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Can Poland allow itself to refuse Slavija?

Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #1
In hypothetical situation that may occur, that Slavic world consolidate and send call to Poland to become member of /for example/ Slavic Confederation (that may or may not include Russia), can Poland allow itself to refuse Slavija and continue to be part of EU/NATO.

What people here think?
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
6 Feb 2010 /  #2
that all depends on whether or not one believes the people of a nation should choose alliances based on genetic and cultural heritage alone.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #3
We have already seen the lack of commitment by America after a rethink on the missile shield. Murmurs abound of a replacement, Poland is just a pawn in the PNAC agenda so should count on nothing. As for the EU, there is still no joint European Defence Army (EDA) so Poland is in for many other reasons.

I keep saying it, Crow, Slavs are divided by history. I saw a Croat woman in Sarajevo almost spit at a Serb as he approached her, asking for a chair. You've seen the fights on here between Poles and Ukrainians. The majority of Poles have such a strong sense of their own that they don't identify with other Slavs.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
6 Feb 2010 /  #4
If Russia is in it, Poland would surely say 'no'. Russia is too big and powerful, and she would certainly wish to dominate Poland and the rest of company in such a confederation, so we would say: "No, thank you; we just know you too well, you Russian bear and our so dear friend. Please go away and form a federation with the Scottish and the Welsh, they just dream of being liberated from the oppressions of the English".

If Russia is out of it, Poland would surely say 'yes' to it. Poland would welcome all other Slavic nation under her leadership and guidance (although not under her control, as Russia would have done it). Maybe Poland would feel inclined to invite along the Scottish and the Welsh people as well, telling them: Come on, be not so stupid to continue for ever in this ridiculous alliance you've been in for so long. Think of a brighter future for yourselves and your children".
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961  
6 Feb 2010 /  #5
Slavija without Russia but with Scotland and Wales??? I'm not sure it's that what Crowie has in mind! :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #6
Well, the Celtic-Slavic gap would be bridged ;) ;) It was our own SAS that killed many Mujas after all.
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #7
Slavija without Russia but with Scotland and Wales??? I'm not sure it's that what Crowie has in mind! :)

Crow analyze all options and is opened for all options

Historically and metaphysically, Russia is last core of that what was Scythia and Poland is last core of that what was Sarmatia. Scytians and Sarmatians were considered to be kind (all were Proto-Slavs) of common origin and they had periods of alliances and coordination. But, throughout history, Scythia and Sarmatia were two different systems often in mutual competition.

If Sarmatians have no interest to form some kind of unity with Scythia then, at least, i suggest mutual respect.

So, in other words, Russia can exist as separate system, while other Slavs could be free to form /let`s say/ Slavic Confederation around Poland, with Warsaw as capital and political center.

Russia is too big and powerful, and she would certainly wish to dominate Poland and the rest of company in such a confederation

you could be right here

but listen, by definition, members of Confederation preserving great deal of their sovereignty. Then, there is constitution, democratic parliament. Also, with or without Russia as member of Slavic Confederation, Warsaw still can be capital.

Have in mind that Serbian intelligentsia already opened discussion in case with `Slavic rights on Siberian resources`. It is said that ``all Slavs has right to share Siberian wealth among themselves`` and that Russia should provide beneficial access to Siberia, to all Slavic countries. Serbs see Siberia as resource vault for all the Slavs, considering that Russia wouldn`t even exist if other Slavs didn`t defend Russian western and southern borders. Not to mention sins of Russian Tzars on Russian and other Slavs

Never underestimate Serbian ideas. For salvation of Slavic civilization Serbs are ready take in consideration all options. I mean ALL

The majority of Poles have such a strong sense of their own that they don't identify with other Slavs.

this comment is OUT because based on antagonisms that foreigners imposed on us Slavs. I refuse to behave according to clishe

that all depends on whether or not one believes the people of a nation should choose alliances based on genetic and cultural heritage alone.

too simplistic approach

Slavic world is much more then genetic or culturally based ethos. Slavic world is unique civilization.

For example, i had discussion with one Hungarian about origin of Hungarians. We concluded that Hungarians aren`t Slavs necessarily but, that they for sure belong to Slavic cultural area and can`t be understand without that component of their national being.

