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UK betrayal of Poland during and after WWII

francis2017  1 | 2  
1 Aug 2017 /  #1

I am an Englishman who has strong feelings about the way the UK effectively handed Poland to the Soviet Union after WWII.

To many English like me I have a Guilt complex over it, and I ask you Poles to seek reparations from our government. Please do because it will really quench the guilt complex in many English people like me.

There are no time limits for war crimes trials, and the best International Court you could use would a Russian Court. A Russian Court maybe slightly biased in your favour, but any judgment would probably be correct. What we did by handing you to Soviets was not only a breech of contract but act of assisting genocide against many of your brethren and totally unforgivable. Please please kill this running sore and sue my government as I think you will win easily.

You Polish would win huge raparations using a Russian Court, that I would hope that you would use a judgment to claim ownership of my country England as a colony to be owned by Poland.

Our WWII betrayal of you must dealt with by a Court awarding Poland huge reparations to be paid back by a territorial claim of my country.

Thank you.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
1 Aug 2017 /  #2
You sound like a chip of the Russian/Soviet block. Any connections?
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
1 Aug 2017 /  #3
To many English like me I have a Guilt complex over it,

by a territorial claim of my country.

Are you bonkers, yes there is the whole Yalta thing and yes many people lost their lands to the Soviets and were exile, a very large number ended up in the British Isles, like my family ended up.

But no way do the British people owe Poland anything , In fact many of us Exiled Poles including my own family owe a great deal to Britain for taking us in and providing oportunity for work and a decent family life outside of the Soviet controlled block, Britain also allowed us to retain our own government in exile much to the anoyance of the Soviet pigs.

My father was a soldier during that time serving in the Polish II corps under the control of the British army, he had a chance for revenge on The Nazis who started the whole thing in total he served 8 years, sadly at the end of the war Poland was lost, we were not able to continue the fight alone, ended up exiled in the UK

In our Polish club in England we stood on our feetfor both the British and Polish anthems, we had a picture of the Queen in the main hall.

My ability to return to Poland and buy back what was stolen is down to the education and oportunity given to me by the British people, a damn brave nation that at one point in WWII stood completley alone in defiance of the Nazis.

Anyway I think you are a troll so bugger off.
spiritus  69 | 643  
1 Aug 2017 /  #4
You sound like a chip of the Russian/Soviet block. Any connections?

something very fishy about the opening post-I agree. In my experience, most English people have little knowledge of what happened with Poland after the war and the ones that do know a bit believe Poland should be grateful for the UK declaring war on Hitler. Troll bait....
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
1 Aug 2017 /  #5
I agree in this case! The reasons for Poland being "handed over to the Soviets" are complicated and cannot be resolved with pat answers.
jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Aug 2017 /  #6
You sound like a chip of the Russian/Soviet block. Any connections?

He's not an Englishman at all. He's only posted about these issues, and writes in very faulty English with poor lexical control and clear stylistic transference errors consistent with being a native speaker of a Slavic language.

In other words, a troll.

The thread needs deleting or merging.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
1 Aug 2017 /  #7
Some fora out there actually will ban a member who asserts their native language is something other than it is:-)
I was recently thrown off a German forum because I clicked on "English" as my mother tongue. How embarrassingLOL

Anyhow, I'm still not convinced that Churchill merrily sold Poland down the river. After all, Poland's Gov't in Exile had been in London and so if the English wanted to betray Poland, they could have easily done it at any time.
jon357  72 | 23670  
1 Aug 2017 /  #8
Churchill merrily sold Poland down the river

The country was not only bankrupt and heavily in debt to the US at the time, but also still fighting in the Asian front of the war. Any decisions about Poland were made entirely in Washington, despite Churchill's loud protests.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
1 Aug 2017 /  #9
Righteeoo, jon! That's something certain people here on PF seem to have forgotten (..if they ever knew it to begin with)!
Crow  155 | 9725  
1 Aug 2017 /  #10
I have mixed feelings here. And frankly, I myself, wouldn`t be able to start better thread for hot summer evening. Always good to be reminded of Polish good heart but naive mind, in a world of matrix, as many call it these days. World of matrix created so that Poles stay naive, to be able to give even more.
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
1 Aug 2017 /  #11
Crow  155 | 9725  
1 Aug 2017 /  #12
Its hot here, man.

focus on the topic please

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