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The Celts in Poland.

OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
4 Jul 2009 /  #31
The Ślęża group disintegrated eventually within the local population??.
They mixed, nothing "disintegrated" about that, adding to a diversifying gene pool ;)
wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more... :)

"Among the most significant Celtic finds in Lesser Poland are the extensive and wealthy settlement in Podłęże and its associated cemetery in Zakrzowiec, both in Wieliczka County, and a multi-period settlement complex in Aleksandrowice, Kraków County. The Podłęże site was occupied from mid 3rd century BC on and yielded many metal objects, coins and coin blank molds, large collection of glass bracelets. The Zakrzowiec Celtic graves have the form of large (several meters long) dugout rectangular enclosures containing the ashes and grave offerings, such as pottery and personal ornaments. Graves of the same type but of a later period, 1st to 2nd century AD, are also found around Kraków, which demonstrates continuation of the Celtic tradition even after the arrival of Germanic tribes in the area. The Celtic burial site investigated in Aleksandrowice contains a rich 2nd century BC assemblage of funerary gifts including iron weapons and decorative elements. The unique fancy decorations, including a sheath with a recurring dragon motif, relate the findings only to the Celtic settlement area in Slovenia and western Croatia.

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
4 Jul 2009 /  #32
Ok, it's settled then; let the Irish come back to Poland where they belong..............
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
4 Jul 2009 /  #33
I have always felt welcome here by Polish people, well for the most part :)

I like the way I had the bit about the pre-Celts in Ireland on this thread now.
Our histories are much more diverse and interesting than our present preconceptions.

And I think worth exploring a little more :)

And this is only a few thousand years, we are the result of a much much older people :)
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
6 Jul 2009 /  #34

You are a disgrace to every Irish person who has ever lived and those yet to be born.

SeanBM wants to invent history to make him feel better about his traitorous acts, tough **** Seanie boy, you are anti Irish scum and will be treated as such. You are a rodent.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
6 Jul 2009 /  #35
RevokeNice"...disgrace to every Irish person who has ever lived and those yet to be born. .... traitorous...scum...rodent."

SeanBM has provided this thread with most interesting historical information while you call people names. You remind me of an incredibly boisterous and rude saloon drunk
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Jul 2009 /  #36
invent history

Show everyone where I am "inventing History".

You are only a troll.


either point out where i have

invent history

or get off my thread and this forum.

Go back to the Irish thread using a new name again, only to be thrown off it again because Irish people hate you.
confuseddude  4 | 19  
6 Jul 2009 /  #37
One of the more interesting threads on this forum, Buala bus to Sean BM
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Jul 2009 /  #38
Go raibh mile maith agat.
I will continue this thread soon with, Sheela na Gigs, Celtic crosses (the mix of Paganism and Christianity) and other stuff I find interesting.

"Sheela na Gigs (or Sheela-na-Gigs) are figurative carvings of naked women displaying an exaggerated vulva."
On the corners of Churches no less.

In Ireland we say Síle-na-Gig (Sheela nah Ghee)


Hhmmm... "Another theory, espoused by Joanne McMahon and Jack Roberts, is that the carvings are remnants of a pre-Christian fertility or Mother Goddess religion."

This is the theory i am more familiar with, although looking through the web there are a number of theories, feel free to post what you think :)

"The Divine Hag of the Christian Celts "
Or the goddess
Cailleach is said to ward off evil spirits and also is a fertility symbol.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Jul 2009 /  #39

Do you know that before Poland become Christian country in 966 there were churches (not many ) build by Irish missionaries?
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
6 Jul 2009 /  #40
No I didn't, it doesn't surprise me though.

Do you know where they are?.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
6 Jul 2009 /  #41
I don't remember ...... I think there was one in Gniezno ?! other then that I don't remember - sorry!
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jul 2009 /  #42
Do you know that before Poland become Christian country in 966 there were churches (not many ) build by Irish missionaries?

I am searching for this but I can't find anything.
I am curious if they built these churches with any Celtic elements.
The next element of Celtic symbols I was going to do were the high crosses which only stopped being made in the 15th century.
So if anyone knows any churches build by Irish missionaries pre-966, I would like to look it up.
Ironside  51 | 13086  
7 Jul 2009 /  #43
I doubt there will be something more than some ruins ....
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
7 Jul 2009 /  #44
Yeah, maybe but there are existing high crosses in Ireland dating back to the 6th century that are still in fairly good condition.
But of course they have been maintained.
Here are some photos of the historic ruins of Monasterboice en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monasterboice It was founded in the late 5th century.

Here is a good site

These Celtic crosses show a cross over from Celtic pagan religion to Christianity.
For the transition from a pagan religion to Christianity to take place, the Catholic church used pre-existing festivals and symbols from the pagan religion.
So like in Poland you have Wianki which is the reminisce of a pre-Christian religion, so the Church renamed it St. John's day.

Same thing happened in Ireland, Halloween is from pre-Christian times.

What I find interesting is the symbolism used on the crosses at Monasterboice, i will continue this in a while

  • cross_5.jpg

  • monasterboice_cross_.jpg

  • monasterboice2700000.jpg

  • monasterboice2700000.jpg
Chris77  2 | 22  
24 Jul 2009 /  #45
Here's my contribution to the Celtic thread.

Celtic version of the Welsh National Anthem in Welsh.


