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For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars?

Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
17 Feb 2019 /  #271

Your defense minister is a chick with a dyke haircut.... I think we Poles will take our chances. If you can't stop a bunch of unarmed third worlders from invading your country, you're not going to stop proper Slavic warriors.

Do you have any idea where you might find President Trump's boot if you were stupid enough to ever try it ?

I don't know where I can find his boot, but I do know where I can find his tongue...

  • jewww.jpg
Weimarer  6 | 357  
17 Feb 2019 /  #272
Thats the difference, you know our defense minister, we dont know yours.

Its that insignificance that mocks you the most.
I mean honestly, who is your president?
Spike31  3 | 1485  
17 Feb 2019 /  #273
Well we know that is not going to ever happen to Poland again by Germany don't we.

A current geopolitical situation is different than it was 80 years ago. Back then Poland had to face two aggressors, largest armies in Europe Nazi Germany and USSR at the same time.

Now we've got virtually disarmed [on many levels] but economically powerful Germany to the west and Russia, still dangerous but not as much as the USSR, to the east.

Russian is separated from Poland with Baltic-Belarusian-Ukrainian buffer. I also don't see a point of making them our enemies, Polish-Russian and especially Polish-Belarusian relations should be normalized and remain neutral.

All Poland has to do now is to invest in army to the point of mutual assured destruction with Germany to keep peace in Europe.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
17 Feb 2019 /  #274
"Mutual assured destruction" implies a heavily armed Germany with enough weapons of mass destruction to do just that.

In what way is that preferable for Poland to the "virtually disarmed" Germany you have right now?
Weimarer  6 | 357  
17 Feb 2019 /  #275

The german army even at its current state btw is in the top 10 militaries of the world, surpassing poland on magnitudes.

That said, its crazy how some poles overestimate their country. We talk about Poland here, not a powerful country.

8nly nations that matter in Europe are Germany, France and UK. The rest is pets.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
17 Feb 2019 /  #276
In what way is that preferable for Poland to the "virtually disarmed" Germany you have right now?

Germany is forbidden by international treaties to possess or develop any types of weapons of mass destructions: biological, chemical or nuclear.

I was referring to conventional assured destruction ie. bombing [Poland, US and Russia didn't sign the Convention on Cluster Munitions, the most lethal of non-mass destruction weapons], use of MLRS launchers and high caliber howitzers.

I'm from one of the last age groups which served in Polish Army under conscription before it was fully professionalized in 2010 so I know a bit about army.

Polish military doctrine is based on defense and counter attack. Poland doesn't build great offensive forces since it doesn't plan to invade anyone. And for international operations there are special units, best of the best: GROM, Agat and Formoza.

In general, the aggressor needs to have 3x as much military power [troops, equipment, supplies] as defender to effectively destroy the defending army and even more than that to control the occupied territory, which will soon be a theatre of territorial defense units operation and guerrilla warfare.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
17 Feb 2019 /  #277
Germany is forbidden by international treaties to possess or develop any types of weapons of mass destructions: biological, chemical or nuclear.

So is Poland! We subscribed both to the same treaties, remember? :)

Polish military doctrine is based on defense and counter attack.

German military doctrine right now is based on throwing teddy bears at foreign incomers...there is no rational reason for Poland wanting to change that...not one!
17 Feb 2019 /  #278
The german army even at its current state btw is in the top 10 militaries of the world, surpassing poland on magnitudes.

Not according to this...


its crazy how some poles overestimate their country

You really are new to this forum, aren't you? :D

German military doctrine right now is based on throwing teddy bears at foreign incomers

What??? You mean you have developed a new weapon - teddybearthrowkampfwagen? That is in violation of all disarmament and balance of forces treaties in Europe. Es ist ein Skandal!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
17 Feb 2019 /  #279
Es ist ein Skandal!

And what mean teddies that are, I tell you!!!
Spike31  3 | 1485  
17 Feb 2019 /  #280
So is Poland! We subscribed both to the same treaties, remember? :)

Read again what I wrote. That's why it's going to be based on conventional assured destruction. One of the reasons why Poland didn't sign Cluster Munitions Convention.

Cluster bombs in action: youtube.com/watch?v=cPkpfExgtm8

there is no rational reason for Poland wanting to change that...not one!

It's better to be prepared for the worst than hope for the best.
No treaty guarantee as much safety as a sheer military power to protect a country. And Germany is historically known for breaking treaties.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
17 Feb 2019 /  #281
Well...it's stupidly throwing out money out of the window but hey....it's your country you are planning for.

I guess it will look funny in a decade or two with a European Defense Force well on the road with most EU members on board....and Poland! :)

And Germany is historically known for breaking treaties.

Are you talking about the Ribbentrop Molotov pact? Was there something else?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2019 /  #282
That's why it's going to be based on conventional assured destruction.

It's not going to be based on anything like that. Poland and Germany are military allies, and that won't change, no matter how many Korwinists and Nationalists say otherwise.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
17 Feb 2019 /  #283

Nice...insulting my country...

