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Polish hatred towards Jews...

joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
23 Nov 2009 /  #691
No?...He is not affiliated with Turks?...Or Azeri?...Tell more...
jonni  16 | 2475  
23 Nov 2009 /  #692
Check it out on some dodgy website :-)))
sjam  2 | 541  
23 Nov 2009 /  #693
And for Israel's :) You'd find Hezbollah (remember them?), Hamas and other Muslim groups laying siege on Israel.

Israel has always been surrounded and laid siege to by the Arab states and Musilim terrorist groups. Surely no need to remind anyone how Israel deals with these threats—so far it has crushed the Arab states in each all out war between them. Nothing to suggest anything will change on that score in any future conflict.

Hezbollah? Do you remember what happened to them last time they fired their rockets at Israel—must be some graphic images out there in case anyone does need reminding?
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
23 Nov 2009 /  #694
them last time they fired their rockets at Israel

Yep, Israel thought they would have a quick success and Hezbollah were more than their match ( South Lebannon - 2006).

As usual, Israel had no regard for civilian casualties - 1,200 Lebanese and 158 Israelis were killed. Of the dead almost 1,000 Lebanese and 41 Israelis were civilians
sjam  2 | 541  
23 Nov 2009 /  #695
Hezbollah were more than their match

Is that why Hezbollah became drug-lords instead of war-lords ????

As usual, Israel had no regard for civilian casualties

That could equally be said for Hezbollah, be honest, Hezbollah rockets weren't being fired at military targets were they??

Hezbollah was responsible for thousands of Katyusha rocket attacks against Israeli civilian towns and cities in northern Israel.

szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
23 Nov 2009 /  #696
That could equally be said for Hezbollah

1,200 Lebanese and 158 Israelis were killed. Of the dead almost 1,000 Lebanese and 41 Israelis were civilians

The stats speak for themselves.
Israeli terrorists have a civilian kill rate of 1 combatant per 5 civvies.
Hezbollah terrorist have a kill rate of 1 combatant per 4 civvies.

Hezbollah rockets weren't being fired at military targets were they??

They had a better strike rate - unless you are saying that Israel purposely targetted civvies - in which case you would be correct.


Israel traded 400 Arab prisoners to free an Israeli drug lord.

Hezbollah are more likely to be buying pharmaceuticals for their hospitals and health centres.
sjam  2 | 541  
24 Nov 2009 /  #697
Hezbollah are more likely to be buying pharmaceuticals for their hospitals and health centres.

Be honest, I think you'll agree I wasn't talking about what Hezbollah is buying with their drug money only their control (and profits) of the drug trade.

I think Dan Gillerman summed up what I am saying rather succinctly:

"One who goes to sleep with rockets shouldn't be surprised if he doesn't wake up in the morning."
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
24 Nov 2009 /  #698
I am a fan of disproportionate Israeli and American responses to Islamic/Arab terrorism.

Go Israel! Clean the middle east!

Oh and btw, those who support either Hamas or Hezbollah are idiots. These 2 groups hate the Western world and hate YOU too ,if you didn't know.

Seanus  15 | 19668  
24 Nov 2009 /  #699
Maybe you'd be a fan of getting a disproportionate kick in the nuts too, right?

What did those innocent Palestinian mothers and kids do to deserve being massacred? If murder is so heinous then this should be almost unforgivable!! It was mass murder.

Brutal Butcher, you deserve to be banned for such insensitive comments. Say such a thing again and I'll make sure that you are.
sjam  2 | 541  
24 Nov 2009 /  #700
What did those innocent Palestinian mothers and kids do to deserve being massacred?

Maybe you should ask Hamas that same question?

No one deserves to be killed but at the moment it still suits Hamas for this to continue.

* * * *

Say such a thing again and I'll make sure that you are.

"Woe implores: Go!"
yehudi  1 | 433  
24 Nov 2009 /  #701
What did those innocent Palestinian mothers and kids do to deserve being massacred?

I will repeat for the thousandth time:
Innocent palestinian mothers and kids did nothing to deserve being massacred. It was their brothers, fathers and friends who launched rockets and mortars from their rooftops and booby-trapped their houses and streets that caused their deaths. The Israeli army does what it can to minimize civilian deaths, but in urban combat it is impossible to prevent it. This is something Hamas and the innocent people who voted them into power should have thought of while they were lobbing rockets into civilian targets in Israel.
caprice49  4 | 224  
24 Nov 2009 /  #702
I am a fan of disproportionate Israeli and American responses to Islamic/Arab terrorism.

Hot head??? It's attitudes like that cause wars and innocent young men meet an early death through political whims.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
24 Nov 2009 /  #703
Those rockets were like flies, yehudi. How many deaths did they cause? I'll say this again, they'd need 50 years to kill as many as the IDF did in 3 weeks. I'm sorry, your logic is flawed. So I should be killed for the actions of my brother, should I? Goldstone says Israel definitely didn't take enough care to minimise civilian casualties. It is just an excuse and, frankly, a pathetically lame one.

Your Shin Bet could have done it, yehudi. Hamas barely put up a fight. Sad to see Israeli using pretexts for mass murder campaigns.

It doesn't suit Hamas if some of their family members die, outwith martyrs of course.
sjam  2 | 541  
24 Nov 2009 /  #704
Those rockets were like flies, yehudi. How many deaths did they cause?

