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Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Serbia- segmented. Who is next? Poland?

OP Crow  154 | 9531  
13 Mar 2010 /  #61
OK, so let's say that you form this Confederation with Poland and other Slavic countries. How would you win back Kosovo?

NATO would deliver Kosovo back to Serbs

and simple, when NATO retreat from the region, all mujaheedines and Shiftars (Albanians) that are illegals on Kosovo would retreat with NATO.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Mar 2010 /  #62
And what if they resisted? You'd have many major powers to fight, Crow.
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
13 Mar 2010 /  #63
they fight themselves. Time now works for Serbs and against THEM
Seanus  15 | 19666  
13 Mar 2010 /  #64
Well, they have stuffed up in Afghanistan. Serbs show the same resilience as Afghans. The Albos will not bow out, Crow. It's not in their character to do so.
grubas  12 | 1382  
14 Mar 2010 /  #65
All the best for Serbs!!!You guys have balls.It is a shame Poland recognized this kosowo thing.
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
14 Mar 2010 /  #66
The Albos will not bow out, Crow. It's not in their character to do so.

Albos are now NATO`s problem. Serbs just monitor situation, wait, informing other Slavs about real situation on terrain and what happened during dissolution of Yugoslavia and spread the word that `Kosovo is Serbia`. Word live among Slavs and only that is important, for now.

Well, they have stuffed up in Afghanistan.

of course

The Albos will not bow out, Crow. It's not in their character to do so.

sometimes we choose our role, sometimes don`t

All the best for Serbs!!!

Well, thank you

You guys have balls.

i hope so

It is a shame Poland recognized this kosowo thing.

its ok. When the moment come it can be corrected and i`m sure, Poland would annul Kosovo recognition. Too long Slavs retreat, too long... so Polish patriots knows that any violation of Slavic borders isn`t good for Poland.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Mar 2010 /  #67
Well, the Ukrainian PM is keeping a close eye on Montenegro, sorry, Kosovo ;) ;)

You place too much trust in 'business oriented' Russia, Crow.

The Czechs seem to be the most selfless. Some Poles will be behind you but they haven't fully got into the spirit of cooperation and being part of a union. They break rules of the EU and tend to be more self interested.

Appeal to their patriots and you might get what you are after.
mafketis  38 | 11137  
14 Mar 2010 /  #68
Shiftars (Albanians) that are illegals on Kosovo would retreat with NATO.

define illegal (especially since AFAICT almost all of them had yugoslav citizenship).
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Mar 2010 /  #69
It's a complicated question in this case. Kosovan stamps aren't accepted in Serbski Kosovo. I guess that Albos can't take up work in certain places. I think part of the problem of getting Kosovo back lies with the Serbs themselves. There are huge criminal elements that would do sth but only for their personal gain. The likes of Arkan only increased the number of killings but couldn't influence the political process. Still, I always imagine that Serbia is Scotland and imagine how I'd feel and react to all the attacks on my country. We'd arise just like the Serbs did!!
skysoulmate  13 | 1250  
14 Mar 2010 /  #70
We'd arise just like the Serbs did!!

Don't know enough about the Scotish history (probably should) but what was Scotland's equivalent to Srebrenica? ...or was there anything similar?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
14 Mar 2010 /  #71
'The story begins with injustice and ends with the destruction of the
Scottish Clan system and the virtual destruction of Scottish language, music and culture. During this story,
tens of thousands of Scots are butchered, or humiliated and forced to flee from their homes.' From scottishclansandassociations.org/Whats%20On.htm

I'm assuming you are an amateur regarding our history so I will present the key data. Thankfully, Scotland is not for the fragmenting or segmenting now :)
Raj_ryder  10 | 106  
14 Mar 2010 /  #72
Serbian economy isn`t joke, for your info. Seriously.

Show me how the Serbian economy is comparable to the Polish economy?? I would like to see one link which would prove this. In this "confederation" of yours, Poland will end up feeding millions of Serbians. Poland can and has benefited more from joining the EU than it could ever have by joining Serbia.

What next? Are you gonna tell me that the Serbian economy is better than the German one?
Or that Serbians are a more superior race than Western-Europeans?

Poles need Serbs more then Serbs need Poles. Well, let`s say that we need each others

Well this is news to me. Why exactly do the Poles need Serbia? They seem to be doing fine.

because it is suitable to Serbs.

