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Which countries are Polands friends, which are Polands enemies?

citizen67  6 | 187  
31 Mar 2013 /  #61
Something about all the different countries marching together after the war ended, but did not invite Polish soldiers to march with them??

Was that a Communist or a Russian documentary?

Polish living standards were pretty dreadful even before the war and improved considerably under the PRL.

Are you mad? Living-standards in the Iron Curtain countries never kept up the West European countries. Take Austria and Czechoslovakia, after the War that had roughly the same Living-standard after decades of Communist rule, Austria had income per head 4 x times that of Czechoslovakia. Just look at the difference in Living-standards between North nad South korea, socialism doesn't work.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
1 Apr 2013 /  #62
she came here from Russia when she was 10. According to her, the Russians don't like Poles and vice versa.

Majority of Russians hardly have any particular mind about Poles because they almost do not encounter them in everyday life.I could suggest that most of negative attitude (if it is present) comes from Poland being member of NATO and active American ally.What is regarded to be anti-Russian by some.But not even all people in Russia are concerned about NATO or some geopolitical aliances.Minds of majority of people are usually quite far from it.

Austria had income per head 4 x times that of Czechoslovakia. Just look at the difference in Living-standards between North nad South korea, socialism doesn't work.

Could you give some reference for this statement?For example Austrians had 4 times biger flats or apartments on average,consumed 4 times more food, had 4 times more clothing?Or how level of life could be compared more exactly?

Just look at the difference in Living-standards between North nad South korea, socialism doesn't work.

System which exist in North Korea is called socialism?Not in all former "communist countres" life conditions were equal.For example take Hungary:

In 1966, the Central Committee approved the "New Economic Mechanism" which eased foreign trade restrictions, gave limited freedom to the workings of the market, and allowed a limited number of small businesses to operate in the services sector.


Or former Yugoslavia:

Despite their common origins, the economy of socialist Yugoslavia was much different from the economies of the Soviet Union and other Eastern European communist countries, especially after the Yugoslav-Soviet break-up of 1948. Though ultimately owned by the state, Yugoslav companies were collectively managed by the employees themselves, much like in the Israeli kibbutz and the anarchist industrial cooperatives of Spanish Catalonia.

citizen67  6 | 187  
2 Apr 2013 /  #63
All that those quotes do was prove that socialism didn't work and the more open market there was the more successful the country was.
Marek11111  9 | 807  
2 Apr 2013 /  #64
Poland does not have any friends in the world they have different alliances that are trying to manipulate Poland to their advantage, just like they did through out history specialty during ww2.
citizen67  6 | 187  
3 Apr 2013 /  #65
My dad taught me: You can't go fighting the globe & convincing others to help you fight wars WITHOUT permitting them to then later call your home their own.

That's why Ireland is full of Foreigners.

The numbers speak for themselves, the rapid urbanisation providing housing and employment for the majority of the population means that the Communist regime did lift an awful lot of people out of absolute poverty.

You're mad! that is Communist propaganda. Non-Communist countries lifted more people out of absolute poverty than any communist countries did without the fanfare. Many Communist countries made their people's lives a misery, look at Stalin, Mao, North Korea, Albania / Enver Hoxha, Ceausescu , most of the others weren't Paradises, they just suffocated their people and the countries just stagnated, Living-standards improved at only a snail's pace, there was no innovation only a bad imitation of the West. Fiat up-dated his fleet and sold off it old decades obsolete equipment and designs and Bang! We hav the Lada! Russian just bought their whole factories and transported them to their Empire.

After the War Austria and Czechoslovakia had roughly the same income per head, 45 years later Austria had an income per head 4 times that of Czechoslovakia, I think the contrast between West Germany and East Germany was even greater, and of course the contrast between South Korea and North Korea is ridiculous. North Korean one of the poorest countries in the World has regular famines and is considered the most oppressiv country in the World and South Korea is one of Asian's success stories, has one highest living-standards in Asia, full democratic rights and good quality of Life. Look at the contrast between the old Hong Kong and mainland China, Hong Kong had an income per head about the same as Italy whereas mainland China had the world's biggest Famines, which would you prefer?

I don't see why brits hate us. Our pilots (some of the best around) helped them fight ON THEIR LAND and LOST THEIR LIVES for THEIR land.

