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The Grunwald Battle: Today is 600th anniversary of the greatest medieval battle.

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2010 /  #31
PPS: And if you believe you have more trustworthy sources why not opening a discussion in Wiki? Who knows...you might be able to change the entry! :)

No nerves for that, i just cant get my sh*t together to waste so much time.

which needed to be documented several times to survive the scratching.

Given that we have no documents in regards to exact losses or numbers of the belligerents involved (with the exception of the TO losses since they kept a payroll we use as reference) i can't see how wiki can reach any serious consensus.

We also know how many polish knights bought it since its reported by three knight generals who were responsible for such accounting but thats about it.

Well, I too am an editor

I'm not accusing or suspecting you of editing, you're no Nathan but the low losses are quite possible, now wounded, these might be high since the battle lasted for nearly 6 hours but dead were few.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
16 Jul 2010 /  #32
But there are mistakes - it is not the most reliable source in all cases. Agree?

Well...for that are the sources and references. ;)
I'm suspicious about every statement with the "citation needed" tag, I'm for scratching these statements for good...agreed! :)

My obvious joke turned out to be a bit dry:)

Hey...I'm a German! ;)

Isn't Germany the country of Karl Lagerfeldt?

Lagerfeld, Boss, Adi Dassler...you name them! ;)

No nerves for that, i just cant get my sh*t together to waste so much time.

I ought to think like you Sok. :)
But if you are really interested in some topic and you know that a wiki entry makes or
breaks opinions (if you want to or not)...it could be worth it!
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2010 /  #33
I might try it but today my attitude is sorta influenced by this f*cking heat and next week its gonna be 35 celsjus!
OP Olaf  6 | 955  
16 Jul 2010 /  #35
Lagerfeld, Boss, Adi Dassler...you name them! ;)

So in case of some war you'd all be dressed as hell, again! ;))) Das ist sicher.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
16 Jul 2010 /  #36
Erm...ever looked at our current Bundeswehr??? BERETS ffs !!!!

OP Olaf  6 | 955  
16 Jul 2010 /  #37
Well, handsome as they might look in them, they still have guns, haha. Maybe that is supposed to look decieving for the enemy.
Berets are rather for special ops, helmets for regular troops I guess. How about a Teutonian helmet?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jul 2010 /  #38
Considering the Teutonic Order was set up to crush the heathen and heretic Poles by the Pope and Roman Catholic Church,can I ask why Poland is so very proud to be Catholic?

This isnt a loaded question,just,well,England also had a Papal crusade launched against it which basicaly led to Rome being told where to shove its incense.
16 Jul 2010 /  #39
Considering the Teutonic Order was set up to crush the heathen and heretic Poles by the Pope and Roman Catholic Church


The Teutonic Order was formed at the end of the 12th century.
The Baptism of Poland took place in 966.

England also had a Papal crusade launched against it

Poland never had a "Papal crusade launched against it".
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
16 Jul 2010 /  #40
Poland never had a "Papal crusade launched against it".

Yes,it did matey,the teutons were the Roman churches crusaders in the East,thats fact,Ok,not specifically set up to invade Poland per se but afater their initial "triumphs" this is indead what they attempted. So,again,why the love of Rome from a country that was fooked over by Rome?
16 Jul 2010 /  #41
Yes,it did matey

No, it didn't, buddy. Or maybe you could provide us a link to a historical source or Papal
document declaring Crusade against Poland in/after 12th century? :)

the teutons were the Roman churches crusaders in the East

Not against Poles though, but against Prussians (still heathen at the time of setting up
the Order).
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2010 /  #42
Yes,it did matey,the teutons were the Roman churches crusaders in the East,thats fact,Ok,not specifically set up to invade Poland per se but afater their initial "triumphs" this is indead what they attempted. So,again,why the love of Rome from a country that was fooked over by Rome?

You're an idiot, in no way did the Pope officially or unoficially supported the war against Poland, care to provide any proof of your idiotic claims?

Maybe you meant the Prussians, because as far as Poles, the Popes ordered Teutons to give back conquered lands repeatedly so where's your crusade pal?
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Jul 2010 /  #43
You're an idiot, in no way did the Pope officially or unoficially supported the war against Poland, care to provide any proof of your idiotic claims?

not only pope didnot support TO against Poland,but acctually Pope was on Polands side.
it was some dispute been resolved by pope on polish favor over gdansk seziure
even for the short period TO was excomunicated for taking part in gdansk massacre
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
16 Jul 2010 /  #44
Now that is what I call good editing...showing ALL sides:

According to Raphael Lemkin the massacred population in the city was Polish[1]
According to Hartmut Boockmann, the town was primarily inhabited by Germans.[2]
James Minahan wrote that the city inhabitants, for the most part, were Kashubians.[3]


What an international mess:

The rebellious inhabitants, who supported the Brandenburgers, however, remained opposed to the Polish-Teutonic takeover. In September, the Teutonic Knights, together with the Polish garrison, begun their own siege of the city.

