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Polish hatred towards Jews...

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
20 Dec 2009 /  #901
Lets get back to topic please.

Down with the Jews i say, off with their heads! (yes i'm Polish).
vetala  - | 381  
20 Dec 2009 /  #902
yes i'm Polish

Again? Weren't you Greek not so long ago? I wish I could change my nationality so easily;)
I would have become Jewish, just to spite you.
rock  - | 428  
20 Dec 2009 /  #903
You think an agreement brokered by Americans should hold more weight than the history of the region and the passing of hands?

Serbia was the majority before WWII and even for some time afterwards. It was the major power for so long and is still the second largest group there. I think it is a little unfair that they control so much but, rightly or wrongly, they have been in Bosnia for a long time with homes and past generations.

I am quite sure that if USA did not intervene to the Bosnian war by activating NATO, EU will keep on watching the Bosniak genocide. They were glad with Serbs if possible killing all the muslims. So as you said before Bosnia would be a christain country automatically.

When Serbs fought with Slovenia and Croatia, European nations immediately gave reaction and war stopped. When it came to Bosniaks they prefer to wait. But USA forced them after a lot of muslims die.

Unfortunately an aggrement brokered by Americans was the only solution for the muslims to survive. Although it is not fair for Bosniaks they admit it. Otherwise, without arms and an army they could not resist to Serbs who use all the facilities of ex-yugoslavian army.

Turks left Bosnia in 1878. Only 130 years ago. Bosnia was a typical muslim country at that date. Beginning from that date the difficulties for muslims began. Under Austria Hungary Empire rule migrations from Serbia and Croatia to Bosnia increased. Following years were worse for muslims. Bosniak began to migrate to Turkey. Today, 1.500.000 Bosniak origined Turks are living in Turkey.

As a result if Serbia, Croatia have rights to have independent countries seperating from Yugoslavia, Bosniaks have also right to have their own independent country.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
20 Dec 2009 /  #904
I agree with that, rock, with nothing to add.

Now, back to the thread.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
20 Dec 2009 /  #905
Again? Weren't you Greek not so long ago? I wish I could change my nationality so easily;)
I would have become Jewish, just to spite you.

Nie nie byłem Grekiem, jestem bardziej polski niż wódka i kiełbasa.

Does that answer you question? :)
vetala  - | 381  
20 Dec 2009 /  #906
Sorry, my confusion came from the statement by a PF member 'Socrates'.
But I'd rather you weren't. I hate it when some Poles give the rest of us an image of an intolerant nation. I always get a feeling like the only way of countering it would be becoming a philosemite but that would be just silly...
Filios1  8 | 1336  
20 Dec 2009 /  #907
Does that answer you question? :)

You forgot to add skurwiel pierwszej klassy.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
20 Dec 2009 /  #908
Oh be quiet jewling.

But I'd rather you weren't. I hate it when some Poles give the rest of us an image of an intolerant nation.

Yeah, white power! I put my spiky white hood somewhere ...
Seanus  15 | 19668  
20 Dec 2009 /  #909
Such talk is foolish, vetala. Even within one family, there are variations. I know one family member to be very wary of Jews due to his past dealings but his wife to be very open and accomodating.

However, one thing I do believe is that, like virtually all others, Poles blow with the wind. I was discussing this with a colleague and he said that they will paint themselves as tolerant when the cameras are on but, amongst themselves, will say sth different. Please don't take this as a slight, it's just what many natives here have said and noticed.

Bottom line: Some are tolerant and some aren't. Full stop/period!!!!!!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
20 Dec 2009 /  #910
Your profile states that you speak SOME Polish, therefore you are hardly an expert when it comes to Poland or opinions of people who live in Poland EVEN if you might be Polish GENETICALLY. Also statements like...

I don't have to be fluent in Polish to understand the comments happily provided by many Poles on PF as a proof of their anti- Semitism. Those statements are enough for me to come to conclusion that those Poles who post against Jews here ARE indeed anti- Semitic in their way of thinking. They provide more then enough evidence about their hate.

Presuming that I need to be full blown Polish with speaking it fluently the language and living on Poland in order to understand the Polish way of thinking is a really flawed argument on your part. A contra - argument: real Polish people who live in Poland might not be able to understand the way of thinking of their fellow country men for many reasons. Therefore being Polish (living in Poland and speaking Polish) does not guarantee the ability to understand anything. Don't you agree?:)

...automatically make me lose respect for people who say them and makes me sure that they are not knowledgable about the way of thinking of Poles.

I was mainly referring to Polish posters on PF, full blown Poles, who are after all the representatives of the Polish society. As for loosing respect on your part for me having an opinion, which is grounded on a large number of posts of PF- well, that is really not an issue for me, but a proof that maybe I have touched on something that is still painful for some Poles to admit.

