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Polish hatred towards Jews...

scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #511
No time....Mars missions to plan, Solar energy to gather, Scrappy to annoy...

..turks to ethnic cleanse ;-( .. Mars mission will take money and that EU is as stable as a lawn chair holding Merkel's fat ass.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920  
23 Jul 2009 /  #512
Merkel's fat ass.

HEY! ....it's not THAT fat....she has only heavy bones..
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #513
I'm sure your brilliant scientists will rearrange her DNA soon. She'll be Heidi Klum with an ape on her arm in no time.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #514
Shouldn't you ask that a Jew?


Who's a Jew? A member of the community or a foreign body? (generalizing, units are always units)
scrappleton  - | 829  
23 Jul 2009 /  #515
Who's a Jew?

..not me, brother. lol, of that I can assure.
yehudi  1 | 433  
23 Jul 2009 /  #516
Or are those zio-nazis?

It's a very mixed up area. Zionists, of Jewish descent of course, supporting the Nazi cause.

Today, Isreal is on the other side, creating thousands and thousands of Palestinian victims, force them out of their home, taking their land

I notice that no matter what I say and explain, there are always clowns among you who keep spouting nonsense slogans that are based on fantasies, using made-up terminology like "Judaists" as opposed to the evil Zionists, and equating Israelis with Nazis. Do you just copy and paste this stuff from some website?
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #517
Do you just copy and paste this stuff from some website?

No, not at all!

Can you answer what I had asked? Or Hasbara manual does not cover this?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #518
Are you denying that Zionists are of Jewish descent? Are you also denying that some Zionists supported Hitler's cause? I'm not equating standard Israelis with Nazism at all.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #519
I'm not equating standard Israelis with Nazism at all.

K, so let me do it: I AM.
I am equating your regime with the Hitler's one. What you do in ME is DISGUSTING.

And then you are trying to justify this with what happened to the Jews almost a century ago - your ex prime minister said so herself, flick to be found on youtube
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #520
Well, the lebensraum aspect is broadly similar. Ousting the Palestinians is really heinous. Many in America recognise the Jewish right to Israel as inalienable. They back the underpinning Christian ethos and connections. Shame they didn't see fit to do the same in the Balkans. Hypocrites!
anton888  - | 82  
23 Jul 2009 /  #521
clowns among you who keep spouting nonsense slogans that are based on fantasies,

Can you actually say what is going on in the region TODAY have nothing to do with Jew?? The housing they are building TODAY in occupied land is call 'jewish settlement'. The reason they occupied this land becuase "god promised them'.

I don't want to go deeper on this subject, but just can't stand a group of people keep calling themsleves victims TODAY when the incident happened even before most of this poeple was born and at the same time, tried to use this as an excuse to ignore other opinions, continue to destroy families of other religion...or tried to claim land, properties even in country like Poland.

I wrote before, what happened is wrong, but is history.
1jola  14 | 1875  
23 Jul 2009 /  #522
Equating Zionists to Nazis is just a slur, nothing less.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #523
How come?

Show me the difference, mabye I'll follow.
1jola  14 | 1875  
23 Jul 2009 /  #524
I'm not getting into the absurd of wherever that is going. Calling someone a Nazi is similar to those pimple-faced "antifa" clowns calling everyone a fascist. Of course, they are anarchists, as if they had any idea what that means.

I see a regional struggle that has no resemblance to the evil that Nazi Germany cooked up for its own people and neighbours.
23 Jul 2009 /  #525
K, so let me do it: I AM.
I am equating your regime with the Hitler's one.

Well, in that case you must be either a wind-up merchant or a complete idiot.

Show me the difference, mabye I'll follow.

Where do I start...

- Israel is not murdering Palestinian Arabs in concentration camps by the millions, gasing
them, burning in furnaces and manufacturing soap of their dead bodies;

- all the wars that Israel has fought since 1948 were defensive wars not aggressive ones;

- I don't recall Wehrmacht supplying civilian population of invaded countries with food,
clothes and medicine - IDF does.

- I don't recall Luftwaffe issuing a warning to the population of towns and cities that
were about to be attacked asking people to leave - Israeli airforce does.

- enemies of Hitler didn't threaten to kill all the Germans and wipe them off the face
of the Earth - Israel's enemies were/are planning to do just that;

- I don't recall Third Reich sending any free medical supplies and food to any country
in the world needing help - Israel did that many times (after the earthquake in Peru
for example);

- it was Israel's neighbours who kept starting aggressive wars and losing them one
by one - sharp contrast with the Third Reich;

...I could go on like that, but there's no point really. Hatred spouting muppets cannot
be persuaded by logical arguments. They just hate for the sake of it - they desperately
need somebody to hate and would do anything to justify their hatred. Sad but true...
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #526
Calling someone a Nazi is similar to those pimple-faced "antifa" clowns

How different is Zionism from Nazism, really?

or a complete idiot

I choose a 'complete idiot'. Do I win something?

- Israel is not murdering Palestinian Arabs in concentration camps by the millions, gasing
them, burning in furnaces and manufacturing soap of their dead bodies;


- all the wars that Israel has fought since 1948 were defensive wars not aggressive ones;

umm.... no.

