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"Poland's Concentration Camp" ??

21 Jan 2016 /  #511
ok ok got it no need to shout (nie musisz krzyczeć) sorry.
21 Jan 2016 /  #512
(oczywiście NIE WSZYSTKIE.....)

(oczywiście NIE WSZYSCY....)

Keep posts to English language please
Ironside  50 | 12964  
22 Jan 2016 /  #513
I made statements which are based upon nothing other than pure historical fact!

What fact that would be?

The facts are these, that many (obviously not ALL) Poles

Ah facts now, OK. What do you mean many, how many? Are you able to provide reliable scientific sources to support your opinion? There is not facts or a fact but only your opinion.

Poles were complicit with the Nazis in the execution of genocidal activity,

Hmm, as far as facts goes that was the Jewish police who actively participated in the executions of genocidal activity. If you have any data to the contrary now is the high time to provide it!

either as willing volunteers or as camp guards, as were quite a few Ukrainians

Can we have their names? What Ukrainians are have to do with it? You are talking about Poles, are you not?
There weren't any Polish guards..

the evidence nonethless remains that a large number of Poles did participate.

What evidence? Your opinion? Do you understand what evidence means? I don't think that you do.

This is indeed a source of shame, but must be fessed up to!

Unless you provide a real evidence to prove your claims I see no reason for Poles to fess up for nothing, activities of some mindless thugs and semi-criminals are not by any means base to say that a large numbers of Poles participated in anything.

Why would anybody fees up for criminal activity of few criminals. Activity that mainly amounted to sniffing out hiding Jews and selling them to Germans for sugar, cigarettes and vodka.

At least Poles do not elevate their criminals as heroes of resistance as it happened with some of Jewish criminals. ( at least with a one I know about)

I still expect an apology for slander of the Polish nations.
jon357  72 | 23528  
22 Jan 2016 /  #514
obviously NOT ALL Poles...." (oczywiście NIE WSZYSTKIE.....

That's the key to it really. Being open about a dark chapter in history doesn't blacken or compromise the nation as a whole. Pretending those dark chapters didn't exist and getting all indignant about it (and nobody believes the protestations) does however darken and compromise any nation who does that.
Ironside  50 | 12964  
22 Jan 2016 /  #515
Pretending those dark chapters didn't exist

What are you even talking about? As usual you and people like you are talking out of their asses. No wonder you see dark chapters or whatnot. I'm sure if you sniff you could have smell something unpleasant lingering there as well. Solution - that a shower.

and nobody believes the protestations

I don't care if morons and laymen believe something or not, let stick to facts but we hear no facts only slogans and that is precisely the problem here. Talking about dark chapters and whatnot is just another BS. As nation Poles have noting to be sorry for or nobody to apologize to, as I said judging people by their criminal and thuggish class in the times when their state do not exists, in the times of war when they are brutally persecuted and downtrodden is a pure and unabashed stupidity and ignorance or something even more sinister.

does however darken and compromise any nation who does that.

Pure poppycock that! It isn't what is happening. When last time somebody was talking about facts and specifics? Either you don't know what you are talking about as usual you are spewing nonsense because of your ideological bias.
22 Jan 2016 /  #516
many concentration camp guards were actually Ukrainians who were shipped in and sympathetic to the German cause, many of these would pretend to be Polish.

Actually it was the other way round. Hitler deeply disliked Poles and thought them to be entirely unfit to be in the SS, which is why until very late in the war there were no SS units for Poles. Poles who wanted to join the SS had to pretend to be Ukrainian or Belorussian (although in some units the pretense was at best absolutely minimal), just as Poles who wanted to join the Wehrmacht generally needed to find a German great-granny in the attic and sign up on the Deutsche Volksliste. However, I am aware of at least one SS death camp and concentration camp guard who was allowed to join despite being a Pole, apparently he got the OK because he was classified as a Gorale.
22 Jan 2016 /  #517
Yep there were some crazy individuals in most countries at the time, for example British Union of Fascists, led by Oswald Mosley , their movement had wide British political support in the early days.

