Dragan "Draża" Sotirović - Polish James Bond
Dragan Mihajlo Sotirović ("Draża", "X", "Michał";; 5 May 1913 - 5 or 6 June 1987) was a Serb Chetnik, Captain of the Yugoslav Army, and Major of the Home Army's 14th Regiment of Jazlowiec Uhlans. For his service and bravery, Sotirovic was awarded the Virtuti Militari .

Sotirovic entered the Yugoslav Army in 1934, and in 1940, he began studying at Yugoslav Military Academy. Promoted to Captain, he fought in the 1941 Invasion of Yugoslavia, after which he joined guerilla forces of General Draza Mihailovic, the Chetniks. Captured by the Wehrmacht, he was sent with other Yugoslav officers to POW Camp Nr. 325 in Rawa Ruska. After the transfer to a camp in Stryj, Sotirovic simulated appendicitis and was taken to a hospital. He fled on January 13, 1944, and soon made contact with local Home Army unit, which took him to a hideout in the village of Zubrza near Lwow.

Kpt. Dragan Sotirovic "Draża" (1912-1987), Serb, oficer armii jugosłowiańskiej i AK, aresztowany przez NKWD 31 lipca 1944 r. w czasie odprawy, zbiegł, ze zbiorów Światowego Związku Żołnierzy Armii Krajowej Obszar Lwów