1. I don't recall Wehrmacht supplying civilian population of invaded countries with food, [quote=Torq]- I don't recall Wehrmacht supplying civilian population of invaded countries with food, clothes and medicine - IDF does.

2. I don't recall Luftwaffe issuing a warning to the population of towns and cities that were about to be attacked asking people to leave - Israeli airforce does.

3. enemies of Hitler didn't threaten to kill all the Germans and wipe them off the face of the Earth - Israel's enemies were/are planning to do just that;

4. I don't recall Third Reich sending any free medical supplies and food to any country in the world needing help - Israel did that many times (after the earthquake in Peru

for example);

5. it was Israel's neighbours who kept starting aggressive wars and losing them one
by one - sharp contrast with the Third Reich;

[quote=1jola]Calling someone a Nazi is similar to those pimple-faced "antifa" clowns

How different is Zionism from Nazism, really? Honestly PLEASE, elaborate, I'd like to know, I'd like to be stopped being such an ingorant.

or a complete idiot

I choose a 'complete idiot'. What do I win?

- Israel is not murdering Palestinian Arabs in concentration camps by the millions, gasing
them, burning in furnaces and manufacturing soap of their dead bodies;

True. Israel is simply killing them. No soap - such a waste!

- all the wars that Israel has fought since 1948 were defensive wars not aggressive ones;

umm.... no. Egypt, Syria, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Aaaaallllllll defensive. Lebanon 2006 was also defensive.

ad 1. maybe. not supporting the Germans, but it was a LAW to support conquered territories with supplies as well as LAW.

ad 2. agreed. what idf is boming then, only idf knows.

ad 3. True. I mant: no. Meant yes? conquered Poles were sworn to III Reich and NONE of them EVER fired a shot. They never wanted every German to be wiped out.

ad 4. Honestly...

ad 5. Agreed here. Occupants of III Reich lost, while occupats of Israel won
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2009 /  #527
How different is Zionism from Nazism,

Well, for one thing, Zionists haven't set up death camps with gas chambers to kill thousands of innocent people...
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #528
No, they prefer more indirect methods of killing through global domination and hegemony ;) Are you a fan of the Wolfowitz Doctrine, PP? ;) ;)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2009 /  #529
When they set up a death camp and start a mass extermination campaign we will say they are nazi like. Nowadays they aren't much different from other nations.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #530

Well, for one thing, Zionists haven't set up death camps with gas chambers to kill thousands of innocent people...

No, it set up so called 'refugees camps' when the ex-owners of that very land are living in the ghettos and dying there like parasites on their OWN land.

Anything else?

When they set up a death camp and start a mass extermination campaign we will say they are nazi like. Nowadays they aren't much different from other nations.

Awww... now they are nothing but PIECE loving beings.

PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2009 /  #531
'refugees camps'

Oh, and I guess they are the only ones who ever did that! Refugee camps are not "Nazi like" For one thing, Nazi's didn't let refugees exist,they wouldn't let people leave and exterminated those who would have been potential refugees.

Refugee camps happen wherever there's a war zone and the Zionists are not the originators of war.
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #532
Do you read the news?

the Zionists are not the originators of war.

LOL, now I'm laughing out loud.

this decade:
and counting
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #533
Not the originators of war? That was funny :) Go and count the Zionists at Bilderberg and other high-powered meetings.

However, they are not the same as Nazis, that's a step too far but stay alert, PP.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2009 /  #534
Wars were happening long before Zionists.

and counting

They didn't do 9/11 or Iraq either one. By originators I mean, they are not the first nation to go to war with others. Just because a nation goes to war doesn't make them Nazis.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #535
Right, it had nothing to do with the PNAC or any Zionist connection at all, is that what you are telling me? Read beyond boxcutters.com please :)

Why did Aaron Russo mention that Nick Rockefeller told him all about it long before?
Easy_Terran  3 | 311  
23 Jul 2009 /  #536
Wars were happening long before Zionists.

Of course! Wars equal humanity.
Latest wars equal zionism, though. Face it.

They didn't do 9/11 or Iraq either one.

Uhmm...... right.

Just because a nation goes to war doesn't make them Nazis.

US in Afghanistan, Iraq - what else was this? A Peace Corp?

That was an INVASION, twice.
For Israel.

I am already paying big $$ to those wars, I am TIRED with this.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
23 Jul 2009 /  #537
I'd listen to ET if I were you, PP. Unless you have an ace up your sleeve ;)
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2009 /  #538
US in Afghanistan, Iraq - what else was this? A Peace Corp?

Are you saying every single war monger in the world is a nazi? Nazi = brutal draconian regime spilling over borders due to past grudges setting up extermination camps in order to kill thousands of people.

Tell me who is doing this same thing today?
z_darius  14 | 3960  
23 Jul 2009 /  #539
brutal draconian regime spilling over borders due to past grudges setting up extermination camps in order to kill thousands of people.
Tell me who is doing this same thing today?

Extermination camps are not necessary today. They are way too costly and draw too much attention. An entire region, or even a country can be considered an extermination camp if someone with enough power and desire wishes so. The art of mass killing has progressed immensly since WW2 and the results are called "collateral damage".
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
23 Jul 2009 /  #540
From what we can tell that isn't true. The causalities during WWII were larger in number than say, the casualties in the Iraqi war.

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