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Polish hatred towards Jews...

kaprys  3 | 2076  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1171
What about non-Slavic speaking territories?
I'm not determined to argue. I just see no logical argument denying the fact that Poland was the most welcoming country for centuries. That's a fact. Otherwise they wouldn't have settled here. They wouldn't have grown to be the biggest Jewish community in the world.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1172
Care to name the other European nations where the Chief Rabbi of the country was attacked in the street?

France has among the highest rates of anti-Semitism in Europe or even the world. Jews are regularly attacked and synagogues vandalized.

Zydokomuna isn't fantasy

No it is not.

kaprys  3 | 2076  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1173
He had to dig into an article from over 10 years ago. How about reading about recent antisemitic attacks in Britain.
Taxpaying voter  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1174
I am pretty sure rabbi's have been attacked in other countries too

Feel most welcome to name other European nations where the Chief Rabbi of the country was attacked in the street. Or just continue with the off-topic and ad hom posts. I wonder which you'll choose.

So why is it so freaking difficult to admit Poland was the most welcoming place for them?

If the UK passed a new law forbidding Poles from living in London and most of the bigger cities, would you then say that the UK was a welcoming place for Poles?

Pre-partitions Poland had laws forbidding Jews from living in Warsaw and most of the bigger cities, so why do you claim that Poland was the most welcoming place for Jews then?

Poland was not a welcoming place for Jews, but it was less unwelcoming than other countries in Europe.

So why did they keep on settling here?

Because, as has already been pointed out to you, Poland was less hostile, and more pragmatic, than other European countries.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1175
He had to dig into an article from over 10 years ago. How about reading about recent antisemitic attacks in Britain.

Yep. Lots of antisemitic attacks happening in many European countries right now. Britain, Germany, France etc. 'Oh but Polska zła. Rabbi attacked on streets of Poland over a decade ago. Let's focus on that.'
Taxpaying voter  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1176
Lots of antisemitic attacks happening in many European countries right now. Britain, Germany, France etc.

Has anybody been boasting about how safe Jews are in those countries? No.
However, as you want to bring up attacks on Jews in Britain, perhaps you'd care to comment on the recent case of a 70-year old Jewish woman being attacked on a London by a man who slammed her head into a brick wall while shouting "Zyd"?
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1177
Funny Harold, I had a feeling of the multitude of attacks in around Europe, your keen anti-Polish eye would be quick to pick out the one committed by the Polish man. Of course this attack shows that not only is Poland inherently antisemitic, but so are Polish people.

Now care to mention all the positive stories/articles of Jewish-Polish relations? Oh no wait, that would go against your evil Polska narrative. I've still never quite worked out why you live there, since it is such an awful place full of racists, fascists, bigots and antisemites.
Crnogorac3  3 | 666  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1178
That's not much to boast about, given the situation in other Slavic-speaking territories...

Well since you mention it, in this book I found a statistic with regards to Jews in Poland. Which I believe says a lot.


Paragraph 3, Page 64.

O prostituciji i trgovini belim robljem
- Od 1884. do 1935. godine u (nekadašnjim) austrijskim i ruskim dijelovima Poljske bila su pokrenuta 163 kaznena procesa pod optužbom za trgovinu djevojkama s ukupno 997 optuženih. Od tih 997 optuženih 988 su bili Židovi. U istom periodu donesena je 123.641 prijava za svodništvo, a među privedenima je bilo 121.689 Židova. Od 57 zakonom zabranjenih pornografskih izdanja (od 1922. do 1937. godine) 48 je pripadalo Židovima, a od 411 osoba pritvorenih zbog širenja pornografije, 369 su bili Židovi... (very interesting stats).
G (undercover)  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1179
So which nations like Jews ?
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1180
What about non-Slavic speaking territories?

Remind me of the name of this forum...

settled here

And that somehow rules out the fact that there is considerable antii-semitism in Poland?
mafketis  38 | 11278  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1181
Poland was not a welcoming place for Jews, but it was less unwelcoming than other countries in Europe.

It was a slow horse race that Poland 'won'.

there is considerable antii-semitism in Poland?

It tends to follow them around and last longer than their actual presence, Poland is in no way unique in that regard.

ots of antisemitic attacks happening in many European countries right now. Britain, Germany, France etc

Since Jewish voices were among the loudest in facilitating muslim immigration to Europe..... I'm not hugley sympathetic about belated concerns about anti-semitism.

not that they need my sympathy, Jews tend to not mind attacks from muslims (their main antagonists in Europe at present) for various historical reasons (muslims tend to be disorganized and ineffectual). It's attacks form Christians that freak them out.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1182
@Taxpaying voter
So he called a woman 'żyd'? Interesting...
So are you saying it's Poles that are responsible for the rise in the antisemitic attacks in London? As always - blame the Poles!

It's funny how you mention an act issued in Poland forbiding Jews from settling in royal towns in Poland while Jews were expelled for about three centuries from England. Polish Jews were allowed to live in Poland. And there were similar acts forbiding Christians from Jewish quarters. How anti-Christian that Polish act was!

It's a Polish forum - not a Slavic forum. And we're talking about the reason why so many Jews settled here. One of the reasons was they were expelled from other countries.

