I was once up in Ożimek which is in the Opole area. I did hear Poles speaking German and saw a couple of signs. They are very proud of their German status but p*ssed me off by insisting on speaking to me in German. I can understand parts of German (I translated some basic questions for one of my students this week) but am nowhere near good enough for a round-the-table discussion. Even in Polish I can impede the fluency of a flowing discussion amongst family members.
Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Serbia- segmented. Who is next? Poland?
13 Mar 2010 / #32
I did hear Poles speaking German
Are you sure they were Poles?
They are very proud of their German status
Oh, that explains it - they weren't.
Silesian Poles, of Polish descent but lived in Germany for a long time.
'German' status ;) ;)
'German' status ;) ;)
13 Mar 2010 / #34
'German' status ;) ;)
LOL! Exactly.
They are traitors of sorts, believing Poland to be sth less than Germany. My wife got angry in Tesco when a Polish guy insisted on speaking German to the baking staff. I couldn't believe their arrogance, gibbering away in German when they knew that I could speak Polish, this was in Ożimek.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
13 Mar 2010 / #36
"traitors"? For speaking german?
Seanie, you are hanging around the Crow to much....it's not good for you!
Oh and the movement from german Silesians was definitely onesided to the West during the last decades (our Mannschaft profiting greatly from it heh:)) and I too can't be arsed to pack my bags and board the next train to Breslau....it's in good hands as it is.
Seanie, you are hanging around the Crow to much....it's not good for you!
Oh and the movement from german Silesians was definitely onesided to the West during the last decades (our Mannschaft profiting greatly from it heh:)) and I too can't be arsed to pack my bags and board the next train to Breslau....it's in good hands as it is.
Not for speaking German, no, but for renouncing their Polish side. They cheapen it. It was almost like they were embarrassed to use Polish.
Of course there is nothing wrong with using German amongst themselves, no problem. I just found it rude that they wouldn't speak in Polish and I had to sit there with them.
Of course there is nothing wrong with using German amongst themselves, no problem. I just found it rude that they wouldn't speak in Polish and I had to sit there with them.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
13 Mar 2010 / #38
Of course there is nothing wrong with using German amongst themselves, no problem. I just found it rude that they wouldn't speak in Polish and I had to sit there with them.
How do you know they were Poles and not Germans?
Because I was told that they were :)
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
13 Mar 2010 / #40
By themselves?
...it's all abit mysterious...
...it's all abit mysterious...
No, by my wife's family.
Opole area - it's the only German wasp nest in Poland ;)
Really? I've been growing up in Opole and never heard anyone speaking German or Silesian, not even single German word in everydays people chatter, contrary to that in Zabrze where I live you can stumble upon people who use German language, Silesian with a lot of German in it or just Silesian even more of us people in neighbouring cities such as Ruda Śląska..
13 Mar 2010 / #43
Notice the wink at the end of my sentence FFS
It is how Opole is sometimes perceived by the rest of the country because
of their relatively large German minority, but of course it is far from truth.
It is how Opole is sometimes perceived by the rest of the country because
of their relatively large German minority, but of course it is far from truth.
I can't comment on how widespread German is in Zabrze as I'm rarely there. However, I only hear it here in Gliwice if there are Germans here which isn't often. There are Germanic words used in Silesia but German in not common.
Notice the wink at the end of my sentence FFS
Relax, emoticons are not expecially precise in expressing intent :) your "wink" might indicate anything including a sneering smile ;) And I wasn't trying to exasperate you...
but of course it is far from truth.
Crow, although I believe that allegedly Serbian attacks were fabricated, actually having been carried out by Muslim forces, I still believe that Serbians targetted civilians much more. Bosnians who fought in the forests fought for their freedom whilst Serbs in placed like Sarajevo targetted innocent folk. Even Serbs I've talked to acknowledge this.
What would you like to get from us, Crow? In exchange for what? Be more specific, please.
accept your responsibility. Initiate creation of Slavic (Sarmatian) Confederation. Then, suggest Warsaw as capital and Polish language as official. Serbs would support everything
Then, Serbs would convince Russians that it is best for all of us if Slavic Confederation could be created around Poland as center. Slavic Confederation would be anyway military neutral on NATO and Russia. Russia would accept, i`m sure
But Poles should convince so called west to accept new reality. [God help you Poles]
Yugoslavia was a melting pot of many nationalities, Poland is a homogenous country and even in Silesia, where we have the largest minorities (German and Silesian),
Poles constitute a 96.5% majority.