So at least one pole in the ss, interesting , did he get any medals?
Ironside  50 | 12964  
22 Jan 2016 /  #518
Hitler deeply disliked Poles

For stupidly allying themselves with France and Britain instead of him when he has thought the deal have been already made. Scorned lover that is.

just as Poles who wanted to join the Wehrmacht generally needed to find a German great-granny

Poles from certain territories were drafted into the Wehrmacht stupid, if their parents as it has been often the case in the western part of Poland were German citizens (and most were only 20+ years ago at the time). Geez you are mixing everything.

was allowed to join despite being a Pole

Was he as much Polish as you or one of your cronies on PF?
Roger5  1 | 1432  
22 Jan 2016 /  #519
British Union of Fascists, led by Oswald Mosley , their movement had wide British political support

Especially among the Royal family, the aristocracy and elements of the press. Try reminding the Daily Mail on their comments page, and be prepared for a long wait.
22 Jan 2016 /  #520
So at least one pole in the ss, interesting , did he get any medals?

There were thousands of Poles in the SS. The Gorale concentration and death camp guard I mentioned didn't, as far as I know, win any medals. Have a read about him here: caselaw.findlaw.com/us-7th-circuit/1221955.html

For stupidly allying themselves with France and Britain instead of him when he has though the deal have been already made.

Don't forget that Hitler remembered how few Poles had wanted to fight for Germany during WWI.

Poles from certain territories were drafted into the Wehrmacht

Only ones who signed the DVL.
22 Jan 2016 /  #521
"Have a read about him here: caselaw", Sorry harry I thought you were speaking on the subject from first hand experience. you need to watch out for this internet thing, its not always true.
Ironside  50 | 12964  
22 Jan 2016 /  #522
There were thousands of Poles in the SS.

Millions Harry millions. In fact the Nazis were Poles they just pretended to be German and Hitler real name was Hitlerski.

Only ones who signed the DVL.

No, Harry, that dependent on a gauleiter in charge.

Don't forget that Hitler remembered how few Poles

Bah had nothing to do with it. He extended his hand to Poland just to be scorned.
22 Jan 2016 /  #523
"Millions Harry millions." yes harry we had the Nazi flag in every Polish club and Church in the U.K right up until the late 70's, we used to have a special mass on the anniversary of the Nazi invasion of Poland, you need to keep a close eye on us.
22 Jan 2016 /  #524
you need to watch out for this internet thing, its not always true.

Some sites are more reliable than others (findlaw.com tends to be one of the more reliable ones).
Anyway, here's the press release about Hajda on the US Justice Dept's website: justice.gov/archive/opa/pr/1997/April97/145crm.htm
Will that do you?
And here is the decision of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in case 963 F. Supp. 1452 (N.D. Ill. 1997)
issued on April 11, 1997 law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/FSupp/963/1452/1644940/ Enjoy the read.

Millions Harry millions.

No, the total number of Poles who served in all branches of German armed forces was no more than about 500,000 and the vast majority of those were in the Wehrmacht.
22 Jan 2016 /  #525
Well Harry if you say the Americans say it is true then it must be they never lie you know, I think they were allowed an observer in each German unit just to count the poles, this is why their numbers are so accurate, this also explains why half of my church congregation were ex Nazis. i see them all the time the goose step gives them away.
22 Jan 2016 /  #526
if you say the Americans say it is true then it must be they never lie you know

His own sister said he was a Pole and served in the SS as a concentration camp guard. His own father said he was in the SS. Five of his fellow SS concentration camp and death camp guards said he served in the SS as a concentration camp and death camp guard. Nazi paperwork from the time says he served in the SS as a concentration camp and death camp guard.

Feel free to defend him, perhaps because he's a Pole and you may well be one of those Poles who loves to say that no Pole ever served in the SS or because you as a Pole feel you always have to defend any Pole against any foreigner, all you're doing is making yourself look like a very foolish racist.
22 Jan 2016 /  #527
"Feel free to defend him, perhaps because he's a Pole" I defend no traitor (Neither did Sikorski that's why he locked them up or had them shot on the battlefield).

Many poles were forced to serve with the Soviet and Nazi armies, I personally have met some of these men and talked to them about their experiences.

As for foolish maybe i am, you seem quick to judge so you are entitled to your opinion.

