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The Celts in Poland.

Ironside  51 | 13098  
2 Nov 2009 /  #61
I can't believe that Celts were Slavs ;

ethnically there is not such a thing as Celts:P
Technically there is only Celtic culture spread widely in the northern part of Europe.

So, ethically speaking - who knows.
And culturally thinking - its quite possible!

I-S( ha!didn't said it earlier as he is a good sport, sometimes anyway)
Jowita  - | 13  
4 Nov 2009 /  #62
Ironside ethnically there is not such a thing as Celts:P
Technically there is only Celtic culture spread widely in the northern part of Europe.

Can you explain what did you mean by 'ethnically'? Did you mean genetics/blood that will be always tricky issue, because all Europeans are mixed?

There are DNA laboratories offering people tracing their ancestors backwards even to ancient Mongolia. I am not sure if they can assume how close the population of Poland is to the population of Scotland, for instance... Genes of the 17th century Scottish sales reps and Irish mercenaries in Poland could alter the image in favour of Celts...

I suspect that many people would disagree with the statement that there are no Celts as such ;) For me (am not an anthropologist) ethnos is about culture, too. The idea of Celts, for instance can be understood in different ways. Even the old legendary chronicles of Ireland say that the Irish are mixture. But what makes them Celts is for me their (native) language, and culture that has something in common with other Celts. But I am aware that many various theories of Celticity exist...
Ironside  51 | 13098  
4 Nov 2009 /  #63
Can you explain what did you mean by 'ethnically'?

I mean that there was no tribe or ethnic entity related by blood.
Celts were bunch of different ethnic and tribal
entities related by culture - common gods, story's, similar languages etc
tcooper913  2 | 22  
16 Dec 2009 /  #64
Thanks SeanB!! Very interesting. I read this some time ago, and had been searching for it to read again. Most of my ancestors were Scots-Irish (US term), or better known as Ulster Scots with a little English/Irish mixed in.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Mar 2010 /  #65
I am going to put forward an idea I have had since I moved to Krakow first from Sligo (West coast of Ireland).
That the mounds in Krakow are in fact Celtic Cairns built before the Slavs arrived in the Bronze age (1800-1600 BC).

Sligo's landscape is dominated by a cairn "Knocknarea"

(large hill with a stone structure on the top) It looks kind of like a breast with a nipple. There are many more in the area but I would just like to give you an example.

Knocknarea with a Carrowmore tomb in the foreground:


Medb's cairn at the summit of Knocknarea:


And here in Krakow there are two older ''Kopiec'' that I think may be left from the Celts and it appears I am not the only one:

The age and the original purpose of the mound remain a mystery. Excavations conducted in mid-1930s revealed that the mound consists of a solid wooden core covered with soil and turf. Some artifacts dating from between the 8th and 10th centuries were found inside, but no human remains were discovered. According to another hypothesis the mound is of Celtic origin and dates from the 2nd-1st century BCE.[2]


The pair of man-made barrows some fifty feet high (16.7 m and 14.6 m respectively) upon natural elevations 5,5 miles apart were easily seen from afar. And together with two natural Krakow hills they constitute a gigantic astronomical calendar. From the westernmost Sikornik mountain one can observe the sunrise exactly over the Wawel Hill on the spring equinox as well as on the autumnal one, and over the Mound of Krak on November 1, i.e. the Celtic New Year's Day. While watched from the Mound of Krak, the sun rises over the Mound of Wanda on the eve of the second biggest feast of Celts, May 1.


The Krakus Mound contains, according to legend, a tomb of Krak, the ancient ruler of Cracow. In reality it was more likely to have been used as a religious site of the Celts.

Krakow 4 U

There is also a theory linking the rise to mounds (Krakusa and Wanda) With the presence of Celtic in this area. The Celtic culture of mounds served an important function of a cult, just might be in this case. It was observed that azimuth connecting the two mounds is consistent with the azimuth of sunrise on 1 May. Similar compliance was found in the case of two mounds in the vicinity Przemysl


Today these cairns still dominate the landscape.


Some History of the Celts in Europe and Galicia

Here's a map:

Poland Galicja

Which fits the Celtic territory: Poland Celtic

The region has a turbulent history. In Roman times the region was populated by various tribes of Celto-Germanic admixture, including Celtic-based tribes - like the Galice or "Gaulics" and Bolihinii or "Volhynians" - the Lugians and Cotini of Celtic, Vandals and Goths of Germanic origins (the Przeworsk and Púchov cultures).

