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Polish hatred towards Jews...

MareGaea  29 | 2751  
20 Nov 2009 /  #631

Well, maybe because Iranians are not Arabs. Remember Persians and Medes? Some say the Kurds are descending from the Medes, and in Daniel 6:8 he talks about the "laws of Persians and Medes". This has become an expression in Dutch, "That's a law of Medes and Persians", meaning that there is an agreement that's binding and cannot be changed. Medes are more related to Arabs than Persians are, but they're not Arab. Nowadays Iranians are a mixture of Persians and Medes.

Jews on the other hand are closely related to Arabs. In fact closer than one would think. This doesn't go in general for the Jews that lived in Europe, however. So, indeed, I would see commonalities, not the differences.


M-G (not sure if this is useful, though)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
20 Nov 2009 /  #632
I know that, M-G, and I would never call an Iranian as such. I'm aware of the close ties between Arabs and Jews.

I can only imagine the problems presented by the Jewish question here. The Jews wanted their own sizeable enclaves and to have their customs and traditions fully honoured. Outside of the indifferent contingent, there are those that are nationalistic and would have resented the Jewish presence. When you have those intolerant sections of both respective communities coming together, and they are quite sizeable too, then that's a recipe for disaster.

The Jews were said to be the masters of the swindle whereas the Poles the masters of haggling. The mind boggles at the type of bargaining that went on at markets.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
20 Nov 2009 /  #633
PP, maybe you look at an arab and see a violent muslim.. but what you are missing is that mixed into this crowd are the rest of your family.

I really think you should go to an Islamic country and live for a while, then come back and tell us what you think :)
Do you really know anything about it from where you are now?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
20 Nov 2009 /  #634

Why doesn't everybody just simple stop all that BS and realises we only got one ball to live on and we have to share it with one another. Nobody owns the Earth, nobody even owns their country. If Earth decides that it's over, we're all gonna go. If we're gonna go, Earth will remain and recover from the crap that we put upon it. Maybe it's time we do before it's too late. I don't want to sound too defaitistic though.


M-G (the Earth and Mother Nature will get back at us and we will lose)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
20 Nov 2009 /  #635
I fully agree, M-G. Listen to On the Turning Away by Pink Floyd and you will hear some good messages.

'Just a world that we all must share, it's not enough just to stand and stare, is it only a dream that there'll be no more turning away?'
cheehaw  2 | 263  
20 Nov 2009 /  #636
which is basically what I'm saying..

it's not an 'us' and 'them' thing.

it's just an 'us' thing. all the populations of the earth are intermixed these days.

The muslims are reacting to the situation in the mideast.. extremism on one side begets extremism on the other... which turns it into the us and them thing. None of this existed before Israel became a state and started bulldozing palestine and pushing people off the land.

All those muslims in UK, they are coming from somewhere you know (aside from the new births in UK). they hate what's going on in the mideast too. so they go to France or UK or wherever seeking peace and a place to raise their kids safely, it really is that simple.

of course they have within them an extreme element.. well.. every society has it's nutjobs.. so do the jews and zionists.. even the christians do to some extent. Even athiests have an extreme element. it's not just a religious thing. those muslim extremists.. they are the product of a few generations growing up under conditions of war upon their people.. they fought the soviets.. they fight the zionists.. now they fight the west.. they never asked for war, they were invaded. it's not difficult to see that at all. grow up in a war zone, you become a militant.. it's simply a survival tactic.

Right now though it is the media focusing a lot on the extremes of islam. This sways the opinion of a lot of people. And a lot of the media we watch in the west really is controlled by jewish zionists, bankers, very wealthy people. the opinion they present.. is their own.

I could make a list here of all the jewish owned media.. you would be surprised I'm sure. A jewish college buddy of mine got a job right after graduating with a big tv entertainment/news company. He told me quite directly it was because he was jewish. Thing is, he wasn't kidding.

what do you think about what this guy has to say?

Jewish Viewpoint On Israel

vetala  - | 381  
21 Nov 2009 /  #637

The moment Muslim countries recognize Israel and promise not to nuke it, Palestinians will get my full support. But as of now both sides are in danger so I'm rooting for the one which aims for peace, not for complete annihilation of the other side.
1jola  14 | 1875  
21 Nov 2009 /  #638
The moment Muslim countries recognize Israel and promise not to nuke it,

Isn't Israel the only one in the region with illegal nukes?
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
21 Nov 2009 /  #639
The moment Muslim countries recognize Israel and promise not to nuke it, Palestinians will get my full support. But as of now both sides are in danger so I'm rooting for the one which aims for peace, not for complete annihilation of the other side.

