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Christian Crusaders and Teutonic order in Poland

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
2 Aug 2009 /  #1
moved from another thread

They hate the Teutonic Order

Why did they hate the Teutonic Order?
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11992  
2 Aug 2009 /  #2
I really have no idea...such a bunch of cuties! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teutonic_Knights
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
2 Aug 2009 /  #3
Maybe this is why:

Its members have commonly been known as the Teutonic Knights, since they also served as a crusading military order during the Middle Ages. The membership was always small and whenever the need arose, volunteers or mercenaries augmented the military forces.

Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
2 Aug 2009 /  #4
Why did they hate the Teutonic Order?

this might help: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Grunwald

In the 13th century, the Teutonic Knights, subject directly to the Pope, had been requested by Konrad of Masovia to come to the lands surrounding Culm (Chełmno) to assist in the Crusade against the pagan Prussians. The Teutonic Order received the territory of Prussia via golden bulls from the Emperor and papal edict, which gave them effective carte blanche as owners of a new Christianized state in the region. They later received the territory of further north Baltic coastal regions of what are now Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, and showed every sign of further expansion.
OP Trevek  25 | 1699  
27 Jun 2010 /  #5
moved from another thread

Muslim terrorists have been around for much longer that 9/11.

And how is this different to the Christian Crusaders?

Teutonic Order were such nice guys, weren't they?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
27 Jun 2010 /  #6
After the civil war has ended, and we, the indiginous population of Europe, hopefully, have won.

My my my, you are a very scared little boy, are you?

And how is this different to the Christian Crusaders?

Teutonic Order were such nice guys, weren't they?

Of course they weren't a pinch better. But according to Dariusz that's ok as they belong to "US" and the Islam belongs to "THEM". And "WE" are always the good guys and "THEY" are always the bad guys. At least in Dariusz' world.


M-G (wonders what would happen if Dariusz finds himself one evil day in a Muslim neighbourhood surrounded by all Muslims - my guess would be he'd shyt in his pants)
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Jun 2010 /  #7
Again, this is the typical answer, well, "we did it to them"! Yes, A THOUSAND YEARS AGO! So, we're just gonna roll over and say; Ok, we deserve it? It's payback time? Hell no!

The crusaders protected us against the muslims. They were OUR forefathers. They didn't conquer the muslim lands to stay there. It was a defensive war. When the war was over they went home. The muslims came here to OCCUPY and CONQUER! They were expanding, like Hitler and Stalin. They slaughtered and enslaved millions of us for hundreds of years, just read about the history of our southern countries like Greece, Spain, Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria. Read about Kosovo and Balkan. Read about the brave soldiers of our history who stopped the muslim hordes in Vienna in 1529;


Teutonic order;


"The Order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary's Hospital in Jerusalem [1] (Official names: Latin: Ordo domus Sanctæ Mariæ Theutonicorum Hierosolymitanorum, German: Orden der Brüder vom Deutschen Haus St. Mariens in Jerusalem), or for short the Teutonic Order (Today: German Order), is a German Roman Catholic religious order. It was formed to aid Catholics on their pilgrimages to the Holy Land and to establish hospitals to care for the sick and injured".

The Ottomans;


"An imperial monarchy, the Empire remained a major expansionist power until the Battle of Vienna in 1683, which marked the end of Ottoman expansion into Europe".

The Teuonic order protected, built and enriched our civilization. Yes, they were in wars with their european brothers, but they did not represent an evil like islam. Life under them or any other european ruler would not change the lives of the people that much. In the end it helped build Europe to what we have today. It was brother against brother war. Why do I have to tell you this?? The muslims killed, levelled and subjugated everyone, leaving nothing of value. Did they aspire to science, building beatiful castles and advancing in art, poetry and democray? Did they bring prosperity to the areas they settled? No. Did the christians? Yes. I remind you that this is in COMPARISON, Teutonic/Crusaders vs Ottoman.

My my my, you are a very scared little boy, are you?

Yes, on behalf of my parents, my wife and child. Your family too, MareGaea. What happens if I/you can't protect them anymore? The society today is so PC that sending rapists and violators to jail is almost seen as "breaching their rights". Who will protect your wife when she is being raped by 5 muslims? You? You will probably just say; "Oh, it's just cultural difference, I have to accept this". There was actually a case like that a couple of years ago, when a anti-racist lost his son in a unprovocted gang-attack by muslims. He forgave the murderes and said it's the evil racist white society who made the attackers kill his son. I believe you are in that bracket of thinking MareGaea.