You do know that treaties in diplomacy never are worth the paper written on them? Poland as well broke multiple treaties with Germany.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
17 Feb 2019 /  #284
Could you name two of them at least.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
17 Feb 2019 /  #285

That's good that we have you here, indiscriminately sharing your German thoughts with Poles and expats on this Forum. Don't be shy and express yourself without limitations.

100 of my posts about Germans, and Germany, wouldn't be as effective at unveiling your true teutonic nature as just a couple of your genuine, mindless posts.

You are a tool in more than one sense.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2019 /  #286
You do know that treaties in diplomacy never are worth the paper written on them?

Are you saying that the Oder-Neisse Line is not considered a settled issue?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Feb 2019 /  #287
Weimarer and others like him are your line of last defense against your real enemies. And so is Putin, btw. My best advice is for you to bang your heads on something really hard and recognize this fact, join forces and re-direct your anger where it should be: the weak, spineless, pussyfied West and the world's worst human garbage off loaded on the white nations day after day.
Spike31  3 | 1485  
17 Feb 2019 /  #288
Those who created the problem should solve it or suffer the consequences. So far Germany has created a massive problem in 2015 and then they tried to enforce their misery on the others.

East Germans may not be totally lost but they are minority in their own country and ruled by leftist majority. They are looked down by Western Germans. The only hope for them would be to split. But this wouldn't be allowed by the central government, and they are also to addicted to sucking on West German financial titties.

Yes, Russia is not infected with that PC bug, but it doesn't have much to offer. Yet, Polish government should normalize relations with both our eastern neighbours: Russia and Belarus.

But the future is in Central Europe, V4 and 3SI. It's on the rise and it's growing fast.

The real challenge for Poland now is to grow fast, develop economy and build a solid army to be ready when **** hits the fan. And it will.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2019 /  #289
The only hope for them would be to split.

Why would they split when no-one supports such a ridiculous idea?

It's on the rise and it's growing fast.

I really don't know why you keep pushing this fantasy when the reality is that the V4 are nowhere near integrated. There's very little cross border cooperation compared to German-Polish cooperation, for a start.

Still, nice to see that you think that Poland should normalise relations with Russia. Nice to know where nationalist sympathies really lie, after all.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Feb 2019 /  #290
The real challenge for Poland now is to grow fast, develop economy and build a solid army

Good plan. The side benefit would be that a prosperous Poland will be able to reduce the welfare benefits to the point where even a blind Somali amputee would consider it an insult and stay the f*** away.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2019 /  #291
The side benefit would be that a prosperous Poland will be able to reduce the welfare benefits

Except Poland is actually increasing them, not decreasing them. The current government considers welfare to be an integral part of their electoral strategy.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Feb 2019 /  #292
Then, they should treat welfare as an earned benefit. You have to work for x years to receive y benefit. That would cut the foreign welfare garbage off.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
17 Feb 2019 /  #293
The current government considers welfare to be an integral part of their electoral strategy.

Gee Rich, they see how well it has worked with the Democratic party in the United States so they are following suit.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
17 Feb 2019 /  #294
Then, they should treat welfare as an earned benefit. You have to work for x years to receive y benefit.

Nope, welfare is available to anyone resident here. If someone comes from Iraq with 10 children, they're entitled to receive a cash benefit of $1173/monthly without conditions. That's before other social welfare benefits too.

So, for instance, our Iraqi friend can be working in a chicken factory for 40 hours a week. He'll receive just over $1303 in child support, he won't pay any income tax, he can bring his 10 children and wife, he'll be eligible for other social benefits, and he will essentially get much more from Poland than he contributes.

All part of the masterplan.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
17 Feb 2019 /  #295
So, for instance, our Iraqi friend can be working in a chicken factory for 40 hours a week.

Another encyclopedia man...
This is so frustrating. I DON'T want walking encyclopedias. I have my own sources. I WANT OPINIONS!!! Learn that trick form Dirk, JR, and Weimarer. Right or wrong, never any doubt where they stand.

I bet that if you cut any of them, you would see red blood, not water. I apologize to those I didn't mention.
18 Feb 2019 /  #296
I have my own sources. I WANT OPINIONS!!!

Why do you think it matters what you want?

Many ppl look for information here. They don't know how things work in Poland and come here to find out.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894  
18 Feb 2019 /  #297
How calls for an adjective, hence, an opinion. Laws are rules are available on line. Instead of reading those, the lazy come here and want you to do all the lifting. Plus, anyone who would rely on a forum poster for info like this is an idiot. So, it boils down to pierogi and kielbasa. Or beer.

BTW, let me explain to you the difference between wanting and demanding...Well, maybe next time.
Weimarer  6 | 357  
18 Feb 2019 /  #298

Whats your problem with a german patriot?

Your problem is, that the very idea of a german standing for his own people, is totally unimaginable for you.

No, i dont want pay money for others.

Yes, i dont care what happened 80 years ago.

I live now. Our nations can cooperate so both sides profit, no i will not allow anyone to parasite on us.

Once you realize that, we can become good neighbors.

I will not step back to stand for my interests and apology for something i have not done.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
18 Feb 2019 /  #299
If only your leaders stood up for Germans, Germany would be in a far different and much better place.

It's exploitation of a system where two unemployed drunks sitting on a park bench have double the votes of a PhD

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