First of all Israel has the nukes, which some US military sources say that they used during the Gulf War I, in retaliation for Saddam sending a few Scuds to Tel Aviv...The Arabs do not have nukes, so where is this threat?...This is just the Israeli Jews playing a game, whining about 'they want to kill Jews'. the 'holocaust' etc...Sure, some Arabs DO want to kill Jews, as Jews have occupied their land for over half a century, and used every criminal tactic in the book to do it and justify it....I wouldn't blame them for this feeling...It is natural.

As I said, no Arab country has nukes...Pakistan has a small arsenal, but Pakistan is not Arab...In any case, the US has special forces IN PAKISTAN that keep a close track on their nukes....Yes, Pakistan is a Muslim country.

Why should Israel have a monopoly on nuclear power in the Middle East?
vetala  - | 381  
21 Nov 2009 /  #640
And just how many Muslim countries did Israel nuke? That's the thing: Israel doesn't want any other country's annihilation, Israel wants peace. It's other countries that don't want peace with Israel.

Israel has the right to protect itself. To forbid a country whose existence is threatened by all of its neighbours from gaining weapons which are to be used ONLY in a defence is like forbidding Poland from getting a missile shield because Russia doesn't want it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 Nov 2009 /  #641
As I said, no Arab country has nukes...

Thank God for that and let's all hope it stays that way forever or we are screwed.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Nov 2009 /  #642
Ah well, Iran get can get them as they don't fall under that bracket ;) ;)
nomaderol  5 | 726  
21 Nov 2009 /  #643
nuclears are not dangerous weapons at all.. they are there just to scare the cowards.
to be able to use the nuclear weapon, owners of nuclear weapons must be brave. they too just cowards.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Nov 2009 /  #644
Don't tempt fate, nomaderol. Israel has other options and that's what they are exploring. They are very smart in making decisions regarding threat assessment and nukes are just used by the layperson as an idiotic means of conflict resolution. They can be bargaining chips but you can't play the bluffing game when so many lives are at stake.
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
21 Nov 2009 /  #645
To forbid a country whose existence is threatened by all of its neighbours from gaining weapons which are to be used ONLY in a defense is like forbidding Poland from getting a missile shield because Russia doesn't want it.

Some sources in the US military have asserted that Israel hit Iraq (1991) with a few 'mini nukes' or 'frogs' in retaliation for hitting Tel Aviv with Scud missiles...The story was hushed up...This is one report...Writer William Thomas claims that his Pentagon sources stated that Israel attempted to hit IRAN with nuclear bombs, using a squadron of unmarked jets in 2007-2008, but were caught by the USAF over Iraq, and backed down.

If Israel wants peace, then let it make peace...BTW, there has been peace with all the Arab countries, making the exception of the conflict with Palestinians and Lebanon...Israelis ised DU, chemical weapons and other WMD in both the 2006 Lebanese conflict and the Gaza massacres.

Israel wants a "Jews only' state...Because of demographics, this is like trying to put a 'camel through the eye of a needle'...The only way to acheive this is through the REMOVAL or DESTRUCTION of the Palestinian natives...This has always been the Zionist plan...This was discussed by their leader Jabotinsky as far back as the 1940s, when the Soviets tried to displace native Estonians, and replace them with other ethnics as part of the Communist agenda...Jabotinsky stated then: "If the large scale deportation of Estonians is possible, the why not get rid of the Palestinian Arabs using the same method?'...And he was not the first: Chaim Weizmann also favored this, as did Herzl.

So, if Israel can have nukes 'for defense', why not Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia or Egypt?

Israeli is not a member of the IAEA, as these other states are, and allows no inspection of it's nuclear facilities.

This is not about hate.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
21 Nov 2009 /  #646

i know well israel is very good in military technology, especially, in defensive military technology. israel isn't good only in military technology but also in other (peaceful) technologies as well as this is a country which is supported by many famous scientists all over the world who are jewish.

but, nuclear weapon thing isn't used by israel as bluff, but, by other countries such as usa, russia, etc. yes, others can't play the bluffing game when so many lives are at stake, but, if i were, i could easily play their bluffing game. note that those powers are powers by "scaring" and they dont want to lose their "power" position by using nuclear weapons as these weapons will put an end to their powers as well if they use nuclears really. and, just by scaring, they are killing millions actually. i am a good poker player. i see their bluff. No need to fear.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Nov 2009 /  #647
It's the old brocard, 'fair's fair'. We have been so deeply conditioned to believe that Iran would be a threat and this is without any of us having read a proper, unbiased assessment of their intentions. We can't second guess them and I might add that it is not Prof/Dr Ahmedinejad that is in the driving seat in Iran, it's the Ayatollah. He has spoken on many occasions of his peaceful intentions so why not believe him? Where are all the Youtube videos about those proclamations?

