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Polish flag over the Reichstag first?

Sokrates  8 | 3335  
8 May 2011 /  #391
At the cost of dragging GB into the war?

GB didnt have an army at that time, dragging a country without an army into a war is a non factor, they had industry to build one over a period of 2-3 years which they did but in 1939 they'll be fighting with their d*cks.

Not so sure about that. I always thought Hitler wasn't really interested in a war with the Brits.

Only as long as Brits didnt bother him, war with UK was inevitable anyway, there could be only one maritime power in Europe and Hitler wasnt big on second places.
TheOther  6 | 3600  
8 May 2011 /  #392
GB didnt have an army at that time, dragging a country without an army into a war is a non factor,

Then I understand even less why some people here criticize Britain for her role at the beginning of WW2. If you don't have an army to speak of, why do you declare war on the most powerful country in Europe of that time? Doesn't make sense, unless Britain was serious about supporting Poland.
southern  73 | 7059  
8 May 2011 /  #393
Mannstein writes in his book that the german army was so weak in western front during battle in Poland in 1939 that a serious attack from the allies had great chances to succeed.They had a 5:1 superiority if I remember well.
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
9 May 2011 /  #394
If you don't have an army to speak of, why do you declare war on the most powerful country in Europe of that time? Doesn't make sense, unless Britain was serious about supporting Poland

In letter not in spirit, serios support could have been economical, there was very little of it even though UK had capacity to outfit an armoure division and another motorised division in Poland which could change a LOT.

Then I understand even less why some people here criticize Britain for her role at the beginning of WW2.

The problem is that UK led Poland on, there was no real support economic or otherwise, to give you an example UK could easily sell Poland up to 300 tanks prior to hostilities, it didnt.

The major culprit is of course France but UK had its part in it too.
9 May 2011 /  #395
It is immaterial, I'm talking about pretext they used for benefit of British public opinion

I actually asked you to go into detail about what more British could have done to fulfil her obligations under the Anglo-Polish treaty.

I assume that you are not going to do that and it'll be for one of two reasons: either you don't know what Britain's obligations were or you do know and thus you also know that Britain fulfilled all her treaty obligations.
antheads  13 | 340  
9 May 2011 /  #396
more British could have done to fulfil her obligations under the Anglo-Polish treaty.

once again...

"... in the event of any action which clearly threatened Polish independence, and which the Polish Government accordingly considered it vital to resist with their national forces, His Majesty's Government would feel themselves bound at once to lend the Polish Government ALL support in their power. They have given the Polish Government an assurance to this effect.

I may add that the French Government have authorized me to make it plain that they stand in the same position in this matter as do His Majesty's Government"


So not only was Britain speaking for France , when the invasion occured it was a joint French-British command that authorised the French to stop advancing in Germany in 39. They also forgot to inform the polish of this.
9 May 2011 /  #397
once again...

Yes, once again you lie: that quote is not from the Anglo-Polish. I asked you to go into detail about what more British could have done to fulfil her obligations under the Anglo-Polish treaty.

Please tell us all exactly what Britain could have done with her nine war-ready divisions (all of which were in Britain when war broken out). Tell us exactly where they were supposed to attack Germany, perhaps an amphibious assault on Hamburg?

You claimed in this post that "The agreement between france/england and poland called for 90 divisions and 1400 planes to attack germany, as in brittish and french." Are you ever going to make any attempt at all to back up that lie?
southern  73 | 7059  
9 May 2011 /  #398
what more British could have done to fulfil her obligations under the Anglo-Polish treaty.

The obligations were the phoney war?

Any comments posted from here on out that don't have to do with the Polish flag being over the Reichstag will be binned.
16 Jul 2011 /  #399
I doubt it but its certainly possible after all Russia would not want Poland to steal the glory, right?

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