umm.... no. Egypt, Syria, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Aaaaallllllll defensive. Lebanon 2006 was also defensive.
That's right. Starting from 1948, when Israel was attacked for the first time
by the armies of 6 Arab countries, all the wars the Jewish state fought were
defensive ones.
I count pre-emptive strikes against gathering armies or terrorist organisations
as defensive actions as well.

That's what the Arabs in Palestine were offered and that's what they
rejected starting a war with the aim of wiping Israel off the face of the
earth. They lost and had to face the consequences - tough sh*it.
The causalities during WWII were larger in number than say, the casualties in the Iraqi war.
Casualties in a single battle of WWII were larger in number than casualties
in Iraq, Afghanistan and all Arab-Israeli wars put together.