Look at people who have some knowledge here. I recommend Scott Ritter, former UN Chief Weapons inspector and author of 2 books on Iran.

Nomad, it is one big bluff on their part. The Cold War is evidence enough for that.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
21 Nov 2009 /  #648
I might add that it is not Prof/Dr Ahmedinejad that is in the driving seat in Iran, it's the Ayatollah.

Neither Prof nor Dr. An Engineer. And, he is in the driving seat, a very dedicated patriotic one.

Why Iran is under radars? while there are so many nuclear weapon owners. Cause Iran has close relations with Russia, China, Pakistan, etc. Western world think Iran is weak chain there. Wrong. Also, again, this "big opened eyes" on Iran shows that nuclear weapon owners have big fears in themselves. Ahmedinejads words against Israel arent so important. He is just using Israel to unite Shia world in Arabic lands, especially in Iraq to side with Iran. Israel knows this well. Ahmedinejad is actually targetting USA in Iraq, but, just using Israel to unite Arab origin shia people there. I dont think there is serious problem between Iran and Israel. Ahmedinejad is also sending "hi" message to Germany (as Persians and Germans are very old relatives) by attacking to Israel. Btw, in Sibel Belmonds' (former FBI) words, wasn't she claiming that Israel, Turk, Pakistan and Iran intelligent services were collobrating in nuclear technology infos in USA?
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Nov 2009 /  #649
He can use the Dr title as he has a doctorate. Prof was used tongue-in-cheek as he referred to himself as such in his interview with Larry King.

Sibel did say that, yes. She's fluent in Farsi and Turkish. The Israeli was at the centre of the scandal and was caught.

Some suspect that the US is funding Jundullah to attack the Iranian national guard. I can imagine that.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
21 Nov 2009 /  #650
Sibel did say that, yes. She's fluent in Farsi and Turkish. The Israeli was at the centre of the scandal and was caught.

She is an Azeri Turkic as half of Iran is Azeri. But, I think she is a double-agent who worked for, maybe, Armenia? Interesting thing is that she added many countries to her claims, but, not Russia... I found this strange as it is unimaginable to think Russia wasnt involved in any such operations while Iran, Israel, Turkey, Pakistan, etc were collobrating.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Nov 2009 /  #651
It's best not to finger point without solid evidence and I have come to learn that. Some say Ireland and Italy had a role, they are just words and likely baseless allegations. The point is that we just don't know.

I don't think countries is the best way to look at it. Prominent business individuals is. Sibel has been gagged so many times (so who knows what meaning is in her words?) and I think she's a sensationalist, relying on her fabricated jabber just to keep her in a job.

There are articles on Russia's possible involvement. I read a couple of them and, well, it just depends how you read between the lines. It's pretty deep!
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 Nov 2009 /  #652
Ah well, Iran get can get them as they don't fall under that bracket ;) ;)

Iran will never get them. If they try, they will be invaded.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
21 Nov 2009 /  #653
who will invade iran? not so easy. also, my guess is they already have nukes.

ps: your post was 666th post and mine is 666th reply
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 Nov 2009 /  #654
lol my post was 666 I think it's a sign of the Apocalypse.
My guess is, it's only a matter of time before the US places ground troops in Iraq. We do not want to risk Iran attacking the southern Arab states and others in the region. We don't want them to give depleted Uranium to Al Qaeda operatives. They must be stopped.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
21 Nov 2009 /  #655
before usa enters iraq, i was having conversations with americans on an american forum. they were too excited and angry (wmd) and i was warning them by saying "you can enter iraq, but, you can't exit easily." this is the case now. usa can't go out so easily. if they go out, shias (irans supporters) will invade iraq. anyway, iraq is already in control of shias, that's, iran. do you still believe al qaeda? i guess it was a fake and nobody believed the existence of it.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 Nov 2009 /  #656
A multinational task force will be a presense in the region for quite sometime, despite the rhetoric you are seeing and hearing now. Of course they aren't going to go in, stay for a week and leave. Anyone who believes that obviously isn't connected to reality. It will be a lengthy process. The hope is, it will have a positive outcome.
nomaderol  5 | 726  
21 Nov 2009 /  #657
a lenghty piping process only. this is the only positive outcome.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Nov 2009 /  #658
PP, "if they try"? I thought they were supposed to be trying already ;) ;)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
21 Nov 2009 /  #659
They could already have some, Seanus, and we just not know. That would be bad news for them. If they do already have them, there's no doubt a ground invasion will happen. Question is, when? We cannot risk them giving radioactive materials to Al Qaeda. The entire region (except Israel) should remain nuclear-free.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
21 Nov 2009 /  #660
"Iran will never get them" and then "they could already have some"? What's it to be? What gives Israel the right to possess them?

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Polish hatred towards Jews...Archived