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Polish hatred towards Jews...

Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Nov 2009 /  #721
Brutal Butcher, you are treading on eggshells with your insinuations. I am not a Hamas supporter. If I was, there would be no way that I could say such things like "I pray for your safety" to yehudi. I understand their resistance struggle and believe that there needs to be a countermeasure to the some of the oppressive actions of the IDF and decisions of the Knesset. However, they have 2 wings. One is the military option and the other more mainstream. I don't hold out much hope for reform.

Why? Because I see through the lies and the gross insincerity of discussing 'peace'. Unfortunately, Hamas are not achieving much by way of meaningful change due to the polarity of their objectives Vs Likudists.

BBut, I'm asking you nicely, stop the labelling! I don't support Hamas for the simple reason that they would target innocent Jews given half a chance. However, I believe that there needs to be a group like them to combat oppression as their politicians over the years have been wholly inept.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #722

You fail to understand Arabic/Islamic culture. That's not a land conflict. It's 2 Religions, 2 civilizations fighting against each other. Islam knows no compromise and as long as Israel is there ,as long as millions of Jews are gathered in that little beautiful land, Arabs will strive for its destruction.

Arabs have like 32 countries for them to live in. Hell, they are now taking over Europe. They don't reallly need a little piece of land!
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
25 Nov 2009 /  #723
Islam knows no compromise and as long as Israel is there

Yup Israel really showed its willingness to compromise in the pest 61 years of their existence.

Arabs have like 32 countries for them to live in. Hell, they are now taking over Europe. They don't reallly need a little piece of land!

Jews have entire world and no one objects, so how ironic that a Jew who lives in Germany would complain about the presents of the people who lived in this land for past 2 000 years. Look at your statement and honestly tell me who’s intolerant? Who’s unwilling to share? I sure can feel love in your posts.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #724
I am sorry, but for some reason I can't understand your arguments. Care to elaborate in a better way?

Anyways, Israel wants peace. The Israelis are far more civilized than the Arabs surrounding Israel and who only want its destruction.

Enough said.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
25 Nov 2009 /  #725
I am sorry, but for some reason I can't understand your arguments.

Neither do I. Whatever you yourself accuse the other side of doing, you are doing yourself and defending it yet still fail to see the other point of view.

Israel wants peace.

Is that why they can’t find a reliable partner to negotiate with?

The Israelis are far more civilized than the Arabs surrounding Israel

Strictly speaking about the actions done by Israel I’m of a different opinion, I’ll put you both in the same boat. Really there's no difference when both sides kill innocent women and children and hard to find that civilized part you are speaking of.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #726
Is that why they can’t find a reliable partner to negotiate with?
The Israelis are far more civilized than the Arabs surrounding Israel

Strictly speaking about the actions I’m of a different opinion, I’ll put you both in a same boat. Really no difference when both sides kill innocent women and children.

Where are you from? If your country has fought a war against other land, it surely killed women and children. If Israel wanted to eliminate The Pallis, they would have done it long ago.

And check this out...Hezbollah, Hamas and other extremist islamonazi groups aren't smart/civilized enough to negotiate with Israel.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
25 Nov 2009 /  #727
If Israel wanted to eliminate The Pallis, they would have done it long ago.

Perhaps, but then they would not be able to complain about their tragedy, genocide is genocide no matter how you slice it or what argument you use to justify such action, the way I see it Israel is walking a fine line.

And check this out...Hezbollah, Hamas and other extremist islamonazi groups aren't smart/civilized enough to negotiate with Israel.

There you go keep telling yourself that and you will surely have peace. Because no one is as smart as a Jew? my my aren't we full of wisdom.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Nov 2009 /  #728
Why do the Israelis still build more settlements in the "Occupied Territories" if its not a land conflict and they want peace?

Not all countries in the Middle east are Arab countries and not all Muslims are Arabs, there are also Christian Arabs.

The "normal" Muslims, Christians and Jews can all get along. The problem is the "extremists" of the 3 religions. They promote hate, the actual religions promote peace.

Also, from the 19 pages of this thread, I see that the majority of Polish don't hate Jews!!
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #729
Palestinians are masochist. They had the chance to have their own state in 1948 but what did they say? "We don't want to be near the JOOZZZZ" ...well, now they are enjoying Gaza and a diaspora.

