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"Poland's Concentration Camp" ??

Spaniel  2 | 16  
7 Nov 2010 /  #422
In the case of Holland lack of means only!

And Germany too! Jesus Christ, if your nation wasn't so crap at being colonial you would have been just like everyone else; indeed, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide springs to mind!

I suppose you think the Nazis are no worse than the Roman Empire either?

There's a reason Nazi Germany's actions are considered the worst in History. It's because they are.

That aside, I agree with your point, AJ. None of *our* hands are actually dirty.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
7 Nov 2010 /  #423
Is Nazi actions aren't considered the worst in history, why is it that it's acceptable to go to a party dressed as an English soldier from the 1800s or a Roman footsoldier, but not as a member of the SS?

Well...give some more 50 years ;)

I doubt the relatives of the starved Indian or the slaughtered Mau Mau would be keen on your uniform either.
Nor did the gaul slaves love to be clothed like their murderers and enslavers.

But there are already alot of Waffen-SS reenactment groups quite active...

Do you not think the Nazis are bad?

The Nazis were bad, period!
But saying they had an monopoly on badness is just plain wrong, sorry. And especially coming from a Brit, excuse me...

To say, "Clean up your own imperial history" in response to my post is ultimately nonsense - the Nazis were Evil.

You didn't hear that often enough it seems. Get used to it.
And even if you don't want to hear it....there is no difference between the british soldier killing a Mau Mau child and german soldier killing a jewish child.

Sorry for you but every difference you try to make up to somehow make the actions of your own soldiers as not as look as bad are just artificial...both are "evil" as you say so nice.

The fact that I have terrible things in my history does not prohibit me from criticising another regime.

If you want to put them on a pedestal for apologizing for your own black spots of history as "not as bad"...of course!

See? Americans call you Dutch! So therefore, in English, you are Dutch!

Manno, it's the Amis....they couldn't differentiate between us if their life depends on it.
Do you really want to use THEM as proof??? ;):):)

We know better... ;)
guesswho  4 | 1272  
7 Nov 2010 /  #424
If Nazi actions aren't considered the worst in history

well, Nazis did many terrible things but here I got some interesting youtube videos and links for you guys


I could present whole bunch of those but to be honest, we all should finally see that the WW2 is over and move on.

I also don't understand why there's so much hatred between the Dutch and the Germans,


As you see, just about anyone has dirty hands so why spit in each other faces.
chaza  50 | 253  
8 Nov 2010 /  #425
people, the more room you give these poeple in these forums the more you allow their vial to corupt the memory and the truth of what happened. my advice is, dont respond. i know its hard not to, but like most of you my family suffered, i wont allow these bitter, twisted morons to tarnish the truth about WWII. harry will be better off putting on his nazi uniform and have a public forum of his own in his own town.

dont respond to him!

8 Nov 2010 /  #426
harry will be better off putting on his nazi uniform

Now there is a new one! Although anybody who says "to the nazis the poles were less that vermin, remenber what happened at katytn." as chaza said here can expected to have somewhat ill-informed views.
20 Dec 2011 /  #427
The term Poland Concentration Camp is inaccurate. Quite rightly is should be The Former German Concentration Camp of: Auschwitz-Birkenau and Buna. I like Poles but it needs to be said that during the war 'they were mostly Pro-German'. If the Germans had sweet talked them then the Polish nation would have overwhelmingly voted to join Germany as for instance Austria did. Most Poles accepted the German invasion and would have elected to sit the war out. This did happen with most of them - and thank God for that. Some got arrested for mostly minor offences and ended up in Concentration Camps. In these camps they were starved, lost weight, became quite ill, lost their looks, fitness and vigour and for this reason were selected for death. In the camps they got the best jobs and held important camp positions. They were 2nd to the Communists who had overall more intelligentsia in their ranks which quality appealed to the Germans camp leaders as needed in any sub-leader appointments. Suffice to say in the camps the Poles were anti-Jewish, anti-Gypsy and anti-gay, which simply reflected their beliefs outside the camp.

It needs to be said that a sizable portion of Poles have German Ancestry. These are the often the elite and many Poles have achieved world wide fame. All in all I would rather have a Pole As My Friend Than As My Enemy. When it comes to bravery then the tow famous RAF Polish Air Force Squadrons indicate 'the true nature of Poles and Polish Patriotism. In Europe there are only two really ancient and historical nations [they are]: The English and the Poles. For all practical purposes 'undefeatable brothers in war'. The PRIDE of Poland was murdered at Katyn, murdered during WW2, and deported and killed by Stalin's Commissars 1944 - 1964. If any nation deserves the title BETRAYED, then its the Poles and Poland. Thank You Poland [A British Admmirer] 20/12/2011.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
20 Dec 2011 /  #429
He is your alter-ego !lol
20 Dec 2011 /  #430
"Worst" crimes in history is literally impossible to judge, as not ALL crimes in history are part of recorded history! The Nazis certainly perpetrated a systematically sadistic, not to mention capriciously meeted out, form of brutality upon several groups exclusively, the Jews first and foremost, along with the Sinti-Romas and homosexuals as a group, be they Aryan-German, Jewish, Polish Catholics etc...for nothing other than pure ideological=biological hatred.

