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Should Poland be given ANY credit for ALLOWING Jews into Poland for 1000 years?

PennBoy  76 | 2429  
12 Mar 2012 /  #61
Who was in charge of the PRL in the 1980's? Ah, that's right - a Polish Catholic

There was something wrong with Jaruzelski. An intelligent man descending from land owning gentry who's family was deported to Siberia. His father was worked to death, and himself having permanent damage to his eyes, he somehow loved Russia. Personality I think he was a coward and was afraid join or lead a resistance, just taking the easy way out in life.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
12 Mar 2012 /  #62
Everything I need to know about Chhristianity is in the New Testament. I have read Roman and Jewish historians, too. If people are ignorant about whhat is in the New Testament, I attempt to educate them. Sometimes, Christians do not know what it says which is disturbing.
ReservoirDog  - | 132  
12 Mar 2012 /  #63
Don't try to make atheists look bad.

Unlike you I look divine :P
p3undone  7 | 1098  
12 Mar 2012 /  #64
Either every one is an expert on the bible or no one is.That's my honest belief.
OP MediaWatch  10 | 942  
13 Mar 2012 /  #65
Not a single nation on this planet is populated with people whose ancestors were "ALLOWED" there. What a specious, whiny topic.


So you are saying countries all throughout the world don't have an immigration process where they allow some people and not allow others?

So you think countries like China, Japan, Russia, England, Britain, Germany, Israel, the United States, etc. don't have an immigration policy, where people wishing to be legal immigrants to these countries have to go through?

You do know that countries that have had lax immigration controls on people coming into their countries like the US, Britain, France and Germany are now starting to have a large conversation about tightening their immigration standards, because they are starting to see their old lax immigration standards have prompted many people coming into their countries who are exploiting these countries at the expense of the taxpayers of these countries.
13 Mar 2012 /  #66
So you are saying countries all throughout the world don't have an immigration process where they allow some people and not allow others?

Uh, no? How can you quote somebody and then still misquote them, all at the same time? What I said, basically, is that everybody got where they are because their great-great-grands probably forced somebody else out. Everyone always wants to be the last one to move in, whether it's a neighborhood or a country.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
13 Mar 2012 /  #67
What I said, basically, is that everybody got where they are because their great-great-grands probably forced somebody else out.

Which basically means:
"hey street kids, you got to where you are today because your great-great grands probably forced somebody else out [of the streets]."

Hey factory slaves in Indonesia, hey favela dwellers, etc, etc.

Let's go back to 1941- "hey concentration camp victims, you got to where you are because you great-great grands probably forced somebody else out."

Logic fail on your part sister.
genecps  7 | 131  
30 Jun 2012 /  #68
I'm a Russian Jew, and I completely agree. Jews prospered in Poland. Polish Catholic rulers took a different approach to conversions of Jews. Successful Jews who converted to Catholicism were given Polish Nobility titles (u get more flies with honey was the approach). Jews were not persecuted and were welcomed in Poland. There is a misunderstanding about why most of the Concentration Camps were in Poland... it was not because Poles were racists but because logistically it was convenient for the Germans because most European Jews lived in Poland!

Tsarists Russia caused all the strife for Jews living in Poland and Belarus. If the Romanov Royal S#!t-heads wouldn't have taken control of Poland and Belarus, and the Germans wouldn't have created the genocide, I believe there would still be a huge Jewish population in Poland, but unlike the population of 100 years ago which did not mix, there would probably be a huge number of mixed marriages between Christian and Jewish Poles.

I think Poland needs a better PR campaign, because in the West the true view of Poland is distorted, and American Jews, like their non Jewish counterparts are not well educated when in comes to things outside of their profession. And if you don't know the truth, it's far too easy to make assumptions that have no basis in reality.

For those who do not know:

1. Poland has the biggest number of Righteous Among Men (people who rescued Jews durring WWII) of any nation according to Israel's Yad Vashem.