And yes, Hezbollah and Hamas are directed by idiots who were born with a bomb in one hand and a quran up their ass. You want Israel to dialogue with them? No way.

Israel can't afford to show weakness towards the Arabs. That land belongs to Israel and if the Arabs don't like it, they might as well leave. The only reason they are stubborn and want to be there is because they don't want the Jews to take over.

And I never said all countries in the ME are Arabic or that all muslims are Arabs, but I do say that muslim Arabs are the worst of muslims.

Islam doesn't promote peace. Go read the quran or read the life of the "Prophet" Mo-ham-head.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
25 Nov 2009 /  #730
well, now they are enjoying Gaza and a diaspora.

And you are doing everythiong in your power to keep it that way. So where’s that willingness to negotiate on your part etc. etc. I ask you.

You want Israel to dialogue with them? No way.

Never mind you just answered my question. This is the Problem but you still fail to see it, your hatred for your neighbor blinds you that much?
grethomory  1 | 155  
25 Nov 2009 /  #731
You know I asked one of my Polish friends why they hates Jews. The number one reason is truly because that's what they were taught or rather learned, but they also stated the Jews killed Jesus. I told them the Jews did NOT kill Jesus. It was the Romans, but they were instrumental in getting him crucified. The stated he had performed blasphamy under Mosaic law. But the Jews did not have the power to execute him.

There was nothing but silence in the room when I stated this fact which meant to me they knew and believed the same thing, but chose to go along with learned behavior.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #732
For any intelligent discussion of the thread topic, a must read:

'Google' 'Mark Paul: Traditional Jewish Attitudes Toward Poles'

You will need Adobe Reader for it....PDF

Sent to me by a Polish patriot...

Israel can't afford to show weakness towards the Arabs. That land belongs to Israel and if the Arabs don't like it, they might as well leave.

Say who?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #733
Never mind you just answered my question. This is the Problem but you still fail to see it, your hatred for your neighbor blinds you that much?

What a n00b. Kill yourself already, please. Liberals like you make me sick, really.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Nov 2009 /  #734
Arabs have like 32 countries for them to live in. Hell, they are now taking over Europe. They don't reallly need a little piece of land!

And I never said all countries in the ME are Arabic or that all muslims are Arabs, but I do say that muslim Arabs are the worst of muslims.

How many countries are there in the Middle East?

I read the Quran. You take it to mean it does not promote peace just the same as the extremists do.

You don't read the Bible and take it all literally, the same with the Quran. Its all down to interpritation.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101  
25 Nov 2009 /  #735
You know I asked one of my Polish friends why they hates Jews.

How pathetic and you know it, find a better excuse at this day and age this **** don't fly anymore unless you're from some God forsaken part of the world like ......... hint starts with I ends with L.

Besides this kind of thinking is mainly demonstrated by the Jewish members of this forum. Piece of advice, you should get out more to better understand the world not just repeating something that someone might of have said back in 17th century because in 19th people were more sophisticated then that. It's the statement like that that demonstrates this so called Jewish wisdom.

What a n00b. Kill yourself already, please. Liberals like you make me sick, really.

Sure kill anything that does not fall in line with your way of thinking. I for one will wish you a long enough life so you can experience what you wished for your neighbor.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #736
How many countries are there in the Middle East?

Yeah, but how many take the Quran seriously and how many do the same with the Bible? You can compare and tell me.

Moreoever, Islam can only be peace when ALL humans have converted to Islam. That's the peace of islam.


[quote=ShortHairThug]How pathetic and you know it, find a better excuse at this day and age this **** don't fly anymore unless you're from some God forsaken part of the world like ......... hint starts with I ends with L.

Israel has been from G-d forsaken? Yeah, I guess that's why it's survived 60 years of constant abuse and attacks!! Oh you're so smart I can't believe.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Nov 2009 /  #737
Yeah, I guess that's why it's survived 60 years of constant abuse and attacks!!

The Jews used Terrorism to get the State of Israel in the first place in 1948.

The Jews have blood on their hands too.

I don't care if someone is a Jew or a Muslim or a Christian, I just don't like extremists.

As I said earlier extremists, on which ever side, are the problem.

You are an extremist!!
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #738
Your forefathers killed most of native Americans and supported SLavery for many years. Does that mean your country is any less legal and meaningful? Which country's story is clean of blood?

