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Which nation were the biggest pussies of WWII?

Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #1
Initially im thinking France although many others spring to mind.
purplewolf  2 | 46  
16 Mar 2010 /  #2
Juice definitely... ;)

The French take second place...
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #3
Jews definitely

They may be excused as they didnt have a country from which to form a regiment let alone an army. I met a Jew lawyer a couple of years ago and he was a part time reserve drafted into training once a year, they wont make the same mistake again and they shouldnt being surrounded by nations that want to kill them.

The Irish didnt do much did they? just kind of sat back quietly. The Swiss now they didnt want anything to do with it either. Fcuk it lets make a list of puss1e nations:


I retract France atleast they put up an initial fight.

Most countries were involved at some point but most of the ones that werent were far away form the actual fighting.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #4
Switzerland? You might as well throw Sweden in there too.

But then again, all those countries were mobilizing at the time. Buying time as well, like the UK and France did during the phony war.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
16 Mar 2010 /  #5
I retract France atleast they put up an initial fight

True, they threw croissants at the Nazis.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
16 Mar 2010 /  #6
The Irish didnt do much did they? just kind of sat back quietly.

Wasnt our war. Why would we help the Brits? Twenty years previous they were raping and pillaging our towns and villages.

You were on the verge of famine, you were lucky we supplied you with food!

As for the Spanish, they were trying to recover after a devestating civil war.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #7
Wasnt our war. Why would we help the Brits? Twenty years previous they were raping and pillaging our towns and villages.

So why didnt you jump in with the Gerries then. Perfect opportunity to slam home a win. Luftwaffe bases in Ireland within easy striking distance of all the UK. Handed on a platter really...

You were on the verge of famine, you were lucky we supplied you with food!

Well thanks for that, weapons building factories would have been a step up. Any old dude can grow veg, dont give me that famine crap.
purplewolf  2 | 46  
16 Mar 2010 /  #8
They may be excused as they didnt have a country from which to form a regiment let alone an army.

But they had opportunity to join foreign armies.. Some of them did, in Poland for example, but majority of them (excluding women and children of course) chose to die as cattle - without any fight whatsoever..
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
16 Mar 2010 /  #9
So why didnt you jump in with the Gerries then. Perfect opportunity to slam home a win. Luftwaffe bases in Ireland within easy striking distance of all the UK. Handed on a platter really...

Why the phuc would we help the Nazis? Dev made the right decision by remaining neutral.

Did you know that Churchill offered Ireland a 32 county republic if they joined forces with the allies?
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #10
Some of them did, in Poland for example, but majority of them (excluding women and children of course) chose to die as cattle - without any fight whatsoever..

I dissagree, most that died as cattle as you put were so far into a demoralising situation they had no hope. What did you think (whilst watching US films) starving skinny demoralised Jews would just start pumping Bruce Lee kicks over power a superior base and begin a revolution. Doesnt work like that in the real world matey.

They were in a hopeless situation, bible bashers believe retribution was at hand.
1jola  14 | 1875  
16 Mar 2010 /  #11
Leave us Poles out of this as we have never strayed away from a good fight.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #12
Did you know that Churchill offered Ireland a 32 county republic if they joined forces with the allies?

Its not top of my list for WWII but yes i did know that.

Why the phuc would we help the Nazis?

To try and conqour your enemy the BRITISH of course. I guess the safe plan was sit it out and see what happens then jump into bed with the dominating power, noble put puss1e all the same.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
16 Mar 2010 /  #13
I dissagree, most that died as cattle as you put were so far into a demoralising situation they had no hope. What did you think (whilst watching US films) starving skinny demoralised Jews would just start pumping Bruce Lee kicks over power a superior base and begin a revolution. Doesnt work like that in the real world matey.

They were going to die either way. Better to go out kicking ass than dying on your knees grovelling.

To try and conqour your enemy the BRITISH of course. I guess the safe plan was sit it out and see what happens then jump into bed with the dominating power, noble put puss1e all the same.

We didnt jump in on any side. We remained neutral throughout the war. Quite rightfully too.

Why should Irishmen die for Poles/Brits/and jews?
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #14
To try and conqour your enemy the BRITISH of course. I guess the safe plan was sit it out and see what happens then jump into bed with the dominating power, noble put puss1e all the same.

It still wasn't their war. They didn't sign a defense pact a couple days before.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #15
Better to go out kicking ass than dying on your knees grovelling.

Another one thats been watching too many films.

Do you honestly think the Germans hadnt grassped a concept of this and accouted for it. Ohh please.... Do i need to explain or can your imaginations do the work for me?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
16 Mar 2010 /  #16
Another one thats been watching too many films.