Think of a brighter future for yourselves and your children".

i strongly support this way of thinking.

I can`t imagine united Sarmatia without sending invitation to Ireland, Scotland and Wells. Also, from currently so called non-Slavic countries, i see also Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Letonia and Estonia as part of Slavic (Sarmatian) Confederation.

See, to strengthen emotional component of integration, to underline common origin (in genetical and cultural sense) we all must return to our common Sarmatian (Proto-Slavic) roots. Then, i don`t see Our limits. Only almighty God could be limit to Our power
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #8
Crow, don't be blind. Factions within Slavic ranks, i.e Croatian separatists, stirred it up. Yes, Germans were behind it for sure but don't imagine for one moment that Ante Pavlic wouldn't have acted independently. This goes back to WWII. If Slavs were so perceptive, they would ignore the attempts to divide but what I saw was pure animosity. It's not cliche, don't underestimate nationalist sentiments.

Watch Yugoslavia: The Avoidable War. It's 3 hours on the conflict. I'm watching part 1 at the moment as I type. Rampant nationalism!!

Crow, you must address the Russia/Poland divide. Russia has been a stronger advocate and exponent of ties with Serbia so why do you always play on ties with Poland? You have already spoken out against Tusk and his band of EU dogs. Russia has more potential to help than Poland does.

Also, look at Tito's actions. He is the man that started the beginning of the end for Serbs in Kosovo. He was closer to Albanians by the seems of it.
Exiled  2 | 424  
6 Feb 2010 /  #9
Serbs have many times fought for Russians even in Russian ground.There are two cities in Ukraine dedicated to and inhabited by descendants of Serbian warriors.They were given to them as an act of gratefullness for the services they offered to Russia.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #10
Precisely, it's more recent history, Exiled. Crow goes way back to ancient ties and clearly hasn't chartered the development of Poland after the collapse of the Berlin Wall. The reasons for joining NATO were clear for Poles in 1999. The security of Poland is key and Serbia cannot do anything in the face of Germany and Russia. If he hadn't already noticed, Germany and Russia are pretty close these days.
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #11
Russia has been a stronger advocate and exponent of ties with Serbia so why do you always play on ties with Poland?

Serbs are in the limbo, aware that easiest path isn`t always best way.

So, Serbs fights for Poland. Serbs sense that enemy want Poland absolutely. Poland is where retreat must end. Struggle would get fiercer. Destine of Slavija would be decided in Poland

if Poles aren`t worth, for sure, resistance would already end there. Poland must be free and accept its responsibilities

Serbs for Poles, old core for last core.

They were given to them as an act of gratefullness for the services they offered to Russia.

deepest Russian emotions are reserved for Serbs. Russians sense something

on the other side, there is no Polish nationalism without Serbs. There is no Poland without taking Serbs in consideration

So, what are Serbs? What`s the meaning of Serbs?

Simple, Serbs are old core that once experienced ultimate power and greatness. There are legends about it. Our foes, Slavic foes, were jealous about it and devastated (without being able to absolutely destroy it) old core. Money (wealth) flow was redirected

True power of Europe live on the line Balkan-Baltic. Serbs know that. Poles sense that. Russians are aware of it. So called west is in panic about it.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #12
Given that many Poles have leanings towards Croats for different reasons, what makes you so sure that they would side with Serbia? It's a big roll of the dice for Serbia as you risk losing Russian support. You know that wars are fought with propaganda as well as physically so you need some mighty strong propaganda to get the Poles 'onside'.

Also, Poland is not one of the 5 major players in NATO so what do you expect from them?

It looks like the Serbian government under Tadic is moving in a very clear direction. The illuminati types tend to dislike Serbs so why doesn't Tadic stay principled?
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #13
Given that many Poles have leanings towards Croats for different reasons, what makes you so sure that they would side with Serbia?

go give chance to those who declare itself as Croats to protect Polish children, in case of eventual Germanic assault. Give them chance and cry for Polish children

Serbs. They are something else. They could protect Polish children even from the Russians.

Problem is that there is no time. Soon, Poland has to decide. Life or oblivion, Slavija or Eurabia

As a Serbian i am messenger that can confirm- Poljaci, sisters and brothers, Serbs are with you, you have options to retreat. i would say- Sarmatian Confederation sound as best option.