Now that is the one statement which makes sense....Are you an online comedian?

no more then Bill Clinton or Tony Blair

No arguments there. But again sort of dumb to compare yourself with them.
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
23 Mar 2010 /  #73
an article...

GERMANY'S SILESIAN PLOT; Colonizing Scheme to Overcome Polish Majority in a Region Which Contains Vast Resources for Future War-Making Germany's Silesian Plot

By RUPERT HUGHES Press Illustrating Service
October 12, 1919, Sunday



from Zabrze to Hindenburg

Seams that from Balkan to Baltic Germany constantly encouraging expansion of non-Slavic elements, on the account of Slavs

Why? and, what if Slavs offer coordinated respond, particularly Poles and Serbs? After all, Germany isn`t alone. Complete so called west hide behind actions of Germany. Hide and profit
23 Mar 2010 /  #74
October 12, 1919, Sunday

Thank you for keeping us up to date, Crow.
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
23 Mar 2010 /  #75
What`s your point?

you are naive if believe that NATO or EU can prevent Germany to take another conquest on Poland. Actually, if Germany (supported by French, British, USA schemes) just decide so, NATO and EU could in the blink of an eye turn into trap for Poland

Poland threatened by 'Kosovo scenario'


Poland threatened by 'Kosovo scenario' *The Silesian Autonomy Movement has
sent a petition to Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk asking him to allow all
regional communities to gain autonomy status.

A similar petition has been sent to the Polish Sejm, the lower house of
parliament, which along with the Senate (the upper house) has adopted the
Act on National and Ethnic Minorities and on Regional Language in the

23 Mar 2010 /  #76
What`s your point?

No. What's YOUR point?

It has already been explained, in this very thread, how the situation
of minorities looks like in Silesia and the rest of Poland. Did you actually
read the answers to your own thread? Stop talking nonsense, comparing
Silesia to Kosovo - that's ridiculous.

if Germany (supported by French, British, USA schemes) just decide so,
NATO and EU could in the blink of an eye turn into trap for Poland

Are you actually trying to SCARE us, Crow. Are you a ScareCrow now?
You have a problem then - it's really difficult to scare Poles. You have
to try harder than that :-)
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
24 Mar 2010 /  #77
well then. What shall be conclusion here?

Poland is safe as NATO and EU member? You want me to say that? OK, i would say... Poland is safe as NATO and EU member. See? Enjoy while repeating that sentence `Poland is safe as NATO and EU member` until the brain begins to melt
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2126  
24 Mar 2010 /  #78
Poland is safe as NATO and EU member

Now a moment of irony can't hurt can it? :)

I really think that more anti-Polish politics WILL lead to leaving some organizations/deals
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
25 Mar 2010 /  #79
what Poland needs to know

The Breakup of Yugoslavia
Evangelos Mahairas

Beginning in 1990 Germany and the United States sought and achieved the breakup of Yugoslavia in two stages-1992-1995 and 1998-1999. The German government aimed at this division because it wanted to include as territory of its "vital interest" Slovenia and Croatia, the most economically developed states of the Yugoslavian confederation. These states were old allies in the Second World War (the Ustashi fascist group in Croatia and the nationalists in Slovenia). Through them Germany would achieve access to the Adriatic Sea.

NOTE: Speaking of interests that were involved.... we can conclude that combined German and USA politics were decisive for destruction of Yugoslavia. German politics with her traditional `drang nach osten` (drive to the east/south-east onto Slavic world) and USA politics determined by hunt on resources. So, mutual German-USA interests pushed them in alliance with Islamic world that also traditionaly seek to satisfy its interests on Balkan. What is intersting in this historical momentum, Israel followed Germany, USA and Islamic countries in adventure called `violant and bloody destruction of Yugoslavia` and after that `segmentation of Serbia`. France and Britain decided to follow, too. Other NATO and EU countries followed authomaticaly, without their particular (open!) interests in destabilization of Yugoslavia, some even against their own national interests as it was case of Slovakia, Czeska and Poland, for example. Anyway, Serbians- representatives of authentic Slavic interests in the region, who opposed to this hostile penetration of foreign intersts into Slavic Balkan, were brutaly punished. Serbs (not only Serbia but also local/native Serbs in Bosnian-Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Kosovo-Metohija) were demonized in media, exposed to economic sanctions and transportation blockade and then even openly attacked in combined EU-NATO-mujaheedine attacks in period 1991-1999.

