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For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars?

Ironside  51 | 13086  
29 Aug 2017 /  #241
you gays are running

Some conspiracy theory here. Gays are ruling Germany. That actually fit the bill - they brought lost of young men in, don't give a flying copulation for their women. lol!

It's political theater meant to rile up its supporters so they'll bark on cue. And it works.@ mafketis

Ouch! I'm not PiS supporter, never was, they are too left - étatist and a welfare state-like in they approach to the economy. They're the lesser evil. PO and KOD are traitors, corrupted scum and Soviets. No good for the country - what you take for a free market approach and liberalism is just a smokescreen for the thievery and not giving damn about the Polish national interest.

I support narodowcy without committing myself to any group because they are peppered with agents, provocateurs, stooges and wackos. Still plenty of good and solid people there.

The issue has already disappeared from the media

Well, I'm still talking about it. Do you mind?
Ironside  51 | 13086  
29 Aug 2017 /  #242
Polish officials actively asked Stalin for German territory as compensation,

son, do you don't see a difference between talking about something and actually getting it? They could talk till they were blue on the face - about compensation about Martians or what not. That wouldn't give them territory that wouldn't give them popsicle.

There is no legal nor any other tangible connection between Stalin giving territory to Soviet Poland (as well as taking territory at will) and compensation for the property destroyed during the war.

You're jumping to conclusion or rather repeat BS written by the third rate scribers.
The only reason Poland/Soviet Poland lost and gained some territory was Stalin's will. If you know first things about the dude you would know that he wasn't into charity, fairness, morality or compensations. He done it because it suited his vision and his aims.

If he let some people ramble and indicated that he has given in to them, cause he liked to toy with people.
End of story.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
29 Aug 2017 /  #243
You gays or you guys??
Rw Greenlee  
5 Sep 2017 /  #244
You cry baby poles should have thought about your that before you killed Germans in Danzig and started ww2
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
5 Sep 2017 /  #245
In fact, it WAS the Germans who invaded the Sudetenland in '38, continuing on into Gleiwitz aka Gliwice in '39, France in '40, and you know, the list goes on!


The Saar was returned to France when Germany lost, as I've already stated, and as practically every school boy knows all too well!
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 Sep 2017 /  #246
it WAS the Germans who invaded the Sudetenland in '38

The Sudetenland was given to the Germans by the Brits, French and Italians on September 29th, 1938. No invasion necessary; just a little thing called the Munich Agreement...
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
5 Sep 2017 /  #247
The Munich Pact might very well have been signed under duress, accurate as your statement is:-) By "given", you almost make it sound like a gift!LOL
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Sep 2017 /  #248
It was a gift as the French and the British did not even bother to invite the Czechs to that conference in Munich.
Lyzko  44 | 9723  
6 Sep 2017 /  #249
...which was their first mistake! You take over someone else's property without even making them an offer aka "red herring"??
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #250
[moved from]
I dont know...why are polish pestering Germany with asking for reparations? Both know they will get nothing but keep bothering.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
16 Feb 2019 /  #251
If a country wants to put political pressure on Germany, it only needs to mention the Nazis. Nazikeule ... never heard of?
Ironside  51 | 13086  
16 Feb 2019 /  #252
why are polish pestering Germany with asking for reparations? B

Because germans F up big time Polish and we are not talking about war and such, we are taking about barbarian totalitarian scummy acts of the german gov and people. Beside none is pestering Germany just mentioning it, and reminding them not to be so damn cocky as they need to be cut to side if they get too big for their shoes.

If a country wants to put political pressure on Germany,

So maybe Germany should stop meddling into intern affairs of other countries eh? You pathetic Nazi's apologist. You are so lame, yadda ...yadda when in comes to Germany, big F defender you are . At the same time you are the one who jumps the gun and call people brown shirt at the drop of a hat, you jerk!
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #253
I must dissapoint you. Most Germans give a **** about this. It is just annoying. Some even want Poland punished.