I have never claimed that all Polish people are anti- Semitic. Some have simply too little exposure in order to develop any real antagonism. Those who are have probably had little exposure as well, considering the fact that the majority of Jew residing in Poland prior to WW2 are not longer there. Therefore, the image of the Jew in Poland has little to do with reality.
vetala  - | 381  
20 Dec 2009 /  #911
I was mainly referring to Polish posters on PF, full blown Poles, who are after all the representatives of the Polish society.

Yeah? Which ones? Am I not one of them?
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
20 Dec 2009 /  #912
Am I not one of them?

I don't think so. Neither am I:). But you are right, the small number of Poles who post their anti- Semitic drivel is no way a representation to the whole Polish society.

If you are indeed tolerant, then you should be OK.
vetala  - | 381  
20 Dec 2009 /  #913
- edit
Well, with your edit it doesn't matter anymore

BTW I am not tolerant. I am a raging anti-antisemite.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
20 Dec 2009 /  #914
Poles are no more antisemitic than Americans are racist, Swedes are anti-Arab and Germans are Nazis.

there you go:). Does that make it right in your way of thinking? It does not in mine. In my earlier posts (which you criticized with passion) I tired to explained the dynamics of racism and hate, but you dismissed it because I am not a full blown Polish, because that fact disqualifies me in your eyes as a legitimate person with grounded facts/opinions.

I was discussing this with a colleague and he said that they will paint themselves as tolerant when the cameras are on but, amongst themselves, will say sth different. Please don't take this as a slight, it's just what many natives here have said and noticed.

therefore, an outsider's opinion might actually bring something valid to the table.
20 Dec 2009 /  #915
You are correct, Bosnians were Bogomils and not Catholics or Orthodoxs. Bogomil faith was simalir to christianity but they never recognized the Vataican or saints, trinity etc...

We then found Islam through Arab scholars who came during the Ottoman empire. I wouldn't say that Turks put an end to Bosnian persecution but they did bring Islam to the region through Arab scholars.

But let's get back on Topic, I fully support Poland as they are a fellow Slavic nation on this issue and many Bosnian footballers now play in the Polish league aswell.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
20 Dec 2009 /  #916
Are you a Muslim, bosniak? Have you ever been to Poland?
rock  - | 428  
21 Dec 2009 /  #917
We then found Islam through Arab scholars who came during the Ottoman empire. I wouldn't say that Turks put an end to Bosnian persecution but they did bring Islam to the region through Arab scholars.

Turks islam and Arabs islam is not the same. Bosniaks has to be careful not to be influenced by Saudi Arabians.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Dec 2009 /  #918
Because they are Wahhabists?
rock  - | 428  
21 Dec 2009 /  #919

Yes, it is very dangerous for Bosniaks. They have to live islam as they learned form Turks.

If you compare Turkey and Saudi Arabia today, you can easily see the difference.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Dec 2009 /  #920
Do you follow the Sunni or Shia branch of Islam, rock?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Dec 2009 /  #922
You can't say that kind of thing, BBut. It's just not on! Do you even know the difference between them?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
21 Dec 2009 /  #923

Yeah, a little difference that has made them be in conflict at times...funny.

But Islam is Islam in any case and Islam was never good!
rock  - | 428  
21 Dec 2009 /  #924

I am Sunni. But I can not say I am a good follower.


If you think so, you have to think same for Judaism and Christianity too.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Dec 2009 /  #925
Any meaningful differences between Sunni and Shia, rock?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
21 Dec 2009 /  #926

Yeah, because Moses and Yeshua were sick maniacs who called themselves prophets but didn't work miracles, but killed people instead and raped their women, like Mo-ham-head did, right?
rock  - | 428  
21 Dec 2009 /  #927
Any meaningful differences between Sunni and Shia, rock?

I think there is not meaningful difference.


If you can manage to believe Moses and Yeshua or Jesus, you can also believe Muhammed.

Because all the books are similar.

From my side, the question is do you believe prophets or for christians even more ''son of the God'' or not ?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
21 Dec 2009 /  #928
From my side, the question is do you believe prophets or for christians even more ''son of the God'' or not ?

Don't insult Moses by comparing him to that pig.

Shove the Quran..shove it..really.
derek trotter  10 | 203  
21 Dec 2009 /  #929
I got this joke, it was made not so long ago:

- You see these buttons?

- Yes.

-They are made from the bones of Jews.


-Yes, you know, somone dug up the bones and made them into buttons. These. And then he smiled proudly.

dont know who made it but definietly not Poles
Rogalski  5 | 94  
21 Dec 2009 /  #930
- You see these buttons?

- Yes.

-They are made from the bones of Jews.


-Yes, you know, somone dug up the bones and made them into buttons. These. And then he smiled proudly.

I normally like meta-bigotry jokes but this one I just don't get! At what point do I laugh?

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Polish hatred towards Jews...Archived