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What British unit liberated Poland in 1945??

11 Dec 2009 /  #211
Generally, I have to say that looking throughout the history, Polish political, diplomatical and military conduct was extremely honourable and chivalric towards both weaker and stronger enemies and that makes me proud, because it shows the superiority of Polish spirit and morality over those of other European nations. That's what makes us so special

You are superb! Such good comedy! In the 21 years of interbellum Poland you invaded three of your neighbours, threatened to invade one of them again if they didn't do what you ordered them to, starved to death tens of thousands of prisoners of war you captured (a quarter of them!), stabbed your ally Ukraine in the back and nicked half the country, locked 20,000 of your former allies in internment camps for three years, oppressed the ethnic minorities who had the misfortune to live in Poland, closed their schools, burned their libraries, destroyed their churches, forced Jews to sit on ghetto benches in universities, limited the number of Jews who could go to university, banned Jews from becoming doctors or lawyers, and sent everybody who protested too loudly to a concentration camp! During communism you again invaded one of your neighbours and offered to invade another. Since being independent again Poland has already illegally invaded one country and opened an illegal detention centre for people who are being detained without charge or trial. In other words Poland has started to make exactly the same mistakes again.

But to you, Polish conduct was “extremely honourable and chivalric” and Poland is superior to other nations. You are a perfect example of almost everything that is wrong with Poles.
11 Dec 2009 /  #212
limited the number of Jews who could go to university

Numerus clausus? Yes, we've had it for two years before WW2, however it's worth pointing out that United States of America, for example, had numerous clausus until 1970 (Yale University).


Polish conduct was "extremely honourable and chivalric" and Poland is superior to other nations

As far as Polish spirit and morality throughout history are concerned - yes. Well, maybe I wasn't very precise in what I've said. There is actually one country in Europe that I consider to be on level par with Poland as regards honour and magnanimity of spirit. That country is Hungary - that's why Poles and Hungarians will always be soul, mind and spirit brothers.

Naturally, there are other decent countries in Europe, that I respect not because of their honour and morality which are inferior to Polish and Hungarian (but it's not their fault, we simply set the standards too high for other countries to imitate) but who are very consequently faithful to their ethoses. Those countries are:

Russia, Israel, Serbia, Germany, Ireland and to some extent France. You see Harry, it's not like I'm blinded by my patriotism. I can see the merits of other nations as well.

I could also answer your other ridiculous accusations, but I really see no point in doing that...

...can't you see how hilarious you are right now, Harry?

I am like a great Polish lancer, standing proudly, defending my country from enemies and calumniators and you are like a small, annoying doggy running around my boots, desperately trying to bite my ankle...

...give it up, Harry - you're embarassing yourself.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
11 Dec 2009 /  #213
There is actually one country
in Europe that I consider to be on level par with Poland as regards honour and
magnanimity of spirit.

Ummm...the same Hungarians who were brothers in arms with the Germans in two world wars? ;)

(but I like hungarian goulash too...)

I am like a great Polish lancer, standing proudly, defending my country from
enemies and calumniators and you are like a small, annoying doggy running
around my boots, desperately trying to bite my ankle...

*makes funny grimaces to make stiff polish lancer laugh for a photograph with tourists*
11 Dec 2009 /  #214
Ummm...the same Hungarians who were brothers in arms with the Germans in two world wars?;)

Yes, the very same :)

The same Hungarians who have been our brothers for over one thousand years now and who, despite some short-term alliances, always showed their friendship and loyalty toward us.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
11 Dec 2009 /  #215
Heeeey...we were your brothers for over one thousand years too (despite some small short term skirmishes)

We even did lend you one half of Kopernikus (the "Koper"...the "nikus" is definitely german)
11 Dec 2009 /  #216

I can see that you're in a good mood today, BB. That's good - me too. It's my daughters first Birthday today, so we're going to have a family

party and lots of fun :-)

So, I gotta beat it. Will come back in the evening to accept Harry's apologies (yes - I will accept them as I don't harbour grudge for a long time).

Take care, lads.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
11 Dec 2009 /  #217
Congratulations to the proud daddy and have fun! :)
11 Dec 2009 /  #218
Numerus clausus? Yes, we've had it for two years before WW2, however
it's worth pointing out that United States of America, for example, had numerous
clausus until 1970 (Yale University).

That is the only point in that whole long list of evil Polish deeds you can even attempt to defend your country on?!