I see it in a rational way. We can be good friends. But if you bring up this reparation bullshit too often, you might end with my boot in your neck.

I also hope your idea of not meddling into other affairs counts also for yourself and you agree our new pipeline to russia is none of your business?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
16 Feb 2019 /  #254
But if you bring up this reparation bullshit too often, you might end with my boot in your neck.

And that's exactly what the AfD has planned for Poland.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #255
I must disappoint you. I am in the JA "Junge Alternative", the youth group of the AfD and must tell you, Poland plays no role in our program.

But aside that, if Poland starts acting like an enemy, that might change. So far we see this reparation bullshit as simple fun and comedy.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
16 Feb 2019 /  #256
I dont know...why are polish pestering Germany with asking for reparations? Both know they will get nothing but keep bothering.

Those claims are made by Republic of Poland, which represents 2nd Polish Republic and Poles killed in WWII and also property destroyed by German military aggression of 1939-44.

That's a completely different case than some NGO from New York which claims to represent "all the Jews" and wants compensations from Poland for Polish citizens (regardless of religion) killed by Germans in WWII.

Is it clear enough?
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #257
I give a **** and couldnt care less.

We live in 2019 and i feel not responsible for anything, i see such claims as insult and attack.

Is that clear enough as well?
16 Feb 2019 /  #258
you might end up with my boot in your neck

You see, the point of making threats of this kind (well, of any kind really) is that you need some real power to back them up. Otherwise it just makes you look silly.

Last time I checked your Bundeswehr looked more like Olsen's Gang than a threatening fighting force, so your great plan of putting your boots in our necks might not work as well as it did last time. :)
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #259
Im quite sure it works pretty good considering the fact that our police forces alone propably could take Poland. We talk about Poland here, not Russia. Even with current state our military is magnitudes above polish military capability.

But thats not the point. I was talking about a personal matter. I give a **** about WW II, i dont care what happened to Poland. You can show me your sad old videos and i eat a sandwich while watching it.

If you want beg for money, go and ask someone else. I have no respect for beggars. I mean do you have the slightest idea how weak and pathetic it is to beg for money in 2019?
16 Feb 2019 /  #260
Im quite sure it works pretty good considering the fact that our police forces alone propably could take Poland.


Your police couldn't even take out the muslim rapists, who rape your women pretty much at will (Cologne Silvester Night, anyone?). So, they better start with them before they take on Poland. :)

Even with current state our military is magnitudes above polish military capability.

Well, in such case you should have no problems at all taking back Breslau, Stettin etc. - they are where they have always been, we didn't hide them anywhere - come and get them (I was tempted to add "bi*ch", but I'm too cultured for that nowadays). :)

You can show me your sad old videos and i eat a sandwich while watching it.

Oh, rest assured that I have no doubts regarding your emotional sensitivity :D But that's not the point here; the point is Germany paid reparations to everyone and their grandmother but NOT to Poland. This is rather unusual and needs to be examined carefully.

do you have the slightest idea how weak and pathetic it is to beg for money in 2019?

We're not begging, we're demanding - that's the difference. :)

However, seeing that 20% of German pensioners rely on food coupons to get their food (according to you), and investing heavily in your army might bring this number up to something like 99%, I think we might drop the demands for humanitarian reasons. :)
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #261
Why should we take back a sh? In 1990 russia offered us back Königsberg and Kohl declined. The areas there are worn down, rotten to the core and not worth the money.

You can demand alot. We obviously laugh and move on.

Poland is a poor country i respect the poor but dont beg too much. Its just annoying.

Also what you complain? Germany paid not much reparations at all. The greeks cry as well and we showed what we think about their begging, when we crushed them even more and even made a 40 billion profit out of their misery. Dont act like greece or you might find yourself in same position.

And i repeat i have no problem with poland as long you dont insult us.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
16 Feb 2019 /  #262
But thats not the point. I was talking about a personal matter. I give a **** about WW II, i dont care what happened to Poland.

