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FDR and Americas communist insurgency affecting Poland

call1n  2 | 192  
25 Apr 2013 /  #1
In the book the Roosevelt Myth, FLYNN states, that Roosevelt visited Stalin in the 30's and said nothing about his claim to have ownership of Poland and the Baltic States. This was also after Roosevelt knew about Ukrainian genocide...

After the war, Roosevelt gave Poland to communism.

Anyone ever hear of that book, are people in Poland aware of this?

America cares nothing about Poland, that is the racist policy it has had since the 30's...
The 1965 anti racist repeals only treats Jews as oppressed minorities not ethnic Poles...

Being not Jewish, the 1930 racist America still applies to ethnic non Jewish Poles!

Just look at the immigration numbers since that time until now....

What are the thoughts of people in Poland on this...
25 Apr 2013 /  #2
After the war, Roosevelt gave Poland to communism.

Can I ask which sources you are basing that statement on? I have read fairly widely about the period in question and I have never before read any author making that statement. Are you in possession of some new information which has until now has not seen the light of day?
OP call1n  2 | 192  
25 Apr 2013 /  #3
The source is on the book the Roosevelt Myth.
Ironside  50 | 12940  
25 Apr 2013 /  #4
FDR done nothing for Poland he gave half of Europe into Stalin hands without murmur, he was more interested in dismantling the British empire and take over in the quest for the world domination. . He ensured that the USA will become set for corporations rule.
25 Apr 2013 /  #5
The source is on the book the Roosevelt Myth.

Good, I'm glad to know that the book is precisely what I expected it to be, i.e. complete and utter bollocks.

No serious author would claim that FDR did anything after the war; it would be difficult for FDR to have done anything after the war, given that he died before the war ended....
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
25 Apr 2013 /  #6
In one of the Polish documentary movies with pretentious name "Walka Swiatowa II" (WW II).
(80% of total movie was dedicated to Soviet soldiers and Ukrainian nationalists raping woman of all known in the
World nationalities and Stalin applauding them) they claimed that it was Winston Churchill who demanded
Stalin to compensate Poland with Western territories taken from Germany to replace those territories they
lost in the East.Wonder if it's true...
25 Apr 2013 /  #7
they claimed that it was Winston Churchill who demanded
Stalin to compensate Poland with Western territories taken from Germany to replace those territories they
lost in the East.Wonder if it's true...

As far I'm aware, the first world leader to speak of the Polish-German border being in its current location was Sikorski.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Apr 2013 /  #8
The 1965 anti racist repeals only treats Jews as oppressed minorities not ethnic Poles...

Could you perhaps talk in more detail about this 1965 act that you mention?

FDR done nothing for Poland he gave half of Europe into Stalin hands without murmur

Never considered that it suited American interests to do so?
25 Apr 2013 /  #9
Could you perhaps talk in more detail about this 1965 act that you mention?

Isn't it one of the ones he says FDR introduced?
OP call1n  2 | 192  
25 Apr 2013 /  #10
Could you perhaps talk in more detail about this 1965 act that you mention?

Everyone says Roosevelt is Mr. Anti-Racist Democrat. Nothing could be farther from the truth. America was a racist country, and got rid of immigrants coming from Eastern and Southern Europe. This was in the 30's at the same time Roosevelt was carving Poland out like Turkey with Stalin....

Then in 1965, America said "We are sorry" Sorry for being racist... Sorry that the word Kike literualy means Eastern European Jew....
So they said we will make it up to you..... all the Jews can come over, and get free immigration from Eastern Europe....
And Hispanics and Blacks can come over too.... we are so sorry.....

And Jews will never have to be thought of as kike again, because no other Eastern Europeans can come in....

So it is kind of like saying duck you, in reverse... and if you don't like it.... anti-semite

Isn't it one of the ones he says FDR introduced?

Nope FDR was just a racist democrat that before the nearing end of the war in Europe gave Poland and the Baltic States to Stalin...