The best you can do is say "OK we were racist f*cks but that law was only for two years and the Americans were worse". Here's a word of advice: any time you have to say 'yes we did but the Americans did it too and they did it worse than us' you need to make sure something never happens again.

I am like a great Polish lancer, standing proudly, defending my country from
enemies and calumniators

Yeah, Poland's got such a good record of defending itself against enemies. Remind me how many years you've been a free country for in the last three centuries.

What you are is an ostrich: your head is buried in the sand and your arse is up in the air. Poland has that habit of doing that too, which probably explains why the country so often gets f*cked in the arse. That and the fact that what goes around comes around. Poland likes to invade and so Poland gets invaded.
11 Dec 2009 /  #219
I will come back in the evening to accept Harry's apologies

What you are is an ostrich: your head is buried in the sand and your arse is up in the air. Poland has that habit of doing that too, which probably explains why the country so often gets f*cked in the arse.

"You are an ostrich with your head in the sand and your arse up in the air"
is hardly a proper apology, Harry.

You'll have to try better than that.
11 Dec 2009 /  #220
^ And still not word to defend Poland! Not a word to deal with any of the facts I posted about your country, apart from 'the Americans did one of those things too!'

How's that sand down there looking?
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
11 Dec 2009 /  #221
Harry probably believes that if he makes a claim, any claim, and nobody feels like stooping down to answering it at the moment, then he proved the point...

he also uses other eristic tricks, like calling everything a lie, imposing what other thing etc. Catching someone on using eristics in public is a big thing, all those tricks are dirty and prohibited.

there is not much sense in answering him, other that - other people might actually read that and be caught on the forbidden hooks.
11 Dec 2009 /  #222
And still not word to defend Poland!

Harry goes on flogging the same handful of ideas to death about his twisted accounts of Polish history. Again. And is upset that nobody wants to play with him anymore.

Harry probably believes

Problem is nobody gives a flying copulation what he believes.
12 Dec 2009 /  #223
Interesting that neither of you two make any attempt at all to address the facts of what 'your' country did and instead make ad hom arguments. But then when you can't debate the message, all you can do is attack the messenger.

Hopefully real Poles will learn history better than you two Plastic Poles and will learn from the mistakes Poland made so as to not make them again.
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
12 Dec 2009 /  #224
yes, we will. I for one do not take guarantees from English persons. I prefer a sound warranty.
1jola  14 | 1875  
12 Dec 2009 /  #225
Harry, is Sjam on vacation? You kicked in after a brief pause from spitting on anything Polish, so I assume you two are working split-shifts. I hope you are paid well for your efforts, or is it just a hobby?

Look at the thread tittle and see where your conversation ended up. Always the same.
southern  73 | 7059  
12 Dec 2009 /  #226
What Poles don't understand is that English played the same game with several countries.Let's quote Churchill after the conquest of Greece by Germans."It was agreat operation.By sacrificing some thousands of our men we got hundreds of thousands who will fight till the end for our interests".

Or his orders when British troops entered Greece in 1944 after retreat of German soldiers due to soviet advance in Bulgaria."My advice to British forces is to treat Greece as an occupied country."
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
12 Dec 2009 /  #227
And still not word to defend Poland!

That's because people here don't want to waste any more time on a little disgusting creatre like you. Oy !
drow21  1 | 35  
14 Dec 2009 /  #228
personally i feel very bad we didn't liberate poland , i lost a relative to Auschwitz ,

and i dont think there was any uk unit in poland,

and i think the lack of supplies to the warsaw uprising was due to stalin saying he'd shoot any plane that tried too
14 Dec 2009 /  #229
I for one do not take guarantees from English persons.

Could you please be so kind as to list the ways in which the Anglo-Polish treaty was broken by the UK? I somehow very much doubt that you will list any such, you're just another example of how Poles love to mouth off about being sold out by the British but go very quiet when asked for details.

I prefer a sound warranty.

You mean like the one given to Ukraine by Poland?
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
15 Dec 2009 /  #230
yes, we will. I for one do not take guarantees from English persons

Not all English are the same. Not all polish are the same.

The majority of Poles see that Britain did not sell out Poland to the Russians. Britain was too small to stop the Red Army. Our influence was replaced by the 2 Superpowers.

Soviets and Nazis made a pact to share out Poland again. Nazis broke it and then the Soviets took the whole of Poland.