You're EXTREMELY stupid.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Nov 2009 /  #739
Not a land conflict? That's about the single most stupid thing I have read in a long time. So explain to me why, even now, Netanyahu's ultra right-wing hawks are discussing the reclaim of lands from the 6-day war in 1967? The settlements are about the sky, are they? Wow, I thought they were about the land ;) Israel talks non-stop of the Holy Land and being the Chosen Ones. You are blind if you don't see that.

Everything ultimately comes back to territory. Look at NI. Ask SeanBM or RevokeNice, whoever that comes from Ireland or NI and they will tell you that it is not strictly about religion though places like the Shankhill Road play their part. It comes down to the claiming of land recognised as your turf.

I understand very well the position in the ME. I have just finished reading one of the best texts on the area.

BBut, I think it is you who needs to read up a bit more.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Nov 2009 /  #740
BBut, I think it is you who needs to read up a bit more.

He makes a good point about the new world. What did the white men do, when they settled here? They took all the land from the natives, just like the Israelis did with the Palestinians. That's why I think, the Palestinians will get something like what the Native Americans got from the US govt, once they settle down some. As long as they are fighting all the time, they won't get anything at all. Look at the history of the US, and other places. Fighting gets you nowhere.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Nov 2009 /  #741
You're EXTREMELY stupid.

I think you were looking in a mirror

I said nothing about my country being pure, or did I? If you looked at some of my previous posts you might understand how i feel about my country.

You said about Israel being attacked for 60 years, i wonder why they were attacked for 60 years?

That's what my post was about, open your eyes and remove your blinkers. Read what is written, work out what it means then write a post.

Insults show a lack of Vocabulary and culture.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Nov 2009 /  #742
Fighting gets you nowhere? Yes and no, it depends on the nature of the conflict. You can't go making blanket statements like that. If Arafat rejected Oslo, which was attractive for the Palestinians, then what hope have we? Hamas and the Likudists will not even accept the preconditions for peace so what's your point? As long as there are two-faced politicians like Hillary Clinton there, nothing will get done.

Look at Tianenmen Square. Was fighting wholly ineffective? I think not!
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #743
Not a land conflict?

Don't worry. You're one of the most stupid humans I've known this week. The Palestinians can get the biggest chunk of land possible, and still they will want Israel out. The other Arabs, too! Don't you realize Israel is a Western stab in the Arab world? They don't want a JEWISH state any near...if Pakistanis needed a new state and it were created in Palestine, Arabs wouldn't care, because the both of them are muslims, but in this case it isn't.


Insults show a lack of Vocabulary and culture.

I did call you stupid because that's the word that comes to my mind whenever I read your posts. I don't want to waste my time. You have your ideas and I have mine. I'm a proud Zionist and you're a proud.......what are you anyways? an anti-jew,anti-israel, anti-America,anti-military liberal donkey.

Enjoy your ignorance.
The same goes to SeANUS.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
25 Nov 2009 /  #744
I already mentioned Oslo in another post. It still centres around land discussions these days, post ICJ 2004. Of course it's about land.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
25 Nov 2009 /  #745
Since they have no power, virtually, it would be ultimately stupid for them to continue fighting. They need to do what the native americans did. It's time to make treaties and get on with life.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Nov 2009 /  #746
I'm a proud Zionist and you're a proud.......what are you anyways?

Go and fight Hamas if you are that proud a Zionist. I wonder if you are too scared to use more than an internet forum?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #747

Why should I go fight Hamas? Israel is doing the job already...and liberals like you are criticizing the IDF for it.

Where are you from anyways? I am sure your country is benevolent, merciful, forgiving and kind to its neighbours!!
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Nov 2009 /  #748
I have stated a few times now that my country is just as bad as the rest of the countries.

I have also stated several times that I am not a liberal and for your information I have been and put my life on the line in a warzone.

If you wont fight for what you believe then just shut up about your cause.

Note! This is meant to be a place for discussions not for you to attack peoples character.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #749

Says who?


Fight? I don't like violence. I am sure you do.
Steveramsfan  2 | 305  
25 Nov 2009 /  #750

You have just shown how mad you really are.

You advocate other people use violence to keep the State of Israel safe but don't like violence.


I don't like violence, I only said I had been in a Warzone.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Polish hatred towards Jews...Archived