Based on Polish research up to 2002, Boockmann gives a number close to a hundred dead.[2]

gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Jul 2010 /  #45
primary sources state it clear that massacred people were regarded in the law suit as polish,whenever Kashubians or not
it is possible that some Germanic settlers were living in Gdansk in 14 cent.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
16 Jul 2010 /  #46
it is possible that some germanic settlers were living in gdansk in 14 cent.



About 1235, the town was granted city rights under Lübeck law by Pomerelian duke Swantopolk II, an autonomy charter similar to that of Lübeck which was also the primary origin of many settlers.[11] In 1300, the town had an estimated population of 2,000.[13]

in 1308:

Medieval massacre records of 10,000 inhabitants are perceived divergently in modern literature:[15]


It seems they weren't quite exact with the numbers back then...
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2010 /  #47

It seems they weren't quite exact with the numbers back then...

Not neccesarily, as with all sieges the towns were flooded with the locals seeking shelter behind city walls, of course inflation of numbers is possible but unlikely since medieval chroniclers if they did inflate numbers went for hundreds of thousands or milions.

it is possible that some germanic settlers were living in gdansk in 14 cent.

Actually it is certain, prior to the Gdańsk massacre they were a minority since Gdańsk was primarily polish/prussian (slavic prussian tribe not kingdon of Prussia Prussians) but they did make up a significant amount of the population, in XV they became a majority.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Jul 2010 /  #48
it is possible that some germanic settlers were living in gdansk in 14 cent.


well there a lot of germanic people living in Poland in the medieval times,settlers or descend people from ostrogoths.
even on the tomb of boleslav the brave,the 1 polish king is written:
"Rex Gothorum et Polonarum"

It seems they weren't quite exact with the numbers back then...

of course number were extragrated for the pourpouse of winning suit,or anti TO propaganda
but thats nothing unusale
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
16 Jul 2010 /  #49
...or maybe a settlement with 2000 was a huge "Da Town" for chroniclers that time! ;)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2010 /  #50
Thats also possible, the point stands that TO nuked an entire city full or Prussians, Poles and Germans.
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Jul 2010 /  #51
so we have a conclussion: bad geries- good polish :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11974  
16 Jul 2010 /  #52
Thats also possible, the point stands that TO nuked an entire city full or Prussians, Poles and Germans.

Bastards! *waves pagan fist at order*

so we have a conclussion: bad geries- good polish :)

*whacks gregy with a sword over polish head*
gregy741  5 | 1226  
16 Jul 2010 /  #53
It is also important that few weeks after grunwald we had another encounter in battle of koronowo,which is not very well known....funny battle it was where polish and geries knights were taking brake together in dining table,to join battle once rested

Glorious Poland won that one as well-God saw injustice and punished boastfull geries
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
16 Jul 2010 /  #54
so we have a conclussion: bad geries- good polish :)

To f*ck with your head a bit since you're so stupid.

Jan from Kwidzyń - Teutonic Knight, priest - Pole.
Anselm - Bishop, Teutonic brother - Pole.

There's a lot more, the TO was predominantly german but there were quite a few Poles in it.

Also while TO were the equivalent to medieval Nazis they didnt kill people because someone was German or Polish, they killed people because someone was opposed to them, they killed thousands of Germans as well as Poles.

It is also important that few weeks after grunwald we had another encounter in battle of koronowo,which is not very well known....funny battle it was where polish and geries knights were taking brake together in dining table,to join battle once rested

There were almost no german knights at the battle, the heavy cavalry was composed almost entirely of French, Burgundians and Italians, the battle was fought in a form of a huge joust where knights fought a series of duels which conversly is the only reason why Poles won.
OP Olaf  6 | 955  
17 Jul 2010 /  #55
Also while TO were the equivalent to medieval Nazis they didnt kill people because someone was German or Polish, they killed people because someone was opposed to them, they killed thousands of Germans as well as Poles.

not sure about numbers on the killed Germans but I can surely say they killed more Poles. Do not make it equal.

a small dick problem do not ease this frustration on forum in this manner,go to doctor of find yourself a understanding asiatic girl

- oh, you shouldn't touch this tpic;))
And about Asian girls, that is completly off-topic [but someone can start a thread on it] unless somone tells me how many Asians [girls mainly] fought in the Grunwald battle:)))))

Sadly finding any kind of asian girl in Poland aint gonna happen :(

- WHAT?! where have you been looking? Plenty of them in Kraków.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
17 Jul 2010 /  #56
not sure about numbers on the killed Germans but I can surely say they killed more Poles. Do not make it equal

Probably not but the point stands, they killed everyone who didnt fit their dream team including Germans.
OP Olaf  6 | 955  
17 Jul 2010 /  #57
- maybe so, but what is this point for, actually?
Dudeski  - | 25  
17 Jul 2010 /  #58
More than 100 000 spectators on this years Battle over Grunwald staging. I think it's a sound idea to make a new movie about it cause the last one is 50 years old now and not that impressive to be honest.
OP Olaf  6 | 955  
25 Aug 2010 /  #60
I will be glad to upload some pics from this year's battle recreation when I get back from vacation.

Well, could you upload some of them? It'd be great...

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