The illuminati types tend to dislike Serbs so why doesn't Tadic stay principled?

just have in mind that both- Polish Kings/Heroes and Russian Tzars/Heroes were ready to died for Serbs
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #14
It's more likely that Croats see Poles as sources of money through tourism given their increased upward mobility. The Germans have always been their no1 customer, though.

You can confirm how, Crow? Why would you want to defend them against Russia? No offence but I don't think that the Russian army or Spetsnaz fear Serbian forces.

Again, you are focussing on ancient history and not more recent history. When was the last joint, cooperative effort between Serbia and Poland?
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #15
It's more likely that Croats see Poles as sources of money through tourism

Poles likes Adriatic coast. Its Dalmatia, not Croatia, what Poles likes and what Poles need. Today, Dalmatia is part of Croatia, but tomorrow... there is movement for separation of Dalmatia from Croatia

You can confirm how, Crow?

i can

Why would you want to defend them against Russia? No offence but I don't think that the Russian army or Spetsnaz fear Serbian forces.

Humans are still humans, not the robots. Relations inside of human society still depend on emotions and irrational things, on moral codes

Russians won`t dare to work against Poles if Poles and Serbs initiate some project on their own. Especially if that project respect Russian interests, as well as interests of so called west.

Simple, Poland and Serbia (Baltic-Balkan) are in the middle. We want power and offering balance to other side that has interests. So, Why would Russia send Spetsnaz against Serbs? After all, Russia want to live. Even Russians aren`t that crazy

Again, you are focussing on ancient history and not more recent history. When was the last joint, cooperative effort between Serbia and Poland?

it can be whatever i say. I am Serbian. i am just one of the Serbs. Imagine then what can be accomplished when millions of Serbs decide something
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #16
Poles should be able to see through the lies. Dubrovnik was largely unscathed and was described as "pristine". It should be clear that the Serb forces didn't decimate it because they felt it to be their territory. They were firing warning shots only.

What is it you want Poland to do?

Well, you are right to say that Serbia and Russia have common interests. Just ask the Russians in Montenegro too. Putin only threatened Poland because he didn't want to threaten America directly for the missile shield.

Millions of Serbs are pro-EU, correct? Imagine ;) ;)
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #17
It should be clear that the Serb forces didn't decimate it because they felt it to be their territory.

i would only add

one Jadwiga was of Serbian, not of Croatian origin.

What is it you want Poland to do?

nothing. That`s all. Just screw your NATO obligations, when see that Ratko arised

i suppose, when Serbs destroy England, it would be nice that Poland say one great THANKS


Putin only threatened Poland because he didn't want to threaten America directly for the missile shield.

if Poland want to live, Poland would call Serbs

Millions of Serbs are pro-EU, correct? Imagine ;) ;)

but of course. Serbs aren`t masochists. EU and NATO already once killed Serbia. Once is enough. On the end, EU is lesser sh**, NATO is bigger sh**. Serbs can eat lesser sh**. They used to

moment to deal with Eurabia would come, anyway
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Feb 2010 /  #18
But Crow, so many people have mixed and different origins these days and rarely know their true allegiance due to being hybrids. Also, how many Poles would know that? They are told to believe that heroes are their own but look closer and you see a different or, let's say, unclear picture emerging, e.g Copernicus, PiƂsudski and Mickiewicz

Well, I can't see Poles being happy with the death of over half a million of their people in England ;) They want to remain employed and, indeed, alive ;) ;)

Poland is alive and well, Crow, I can vouch for that. Would call Serbs what? ;) ;)

Would come or will come? "Once killed Serbia"?? So Serbia is living proof of resurrection? ;) ;)
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #19
But Crow, so many people have mixed and different origins these days and rarely know their true allegiance due to being hybrids.


Still, there are global civilizations. You belong to one when you incline to one of them. From your individual decision depend what factors would decide that you incline to some of existing civilizations.

my choice is Slavija, also known as Sarmatia.