Poles constitute a 96.5% majority.
this is for discussion. Later more on it
13 Mar 2010 / #48
accept your responsibility. Initiate creation of Slavic (Sarmatian) Confederation.
Then, suggest Warsaw as capital and Polish language as official. Serbs would
support everything
Then, suggest Warsaw as capital and Polish language as official. Serbs would
support everything
Is that really all?
And I was thinking that you had something completely and utterly unreal in mind.
*rolls eyes*
Ah well, better start preparing then, Crow. Let's see how good your Polish is. Torq, let's put the man to the sword and see what he knows of the to-be head of the Slavic Sarmatian Alliance's language.
We can do this if we find a Polish language thread.
We can do this if we find a Polish language thread.
Bratwurst Boy 8 | 11920
13 Mar 2010 / #50
Initiate creation of Slavic (Sarmatian) Confederation. Then, suggest Warsaw as capital and Polish language as official. Serbs would support everything
Yeah Torqi...do it! Got anything else to do...say...Monday....between 8 and 10 am? ;)
But Poles should convince so called west to accept new reality. [God help you Poles]
And how would Poland benefit from such a "confederation"? Russia doesn't give a crap about any confederation. And the serbian economy is a joke, why would the poles needlessly burden themselves with Serbia? Why would Czechs and Ukranians and Slovaks accept Polish language? I think you're a little off center...
13 Mar 2010 / #52
Yeah Torqi...do it!
I did it many times in the past (I mean, I created a great Sarmatian alliance
with Poland as its centre), however, I don't have as much time for playing
Europa Universalis as I used to :(
aha, not now. First Confederation and then Polish language.
see Germans already smile. They always count on some part of Poland when Poland just try to think of her own interests.
Serbian economy isn`t joke, for your info. Seriously. Very good results considering level of devastation of factories and infrastructure in 1999 in NATO attack and taking in consideration current economic crisis in the world.
But never mind that.... but its obvious that Poland can benefit a lot as center of Slavic Confederation.
Then, here, we speak of Confederation where is Russia excluded from membership. You would like to include Russia? Why, Russia can go fine as unique Slavic system? We should be just military neutral on Russia and avoid to provoke them.
Poles need Serbs more then Serbs need Poles. Well, let`s say that we need each others
because it is suitable to Serbs.
no more then Bill Clinton or Tony Blair
Yeah Torqi...do it! Got anything else to do...say...Monday....between 8 and 10 am? ;)
see Germans already smile. They always count on some part of Poland when Poland just try to think of her own interests.
And how would Poland benefit from such a "confederation"? Russia doesn't give a crap about any confederation. And the serbian economy is a joke,
Serbian economy isn`t joke, for your info. Seriously. Very good results considering level of devastation of factories and infrastructure in 1999 in NATO attack and taking in consideration current economic crisis in the world.
But never mind that.... but its obvious that Poland can benefit a lot as center of Slavic Confederation.
Then, here, we speak of Confederation where is Russia excluded from membership. You would like to include Russia? Why, Russia can go fine as unique Slavic system? We should be just military neutral on Russia and avoid to provoke them.
why would the poles needlessly burden themselves with Serbia?
Poles need Serbs more then Serbs need Poles. Well, let`s say that we need each others
Why would Czechs and Ukranians and Slovaks accept Polish language?
because it is suitable to Serbs.
I think you're a little off center...
no more then Bill Clinton or Tony Blair
There's no time like the present, Crow. Come on, show us what you know. Serbian is more like Polish than English is.
13 Mar 2010 / #55
Why would Czechs and Ukranians and Slovaks accept Polish language?
because it is suitable to Serbs.
Oh, for feck sakes, Crow. It's because of that kind of replies why people don't treat you seriously.
I read that Belorus language in XIX and XX ( in the begining) was treated by polish and russian (!!!) scientists as polish dialect...
