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What do Polish people think of Palestinians?

hypertyper  2 | 11  
30 May 2012 /  #1
Hello everyone,

I am from Palestine, i will be in Poland on October for studying in Wroclaw univeristy.
I would just love to know if i would be considered a terrorist there, since the (American &some Europian) media is controlled by jews

I dont like to be discriminated, i wouldnt hurt a fly, i just need to know if i should mention that i am from Palestine or just say i am Arab..from Jordan for example.

Do Polish people stand moslty with Israeli or Palestinian people, or do they not care about issues happening between palestinians and israeli people?

I have no problem with Jewish people, i like them , i would love to make jewish friends too, but i will not welcome Zionest ones for sure because they are the reason i am not living in my country now.

Thank you.
urbanlegend  - | 24  
30 May 2012 /  #2
I don't believe these "what do Polish poeple think of <nationality> threads.

Just don't.
wladyslaw  1 | 10  
30 May 2012 /  #3
Do Polish people stand moslty with Israeli or Palestinian people, or do they not care about issues happening between palestinians and israeli people?

The governments of all european countries support American & Israel terrorism on Palestine.
Most people don't care much, but i think the ones that do, support Palestine.
I don't support any of the sides of the conflict because its not my business, but i kind of understand Palestina and if i had to choose i would be on palestinian side.

If you really want to / have to say your not palestinian... say your Egyptian.
wawa_marek  1 | 129  
30 May 2012 /  #4
Don't listen to wladyslaw. Always say you are Palestinian. People will even shake your hand when you say it in Poland. Don't be shy. Never hide your nationality.

You need to read more about Poland, maybe some other threads in this forum,
OP hypertyper  2 | 11  
30 May 2012 /  #5
Sounds great, made me feel comfortable,
I really like polish people.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
31 May 2012 /  #6
Well, I have a Palestinian colleague working here who trained as a doctor in Poland and is still here after 10-15 years.
Slavicaleks  8 | 98  
2 Jun 2012 /  #7
I consider Israel and Palestine as the same thing

Jews/ most Christian call the holy land Israel

Arabs and Muslims mainly call the holy land Palestine

in the end its the same thing.

As long as your a good person you will have no troubles in Poland
sielakos  - | 26  
2 Jun 2012 /  #8
Well i don't see a problem with you being from Palestine, but it depends on ppl. You will meet nice and not so nice ppl in Poland like in every country. I don't think that poles cares much about Israeli - Palestinian conflict.
OP hypertyper  2 | 11  
2 Jun 2012 /  #9
Good to hear, i was kinda worried because there are lots of Jews there.
sielakos  - | 26  
2 Jun 2012 /  #10
There was a lot of Jews here. After WWII not so many.
OP hypertyper  2 | 11  
2 Jun 2012 /  #11
P3undone, Thank you for your kind words.
However, believe me, peace between Palestinians and Israeli people will never happen, it is a fight over a land .
Indeed we are suffering, and the israeli people are suffering too, we lost our homes, we lost many relatives, many have gone disappeared in jails and never came back.

arab world has got its attention diverted from the real problems, and is getting its frustration channeled towards its own lands with the illusion of change, you know like a mad bull attacking a piece of cloth without paying attention to its entourage, and would eventually be sacrifacied, same way arabs are wasting their energy while moving backwards

Our leaders are the reason we fail.

This is why i'd love to move to Europe,
I can find nice people, who are happy and have peace of mind,
I FED UP of life in the middle east, i am 19 years old but i have problems more than a 45 years old man.
I wish this step will be a good change in my life, where i can later go back to my country and help others who are still suffering.

God bless Poland <3
Slavicaleks  8 | 98  
2 Jun 2012 /  #12
most poles don't care about Palestine/Israel i know i don't.

wawa_marek  1 | 129  
2 Jun 2012 /  #13

Relax - Wroclaw students life is great. I lived there for almost 1 year. I was employed in a corporation - always in rush, so I could just observe the students life there. If I was young again I would like to study in Wroclaw.
irishguy11  6 | 157  
2 Jun 2012 /  #14
However, believe me, peace between Palestinians and Israeli people will never happen, it is a fight over a land .

Maybe all the Irish thought the same, but we have peace on our island. The same can happen to your land, it will take time and trust.

Your comment about Zionest Jews upsets me, you are showing that you are a racist.
Arshad  2 | 13  
2 Jun 2012 /  #15
@ HyperTyper :

InshaAllah you will spend lovely time in Poland. I have been there many times, never had an issue except while communicating.

Enjoy your studies & be proud of what you are.

p3undone  7 | 1098  
3 Jun 2012 /  #16
agreed it is a lose lose situation,not to stray to far off topic,I think you understood what I meant by that last post.If you want to continue then

pm me or start a different,thread,but I warn you,this issue is very sensitive and I know you know where that can lead.
OP hypertyper  2 | 11  
3 Jun 2012 /  #17
I actually did not understand what you meant by your last topic, could you please Pm me explaining it in simple language?
yehudi  1 | 433  
13 Jun 2012 /  #18
Our leaders are the reason we fail.

I agree. Your leaders are the reason you fail.

I wish you better luck in Poland.
johnny reb  49 | 7927  
12 Feb 2018 /  #19
but i will not welcome Zionest ones for sure because they are the reason i am not living in my country now.

This seems to be the general consensus world wide and it is getting worse by the day.
I hope you do/did have a wonderful experience while visiting Poland.
Lyzko  44 | 9713  
12 Feb 2018 /  #20
The ancient aka Biblical Holy Land of the Jewish people was called "Judaea", not "Palestine"! After the British Mandate following WWI, Palestine was the name for the ancient Jewish State PRIOR to Israel's independence from Great Britain in 1948.

Today however, Palestine refers exclusively to the Arabs territory for those living in what was once known as Judaea, presently the State of Israel. Palestinians in common parlance therefore never referred to Jews or Israeli Arabs (Arabs who happen to be living in Israel), but solely Palestinian Arabs!

The nomenclature here is vital.

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