Czech diplomat likens Kosovo crisis to Munich 1938

Source: Beta

PRAGUE -- A former human rights rapporteur on Yugoslavia has condemned international pressure for Kosovo independence.

Czech diplomat Jiri Dienstbier said that international pressure for Kosovo to be granted independence was similar to "capitulation in the Munich manner."

In Munich in 1938, the Great Powers allowed the Sudetenland province of Czechoslovakia to be ceded to Hitler's Germany in a vain attempt to avert war. This continues to be one of the great traumas in Czech and Slovakian contemporary history.

Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
25 Mar 2010 /  #80
"Dienstbier"....what a cute name! :)
convex  20 | 3928  
25 Mar 2010 /  #81
And a diplomat at that, all kinds of awesomeness there.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Mar 2010 /  #82
"Dienstbier"....what a cute name!

He was accepted to the job immediately after his name appeared among candidates for a diplomat position. No questions asked. If he was able to compromise in his last name so easily, he will manage international problems like a piece of cake.
convex  20 | 3928  
25 Mar 2010 /  #83
I wonder what proud moment in family history got him that name...
Nathan  18 | 1349  
25 Mar 2010 /  #84
There is one theory:
In the past they used to give people names after most conspicuous behaviour, appearance, penchant of a person. So he had a male ancestor who gave obviously the last part of his name ;) and an honorable grand-grand-granny who had everything working like a clock. Since neither of them wanted to lose their nickname (future name) in the offsprings, they compromised on what ended up in the Czech diplomat passport ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
15 Apr 2010 /  #85
this thread by mistake finished in section- History of Poland. It should had stay in politics/news section

Mar 12

thread was initiated on March 12. Soon after Polish president with numerous governing figures and military commanding stuff suddenly died.

Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Serbia- segmented. Who is next? Poland?


Inicjatywa na rzecz Autonomii Śląska

news by German media

Autonomia Silesia

25 Aug 2015 /  #86
No one is going to kick my family out of Poland for a second time.
smurf  38 | 1940  
25 Aug 2015 /  #87
Autonomia!!! :)

However, that report is f!ckin 4 years old and this thread is 5 years old.
chiarman Jaro's bullsh!t reaction was well reported at the time so it's pretty obvious that you're trying to stir sh!t with your post Corw

Pointless to reopen it, so Mods please close it for good.
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
25 Aug 2015 /  #88
chiarman Jaro's bullsh!t reaction was well reported at the time so it's pretty obvious that you're trying to stir sh!t with your post Corw

smurfe dobri pane, what`s wrong with you? You behave like that you don`t see how is this world crazy.

i uploaded new founded material in old thread. Let people know. Why don`t you upload some fresh info. Is there anything new with Silesian separatist movement?

Autonomia!!! :)


That`s what it is.
OP Crow  154 | 9531  
29 Nov 2017 /  #89
Today, last verdict of the International court in Hague, due enormous quantities of evidences, proved that internal bearers of dissolution of Yugoslavia was group from highest leadership in Croatia, president included. Among else, evidences point in genocidal nature of their conspiracy.

There was no democratic referendum, constitutions of back then Croatia and Yugoslavia was violated. Islamic league, EU and NATO supported secessionists and accused Serbia and Serbians for everything in enormous propaganda media pressure, while behind the scene existed projects for Nazi and Wahhabi Muslim expansion on Slavic South.

In shocking turn of events, one of main perpetrators (from Croatia) of crimes against his back then country- Yugoslavia, Slobodan Praljak, committed suicide by poisoning himself, when heard the verdict.


How did he manage to get poison in the court, nobody knows

source: b92/eng/news/region.php?yyyy=2017&mm=11&dd=29&nav_id=102917
pawian  226 | 27453  
20 Oct 2019 /  #90
having in mind rumors in case with Silesia, about Poland, as next victim of EU globalization.

The nationalist tensions in Silesia have subsided recently, it seems a few activists tried to gain their 5 minute fame a few years ago but now they seem to have found another interest after seeing the lack of support for their cause.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Serbia- segmented. Who is next? Poland?Archived