Mr Grunwald 33 | 2134
26 Apr 2011 / #61
Poland was a socialist state.
That's what the commies wanted it to be, or atleast the ones ruling Poland after ww2 to 1989
The commies allways said "socialism" rather then communism, that's why Ironside reacted as he did.
1. Socialism is an economic system while communism is both an economic and political system.
Your very very wrong, their both ideologies. What economic/political system they accept or have been seen in use is an different matter :)
2. In socialism, the resources of the economy are managed and controlled by the people themselves through communes or councils while in communism, management and control rest on a few people in a single authoritarian party.
= socialism is decentralized while communism is cetralized
3. Socialists distribute wealth to the people based on an individual's productive efforts while communists farm out wealth based on an individual's needs.
productive effots?! Socialists give out money to anyone so that there won't be an base of poor people wanting an coup de etat or revolution...
While commies steal from anyone just so they build up their army and prepare to share their ideology
4. Socialists can own personal properties while communists can not.
communists in power or communists in general?
5. Socialism allows capitalism to exist in its midst while communism seeks to get rid of capitalist
That depends on the countries party and their economic policy, Socialists and communists can have a variety of policies: Most common is planned economy (communists) and state capitalism. If we look at Scandinavia they use an intervention policy.
5. Socialism allows capitalism to exist in its midst while communism seeks to get rid of capitalist
Again depends on the socialists, but yes communists are no fans of capitalists