Well, I can't see Poles being happy with the death of over half a million of their people in England ;) They want to remain employed and, indeed, alive ;) ;)

wtf you talking about

Poles in England would be liberated when Ratko come. Ratko would provide jobs to Poles, plenty of jobs ;)

When Ratko come, Poles would say- Pane!, Pane!... Ratko would be happy and give kiss to Poles

Poland is alive and well, Crow, I can vouch for that. Would call Serbs what? ;) ;)

Serbs live for party. Batter one great party then eternal life in misery.

Would come or will come? "Once killed Serbia"?? So Serbia is living proof of resurrection? ;) ;)

Serbs are `muertos immortales` of Slavija
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
6 Feb 2010 /  #20
Also, with or without Russia as member of Slavic Confederation, Warsaw still can be capital.

Is Warsaw as a capital so important to you ? What would be better: part of something or a capital of nothing?

I can't imagine Poland and Russia in one Conferedation. 71% of Russians are considered themselves as Asians not Europeans and I think that you overestimate "Slavic blood" :) There are far more different reasons that determined our "membership" to Eurabia or Slavija than language or history.

And what's Slavija for you? Because I think we had something alike between 1955 and 1991 ... :) And it didn't work.
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #21
What would be better: part of something or a capital of nothing?

Whats your point? you mean, at least dominion of Eurabia in batter then capital of Slavija that sound as nothing to you? Where are you brate eurarabe. You are crazy

ahaha hahah
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
6 Feb 2010 /  #22
You think that poor Warsaw can be capital of your imagined Slavija and call me crazy :))) I like fantasy literature but this is to much even for me :))
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #23
You think that poor Warsaw can be capital of your imagined Slavija and call me crazy :))

Warsaw isn`t poor, Slavija isn`t fantasy
EchoTheCat  - | 137  
6 Feb 2010 /  #24
And Elvis is still alive
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
6 Feb 2010 /  #25
my grandmother, too
Exiled  2 | 424  
6 Feb 2010 /  #26
Poles in England would be liberated when Ratko come. Ratko would provide jobs to Poles, plenty of jobs ;)

I can imagine what kind of jobs they will be.
Foreigner4  12 | 1768  
11 Feb 2010 /  #27
Slavic world is much more then genetic or culturally based ethos. Slavic world is unique civilization.

you still did not explain your idea beyond merely making alliances for reasons other than cultural and genetic heritage. You, in fact, emphasized that you endorse alliances based on genetic and cultural ties alone. Think about it, if all the slavic world is so unique then what would you chalk that up to other than sharing genetic and cultural ties?

Hey that's cool though, maybe you're on to something, maybe that's how the world should work- alliances based on genetics- but don't pretend you're saying anything but that.

And,just cause you and some Hungarian decided that Hungarians need Slavic culture to understand them doesn't make it a fact.
Exiled  2 | 424  
22 Feb 2010 /  #28
I was recently in Morava and I saw history of Greater Morava as Crow presents it.For sure people there would understand Crow it is the same language.But all and I mean all the artistic achievements were made by Germans.(Germans as subordinates to Slavs?)
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Aug 2019 /  #29
hypothetical situation Slavic world send call to Poland to become member of /for example/ Slavic Confederation

Such a situation won`t happen cause the Slavic nations which are in the EU/ NATO won`t send such a signal to Poland - they feel good in the EU - Czechia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Slovenia. Croatia

The rest of Slavic countries which aren`t members of the EU might try to send a signal but they are too weak to convince others - Ukraine, Belarus, Serbia.

The most powerful signal could be sent by the biggest Slavic country - Russia. But it will be ignored for obvious reasons - after Crimea and Donbas, hardly anybody wants to be in Slavic Confederation with Russia.
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
23 Aug 2019 /  #30
Why do you think that countries have to decide? Governments? What are countries but conglomerates of various Slavic tribes and peoples. No matter who shall initiate call, Slavs of different countries may rebel on their own, send countries to damnation, form new countries and join with those others who are firstly Slavic and then all the rest.

As for who will initiate, it won`t be Russia. It will be Serbia. It can be only Serbia. Only Serbians have credibility to confront equally Constantinople and Rome.

after Crimea and Donbas

After Crimea and Donbas we effectively have Multi-Polar world. Say thanks to Russia.

You know when would Poland escape from EU if wasn`t for German/EU/NATO mistake in Ukraine and before that in Yugoslavia? One word - NEVER.

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