The jews should have formed a guerilla army with flying columns instead of hiding in attics.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #17
It still wasn't their war.

Youre right there it wasnt their war they would have IMO just sat along side the dominating power at the end.

It was everyones WAR, based on morals. Thats the fundamental of war. How can you say it wasnt their war?

It wasnt the US's war either but should the UK have fallen it soon would have been thats the whole point.

The jews should have formed a guerilla army with flying columns instead of hiding in attics.

Actaully they did, unfortunately they would have needed atleast 1,000,000 troops with heavy weaponary (ground force) to even stall the Wermacht from the beginning, and thats not even getting started on aviation or sea power.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Mar 2010 /  #18
ially im thinking France although many others spring to mind.

Italy, first they invaded Abyssynia which had a total of 3 tanks and 5 airplanes and it still took them half a year to bring down a bunch of n*ggers with a few rifles, then they managed to get beaten by Greece which had about half their numbers and got rolled over by a massively inferior british force in Africa.

I retract France atleast they put up an initial fight.

No they did not, bar a few engagements their performace was so f*cking humiliating its not even funny, they win second place after Italians.


Do you honestly think the Germans hadnt grassped a concept of this and accouted for it

They didnt need to 99% of the jewish populace went quietly to the gas chambers.

So why didnt you jump in with the Gerries then. Perfect opportunity to slam home a win. Luftwaffe bases in Ireland within easy striking distance of all the UK. Handed on a platter really...

Because that would be an awesome excuse to annex Ireland, again, also the Irish position was more about "we hate Brits" more then "we love Nazis" they were basically middle fingering London more then supporting Germany.
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #19
It was everyones WAR, based on morals. Thats the fundamental of war. How can you say it wasnt their war?

If it were based on morals, the armies should have kept marching East until Russia was free.

It wasnt the US's war either but should the UK have fallen it soon would have been thats the whole point.

That wasn't the plan. And the man pretty much followed his plan exactly as he laid it out.

No they did not, bar a few engagements their performace was so f*cking humiliating its not even funny, they win second place after Italians.

Where does Poland fit into your list?
purplewolf  2 | 46  
16 Mar 2010 /  #20

This list doesn't make much sense.. Italians were allies of nazis as well as some Frenchmen (Vichy France).. Nazis didn't really want to annihilate any of them... Jews were destined for death and they knew it very well, they had nothing to lose.. Giving up in such situation is nothing but a total evidence of being a pusssy...
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #21
If it were based on morals, the armies should have kept marching East until Russia was free.

Free from what Stalinism? WTF. If youre talking about communism in Eastern Europe it was clearly weighed up. Personally i think we should have kept going but thats easy for me to say, the threat was extinguished with Hitler gone.

That wasn't the plan. And the man pretty much followed his plan exactly as he laid it out.

The man being Roosevelt i assume, capitalism vs socialism.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
16 Mar 2010 /  #22
Youre right there it wasnt their war they would have IMO just sat along side the dominating power at the end.

It was everyones WAR, based on morals. Thats the fundamental of war. How can you say it wasnt their war?

It wasnt the US's war either but should the UK have fallen it soon would have been thats the whole point.

Bollocks. My only regret from the whole period was that the IRA didnt have the strength that they had in the 70s. The Brits would have been in quite the pickle.

We spent 800 years driving you out of this country, we werent going to invite you back in just to help out in a war that was none of our concern.

Actaully they did, unfortunately they would have needed atleast 1,000,000 troops with heavy weaponary (ground force) to even stall the Wermacht from the beginning, and thats not even getting started on aviation or sea power.

I suggest you look up the term guerilla warfare. A few determined men armed with rifles and thompson machine guns could have made life very difficult for the krauts. Instead, 99.999% marched to their deaths without putting up a struggle.

Its very easy to play the virtual soldier on the net. I admit that. But if I was in that position and my loved ones were being cattle marched to their slaughter, I am certain I would fight using any method I could.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Mar 2010 /  #23
Where does Poland fit into your list?

Nowhere, Poland put up a badass resistance that could not be and was not effective but badass none the less.

This list doesn't make much sense..

Only because you're stupid, the topic is about the biggest wusses. The way i see it its about groups that performed badly when having all the conditions for success or like the Jews didnt perform at all.
purplewolf  2 | 46  
16 Mar 2010 /  #24
Only because you're stupid

The nickname you use doesn't make you any wiser either.. ;)

groups that performed badly

Explain to us, Sokrates, the IQ demon, how Italians could have "performed badly" against Germans whereas they were an official ally of the Third Reich?.. ;)
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #25
Free from what Stalinism? WTF. If youre talking about communism in Eastern Europe it was clearly weighed up. Personally i think we should have kept going but thats easy for me to say, the threat was extinguished with Hitler gone.