It's completely indifferent to me whether you care or you don't. The lawmakers and politicians will make those decisions for you.

Right now you can't even make sovereign decisions about your own future since "democracy" in Germany looks more like one party, and one Frau, ruling since the year 2000.

Im quite sure it works pretty good considering the fact that our police forces alone propably could take Poland. We talk about Poland here

Right now, Germany can't even protect their own women from being raped by "refugees" and you're dreaming about 'disciplining' Poland. Let's get real.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #263
Merkel in Germany is finished, the far right on the rise. Putin bets much on us and offers many deals.

Im quite sure Germany and Russia can make alot of profitable deals.

That said, Merkel dismissed any reparations. One of the few things she is right. We dont even discuss it. We laugh about it.

The media here show it as polish idiocy, say most things done there were done by polish themself.

The only result you get is to create anger between our countries.
16 Feb 2019 /  #264
Why should we take back a sh?

Come on - that's not the way to talk about the land of your ancestors! :)

In 1990 russia offered us back Königsberg and Kohl declined.

A legend. It never happened. We have the same version of this legend about Królewiec being offered to Poland and Mazowiecki declining.

Poland is a poor country

You mean like 20% of pensioners relying of food coupons poor?

when we crushed them even more and even made a 40 billion profit out of their misery.

Well, that's not really sportsmanlike, is it? :D Has fair play no value in Germany these days? You were always a honourable nation: never killing civilians, never attacking without declaring a war, never... erm... no... wait a minute.

Dont act like greece or you might find yourself in same position.

Oooooh, I'm shakin' in my boots. Are you scared, Spike? I am! :D :D :D
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Feb 2019 /  #265
Germany can't even protect their own women from being raped by "refugees"

That sounds like a good argument but the target is wrong. It's their ruling class that prevents their cops from taking on the human garbage that the ruling class let in and protects.

We, the US, lost the war in Vietnam except that "we" were not the US army. That war was winnable in two weeks. It was the ruling class and the f***king lawyers who directed them.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
16 Feb 2019 /  #266
Its not the land of my ancestors anymore. Im a Thüringer. This is my land and my ancestors land. The villages there are rotten down now. There is nothing German.

Also why you say such rubbish? I have two grandmothers and 2 grandfathers. One grandmother and both grandfathers are from Thüringen. Only one grandma from Schlesien.

And i honestly dont get why you think begging for money is a good thing.

Tell me whith which explanation you say money should be taken away from me and give to poland because ww II?
Ironside  51 | 13086  
16 Feb 2019 /  #267
Some even want Poland punished.

They must have some ego issue or delusion of grandeur.

We can be good friends. But if you bring up this reparation bullshit to

Can we? Ok forget about reparation, just put your politician on a short leash and stop them from meddling into internal Polish affairs including black ops and such.

also for yourself and you agree our new pipeline to russia is none of your business?

It is if the EU are to be scrapped and IF that pipe doesn't block (as it is the case) bigger ships from entering the port of Szczecin.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
16 Feb 2019 /  #268
That sounds like a good argument but the target is wrong.

Yes, but also a general population, both men and women, are mentally disarmed and are unable to defend themselves when attacked or harassed.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
16 Feb 2019 /  #269
No argument there. It's a natural instinct for men to defend women. These Euro weasels lost it. And if you bring it up, they minimize, obfuscate, and deflect like the pussies they became. Even from the safety of this forum.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
17 Feb 2019 /  #270
Some even want Poland punished.

Well we know that is not going to ever happen to Poland again by Germany don't we.

But if you bring up this reparation bullshit too often, you might end with my boot in your neck.

How dare you bully my Polish friends and allies !
Do you have any idea where you might find President Trump's boot if you were stupid enough to ever try it ?
There, how do you like being bullied Big Shot.
Now let's tone it down a tad, aye.

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