2. Poland has the smallest number of people who cooperated in selling and turning Jews over to the Nazi's, less then 0.1%.
jon357  72 | 23361  
30 Jun 2012 /  #69
Number one is true. Number two is sadly not.
genecps  7 | 131  
30 Jun 2012 /  #70
Jon, we can't count the 250,000 Poles who served in the German Army. they were conscripted without their choice. And just because they were soldiers on the front lines did not mean they participated in the genocide. Most were sent to the front lines to fight the Russian Army.
jon357  72 | 23361  
30 Jun 2012 /  #71
It isn't about that. And don't believe all you read on the Internet. One particularly dark chapter in history came to light a few years ago when a very small selection was published of the thousands of letters denouncing people - usually neighbours - to the German occupiers.
Ironside  50 | 12909  
30 Jun 2012 /  #72
One particularly dark chapter in history came to light a few years ago

are you kidding ? That fact has been know for years. I'm sure that you haven't learned that there were underground cell intercepting most of the such letters and those who wrote them could expect visitors.

And don't believe all you read on the Internet

Yes, a very good advice jon.

they were conscripted without their choice

jon357  72 | 23361  
30 Jun 2012 /  #73
Good that some were intercepted, but unfortunately the archives contain thousands of letters by people collaborating with the occupiers either through malice or for personal gain.
Ironside  50 | 12909  
30 Jun 2012 /  #74
How is that important ?Should every country focus on lowlife and gutter sweeps in their respective histories ?
Hipis  - | 226  
30 Jun 2012 /  #75

Number one is true. Number two is sadly not.

Another Debbie Schlussel apologist making glib statements without any evidence to back them up. What is it that they say? Repeat a lie often enough and eventually it becomes the truth.
jon357  72 | 23361  
30 Jun 2012 /  #76
Cold hard fact confirmed by the Polish national archives on the basis of extant documents. And by the way, I've never heard of this Schussel person. Is she American?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
30 Jun 2012 /  #77
Links we need Links! As the name suggest, she's Jewish.
jon357  72 | 23361  
30 Jun 2012 /  #78
Google it - there was a big enough sh1tstorm when it came out about ten years ago. At least the compilers blanked out names and addresses of the collaborators in order not to shatter relatives' illusions.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
30 Jun 2012 /  #79
Yes, genecps, yes!
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
30 Jun 2012 /  #80
Jon, we can't count the 250,000 Poles who served in the German Army. they were conscripted without their choice. And just because they were soldiers on the front lines did not mean they participated in the genocide. Most were sent to the front lines to fight the Russian Army.

Why can't we count them? They could've been heroes and shared our fate; but, no, they had to fight with the Nazis.
Ironside  50 | 12909  
30 Jun 2012 /  #81
heroes a

Who is a hero depend on one point of view.

you are weird and I don't know whether it is weird good or weird bad. As yet!
MarcinD  4 | 135  
30 Jun 2012 /  #82
British, Russian & Jews

Fool to trust them
Ironside  50 | 12909  
30 Jun 2012 /  #83
British, Russian & Jews

generally speaking or you mean governments ?
genecps  7 | 131  
30 Jun 2012 /  #84
Why can't we count them? They could've been heroes and shared our fate; but, no, they had to fight with the Nazis.

So they should have shared our fate and dies?! That's so considered of you! lol

You also forget that there was a ton of half Jews who served as soldiers for the Nazi's.

Don't forget, there is good and bad among every group.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
30 Jun 2012 /  #85
Rather than serve the Nazis? Yes. And my own great-grandmother was an American kapo--I am well aware that certain names have "jemakh szemo" attached to them!
genecps  7 | 131  
30 Jun 2012 /  #86
Rather than serve the Nazis? Yes.

So being the mother of one of these 250,000 young men, you would rather see them killed then a posibility of them going to the front lines and surviving, or maybe even assisting the underground??
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
30 Jun 2012 /  #87
But they're not assisting the underground, are they? And they could die doing that as well.
Ironside  50 | 12909  
30 Jun 2012 /  #88
Rather than serve the Nazis? Yes. And my own great-grandmother was an American kapo--I am well aware that certain names have "jemakh szemo" attached to them!

And subject their family to reprisals ?

Have you heard about Capitan Hindsight ?
peterweg  37 | 2305  
30 Jun 2012 /  #89
And just because they were soldiers on the front lines did not mean they participated in the genocide. Most were sent to the front lines to fight the Russian Army.

Actually they weren't even trusted with a weapon, a shovel to dig trenches or other manual labour. was it.
Nickidewbear  23 | 609  
30 Jun 2012 /  #90
And subject their family to reprisals ?

Have you heard about Capitan Hindsight ?

And Hindsight, contrary to what a South Park imitation of it does, looks to Heavenly rewards--not the here and now. Hindsight would side with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, for example.

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