Poland being communist for so long was good for Poland, at least you still have your National Identity and will keep it. Britain is not the same country as 20 years ago, its worse. Poland is now a better country.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
15 Dec 2009 /  #231
Not all English are the same. Not all polish are the same.

Actually all English people suck while all Polish are awesome, unless you meet someone Polish who's not awesome in which case not all Polish are the same.

The majority of Poles see that Britain did not sell out Poland to the Russians.

Then we live in two very different Polands.

Britain was too small to stop the Red Army. Our influence was replaced by the 2 Superpowers.

Absolutely, UK couldnt do anything, the problem is it did wash it hands in a rather ugly fashion but thats been beaten to death on these boards already.

Poland being communist for so long was good for Poland, at least you still have your National Identity and will keep it. Britain is not the same country as 20 years ago, its worse. Poland is now a better country.

I know what you mean still if you're in Poland and dont want to see your baby son skinned alive as you watch dont say it out loud, not everyone was to UK to know what you mean by that.
15 Dec 2009 /  #232
Steve, you've got that completely wrong. The majority of Poles do accuse Britain of selling Poland to the Soviets (although not a single one has ever told me what the price was) and thus blame Britain for 44 years of the communist regime. It's far easier for them to blame it on the British than to consider that if so many Poles hadn't collaborated with the regime, the regime wouldn't have lasted as long as it did!
Switek  - | 59  
15 Dec 2009 /  #233
The main seller was a Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Birits, in fact, a the end of WW2 felt to second league and couldn't' decide at the same level like US or USSR. Churchill had to secure British interests first but despite support for partition of Europe he behaved quite honestly letting Poles to stay in Britain.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
15 Dec 2009 /  #234

Thats what i'm trying to say.

1 out of a 100 Polish people I have spoken to think it was Britain that sold them out.

I know what you mean still if you're in Poland and dont want to see your baby son skinned alive as you watch dont say it out loud, not everyone was to UK to know what you mean by that.

I was meaning, good for Poland in the long term, short term it was bad while it lasted. Poland is stronger now than if it was not communist. It would be over run with Muslims if it had stayed like the west.
OP Ksysia  25 | 428  
15 Dec 2009 /  #235
ok, steve, whatever did not kill us, is making us stronger.

actually, syaing that Britain sold Poland is a compliment... really. There is no point in saying that to Russia and America. They won't understand and it's stating the obvious anyway. at least with Britain we speak about honour at all.

There are things missing, too. Britain fought for the colonies, on a global scale, so did the Germany. Why use Poland as a battlefield? It makes no sense to sacrifice a country like Poland, rich with resources, for a piece of rock with a little coal and sheep... Guess Mikołajczyk was even dumber than everyone thinks. Like Jaruzelski.

Off to modern times. How come Poland is still run by Jaruzelskis and Tusks? Because, as noted on this forum, we are being told lies.

How come Poland, still full of resources, since 20 years had not become richer than the rock of Britain or Spain? We are run by others, not by us.

Consider for example, when the system fell, people closed down most factories and mines. Why? If a different party takes over, the businesses not normally close down!

This time, people running Poland licked the American buttcheeks so thoroughly, that they closed everything. We are still rebuilding whatever the Soviet had built (badly) and Americans destroyed, like Yugo carmaker in Yogoslavia. Right, Balkancy?
16 Dec 2009 /  #236
OK Ksysia, to ask you yet another of the questions which Poles traditionally ignore when talking about history: if Britain sold Poland to the Soviets, what was the price? What did Britain receive from the deal? Other than a bunch of Poles who continue to lie about history five and a half decades later.
enkidu  6 | 611  
16 Dec 2009 /  #237
They earn the time to prepare for war. For the same reason they sold Czechoslovakia.
Plus - they earn our national gold reserves as a bonus.
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Dec 2009 /  #238
they earn our national gold reserves as a bonus.

Hahaha. That's hardly worth getting out of bed for.
enkidu  6 | 611  
16 Dec 2009 /  #239
75 tons of gold? You must be a very rich man.
jonni  16 | 2475  
16 Dec 2009 /  #240
Check out the contents of the Reichsbank vaults at the end of the war. Plundered gold and silver from national reserves that make the Polish reserve look like something from the window of H Samuel.

Not to mention everything they'd stolen from individuals.

Though your post about Britain getting the gold was wrong. Either a lie or a mistake, but either way wrong.

The pre-war Polish gold reserve was stored in Canada for the duration of the war and returned in full afterwards.

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