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The Celts in Poland.

SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Dec 2008 /  #1
I found this very interesting for serendipitous reasons.
Celtic site found in Poland
It is in Polish but basically it talks about 17 Celtic houses from 280 - 277 B.C.
Found in Niepolomice, Poland. Apparently they had glass too. Here is a photo of the site and a bracelet

  • Celtic_bracelet_1.jp.jpg

  • Site_in_Neipolomice_.jpg
Polson  5 | 1767  
15 Dec 2008 /  #2
It's said that the Celts who settled on the Western coasts of Europe, originally came from these areas of Central Europe :)
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Dec 2008 /  #3
I am not so good at Polish.
I did not know they had been here.

HAL9009  2 | 323  
19 Dec 2008 /  #4
Interesting map. There are similarities in roots between the Irish and Turkish languages and in the old story telling song styles (Sean Nós in Irish) of both cultures.

Looks like the Celts were generally aiming for America even back then :)
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
2 Jan 2009 /  #5
Shawn_H found this article in English. Archaeologists unearth 3rd to 2nd century BC Celtic village in Poland.

Further information on the celtic settlement from the Krakow Post. Krakow Post.

"some of them went through the Moravian lands (now part of the Czech Republic) to Malopolska in the 3rd century BC, before any Slavic tribe got here."

Ha ha ha ha, so I have come home at last and historically speaking all the Slavs are just guests ha ha ha (joke of course;)
osiol  55 | 3921  
15 Feb 2009 /  #6
I don't believe they were the same Celts. Modern day Celts descend from the people who have lived there since people first migrated to Britain and Ireland after the last ice-age. Culture moves faster and further than people.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
15 Feb 2009 /  #7
That is a fair enough point and I wonder how closely related we are?.

"The Celts were originally a Germanic people" from Here

Which I have never heard before and think it is wrong, to a large degree.
Not to say these peoples did not mix, of course but the Germanic people have/had a different language and culture to the Celts.
osiol  55 | 3921  
15 Feb 2009 /  #8
I think if you look at what spread Celtic culture, you might find that it was small numbers of warrior people who roamed around Europe taking over places, where the sedentary population remained pretty much the same. Remember that Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Italic, etc. languages all descend from the same group. Some of the differences may be accounted for by this language being adopted by different groups who already spoke different (unrelated?) languages.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
16 Feb 2009 /  #9
Celtic, Germanic, Slavic, Italic, etc. languages all descend from the same group.

Fair point, how far back was that?.

Ok, so this thread is talking about Celts in Poland.
I am going to go slightly off topic and talk about the people and about one building in particular, in Ireland before the Celts arrived.

This is a plan and cross section of the interior of Newgrange.

It is cruciform in shape but of course this was over 3000 years before Christ.

This is the entrance, behind the huge stone. Notice the purpose built hole above the door, called the roofbox.

On the morning of the Winter Solstice, the rising sun beams through the roofbox and floods the passage with light. Illuminating right to the very end chamber.

Poland Celt

To be continued....
Barney  19 | 1755  
10 Jun 2009 /  #10
Culture moves faster and further than people.

Very true.

From the Urnfield and Bellbeaker peoples of the east to the Megalithic erectors along the Western European littoral, successful cultures have expanded through cultural dominance. Renfrew et al pointed out in their work on Neolithic Britain, coupled with Kirk's work on the behavioural environment, that it took the surplus of 50 farmers to feed one non farmer. Now think how many man hours it took to build Newgrange.

What became known as Celtic culture from the Hallstatt period through to the full blown La Tene culture and beyond radiated like ripples in a pond. Today’s Celtic fringe was a latter day Celtic backwater.

There are two interesting things in the map above firstly the Basque land is not highlighted and secondly the "Island" in Anatolia. In this latter region there are many carvings depicting high Celtic art. This came about through the use of Celtic mercenaries who latter settled. We all know of these people from St Paul's letter to the Galatians
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
10 Jun 2009 /  #11

The entrance stone.

cileing of Newgrange

At the end of the passage there are three chambers.
These chambers contain basins, with burnt remains of five (?) humans, along with pieces of jewellery.


So it is presumed that this is a burial chamber of sorts.

This is the stone at the back of the building, again showing Spirals, Lozenges or Zig-Zag formations.

this "Zig-Zag" motif is found on the entrance stone and repeated along the passage and again inside the chamber.

OK, so here is the "new" part of our understanding.
This is an interesting theory but remember it is only a theory, for now anyway.

I have heard that the resonant frequency of the inside of the man made passage was constructed in such a way that the reverberations produce some unusual and interesting effects.

The resonant frequency is 110hz, the frequency of the male baritone, the second lowest singing voice (chanting).
And when the inside of the passage is filled with smoke or mist, the resonant frequency reverberates turning the smoke into the Zig-Zag formation!.

"Archaeologists have suggested that chanting, singing and drumming at these sites would have produced reverberating echoes that might have been interpreted as voices of spirits or gods; they may also have induced physiological and psychological changes in people, adding to...


