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Alexander the Great - Macedonski. Poland connection?

mafketis  38 | 11213  
10 Aug 2017 /  #211
This is not about the copyrights to a name, it is about FYROM laying claims on cultural heritage that belongs to Greece.

how are they doing that?

Greece is acting like the occasional crazies here who object to the name of Lithuania (because in Polish [Litwa] its identical to the old unrelated Political entity)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Aug 2017 /  #212
how are they doing that?

because Macedonia is a province of Greece.
10 Aug 2017 /  #213
Crow, that is such a bunch of nonsense. Serbia did not take sides when it recognized FYROM as "Republic of Macedonia". It was a careless decision made at the time when Serbia had much more pressing matters (wars in Croatia, Bosnia) to care about the FYROM-Greece dispute. All former Yugoslav republics were recognized by Serbia under the names they had while they were part of Yugoslavia. Serbia always had excellent relations with Greece, while relations with FYROM were always hostile, so Serbia had no reason to take FYROM side. The theory that Serbia did it to protect Slavic brothers from Greek pressure makes no sense. Serbia is not driven by any pan-Slavic ideas, most of our enemies are Slavs.
mafketis  38 | 11213  
10 Aug 2017 /  #214
because Macedonia is a province of Greece

So? the citizens of Macedonia don't really have another name for themselves are they supposed to rebrand domestically because Greece is being irrational?

Brittany (fr Bretagne) is a province of France and somehow no one's getting upset at the name Great Britain (Grande-Bretagne)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
10 Aug 2017 /  #215
are they supposed to rebrand domestically because Greece is being irrational?

seemingly , yes.
jon357  72 | 23560  
10 Aug 2017 /  #216
Brittany (fr Bretagne) is a province of France and somehow no one's getting upset at the name Great Britain (Grande-Bretagne)

You beat me to it.

It just looks like a particularly feeble type of nationalism and a cultural cringe by those Greeks who get worked up about it. The so-called 'cradle of democracy' who hve a military coup every ten minutes and 'cradle of the arts' who in a century and a half of independence can only come up with Demis Roussos, Nana Mouskouri and one smutty novelist.

If they're frustrated by Macedonia's choice of name, they should just go off and smash some plates.
Crow  154 | 9566  
10 Aug 2017 /  #217
Crucial question is- When would official Poland move at least a finger for the Macedonia? When would official Poland stand for the Slavic antiquity? Yes, instead to be on the side of those who constantly deny Slavs (ie Sarmatians).
jon357  72 | 23560  
10 Aug 2017 /  #218
When would official Poland move at least a finger for the Macedonia?

Probably never. It's at best an irrelevance.
Crow  154 | 9566  
10 Aug 2017 /  #219
Irrelevance? And what official Poland doing, what is relevant? What is that relevance that would bi violated if official Poland support Macedonia? Tell me, will you. What official Poland doing is to openly resist to EU, while covertly isolating Poland and blindly follow NATO (EU in turn), siding with pro-German Nazi regimes, confusing its own population and preparing ground for split of Poland on at least few states.

F*** official Poland for hypocrisy. F*** liar Duda and f*** traitor Tusk (at least Tusk isn`t liar but quite open traitor).
10 Aug 2017 /  #220
Slavic people came to Balkan in 600ad. Macedonian kingdom and those so called Macedonian people stoped existing in 160b.C.

FYROM says salun-Solen

Greeks says Thessaloniki

The only contact Slavic people have with Macedonian is the REGIONS/PROVINCES.

Crow  154 | 9566  
10 Aug 2017 /  #221
Slavic people came to Balkan in 600ad. Macedonian kingdom and those so called Macedonian people stoped existing in 160b.C.

Slavs didn`t wrote that history.
mafketis  38 | 11213  
10 Aug 2017 /  #222

Country names come from all kinds of weird sources. Get used to it. And nobody sane with a functioning intellect really cares about who called who what over a thousand years ago.

What Macedonians call themselves?
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
10 Aug 2017 /  #223
FYROM says salun-Solen. Greeks says Thessaloniki

The 9th century Slavic people of that area called it Sołuń.

Slavs didn`t wrote that history.

There are clues that proto-Slavic people may have been among the so-called 'Sea People' of the Bronze Age.

What Macedonians call themselves?

jon357  72 | 23560  
10 Aug 2017 /  #224
And nobody sane with a functioning intellect really cares about who called who what over a thousand years ago.

The key to that one, Maf, is "nobody sane with a functioning intellect". Those obsessing over "Sarmatian destiny" or the name of Macedonia are mad as a box of frogs.
mafketis  38 | 11213  
10 Aug 2017 /  #225

At one point, for English I thought that Makedonia for the country and Macedonia for the province of Greece would be a nice distinction (the same spellings would work in Polish too...) but people have too much fun arguing to actually think about reasonable solutions...
11 Aug 2017 /  #226
Slavic people never leaved in the country Macedonia. Slavic people came to Balkan after 600a.d.

The name Thessaloniki is a great example to distinguish who is who.

Macedonia Thessaloniki
Roman. Salonica
Ottoman. Salonik }Selanik
Slavic. Salon. }Solun

Different people who came after Macedonians in have no idea what the name means and precisely because of when they arrived on time, they cut the name and adapted it to their alphabet and grammar.

Thessaloniki means something, it's a typical Macedonian name and the city took the name of ALEXANDER THE GREAT's half sister.