All those Palestinian mothers and babes in arms for a start!!
Hamas bear equal responsibility for the death of those killed by the IDF.
Did they not expect the IDF to come in with overwhelming force? Of course they did, it is their cynical game for world attention. Works every time.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
24 Nov 2009 /  #705
I don't seek to defend Hamas either but neither of those 2 groups are conducting any form of investigation. If they don't, they may well face international court action. Whoopdeedoo I guess as international law is about as credible as a fart in the wind.

It didn't work, did it? For mass murder, very little has been done. Is that what they wanted?
sjam  2 | 541  
24 Nov 2009 /  #706
It didn't work, did it? For mass murder, very little has been done. Is that what they wanted?

Hamas want world attention and they got it through their cynical rocket attacks that were only designed to bring down the expected overwhelming IDF response on the alestinians. It is not as though Hamas did not know what response the Israelis would apply to Hamas provocation, is it?

Hamas launch their rockets soley to provoke the Israelis to respond with their usual robustness to gain world attention, so yes it did work, at the expense of Palestinian mothers and Palestinian children... as it does so every time.

Hamas have no qualms about killing their fellow Palestinians they fought a war against fellow Palestinians to gain control of Gaza. Why is that? Nothing to do with control of aid monies going into Gaza I guess??
Seanus  15 | 19668  
24 Nov 2009 /  #707
I'm not going to second guess Hamas, sjam. They are in a bad state as even the Israelis don't have enough proper drinking water. They have to import it from Turkey.

They are not doing themselves any favours are Hamas.
sjam  2 | 541  
24 Nov 2009 /  #708
They are not doing themselves any favours are Hamas.

I think you really mean Hamas are not doing Palestinian mothers and children any favours.
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
24 Nov 2009 /  #709

I never said I aproved of the murder of children and women. I do aprove of military actions against Hamas and its allies, but hey, it's a war and people die. The Israelis don't want to kill Palestinians for fun...if they wanted to eliminate them, they wouldn't need much effort for that.

PS:You're an idiot. Really..supporting Hamas....oh man..
szkotja2007  27 | 1498  
24 Nov 2009 /  #710
I think Dan Gillerman summed up

Didn't Mahmoud Ahmadinejad say something similar ?

booby-trapped their houses

Can you elaborate on that please.

The Israeli army does what it can to minimize civilian deaths

The stats from operation cast lead show that the IDF are complete failures in this respect.

Hamas bear equal responsibility for the death of those killed by the IDF

C'mon, thats stretching it a bit.

Does Hamas use terror against civilians - yes.
Does the IDF use terror against civilians - yes.

Why support or seek to defend either ?
Des Esseintes  - | 6  
24 Nov 2009 /  #711
Both Palestine and Poland were partioned by foriegners, niether people gave up fighing for their freedom. The Poles got their independance after over one-hundred years of struggle, and the Palestinians have continued to struggle for the last 62 years, and they shan't quit either.

The Ashkenazim who founded the Zionist entity are descended from the Turkic Khazars. Palestine is not their ancestral homeland. It is the West's ignorance of Eastern European history that has allowed the myth of the "diaspora" to justify the brutal ethnic cleansing and land theft of Palestine.

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth provides an example for how this conflict may be resolved. Its citizens were of various ethnicities, and various religions. A multi-ethnic state with equal rights for all is the answer. A "Jewish" state which rules an area wherein half the people aren't Jewish is wrong.
Leszek49  1 | 4  
24 Nov 2009 /  #712
I consider myself a Polish citizen who was born in Poland and emigrated to Canada when I was seven.This summer I came to Warszawa and was shocked to hear from close relatives, how they disliked the Jewish society that remained in Warszawa. I guess it goes for the whole of Poland. I went to university in Canada and because Canada is a mosaic of various cultures, I had Jewish friends, African friends, Chinese friends,etc. So I asked my relatives why they hated the Jewish population in Poland.There were several reasons but the two that were valid were... the Jewish people residing in Warszawa were on a free-ride status-meaning the housing they received was free from some kind of agreement that was established from who knows when.The second factor was from a business point of view. I know for a fact that from a business perspective the world is run by Jews.Example, one shop owner Polish, next to him a Jewish shop owner selling the same item and trying to put the Polish sop owner out of business by lowering his priced and being refunded by the Jewish mafia. It would be called jealousy or bad business practices. I think I would be pissed-off if I was Polish. Everybody should be paying the same taxes and having the same status. What do you think?
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
24 Nov 2009 /  #713

Mention a country where everybody pays the same taxes (if they actually pay them, LOL) and have the same status? I don't think there is one...

And the fact that some Jews were doing some sh1t isn't a good reason to let them be mass murdered.

In any case, the holocaust was something that had to happen....
Ogien  5 | 237  
24 Nov 2009 /  #714
The OP is a moron. He/she assumes people here hate Jews based on a few posts. What a joke. It's threads like these that make me avoid coming to this site which obviously consists of a community with a very low IQ average.
1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Nov 2009 /  #716
This thread should be closed just like "Jewish hatred for Poles" was.
yehudi  1 | 433  
25 Nov 2009 /  #717
I know for a fact that from a business perspective the world is run by Jews.

Till now, that has only been a rumour. I'm glad you cleared that up.
1jola  14 | 1875  
25 Nov 2009 /  #718
I would feel a little let down if I were Jewish and didn't have a hedge fund.

BTW, I refuse to post on this thread :)
BrutalButcher  - | 387  
25 Nov 2009 /  #719

I'd rather live in a world controlled by Jews ,than in a world run over by islamists LOL (oy gevalt!)
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
25 Nov 2009 /  #720
Till now, that has only been a rumour. I'm glad you cleared that up.

put your mind at rest yehudi!!!

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