As a foreigner, from the other side of the Iron Curtain, I still find it difficult to get my head around communism even after all these years of living in ex-communist countries.
So no doubt some of our more cynical Polish members will laugh at me trying to look at communism but I am quite happy to be corrected in any misunderstandings I may have about what it was like.
So why did communism fail?
I will have a stab at it, I invite you to add your own or just rip mine to shreds.
- No private companies (technically next to none) and therefore no competition which led to poor services and no reason to work.
- No incentives, did people study for years just to get paid the same as others who didn't? seems unfair to me.
- The economy was completely fabricated i.e. had no basis in reality. I was told that the beautiful oak parquet flooring that you find in the crummiest of flats was due to it being A.) the only thing available and B.) cheap. It was cheap becuase the price was not based on a market or supply and demand but just made up.
- With everything in the hands of the state and no competition it led to the inevitable mismanagement of pretty much everything. So nothing in the shops, 100% employment meant job creation which meant more bureaucracy resulting in ineffectiveness. In Lithuania they have a saying "The Lithuanian pretended to work and the Russians pretended to pay them".
- it didn't allow people freedoms such as of individuality, expression, political criticism, religion and pursuit of personal gain.
This post got me thinking about this topic:
This, to me, is the effect but what was the cause of Communism failing?
Also if you are interested in Poland and communism make sure you look at this thread, it's one of the best on here: Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2
So no doubt some of our more cynical Polish members will laugh at me trying to look at communism but I am quite happy to be corrected in any misunderstandings I may have about what it was like.
So why did communism fail?
I will have a stab at it, I invite you to add your own or just rip mine to shreds.
- No private companies (technically next to none) and therefore no competition which led to poor services and no reason to work.
- No incentives, did people study for years just to get paid the same as others who didn't? seems unfair to me.
- The economy was completely fabricated i.e. had no basis in reality. I was told that the beautiful oak parquet flooring that you find in the crummiest of flats was due to it being A.) the only thing available and B.) cheap. It was cheap becuase the price was not based on a market or supply and demand but just made up.
- With everything in the hands of the state and no competition it led to the inevitable mismanagement of pretty much everything. So nothing in the shops, 100% employment meant job creation which meant more bureaucracy resulting in ineffectiveness. In Lithuania they have a saying "The Lithuanian pretended to work and the Russians pretended to pay them".
- it didn't allow people freedoms such as of individuality, expression, political criticism, religion and pursuit of personal gain.
This post got me thinking about this topic:
the very word Communism just spreads dread throughout the mind of the person thinking of it and who can blame them. When most Caucasian people think of that social state they would immediately imagine the Soviet Union and probably former Easter block countries with their endless rows of grey blocks of small flats. Miserable people all standing in cues waiting for their measly rations of cheese, milk, bread and if their lucky a small pack of coffee. Traditional communism would mean not being free, not being able to speak your mind, being blinded by state controlled media and fear.
This, to me, is the effect but what was the cause of Communism failing?
Also if you are interested in Poland and communism make sure you look at this thread, it's one of the best on here: Communism fell 20 years ago, Poland led the fight since WW2