27 Jan 2017 / #181
The most logical solution to the NE Prussia versus Lwow problem is this. Return Lwow and environs to Poland, I am sure most Ukrainians in the area would welcome Polish citizenship. Who the hell would want to live in a disfunctional state like the Ukraine? Poland gets to keep every area of confiscated German, or more correctly, Prussian land it took in 1945 EXCEPT that the Oder Neisse border is adjusted to the once suggested Oder Bobr Queiss border line. WHY? Because the great geographer Stalin took to the map with his red pencil and split communities of interest giving us the nonsence of halved towns like Goerlitz, Guben, Muskau and even Zittau. The only frontier towns would be Sagan and Lauban. Stettin stays Polish and the border around Swinemunde is increased slightly to include Kaminke and the nearby airfield. What does Poland get ... all of NE Prussia including Konigsberg and Pillau with a small adjustment to the border east of Insterberg to allow some return of LithuanIa Minor. The ethnic Russian and Ukrainian populations are offered Polish or Lithuanian citizenship to suit or paid compensation to move. The acquisition of a major port like Konigsberg can only enhance Poland as a maritime nation.The Germans get back a little bit of Silesia which is much more sensible than the potential return of an exclave like NE Prussia. With the return of Lwow the Poles get back a pivotal part of their history. I am sure that Germans and Poles have finished clubbing each other to death. They have more in common than either has been prepared to admit, but therein lies another story.