Slavic Solun don't mean a thing...
Skopia, you f*** is also a Greek name, and off course u don't have any clue. I
jon357  72 | 23560  
11 Aug 2017 /  #227
How can it possible matter who lived where in the year


Crow  154 | 9566  
11 Aug 2017 /  #228
Why then USA tries to create American nation? Why USA anthem in schools? Same is in Canada? We don`t have Serbian anthem in schools in Serbia?

You tell me. I mean, about politics of it. But, what is truly important is simple scientific truth. No progress on lie on history. No correct perception of past, no understanding of social, cultural and linguistic development, even no understanding of gene evolution.
11 Aug 2017 /  #229
The problem with the Macedonian issue is now that south Slavic people is claiming Macedonian history from ancient. Macedonia history from ancient belongs to Hellenic (Greek) history.

South Slavic people came to Balkan in 600ad.

South slavic have nothing to do with that history. Through lobbying they have sold out there country to the world just to get the name.

This is called stealing, stealing history.
Today Macedonia is a region. South Slavic have leaved in the different constellation of the regions of Macedonia.
jon357  72 | 23560  
11 Aug 2017 /  #230
South Slavic people came to Balkan in 600ad.

So what. If the people of Macedonia wish to be known as Macedonians, it's their business and nobody else's.
Crow  154 | 9566  
11 Aug 2017 /  #231
The problem with the Macedonian issue is now that south Slavic people is claiming Macedonian history from ancient.

But when South Slavs win the right on truth about Slavic antiquity, entire Slavic world would profit, not just South Slavs. One can only imagine how great moral impact on Poles could have such a South Slavic victory.

And how official Poland react to it? Nothing, absolutely nothing on it. Official Poland don`t care. Don`t care for Poles and Poland. Official Poland gave up from Polish historical rights. Its just such a shame that traitors and idiots rule Poland in last, I don`t know, a century maybe considering that all rulers of Poland after Pilusdski were weaklings and traitors.

And BDW, when read `South Slavs` read it `Serbians`. Why? Because only Serbians represent convinced South Slavs of the region. Then comes the Slovenians, advanced but utterly weak, who at least feel Slavic. In Croatia only those who preserved memory on their Serbian origin feel Slavic. Rest in Croatia are proud Germanic. Same is among Bosnian Muslims (those who don`t wish to be Serbs, they are proud Turks in their heads no matter that never mixed genes with Turks). Bulgarians are confused, same as Macedonians. Let`s use that word - `confused`. Let`s be nice. Montenegro is Serbian land and by that Slavic.

That is that Slavic South which have to win battle for Slavic antiquity, great strategic plus for Poland and official Poland, as we all know, stabbing Serbians in the back, with every new day.

So, only Poles giving me hope. Official Poland is sad story.
11 Aug 2017 /  #232

Macedonia from roman times until today is region/province. It is just a name of a region. That means that regions leader took a map and marked and devided the land. It is just a name. A name in a region in different empires. It's not Macedonians who divided the regions , IT IS THE EMPIRES.

It is a name that has been hung out since ancient . Today, in the Macedonia region leaves Greeks, Bulgarians, Albanians, Slaves, Gypsies, Turks, etc.

There has not been any documentation of a Macedonian heritage even as so late as in Ottoman Empire. In Ottoman Empire it was very imported the heritage because of the taxes different people need to pay. So until late1800 ad there was no existing of a so called Macedonian people.
jon357  72 | 23560  
11 Aug 2017 /  #233
It is just a name of a region

Not any more. It's the name of a country which has Skopje as it's capital.

So until late1800 ad there was no existing of

11 Aug 2017 /  #234
The name of the country is Former Yugoslavia republic of Macedonia. Not only Macedonia. The name is FYROM.

-ski, -ov, -ev in the end of the surnames proofs Slavic heritage.
11 Aug 2017 /  #235
Solun proofs Slavic heritage
Crow  154 | 9566  
11 Aug 2017 /  #236
Truth shall win. Israeli president Netanyahu already accepts facts about Slavic antiquity. He speaks openly of it, about contacts between Slavs (Serbians) and Jews in time of Roman Republic. He said that to Serbian PM Vucic in front of journalists in Israel, welcoming him

Serbian ethnic name is last living remain of Sarmatian name. Alexandar of Mecedon was Sarmatian. Spartans were Sarmatians. Spartacus was Sarmatian. Trojans were Sarmatians. Arcturus Castus was Sarmatian. Truth shall win about Sarmatian story as Slavic story and non shall lie on us and steal ours from us
11 Aug 2017 /  #237
Yes yes. Stories for children
Alexander The great belongs to the Argead dynasty.


Argead dynasty came from the city of Argos.
Crow  154 | 9566  
11 Aug 2017 /  #238

Moment when official Israel openly spoke about Slavic antiquity and Serbians as natives of Europe, with it all Slavs, with it Poland particularly. Yes, Poles are natives of Poland. Natives that were hunted and negated for millennia in process known as Drang Nach Osten.

PM Netanyahu's meeting with Serbian PM Aleksandar Vučić and praise Slavic antiquity


And so ended lie of Anglo-Germanic historical school. Officially.
11 Aug 2017 /  #239
House of Argos

Argead dynasty is of a Doric origin.


...and they spoke Doric

11 Aug 2017 /  #240
About the video...
He says until the Roman Empire...
ROMAN EMPIRE. What words fonts u understand. Roman Empire is after "kingdom of Macedonian"

Kingdom of Macedonia 808bC -148bC.

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