitars who got bogged down for the remainder of the battle.
The German troops as such consisted of pikemen, musketeers and a few companies of roundshielders, they got a bloody nose from the Turks and did not participate in the main charge nor in the pursuit.
So yes the battle was fought and won by Poles, they could probably do it without the german support since in reality it was nil and even after Poles broke into the camp the german reiters could not disingage the Sipahi, it took the support of petyhorskie banners (again Poles) to salvage that situation as well.
So back to square one, yes Poles won under Vienna, no it could not be done without them, yes they could win if they were there alone since they did most of the fighting anyway.