At least he did not establish Israel, and drop two nuclear weapons... and he is a democrat, so I guess he is a good guy... NOT

What is the Position of the Polish on Grand Orient Freemasonry? Do the Polish know that they are responsible for communism... the bankers on Wall Street funded the Jewish run Communism...

Do people in Poland know of Roosenvelt's ties to Freemasonry and Jewish Bolshevism?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
25 Apr 2013 /  #11
Again, would you like to describe the 1965 Act that you mention, and how it discriminated against Poles?
25 Apr 2013 /  #12
before the nearing end of the war in Europe gave Poland and the Baltic States to Stalin

I seem to remember somebody recently insisting it was after the war. Does anybody remember who that was?

What is the Position of the Polish on Grand Orient Freemasonry?

They love us.
OP call1n  2 | 192  
25 Apr 2013 /  #13
Again, would you like to describe the 1965 Act that you mention, and how it discriminated against Poles?

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
26 Apr 2013 /  #14
Could you perhaps quote from the 1930 and 1965 laws?

It would be very helpful for our discussion if you could actually quote from these laws (and highlight the relevant parts as you see fit). While you seem to be very familiar with these laws, most forum members aren't.
OP call1n  2 | 192  
26 Apr 2013 /  #15
Could you please quote the laws. It is called the national origins act of 1929, it restricted people coming to the states from Southern and Eastern Europe. Under the great hero Roosevelt, this was just extended. In 1965 they felt sorry for "the poor Jews" that got discriminated against so they let more Jews in, along with blacks and other minorities... but nothing about ethnic Poles or other Eastern European or Southern European groups....

So basicly the National Origins act is still in place for the Polish....
And just put that together with Americias non-existant anti-communist party to protect the Eastern bloc... what blatent racist and still are. No wonder no questions act after the murder of Polish President for trying to bring back old memories about KATYN Massicure which was blatant assassination...

No wonder America's news media and hollywood keep a blind eye.... BUT THOSE POOR JEWS..
26 Apr 2013 /  #16
It is called the national origins act of 1929

You aren't very good with dates, are you.

In 1965 they felt sorry for "the poor Jews" that got discriminated against so they let more Jews in, along with blacks and other minorities... but nothing about ethnic Poles or other Eastern European or Southern European groups....
So basicly the National Origins act is still in place for the Polish....

Do feel very very free to quote from the parts of the Hart-Celler Act which in any way support your rubbish.
AdamKadmon  2 | 494  
26 Apr 2013 /  #17
It is called the national origins act of 1929, it restricted people coming to the states from Southern and Eastern Europe.

You mean Immigration Act of 1924 and immigration restrictions postulated by the United States Immigration Commission also called the Dillingham Commission.

You mean not FDR but Theodor Roosevelt and he rather stayed cool and rational in all this madness. "He advised against discriminating on the basis of national-origin or religious beliefs, instructing both Houses to judge immigrants on the "individual quality of the individual man."

A quote:

The directory expounded undesirable qualities of southern and eastern Europeans. Slavs possessed a fanaticism "in religion, carelessness as to the business virtues of punctuality and often honesty, [and were prone to] periods of besotted drunkenness [and] unexpected cruelty." The classification of Jews emphasized facial characteristics to denote race, a propensity to live in cities, non-Aryan ancestry, and, incorporating the Shylock stereotype, "millions in wealth."
OP call1n  2 | 192  
26 Apr 2013 /  #18
Both Roosevelt's possessed racism towards Eastern Europe. FDR continued the anti-immigration acts from the 20's and had a very bad Foreign policy towards Poland. And it has not changed... just look at the United States media blackout of the outright murder of the entire Polish Cabinet. Look at Hollywood.

Do feel very very free to quote from the parts of the Hart-Celler Act which in any way support your rubbish.