SeanBM, Newgrange is pretty special. Thanks for sharing that.
hairball  20 | 313  
25 Jul 2009 /  #46
Mr SeanBM

My family name is from the Emerald Isle....my hair is long and 'red'.....although the lord has decided that I should have 'grey' bits at this time....and I live in Poland....is this thread about me?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
25 Jul 2009 /  #47

A ginger from Poland? Very interesting.
hairball  20 | 313  
25 Jul 2009 /  #48

I live in

You're not too good at reading then?
Chris77  2 | 22  
25 Jul 2009 /  #49
The Welsh have a soft spot for both the Irish and the Geordies. I think we should make the Geordies honorary Celts. Rumour has it that when the English decided to try and eradicate the Welsh language they sent a bunch of Geordies to teach us English. This basically means that the Geordie lads got on the lash with the Welsh boys and a good time was had by all. Unfortunately nobody quite knows if the Welsh speak pissed Geordie or the Geordies now speak pissed Welsh.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
25 Jul 2009 /  #50
I read some book on Celts some time ago, and the name 'Legnica' (Polish town; German version is 'Leignitz') is associated with Celtic god Lug.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
28 Jul 2009 /  #51
Celtic version of the Welsh National Anthem in Welsh.

Very nice, thanks.
I can't understand a word of Welsh, it is very different to Gaelic Irish, to my untrained ear.
But please add to this thread as you see fit, show us something from Celtic Wales, time to shine :)

is this thread about me?

If you consider yourself a Celt, then YES :)
My hair is almost completely grey, women like it and that is all that concerns me about that particular point;)

the name 'Legnica' (Polish town; German version is 'Leignitz') is associated with Celtic god Lug.



Lugus diffusion in Celtic religion is apparent from the number of place names in which his name appears, occurring across the Celtic world. The most famous of these are the cities of Lugdunum (the modern French city of Lyon) and Lugdunum Batavorum (the modern city of Katwijk, 10 kilometers to the west of Leiden)


I am very interested in Celtic mythology, perhaps when I get a chance I will mention a couple.
Lucy  - | 23  
10 Aug 2009 /  #52
A good place to start to learn about Welsh mythology is to read the Mabinogion - it's a series of ancient books put together to form a manuscript. As for the Welsh language, I think it's up there somewhere with Polish in the difficult to learn category.

This place is in north Wales

Llanfairpwllgwyngychgogerychwyrndrobwllllantisiliogogogoch, lol!
Ironside  51 | 13086  
20 Oct 2009 /  #53
Yeah, maybe

It come to me .....I was reading about Irish dated before 966 in Poland.
Unfortunately cannot remember where:(
All I know it what some pretty specialist magazine on archeology - in Polish, I think ...sorry:(
I remembered it by chance anyway.
Jowita  - | 13  
21 Oct 2009 /  #54
Below are some links I have found - there may be more of it,,

Irish Mission in Poland

As for the Irish Christianity in Poland, long time ago Alfons Parczewski published a book:

(Preliminaries of the Christianity in Poland, and the Irish mission). The book has been digitized and is available for free:


In the more recent times the subject was taken by Jerzy Strzelczyk, as you probably know.

There is a webpage in Polish about the parish Tropie in Lesser Poland.

See the history section:


..where the author tries to argue that the Irish missionaries were responsible for establishing the local church, ca. 828! He believes the alleged Irish mission had came from Nitra, Slovakia) Polish only.


The book cited below is undoubtedly academic, but in English:

Celts on the margin : studies in European cultural interaction 7th century BC - 1st century AD dedicated to Zenon Woźniak, Krakow 2005
should contain bibliography of the subject...

Sometimes Archeologia Zywa (a popular magazine about archeology) publishes articles and notes about Celtic excavations in Poland (in Polish...) There is a search option.


I have found a site of the Warsaw Univeristy project Ekspedycja Celtycka

Ironside  51 | 13086  
28 Oct 2009 /  #55

Thanks !
stevew  2 | 29  
28 Oct 2009 /  #56
I'm pretty sure that the Górals share an ancestry with the Gaels.

The Polish Highlanders seem a rather Celtic lot. The way they speak etc.

When I was in Zakopane, the accent of the Góral people reminded me a lot of Scots.

And the pronunciation... Gael, Goidel, Góral with its long o and trilled r.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
28 Oct 2009 /  #57
The difference being that they are much more temperamental than us. Scottish Highlanders are less raw and more easy to access.

There could be a relationship here, though, as hospitality is very much in the blood of both.
Jowita  - | 13  
30 Oct 2009 /  #58
Well. there was an amateur linguist dr Feliks Michalowski (an emigree medic, had a G.P. practice in France, 19th century.) He published some articles and brochures about alleged affinities between Poles and Celts. Argued, for instance that the word Gaidheal had something in common with the Polish word gaduła ;) (gaduła: in Polish, a talkative guy) Sadly, as you Gaels know, the middle d is not pronounced here...

I am afraid, but the theories of the old doc are regarded as rather fantasy now. However, I would be happy, if anyone will proove at least that the talkative Gorale had genetically anything in common with the Gaels... (As for now, I am afraid that the only Gaelic Goral should be Colin Farrell's new son... ;)
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
30 Oct 2009 /  #59
some links I have found - there may be more of it,,

Excellent, thank you for that, I will have a look when I get the chance.

affinities between Poles and Celts.

You might enjoy contributing to Were Celts Slavs or not? Are Celts included in Polish ancestry? :)
Jowita  - | 13  
2 Nov 2009 /  #60
Thanks for the suggestion! I need to go first through all they have produced already;)
And it seems at the moment they are more preoccupied with ancient Slavs, especially Sorbs, than Celts.. Personally, I can't believe that Celts were Slavs ;) My specialty is rather the 19th century than the ancient times.

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