I included the part about Serbs for you Crow ;)

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galicia_%28Eastern_Europe%29#Tribal_area - Galicia (Eastern Europe) Wiki

This is just a theory, I have no really proof and there seems to be very little information on it.
Perhaps someone can refute it or add more.
29 Jun 2011 /  #66
Ancient Imperial Rome attacked southern Poland and annexed it to their colony of Pannonia. The chronicles of this activity mention that they had found Celts living there. Details are sketchy, but it is good that modern archaeology and anthropology are tearing down untruthful barriers between the various nationalities of Europe. Nobody is 100% inbred and isolated, nobody invented their technology in isolation from all other technical substrata. Things come and go in waves, then come around again, in one or another form.

Current work on the Pre-Iron Age inhabitants of Poland, and Europe in general, also is interesting. I had the privilege of knowing about the Tarim basin mummies decades ago, thanks to $5 bills and packs of Marlboros. Odd that they were dressed in wollen twills with patterns so like those found on pickeld Celts from the central European salt mines! Also very strange is the statistical rate of occurrence of culturally vital cognates, syntactic usages, and nearly identical root words between both known Tocharian dialects adn Old Irish. Also strange is the similarity between what the small population of Sogdians (nearest living relatives of the Tocharians) speak and Old Irish/proto-Celtic. Very strange also are the silken items found in old Celtic tumuli and chariot graves in the various Halstatt zones...and the shoes look so much like those on the Celtic man in the Hochdorf tumulus...and white jade beads in some graves, Khotanese jade. Wish someone will think to do genotypes on the cannabis found in these graves and compare it to that found in ancient Khotan/Sogdiana/Gandharva. Could open up a bit of discussion about where we all came from, how much people travelled on the silk road, and shed light on back-migrations, too.

The evidence is strong that the ancient Celts were very much influenced by the Sarmatian and Skythian cultures, and by others similar to them. The evidence is also fairly clear that these contributed a lot to the formation of the Slavic Peoples. Even if there was little relation until fairly recent times when Irish swords for hire found a living in the Polish Army, it shows there were powerful connections, een if we don't give lonely wandering 7th and 8th century Irish friars credit for liking winsome Polish women ;) and remember, celibacy among Catholic clergy at that time was optional.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288  
29 Jun 2011 /  #67
Ancient Imperial Rome attacked southern Poland and annexed it to their colony of Pannonia.

Pannonia's territory was further South than Southern Poland consisting of areas that are in today's Hungary, Austria, the Balkans and Slovakia. Celts probably did live in what is today's Poland in ancient times but Imperial Rome never held sway there.

See the fourth book of Herodotus for an affirmation of the Saka's love of marijuana.
Barney  19 | 1756  
29 Jun 2011 /  #68
The evidence is strong that the ancient Celts were very much influenced by the Sarmatian and Skythian cultures, and by others similar to them.

No need to crow about it.
dofdan  - | 7  
17 Aug 2011 /  #69
Thousands of persons of Polish ancestry have had their DNA analyzed through FTDNA. A small group of males from Poland centered near the Kielce area are showing Rb1 yDNA with an L47+ SNP. This is Celtic/German DNA. The age off the DNA shows that the latest common ancestor with Celts/Germans/Scots etc was approx 1900 years ago. This eliminates the Scottish peddler theory for this group. The largest group of L47+ is presently Wales, Ireland, England and Scotland. As another point of interest the parent group of L47 is L48. This is also from the same Celtic/German line but approx. 200 years older. Copernicus was tested as L48+. I don't know if L47 was tested. His father was from the Galacian area near the Check border.

It would be appreciated if anyone has any other information/ideas about why our group of old L47+ is from that area.

15 Mar 2015 /  #70
bunch of Polish plastic Celts if you ask me
Lyzko  44 | 9725  
15 Mar 2015 /  #71
I've previously observed of late (in another thread of this Forum, by the way) that certain Poles from around the vicinity of Kraków do have a certain oval-shaped face reminiscent of various Celtic types encountered.

On the other hand, there are a variety of Polish "types", and so I really oughtn't generalize:-)

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