Do I really have to quote, like some wikiFreak. The fact still is, the Hart Celler act never undid, the anti-immigration policies, of the early 20's, 1929, and the 1930's that continued under Roosevelt....FOR THE POLISH NON-JEWS

Is that how your education works... memorizing tedious dates, quoting tediously, without being able to pick up the subtle truths that are staring out at you, like a sore thumb.

I know about the aliens.(illegal and terrestrial so to speak) I know about the zero-point field. I know humanity is being greatly suppressed by people pretending to be what they are not. I am not fooled by the likes of you. I know about the 9th gate, the temporal vortex, and the subterranean civilizations that make up modern culture, today just wrote off as childish folklore. I do not need an education I am proud of the ancestors knowledge of the esoteric. I do not need your tediousness and anal retentive bull to hide even the most basic things.

And there are pre-christian slavic runes....
Are you saying that if a slavic writes something it automaticly comes from some other culture, time or place?
How can you have pride, if you are always on the other end?
Always trying to disprove what someone else is saying?
Why don't you prove to me, that the act of 1965 undoes the racism?
show me the immigration numbers of Poles coming to America...
Is it less than what was allowed in the 1920's 1930's.... WHATEVER?
26 Apr 2013 /  #19
just look at the United States media blackout of the outright murder of the entire Polish Cabinet.

I've got to tell you: there wasn't just a media blackout in the US, there was one in Poland too. Perhaps you could let us know what are you talking about?
OP call1n  2 | 192  
26 Apr 2013 /  #20
There was not as bad a blackout as here in the USA. The CIA can murder Polish President's through HARP, immigration laws almost 100 years old still not allow Polish to enter the USA and KATYN massicures still kept under the hood... Post World war America can give half of Europe to farmers with pitch forks, that could easily just taken the soviet Union then (smell of Freemasonry)

What wouldn't convince you?
26 Apr 2013 /  #21
There was not as bad a blackout as here in the USA.

Er, the blackout was 100%, none of us here heard anything about the "outright murder of the entire Polish Cabinet". So, for the second time of asking, could you perhaps explain to us what you are talking about? Or is this just another example, in the same way as you telling us all about what FDR did after the war, of you simply making things up and then getting busted?
OP call1n  2 | 192  
26 Apr 2013 /  #22
, none of us here heard anything about the "outright murder of the entire Polish Cabinet".

Some of us have. Some of us have heard of KATYN Massicure too. Does it really take a rocket scientist? I am talking about a plane that was shot down to cover up the demise of Americian Imperial Interest that it still has.

Or is this just another example, in the same way as you telling us all about what FDR did after the war, of you simply making things up and then getting busted?

Maybe you should read what I wrote about what FDR did before that war... that is Visit Stalin, and be buddies with him, even after he said "Poland is mine" and FDR knew what he did in Ukraine...

Maybe that should outline to you, that it was no surprise, when the United States did not defend Poland from Stalin after the War, both the Democrats who were racist Stalinist, and the radical right Republicans who were outright NAZI's, cared nothing about Poland.
26 Apr 2013 /  #23
Some of us have. Some of us have heard of KATYN Massicure too. Does it really take a rocket scientist? I am talking about a plane that was shot down to cover up the demise of Americian Imperial Interest that it still has

Nope, you've still lost me there. Clearly you can't be talking about the Smolensk accident, because not even a single cabinet minister died in that, let alone all of them.

both the Democrats who were racist Stalinist, and the radical right Republicans who were outright NAZI's

That's the closest to the truth that you've come all thread.

cared nothing about Poland.

Why should they care about a country thousands of miles away? What did Poland care about the countries right next to it, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Ukraine: interbellum Poland broke treaties with and invaded all of them!
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
26 Apr 2013 /  #24
Can I ask which sources you are basing that statement on?

At 2:21 call1n replied:

The source is on the book the Roosevelt Myth.

By 2:56 It seems that Harry had purchased the book, read it and was ready with the following reply:

Good, I'm glad to know that the book is precisely what I expected it to be, i.e. complete and utter bollocks.