Racist i am not , you always seem to fall back on that one when you have lost an argument typical leftist libtard looney trick.
22 Jan 2016 /  #528
I defend no traitor

So why are you speaking in support of a man whose own family said that he was in the SS as a death camp guard?

Many poles were forced to serve with the Soviet and Nazi armies

Yes, and many who joined up willingly later said they'd been forced to join up.
22 Jan 2016 /  #529
"Yes, and many who joined up willingly later said they'd been forced to join up" Its a good job you were there to witness it with your own eyes.

"So why are you speaking in support of a man whose own family said that he was in the SS as a death camp guard" Did you miss my comment above about traitors.

You need to keep your eye on thread and stop dashing off to the internet to find more non original content to post.

"applied for some piece of bureaucratic cardboard" Thanks for enlightening me Pol, I thought he was some sort of Polish historian, "Blowhard" he could write a few books that's for sure.
22 Jan 2016 /  #530
Its a good job you were there to witness it with your own eyes.

Not really, there's more than enough testimony from the time about it. Just as there is more than enough contemporary testimony about Poland's pre-war, post-war and wartime concentration camps.
Ironside  50 | 12964  
22 Jan 2016 /  #531
Not really, there's more than enough testimony from the time about it.

About what? You are talking about million of Poles in the SSfor years now, the only example you have been able to dig out is about a one person(if he was Polish he was a traitor). How did you get form one to millions? Is your brain rotting or you have just a rotten nature.

What testimony you are talking about? There is plenty of testimony to expose your folly.

Just as there is more than enough contemporary testimony about Poland's pre-war, post-war and wartime concentration camps.

There was only one before the war, during the war there was none as all such a camps on the British soil they belonged to the British camps.

After the war they were Soviet camps and prisons in the Soviet occupied Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
22 Jan 2016 /  #532
@Ironside, apropos Ukrainians, I guess you've never heard of John Demanjuk??? I'd do less posting and more reading, sir!
22 Jan 2016 /  #533
You are talking about million of Poles in the SSfor years now

Really? So perhaps you'd like to quote me saying that even once? Either that or admit that yet again you've been caught lying.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
22 Jan 2016 /  #534
When are you going to admit to your lying? Although it's not really needed.
Lyzko  44 | 9720  
22 Jan 2016 /  #535
Many Poles of traceable German origin (and with approved Ahnentafeln of Aryan birth) were alllowed to join the German Army. A number of them doubtless turned traitor. Such an impossible thing?? Again folks, the Poles were perfect and everybody else's chopped liver??! What are you handing us?
Bartkowiak  5 | 114  
31 Jan 2016 /  #536
Truth be told, every Pole is a Nazi sympathiser and we all have SS runes embedded on our foreheads. You're right Harry, my own father served in SS Polnischer-Klein-FGH
jon357  72 | 23528  
1 Feb 2016 /  #537
Pole is a Nazi sympathiser

As well you know, most weren't, though during the 30s there was no shortage at all of admirers of the far-right. Not so much the German model but closer to Dollfuss's Austro-fascism.
15 Feb 2016 /  #538
Poland is drafting a law to prosecute those who perpetuate and promote the idea of Polish Concentration camps

"This will be a bill that meets the expectations of Poles, who are accused around the world - in Europe, even in Germany, that they are the perpetrators of the Holocaust; that in Poland there are 'Polish concentration camps, Polish gas chambers'," Ziobro, who will shortly also take on the role of public prosecutor, told the RMF FM station. - See more at: thenews.pl/1/9/Artykul/240662,Poland-to-sue-over-references-to-Polish-death-camps#sthash.HPe36NR9.dpuf

I wonder I the law will be retrospective, maybe a few posters here may be prosecuted.
15 Feb 2016 /  #539
maybe a few posters here may be prosecuted.

Probably not, I certainly don't remember reading here about any posts about Poland running death camps during WWII. As for the concentration camps Poland ran before, during and after WWII, one imagines that accurate statements about historical facts won't be made illegal in Poland (and even if they were to be criminalised such law wouldn't pass the sniff test at the European level).
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
15 Feb 2016 /  #540
one imagines that accurate statements about historical facts won't be made illegal in Poland

They already are, sadly.

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