Oh, for feck sakes, Crow.
oh, don`t be woman, tell it on Polish. [just for educational purpose]
It's because of that kind of replies why people don't treat you seriously.
its their problem
but to you i can only say, count on Serbs. Serbs makes the difference. No matter how it looks like to anybody, Serbs recuperate and they are stronger then ever in last 700 years.
Only Serbian absence from European political scene (for more then 300 years), due to Turkish occupation of our lands, positioned Poland in misery. It wouldn`t be possible if we were there. Nor would Russia failed that deeply, nor would so called west be encouraged to exploit Poland to the maximum. Nor would you my brothers weaken yourself in desperate attempts to save your southern flanks (meaning lands of Racowie/Serbians), where one Zawisha Czarny even died.
!Immediately after Serbs won their independence from Turkish rule, Poland profited on it! Poland got wings. Polish patriots are aware of it! Even then, we needed even more time to fully restore our capacities, potentials. Today, it is time, thru agony we coming. Our foes knows that, we know that, our friends would learn that.
Serbs are back now. Scattered, mutilated, reduced, demonized in media but alive, we survived, endured... Serbs, stronger then ever
and, we won`t hesitate. Oh no, we won`t
Crow, Yugoslavia broke up, Kosovo became independent, Bosnia successfully defended its territory and Serbs sustained heavy casualties at the hands of some Muslim brigades. Many died in Knin/Krajina and in Bosnia.
What will strength bring you now? You are moving towards the very organisation that has been cheating you for years, the EU.
What will strength bring you now? You are moving towards the very organisation that has been cheating you for years, the EU.
Balkan Serbs survived all occupations in last 700 years and it is obvious today. It is obvious to the Serbs, to the Serbian enemies and to the Serbian friends/brothers. More Serbian foes push to prevent our rising, Serbs are stronger, we drain power from their attempts. Then, intersection of interests of great world powers creating magical vortex around Serbs that giving effects of poll that attracts other Slavs. That then even more complicate to Serbian foes, etc, etc...
Simple, our presents on European political scene moving things in direction that suits to Serbian goals... among else, to the restoration of money flow on direction Balkan-Baltic. When critical point is reached, Poland would simple announce: `Our hearts are with Serbs, we share our culture with Serbs, Serbs knows where is money`...and, Poland would offer alliance to Serbia. when that happens, i hope, Serbs would offer Confederation to Poland and themselves suggest Warsaw for capital.
Its not our problem. Its the EU`s problem
Serbs are creative motor strength of other civilization, of Slavic world. EU wants to control us to prevent creation of Slavic Union that is serious alternative to the EU that is anglo-Germanic and Semitic civilization. Clash is inevitable and i do believe that EU miscalculated. They aren`t capable to control Serbs and in the same time to prevent that other Slavs take negative stance on EU because of that.
Metaphysically, in clash between Brussel and Belgrade; Belgrade represent older and wiser civilization.
Simple, our presents on European political scene moving things in direction that suits to Serbian goals... among else, to the restoration of money flow on direction Balkan-Baltic. When critical point is reached, Poland would simple announce: `Our hearts are with Serbs, we share our culture with Serbs, Serbs knows where is money`...and, Poland would offer alliance to Serbia. when that happens, i hope, Serbs would offer Confederation to Poland and themselves suggest Warsaw for capital.
You are moving towards the very organisation that has been cheating you for years, the EU.
Its not our problem. Its the EU`s problem
Serbs are creative motor strength of other civilization, of Slavic world. EU wants to control us to prevent creation of Slavic Union that is serious alternative to the EU that is anglo-Germanic and Semitic civilization. Clash is inevitable and i do believe that EU miscalculated. They aren`t capable to control Serbs and in the same time to prevent that other Slavs take negative stance on EU because of that.
Metaphysically, in clash between Brussel and Belgrade; Belgrade represent older and wiser civilization.
OK, so let's say that you form this Confederation with Poland and other Slavic countries. How would you win back Kosovo?
Now we can see what the Serbs were up against. This video is groteque. Viewer discretion seriously advised.
The Serbs brutalized innocent people too but the above is disturbing.
Now we can see what the Serbs were up against. This video is groteque. Viewer discretion seriously advised.
The Serbs brutalized innocent people too but the above is disturbing.