Antisemitism isn't a Polish invention. It's not unique to Poland. And ironically, Poland used to be the place where Jews were allowed to settle unlike other countries.
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1183
It's a Polish forum - not a Slavic forum

That's a rather obtuse comment.

And we're talking about the reason why so many Jews settled here

Do migrants go to Europe now because they love European culture? Or does desperation and lack of choices come in to it?
kaprys  3 | 2076  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1184
Some countries welcome them. And some don't.
Don't you criticise Poland for refusing to accept refugees?
So why not criticise the countries who refused to welcome Jews?
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1185
I certainly do criticise those countries - odd you'd pretend to think I wouldn't. Just as I'd criticise anywhere with a provably high level of anti-semitism. Like Poland.
mafketis  38 | 11278  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1186
they love European culture? Or does desperation and lack of choices come in to it?

Interesting that you finally admit they have no affinity for European culture, how long before you admit that this lack of attachment dooms them to failure and welfare dependency (and petty crime and a bunch of other negative outcomes)?
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1187
affinity for European culture,

That comes with time.

Nobody lives in a bubble anyway - European cultural output reaches around the world.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1188
I have never claimed there's no antisemitism in Poland. I have had arguments here about Rybak or Miedlar.
I'm not making up these stories about antisemitic attacks in London, BTW. I read about them several weeks ago. So if you want to be consistent, criticise that as well.

But there's more to Polish-Jewish relations than antisemitism. And I keep hearing about it here all the time.
Like there's nothing good to be said. Poland owed Jews nothing when they were allowed to settle here when other places expelled them. They lived here for centuries and whether someone likes that or not Poland has been an important place in the Jewish history and deserves more than constant accusations.

Just like there were Polish Jews who contributed to the history and tradition of Poland.
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1189
I have never claimed there's no antisemitism in Poland.

Good, since there is a very high level - even the CBOS poll shows that.

But there's more to Polish-Jewish relations than antisemitism.

A great deal. There would be very few Nobel prizes without those Poles who are Jewish, Warsaw and Krakow would be very different places too.

deserves more than constant accusations.

It deserves a great deal more - nevertheless, what you refer to as "constant accusations" (despite being neither) must be made - only looking at the positive side of history and ignoreing the negative side denies the truth of the past and the intellectual integrity of the present. It debases those who propagate it.
mafketis  38 | 11278  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1190
That comes with time.

So you keep saying and the real world keeps not backing you up on that....

Just like there were Polish Jews who contributed to the history and tradition of Poland.

Pole and Jew aren't distinct categories in Poland but rather overlapping circles there is a ton of people (who don't think of themselves as jews) who clearly have some jewish ancestory in Poland. A lot of anti-semitism is projected self-loathing.

Polish anti-semitism has never posed a large scale existential threat to Jewish people the way it had in some other countries (Spain and Russia for example)
Crow  155 | 9726  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1191
There must be something what Poles can offer to Jews, except hate. Trade with them, negotiate. Jews love money. We all love money.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1192
All I hear and read here is negative.
Remind me of one positive thing that has been said here about Poland in connection with Jews.

And believe me, there's more to it than Warsaw and Kraków.

There's an excellent letter/article by Julian Tuwim 'My, Żydzi Polscy'. Have a look. It's available in English, too.
mafketis  38 | 11278  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1193
Remind me of one positive thing

jon (and some others) would rather be boiled in oil and pickled before saying something positive about poland and jews...
jon357  72 | 23670  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1194
Remind me of one positive thing

You'll find plenty on here if you look for positives rather than just trying to find things you don't like. There are some very good threads indeed, a few started by myself..

And believe me, there's more to it than Warsaw and Kraków.

Whoever said there wasn't!
dolnoslask  5 | 2805  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1195
Poles can offer to Jews, except hate

Got to say in the years I have been in Poland I have not heard anyone say anything about the Jews, after Germany murdered Polish Jews by the million during WWII the survivors fled for their lives , I guess there are not many poles under 60 who have had the chance to live with Jewish people so probably would not have any experience to form judgement apart from what they read in the news . the only hot topic I come across day to day here is talk about migrants, that's about it.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1196
It always seems quite bittersweet to me.

I don't think I remember many. I'm afraid you'd have to remind me.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1197
to suggest that the Jews alone, in and of themselves, brought their tortured history upon their people, is the height of hypocricy

Is it?

Anstisemitism is a response to Jewish insolence, don't deny that, and don't pretend it's not true.
To name the reason for the whoah-so-*******-big-oh-mother-****-geez-oh-my-god HYPE about every, tiny time when someone, somewhere whispered "jew" word louder than crickets' songs.

Am I wrong?
WHO is propelling this biggo bullshit? Who is turning the tables, making white black and black white?
Lyzko  44 | 9730  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1198
"Am I wrong?"

Quite wrong, as usual:-) You typically blame the intended victim for that which was foisted upon him! Of course Jews are no more or less "perfect" than any other peoples. Why then the double standard?
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1199
Quite wrong, as usual:-)

As usual...

When was I wrong?

You typically blame the intended victim for that which was foisted upon him

How, just HOW can I blame a perpetrator to be a victim - because clearly you imply just that..?

With ALL DUE RESPECT don't spread BS here, sir.
Pretty please.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
10 Jan 2018 /  #1200
Quite wrong, as usual:-)

When was I wrong?

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Polish hatred towards Jews...Archived