It is you that Hate Us. it is you that talk $h!t about us and about Historical figures like Churchill, it is you that think that we owe you, think you entitled to everything in Britain, who look down upon and sneer at the people of Britain.
Vlad1234  16 | 883  
6 Apr 2013 /  #66
All that those quotes do was prove that socialism didn't work and the more open market there was the more successful the country was.

Could you give definition to "open market" economy?I will give some examples to explain my question.

1)Microsoft controls 90 person of O/S software in the World.
2)GM,Ford and Chrysler contol about 90% of domestic car production in U.S.
3)Boeing and Airbus control about 90% of large aircraft production in the World.
4)Intel and AMD control about 95% of computer processors production in the World.
5)80% of PC production in the World controled by just few companies.
6)100% of leagally produced Viagra is controled by Pfizer.

I think the contrast between West Germany and East Germany was even greater

Strange,but some surveys show that more than 40 % of former Eastern Germans want back to Eastern Germany.
Some say that even more than 75%.
citizen67  6 | 187  
6 Apr 2013 /  #67
Poland does not have any friends in the world they have different alliances that are trying to manipulate Poland to their advantage, just like they did through out history specialty during ww2.

Poor old Poland.

Incidently, I got it wrong Austria had an income per head 8 x times as big as Czechoslovakia not 4 I had stated, my mistake.
midlands  - | 4  
6 Apr 2013 /  #68
I saw this clip a year or more ago. It is certainly shocking but after a week

It does not happen every day in something like this.

As for the person on the screen is it's about her health, and should be subjected to the treatment.

If it does not treat, it will be an accident here, lose cially as allowance for life. then it will be really Hazardous not only for Poles but also English.

I can confirm this from my life experience working with similar people at work no longer defined which executes more here...

...more do not want to comment on this topic for a while certainly...
7 Jan 2016 /  #69
A lot of pointless butthurt in this thread. Most of it seems to be ego-stroking BS. Note: we don't care how high your horse is - this is the internet.

There's numerous reasons a person might ask this question, and some of them might even be valid. I found this thread because I was asking a similar question for a very specific use that would be a waste of my time and energy to explain. However, a few answers here helped me, and because of it, I have avoided a potential faux pas. Thanks OP and all non-trolls who contributed.
31 May 2017 /  #70
31 May 2017 /  #71
What do all of the British apologists and defenders have to say about this now after the recent anti-Pole actions organized across the UK after the Brexit vote?




johnny reb  49 | 7974  
31 May 2017 /  #72
The Polish president's chief of staff has said that US President Donald Trump "appreciates Poland" and wants to visit the country.
Trump confirmed he wants to visit Poland during his recent trip to Brussels, where he met Polish President Duda.
Trump "appreciates" Poland and the Polish minority in the US who voted for him, "which means he will try to come".
Duda met Trump on the sidelines of the NATO summit in Brussels where they had a pleasant chat.
Previously Trump complimented Poland for keeping their financial promise to NATO.
This would be a golden opportunity for a peaceful protest at Chopin asking Trump to lift the visa requirements for the Polish citizens to visit the United States.
Crow  154 | 9463  
31 May 2017 /  #73

Poland to be stronger from today.


Aleksandar Vucic - new Serbian President

Serbia`s president elect Aleksandar Vucic just to take oath, sworn on Serbia`s constitution and Miroslav`s gospel.

Note: Miroslav`s gospel is document from 11the century, under UNESCO protection, on selected list of greatest achievements of human civilization.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
31 May 2017 /  #74
This would be a golden opportunity for a peaceful protest at Chopin

Should that be a peaceful protest against the United States?

asking Trump to lift the visa requirements for the Polish citizens to visit the United States.

You think we should start begging him on our knees for lifting the visa requirements?
johnny reb  49 | 7974  
31 May 2017 /  #75
No, I think it would be a great opportunity to bring it directly to Trump's attention in a peaceful manner.
Then we could see just "how much" he appreciates Poland by putting him on the spot.
The Liberal media would pick it up in a heartbeat to inform the world how Poland is being abused by discrimination.
Hells bells, America is taking in 1500 Syrian refugees every week without a visa so why require our allies to have one ?
All is good here Z.

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