Of course they weren't a pinch better. But according to Dariusz that's ok as they belong to "US" and the Islam belongs to "THEM". And "WE" are always the good guys and "THEY" are always the bad guys. At least in Dariusz' world.

Yes, MareGaea, that is true! (Read history!).

M-G (wonders what would happen if Dariusz finds himself one evil day in a Muslim neighbourhood surrounded by all Muslims - my guess would be he'd shyt in his pants)

I did live in a muslim neighbourhood, for many years of my life. Violence, killings, drugs, crime and muslim religious intolerance was unfortunately part of my life, as it is to millions of europeans today. I was the only white kid on my football team, we were the only norwegian family in our building, today the schools in the area are a 100% non-norwegian. I did not pee my pants, but it was not pleasant. So, your argument is?

Here's a couple of links of how muslims behave in Europe. How would we be treated if we went to Turkey, Pakistan or Iran and acted the same way?

Growing fears over Muslim prison gangs

White Females Pimped Out By Muslim Asian Gangs


Racist Muslim Gang Attack White British Teenager


Muslim gang attacking french students at Paris rally

Now, please find me the same kind of links involving christian poles doing this in England. Or any other country they have come to. According to you people, they're just as bad!

MareGaea, you really personify the "new" generation of PC slave. You defend any evil, nomatter how horrendous it is, because, as it said in your history-book in school, we were evil once too! You swallowed all the lies that your schooling system gave you, and all the pictures of colourful hands together just gives you a lump in the throat, doesn't it? Well, wake up, sunshine, allah is here, and unless you convert, he's gonna seperate your head from your body. Then it's too late to "pee in your pants".

southern  73 | 7059  
27 Jun 2010 /  #8
The crusaders protected us against the muslims. They were OUR forefathers

As far as I know the crusaders conquered and looted Constantinopol and stole all wealth concentrated in 1000 years.They were thieves and robbers of high calibre and completely primitive.In fact such a degree of primitivity was unknown in the region till the arrival of Ottomans and the Mongols.

Most kings of the crusaders did not even know how to read and write and they kept pigs and cows in their palaces.(God makes them palaces).Their religious fanatism was completely ridiculous they stole every holy bone they could find and brought it to the West whether it was genuine or not.
DariuszTelka  5 | 193  
27 Jun 2010 /  #9
Wow, those were harsh words..maybe someone here want to elaborate on that theory...anyways, two "primitive" sets of people fighting it out, led to Europe being secure for another 1000 years. And how have we developed, contrary to the arab nations? We have space exploration, heart transplants and advanced civilizations, built on christianity and atheism. The Arab/African people have ruins, dirt roads and no science - living under islam. So, as primitive and thieving "we" were, I'm glad the ottomans or arabs didn't conquer us, cause I don't think we would be happy if Poland/Germany/Norway looked like Turkey/Syria/Egypt today.

But, now we are opening our doors for them....they will mirror their societies here...and I don't really want that. I like my freedom, thank you.

southern  73 | 7059  
27 Jun 2010 /  #10
Europe did not become secure because of the crusades.The crusaders maybe started with idealistic goals but when they saw the gold they became completely spoiled.Crusades failed since Jerusalem was again recovered by the Arabs in 13th century and last remnants of kingdom were conquered by Arabs in 14th century.If you think about it Ottomans were more dangerous for Europe than the Arabs who they replaced.
Natasa  1 | 572  
27 Jun 2010 /  #11
Wow, those were harsh words..maybe someone here want to elaborate on that theory...

Inform yourself.

" The effects of the Crusades were mainly felt in Europe and in the Byzantine Empire, not in the Middle East....

The Crusades had bolstered the commerce of the Italian cities. The plan succeeded - the only nation rich in culture, science, wealth, and art was destroyed - forever. Byzantines and Constantinoples, Byzantine art, economy, byzantine culture was newer again the same. The World has changed completely. After 1204 we can say - they took not only all the riches from Constantinoples. They took the history with them. And they were called "Crusades"! And even today - they shamelessly believe that bronze horses at Venice in front of St. Marco church really belong to them. They really believe that all the icons, golden jewellery and Imperial Crowns belong to them. "


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