Yes, Stalinism. Morally wrong. Nazi Germany only became a threat to Britain when war was declared.

The man being Roosevelt i assume, capitalism vs socialism.

Hitler actually.

Nowhere, Poland put up a badass resistance that could not be and was not effective but badass none the less.

Poland got the **** kicked out of it. 10 years to prepare and ended up falling in a month.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Mar 2010 /  #26
Poland got the **** kicked out of it. 10 years to prepare and ended up falling in a month.

First major tank battle took place in Poland, first major land battle with over half a milion troops on both sides took part in Poland, first major air battles took part in Poland.

Of course Poland fell, attacked from two sides by countries that had a 100 years economic head start on account of not being destroyed while Poland had to build its industry from scratch, it still doesnt change the fact that it had more succesfull engagements in a month then the Allies had in all the years untill D-Day.

So apart from being an uneducated moron having an opinion and zip knowledge you were saying what?;)
convex  20 | 3928  
16 Mar 2010 /  #27
So apart from being an uneducated moron having an opinion and zip knowledge you were saying what?;)

So Poland didn't get the sh*t kicked out of it? Noble does not equal victorious... or good for that matter.

I understand that Poland was defeated in a month.

I also understand that Poles were outnumbered 2:1 by the invaders. I also know that they were massively outgunned. That led to them getting the sh*t kicked out of them.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Mar 2010 /  #28
So Poland didn't get the sh*t kicked out of it?

Wuss: A person regarded as weak or timid and especially as unmanly

Given that Poland fought ferociously, very often to the last bullet and soldiers surrendered only if all options were exhausted and even then many chose to die fighting thats hardly a wussy defeat.

I also understand that Poles were outnumbered 2:1 by the invaders. I also know that they were massively outgunned. That led to them getting the sh*t kicked out of them.

Between Slovaks, Russians and Germans vs Poland.
4:1 in people.
11:1 airplanes.
12:1 tanks.
20:1 armored cars.

Being a wuss =/= losing.
OP Wroclaw Boy  
16 Mar 2010 /  #29
Bollocks. My only regret from the whole period was that the IRA didnt have the strength that they had in the 70s. The Brits would have been in quite the pickle.

Really a few IRA bombs compared to daily luftwaffe attackes of 600 plus bombers plus ME 109 fighter assisted planes, add a few 100 flying bombs believe me the IRA would have been a flying mosquito needed to be swatted away as apposed to a swarm of killer bees. Lets not even mention proper ground force armies, ohh please....

I respect your knowledge in your area of interest but please stay well away from war realated threads.

We spent 800 years driving you out of this country, we werent going to invite you back in just to help out in a war that was none of our concern.

Which is why i suggested you should probably side with our enemy, why didnt you?????

I suggest you look up the term guerilla warfare. A few determined men armed with rifles and thompson machine guns could have made life very difficult for the krauts.

OK so a few guerilla soldiers are going to stop the Nazi war machine the most advanced and high tech in the world with light infantry. It doesnt work like that, any resistance as meaningfull and annoying as it was would have been surpassed and dealt with later unless you had crack troops holding key city positions in which case they would have been a priority. This is world war here not Northern Ireland. Any troops hard to dig out would have been blasted to oblivion regardless of human sacrifice.

But if I was in that position and my loved ones were being cattle marched to their slaughter, I am certain I would fight using any method I could.

Wouldnt we all.

Yes, Stalinism. Morally wrong. Nazi Germany only became a threat to Britain when war was declared.

Russia was not the naked aggressor thats the difference and the point anyway, youre conveniently skipping that. They bacame a threat and the reasons are far from different than those preceding WWII.

Whats your point we shoud have carried on WWII after the BIG 3 treaty? You trying to make yourself feel better? You sure are slippery when cornored but i'll get yah.
16 Mar 2010 /  #30
First major tank battle took place in Poland, first major land battle with over half a milion troops on both sides took part in Poland, first major air battles took part in Poland.

And Poland lost all of them.

Poland fought ferociously, very often to the last bullet and soldiers surrendered only if all options were exhausted and even then many chose to die fighting

Poland had 950,000 men in the field: 64,500 were killed and 694,000 were taken prisoner. So in reality a Polish soldier was more than ten times more likely to surrender than die fighting. But don't let facts get in the way of your lies.

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