Fourknocks - knowth.com/fourknocks.htm

Built at the same period these make a much larger complex.

"It is clear from the orientation of the passage-mounds that the whole complex was devoted to accurate measuring of both the lunar and solar cycles simultaneously."

Newgrange complex

Celestial significance?


Court tomb

Court tomb

here are over 350 known court-tombs in the whole of Ireland.

and Wedge tomb.

Of course similar constructions can be found in other parts of Europe and indeed the world but my focus is on Ireland.
Which is rich in prehistoric myths and legends about these enigmatic people and structures.
For an example these were referred to as fairy mounds.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jun 2009 /  #12
Newgrange by Clannad.

This has video images of what Seanny has shown above. Any true Celt should feel pride when listening to and watching this.

God Bless Clannad!!
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
11 Jun 2009 /  #13
Any true Celt should feel pride when listening to and watching this.

Just to make sure we are on the same page, the people who built Newgrange were way before the Celts.
The Celts are traditionally thought to have colonised Ireland in a series of waves between the 8th and 1st centuries BC, that is 2300 years after the building of Newgrange.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
11 Jun 2009 /  #14
I know that but you know how land and territory works ;) ;)

This is unmistakably Celtic. Theme from Harry's Game done only 2 years ago. Imtheochaidh soir is siar, A dtáinig ariamh an ghealach is an ghrian
Softsong  5 | 492  
14 Jun 2009 /  #15
Very interesting information SeanBM. As you already know, I had the pleasure of a brief visit to the Dublin area of Ireland. Four days and much to explore. I wanted to go to Newgrange, but only made it to Dowth. Here are a few pictures from my trip:

Broken links removed

Wish I could have seen Newgrange, too....but I only stopped in Ireland a few days to visit friends that live in Dublin and were orginally from Gdańsk. Then it was on to Poland.

Well...I've made a mess above. I must have picked the wrong link at photobucket and when I went to edit, took too long as I was denied access. I should probably just post a link to the slide show. :-/

And if this works, you'll see Slane Hill, Dublin, and some shots of Poland, too.
20 Jun 2009 /  #16
Newgrange is an amazing place. I had an opportunity to visit it when I was living
in Ireland and was really impressed by the precision and sophistication of the
structures there.

It made me realize how little we still know about human history.
OP SeanBM  34 | 5781  
20 Jun 2009 /  #17
Back on topic, here is a link to Wikipedia about Celts in Poland

The first Celtic people arrived in Poland, coming from Bohemia and Moravia, around or after 400 BC

ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
20 Jun 2009 /  #18
We're all related.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Jun 2009 /  #19
Głubczyce is not so far from here. It is on the way to the Czech Republic from Gliwice.

Wow, Seanny, you have really traced our Celtic ancestry far back.
Ironside  51 | 13083  
20 Jun 2009 /  #20
Celt made considerate impact in the territories which belong to Poland, I believe much greater that material evidence show.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Jun 2009 /  #21
Are you referring to a spiritual contribution, Ironside? We certainly crafted the Poznań mentality ;)
Ironside  51 | 13083  
21 Jun 2009 /  #22
I'm referring to Celts their culture which I believe made great impact on Polish culture and is generally underestimate but I don't have any evidence to back it up!))))

And maybe Celtic traits in Polish culture are the contributions of Scottish immigrants???)))
Whats wrong with Poznan ?I'm from Poznan!
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2009 /  #23
Well, the Scots have been around in Poland mainly from around 1576. Our history goes back far. We appreciated your contribution in WWII.

Poznanians have a rep for being stingy, you couldn't have got that from us ;) ;)
Ironside  51 | 13083  
21 Jun 2009 /  #24
Sure being sensible with your money it is not what I would suspect Scots of))))

I wonder if Celtic traits in Polish culture originated from Celtic background centuries ago or from Scottish immigrants?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
21 Jun 2009 /  #25
It could be a combination of both :)
Ironside  51 | 13083  
21 Jun 2009 /  #26
Do you reckon?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
21 Jun 2009 /  #27
We're all related.

No, no we are not. We are both distinct peoples with seperate cultures, traits, genetics, history, and traditions.

This "we are one" propaganda may exist in happy land, but it does not work like that in the real world.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
21 Jun 2009 /  #28
We are both distinct peoples with seperate cultures, traits, genetics, history, and traditions

Absolutely true but I was going farther back than that. It is probable that 10,000-20,000 years ago we were related. Of course you might 'feel' closer to your other nationalities that have immigrated to Ireland? Perhaps the Nigerians? Chinese?

This "we are one" propaganda may exist in happy land, but it does not work like that in the real world.

I also oppose "political correctness" (PC). You are a staunch nationalist. Good luck with that.
moonlight  6 | 103  
21 Jun 2009 /  #29

OMG this guy is relentless!!!!! its starting to become tiresome
Ironside  51 | 13083  
21 Jun 2009 /  #30
Take it easy ))))))

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