He did show up for the coronation :)
Oh, and the Slovaks showed up for invasion. I don't hold it against him. So this is sorted? The Hungarian king disrespected the whole Polish nation. Tick. :)
partition of Poland took place in 1795 and Austro-Hungary - (...) 1867,
They opportunistically exploited the fruits of the Austrian lowly and cowardly crime of murdering a... oh, the proud and ancient state of Poland. Innit.
Seriously, BratBoy has a point about us not having common border, mostly. But lack of reasons to hate each other is hardly a working foundation for friendship. Not in private life, not between nations. We do not love the Swiss, do we, although we do not hate nor despise them. Thus only your suggestion of similar mentalities bears some resemblance to valid explanation. But what would those common national features be then? I know it's difficult. I mean, I think so.
I don't mind three screen rants nor links to academical analyses nor whatever that might shed more light. Come to thing of it, it is a really interesting phenomenon.
Like, they sent us ammo in 1920, as you say. From what I know nobody else did, but the French tried, and the Brits tried, only the transports were held up by rebelling German workers, another reason to hate the Krauts. And I do not consider Marshall Foch a contribution. But that's about it. And we sent them Bem before, so they just paid back.
We do not love Finns, Estonians, Norwegians, although we do respect them, I believe. Similar distance.
So? They drink wine, not strong spirits. They can't speak intelligibly. They sing better under influence. They showed us how to make goulash, but they laugh at Polish-made goulash. They put paprika in everything...