That's a stupendous feat. Harry must live next to a book store which happened to have the book. Considering that it must have taken some time to purchase, the reading time available being negligible shows just what a superhuman accomplishment it must have been to read it and opine on it. Does the "Guinnes World Records" know about this?

Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Ukraine: interbellum Poland broke treaties with and invaded all of them!

Yes indeed; all those countries were pure and innocent as everyone knows.
26 Apr 2013 /  #25
Harry: Can I ask which sources you are basing that statement on?

How best can I put this? If a book claims, as call1n told us this one does, that FDR did anything after WWII, that book is complete and utter bollocks.

Oh, I suppose that a book could say that FDR did one thing after WWII, and it is the same thing that he was doing when WWII ended: he decomposed.

Oops, your attempts to get one back at me for all the times that I've demonstrated a certain something about you, all you have done is to provide us with another example of that very thing you are.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
26 Apr 2013 /  #26
How best can I put this?

As usual, not very well.

your attempts to get one back at me for all the times that I've demonstrated a certain something about you, all you have done is to provide us with another example of that very thing you are.

Are you circling yourself again? I recall a couple of years ago when you compared Belgian resistance to Polands' and indeed, that it was even superior. You compared one battle and noted some sort statistical advantage while deriding Poles (yet) again. It was another demonstration of you not seeing the forest for the trees.

call1n told us this one does, that FDR did anything after WWII, that book is complete and utter bollocks.

call1in said, " Roosevelt gave Poland to communism." and from that you inserted your usual false minutiae and added your biased prevarication about Roosevelt being dead prior to the war ending.(Roosevelt died on April 12 and the war in Europe ended on May 8). The obvious point was that Roosevelt (along with Churchill) sold Poland to the Soviets during the 3 conferences with Stalin, the Yalta Conference in February of 1945 being the last nail in Poland's coffin. In short, he set things in motion for which he bears responsibility even though he died just prior to the war ending.

As to your comment that the book is, "complete and utter bollocks", you are asserting that nothing in the book is true. Really? Nothing?

You frequently emphasize the technical aspects without regard to the total reality of situations. That's why your fishbowl thinking is so small.
26 Apr 2013 /  #27
call1in said, " Roosevelt gave Poland to communism." and from that you inserted your usual false minutiae and added your biased prevarication about Roosevelt being dead prior to the war ending.

Oh dear, you've reached so low now that you're resorting to selective quoting, how pathetic.

What call1n said was "After the war, Roosevelt gave Poland to communism."
Do forgive me for adding emphasis there but I think it's important that our readers note that you have very deliberately omitted a rather key part of the OP's statement.

As for "usual false minutiae and added your biased prevarication" in what way is it false to point out that FDR died before the end of the war? In what way is it biased to point out that FDR died before the end of the war? Or are you just slinging yet more mud to distract from the fact that yet again you have been dishonest with your posts?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
26 Apr 2013 /  #28
What call1n said was "After the war, Roosevelt gave Poland to communism."

I understood what he meant. He didn't phrase it well. He should have stated, "Roosevelt's policies gave Poland to communism".. In effect, Roosevelt did sell out Poland to communism although he died just before the war ended. I believe that everyone but you understood that.
26 Apr 2013 /  #29
If he'd said that, I would have agreed with him. As it is, I simply understood exactly what he wrote.
OP call1n  2 | 192  
27 Apr 2013 /  #30
Why should they care about a country thousands of miles away? What did Poland care about the countries right next to it, Czechoslovakia, Lithuania, Ukraine: interbellum Poland broke treaties with and invaded all of them!

Gee, America really has a great track record of keeping treaties (native Americians *AHEM*

Does Genocide in Ukraine not give you a good enough reason to say no to Stalin as that is what he clearly had planned for Poland?

I thought America went to World War 2 to defend those poor innocent Jews, that died in the Holocaust?

Was Stalin's Holocaust for Poland not tear droopy enough for you because the Polish are not circumcised?

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