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Movie about Polish Fighter 303 Squadron in the making

FCPUK  - | 2  
26 Apr 2018 /  #31

Derbyshires High Peak link to the most famous WW2 Battle of Britain fighter squadron

303 Squadron is arguably the most famous Battle of Britain Fighter squadron, but their prized trophy is from action over
the beautiful rural Derbyshire countryside near to where I live. See my blog for an illustrated account.

27 Apr 2018 /  #32

Hurricane OFFICIAL 2018 Teaser (Iwan Rheon, Milo Gibson, Marcin DorociƄski)

Hurricane (Squadron 303) is the story of a group of brave Poles who fought in the skies over England in WW2
Sylvio  19 | 154  
1 Sep 2018 /  #33

Divizjon 303 movie

Looking foreward to seeing the movie, I have however watched the "Bloody Foreigners - documentary". It ends with a statement from a old Polish lady veteran of the Battle of Britain" recalling : " We felt betrayed at Yalta, and never felt genuinely welcome in Britain". Not genuinely welcome in Britain, right? Well, becasue to be welcome in Britain you need to be a trusted "anticatholic". That's right. A satanist, islamic, hindu, protestant, buddist,...anything is ok, except not Catholic. About time Polish people cottoned onto this rather sizable elephant in the room. Rather sad really. Would love to hear anyone convince me otherwise..?
Ironside  50 | 13053  
1 Sep 2018 /  #34
there actually two movies a one made 'somewhere' and other made in Poland.
Sylvio  19 | 154  
1 Sep 2018 /  #35
I know these are separate movies. The documentary makes for a good trailer,though.
Miloslaw  20 | 5140  
2 Sep 2018 /  #36
This will be a good film....please research 303 squadron,it is an amazing story.

Ironside  50 | 13053  
2 Sep 2018 /  #37
there are two movies about it, Three if you count documentary.....

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