Perhaps only the Turks (Muslims) slaughter of the Armenians (Christians) is anywhere near comparable, of only because Hitler himself once was said to have boasted to party skeptics, "Yes, but then who remembers the Armenians!"
21 Dec 2011 /  #431
In these camps they [Poles] were starved, lost weight, became quite ill, lost their looks

Yeah, this always bothered me the most ...
southern  73 | 7059  
21 Dec 2011 /  #432
If the Germans had sweet talked them then

They prefered to exterminate about 3 million of ethnic Poles instead of engaging in sweet talking.
johnny reb  49 | 8003  
18 Jan 2016 /  #433
I don't know whats going on in your life but your anti Polish is taking place in the wrong rooms.

And eight years later........no improvement.

This just popped up in the news today in America.
A 95-year-old former medic at the Auschwitz death camp will go on trial next month on at least 3,681 counts of accessory to murder, German authorities said Monday.

Hubert Zafke was a medical orderly at the camp from August 15, 1944 to September 14, 1945, when 14 trains carrying prisoners -- including the teenage diarist Anne Frank -- arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau where many would eventually be killed in the gas chambers.
Borsukrates  5 | 129  
18 Jan 2016 /  #434
Poland's Concentration Camp was Bereza Kartuska, not Auschwitz/Oświęcim.
Lyzko  44 | 9738  
18 Jan 2016 /  #435
"Polish" concentrations camps were indeed located in present-day Poland, at that time, Nazi- aka German-held territory! The camps were administrated by Germans, and not Poles, the latter of whom took part to be sure in a camp guard capacity, which, though indoubtedly brutal, was no comparison with the harshness meted out by the non-Polish higher ups who considered Poles to be subhumans, just a cut above the Jews:-)

Poles today, eager to salvage their nation's past, are quick to condemn those who speak of Poland's involvement in the Shoah. Let us not therefore forget the awfull truth of national complicity.
18 Jan 2016 /  #436
Poland's Concentration Camp was Bereza Kartuska, not Auschwitz/Oświęcim.

Don't forget Zgoda, Potulice, Jaworzno, £ambinowice, etc.
Ironside  51 | 13132  
18 Jan 2016 /  #437
the latter of whom took part to be sure in a camp guard capacity,


Don't forget Zgoda, Potulice, Jaworzno, £ambinowice, etc.

Would stop posting that BS Harry? Could you for once be serious and stop clowning? These camps were as much Polish as you are.
18 Jan 2016 /  #438
Can you all stop referring to "Polish concentrations camps" they were all Nazi concentration camps in Poland" Thank you for your respect.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jan 2016 /  #439
Actually, Harry is talking about Polish concentration camps, not Nazi ones in occupied Poland.

Yes, Poland had their own.
18 Jan 2016 /  #440
Delph , never mind carry on.
18 Jan 2016 /  #441
they were all Nazi concentration camps in Poland

No, the Polish governments before and after the war both operated concentration camps. You'd be correct in saying that the only death camps in Poland were Nazis camps, but some of the post-war Polish camps had death rates of about one in three. The post-war Polish camps were opened as Nazis camps and then used by Poland for more than a decade.
18 Jan 2016 /  #442
Harry if we are talking after the war you have to be talking about soviet PRL camps , before the war I would have to be enlightened, I guess you would be talking about after 1880 boar war where the British invented them.

" Nazis camps and then used by Poland for more than a decade"

I may need to point out that there was no legitimate government in Poland after 1939 there was only a Polish government in exile.

The government-in-exile formally passed on its responsibilities to the new government of the Third Polish Republic in December 1990.
18 Jan 2016 /  #443
if we are talking after the war you have to be talking about soviet PRL camps before the war I would have to be enlightened

No, we are talking about post-war camps in Poland staffed by Poles and set up by the order of and maintained by the order of Polish governments, just as the pre-war camp at Bereza Kartuska was staffed by Poles and set up by the order of and maintained by the order of Polish governments.

BTW, you'll find that the English term actually comes from the camps set up by the Spanish in Cuba and the Americans in the Philippines, all of which pre-date the disgraceful British camps in SA.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Jan 2016 /  #444
pre-war camp at Bereza Kartuska was staffed by Poles

Too bad they were too soft on commies.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
18 Jan 2016 /  #445
no legitimate government in Poland after 1939 there was only a Polish government in exile.

If you want to be technical, to be recognised as sovereign, international law generally provides for some set criteria. You need a permanent population, defined territory, a government and the capability to enter into agreements with others. That was set out by the Montevideo Convention in 1933 and is still the defining criteria. The Polish Government-in-Exile more or less ceased to be recognised quite early, and the PRL was admitted to the United Nations in October 1945 as the legitimate representative of Poland. It met all the criteria of the Montevideo convention, too.

So those camps were Polish, unfortunately.
18 Jan 2016 /  #446
"No, we are talking about post-war camps in Poland staffed by Poles and set up by the order of and maintained by the order of Polish governments"

Read my point about the legitimate polish government in exile.

Harry you have a lot to learn about Poland especially its history.

Don''t be spoon fed soviet communist propaganda. there was no polish government until 1990
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Jan 2016 /  #447
It's not that he doesn't know :)))
18 Jan 2016 /  #448
there was no polish government until 1990

People who knew far more about Poland than you and who did far more for Poland than you ever will, such as Mikolajczyk, would entirely disagree with you there. Personally I'd be very interested to read Mikolajczyk's thoughts about the concentration camps his government set up and operated, but I'm not aware of any record of anybody ever asking him about them.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Jan 2016 /  #449
H. don't be so anti-semitic.
18 Jan 2016 /  #450
H. yes the government was in exile until 1990, I must admit your posts confuse me at times, but at least you are being reasonably civil tonight which is nice

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