It's weird and somehow interesting seeing a greek and a serb arguing with each-other.
It is quite fair to say that FYRoM poisoned the atmosphere between Greeks and Serbs.
Last time I saw something similar was in a basketball match where for a second greeks forgot about the term: orthodox brother :D :D.
Equating Sports with Orthodox Brotherhood is a bit shallow, and a bit lame!
What is clear is this: The Greek here, defends his history and protects his cultural inheritance. The Serb here, defends what exactly ? and protects who exactly ?
When a name is imposed on you, and in such a way as to defy your ancestral forebears paternal-ethnicity - what kind of a name could it be but an imposed one.
The Macedonian name was imposed on Bulgarian-speaking Vardar-Slavs in order to ethnically-manipulate them, and to socially-engineer them into a new kind of Slav...a Macedonian Slav. But things did not go according to plan!
Slavdoms mind-architects did not cater for the time when after >2 generations, those same Vardar Slavs having developed a heightened sense of government sponsored Makedonism, went on to espouse (
i) collective-memories, (
ii) ethnic-feelings, and (
iii) national-pride for all things Macedonian.
Nobody catered for this! Slavdom created a people-group that espouses ethnic-Macedonian feelings, but refuses to accept that the ancient-Macedonians were a Centum-Greek speaking Hellenic-peoples. The peoples of FYRoM refuse to accept Alexander Great as the Greek King of Macedon...they see him more like as Aleksandar Veliki, the first Czar of the Slavs.
Names can be adopted and imposed, but not Identities! Macedonian Identity was cast in the Hellenic mould >3 Millenniums ago!
FYRoM Identity is South-Slavic, not too far distanced from Serbian or Bulgarian. FYRoM Identity cannot be Macedonian in the Greek sense of that word. Macedonian Identity was cast and set in the Hellenic mould millenniums ago. Identity is not transferable, it stays with the creators, those who created it in the first place. What was Macedonian then, >3 Milleniums ago cannot be Slavic now.
Macedonian Identity on South-Slavs can only be attributed to them on regional-basis, by virtue of geography of the latin-Roman administrative type. FYRoM at one stage in history carried the Macedonia II Salutaris name, a latin-Roman administrative district carved-out from Paeonia and Dardania.
The ancient-Kingdom of Macedon was Macedonia-Prima according to latin-Roman regional administrative geography. The Romans kept it Greek, seperate and distinct from Macedonia Secunda Salutaris.
FYRoM is not Macedonia in the Greek sense of latin-Roman regional administrative geography. According to them, FYRoM was the Second-Macedonia - Secunda-Macedonia. Salutaris in old-latin transliterates to something like 'beneficial' or 'add-on' not the original, but an accessory!
FYRoM's Satem Slavic-speaking Macedonians come Second to the Hellenic Republics Centum Greek-speaking Macedonians, the Prima, Proto, First, Top of the Chain Macedonians - the ones who stayed loyal to Hellenism, and the ones who continue to practice their self-determination right in the tradition of their regional historical ancestors.
Names can be adopted or imposed, but not Identities. The latin-Romans knew that a long time ago. The Identity of the ancient-Kingdom of Macedon was Hellenic in latin-Roman eyes.