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Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939.

guzzler  1 | 88  
1 Aug 2010 /  #121
How do I know that? Cause I know a few Jewish people, whose ancestors used to live in Poland and their attitude towards Poles and Poland.

Yes you are right I experienced the same thing myself in NY last month, and no matter what you say it will not register with them. All they wanted to talk about was what happened to the Jews in Poland, when they heard I was from Europe. They are convinced the camps were built by the Poles. When I told them the camps were built 1940 to concentrate, Polish slave labour to manufacture war materials for Germany, and the Jews did not come into the camps until 1942 they looked at me blank. As regards war dead the only people were they interested in were the six million Jews not the other 74 million. The next time I go to NY I won't cross the Brooklyn Bridge
1 Aug 2010 /  #122
Were they jewish american???
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Aug 2010 /  #123
That the purest no-sense I ever heard !

Why don't you just leave this discussion? You go against any suggested option and simply deny everything. That's ok, but just don't do it here. This thread is intended to discuss the issues at hand, not denying them. You don't give any alternative directions, you just deny. That's all and that's not really a contribution. Everybody knows that the CC wasn't really favouring the Jews, with exceptions do the rule.

Of course now my post will be covered with 'white noise'

Looks like it's not, but what is exactly your contribution to this discussion with this post?

All they wanted to talk about was what happened to the Jews in Poland

Poles and Jews are so much alike. Because Poles in the US also only want to talk about what happened to Poland and the Poles. At least, the ppl of Polish descent that I've met in the US. But what'd you expect from Americans? They don't know shyte outside their own borders. Have you even seen an American news broadcast? It's ONLY about American issue and at the end they have about 30 secs other news from outside of the US. These ppl are simply uneducated.


M-G (coffee)
1 Aug 2010 /  #124
Have you even seen a Polish news broadcast? Its about what Palikot have just said all the time... it's like neverending political soap opera ;)
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
1 Aug 2010 /  #125

This Palikot character doesn't seem like a nice man...


M-G (no)
1 Aug 2010 /  #126
This Palikot character doesn't seem like a nice man...

No he is a very nice man:

(palikot is the guy who plays guitar)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
1 Aug 2010 /  #127
What does this man stand for?
(never heard of him)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Aug 2010 /  #128
He is PR man for PO. A joke, nothing more and nothing less.
guzzler  1 | 88  
1 Aug 2010 /  #129
Were they jewish american???

Yes Modern Orthodox American Jews.

M-G In general the Americans I met I found a generious and kind people, with little comprehension as to what's happening in the rest of the world. Here is something that has always puzzled me, as you know I'm an old man. And I have known lots of Polish Christians and Polish Jews. And I can't remember any of them saying anything bad about each other, I am convinceded a lot of this crap came out during the USSR occupation of Poland, To pour scorn on the capitalist system, and to deflect the spotlight from their own ****** history.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
1 Aug 2010 /  #130
Probably every single element of Shoah movie was true.
Combined together and presented to some ignorant public it creates really anti-Polsh picture of Holocaust.

O yea, for example, in one scene a young Polish boy is seen pantomiming 'cutting of the throat' as the train full of Jews is passing him by on its way to a concentration camp. This was interpreted as some vial act instead of the probability that this boy was warning the passengers of their fate.

...and so it goes.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
2 Aug 2010 /  #131
Well, that not the truth, I'm just point out your obvious blunders, however I suggested in one of my posts in above thread my explanation of government attitude, however it can be interpreted as anti-Semitism and implementation of ND ideology it wasn't so.

You choose to ignore it as your mind is set on your vision.
My stating so and so wouldn't have been effective in this situation if you are REALLY after the truth, you must work for it and not waiting to get it on the silver plater!

If I were such blind and indiscriminate denier as you claim, you wouldn't asked me to live this thread, you would ridicule me easily. It because my say make sense but you feel that I'm wrong but you cannot quite put the finger as to why I'm wrong.

Work M-G work for the truth!
CC wasn't favouring the Jew - so what ? Do Jews favour CC?
Yet, to come to the conclusion that CC make up story's about Jew as commies is ridiculous!
Enough Jews were Communist, participation in the top echelons of Bolsheviks of Jewish element were noticeable and remarked upon in all the world at the time, and the fact that a very foundation of communism was a book called Capital and author of said book was .....(guess)!

Well, blame all on CC ! Even better blame all on the Spanish Inquisition, but don't exect to be taken seriously!
Another Crow of PF:)????
I-S ( Jee M-G can we discuss in amicable manner ?well, we don;t have to, thought! )
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
2 Aug 2010 /  #132
MareGaea: I learned that the myth that Communism was Jewish, a fable that somewhere in the previous era came into existence is still very vivid in the Polish perception. But can anybody explain why this is ONLY in Poland the case?

Are you really unaware that this is a common perception almost everywhere? Here is a typical anti semetic presentation: ... The 'tone' of this piece muddles any facts that may be present.

What does this man stand for?

He wants to take back Berlin.......
In the video he has a dildo in his right hand and a gun in his left hand. Makes me think he is right handed.....
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
2 Aug 2010 /  #133
common perception almost everywhere?

I actually never heard of this being perceived as such apart from Polish ppl, a handful of Russians and some Americans of -indeed- Polish descent.

Edit: in the West, communists were communists and no ethnicity was added to the label as far as I can remember.


M-G (bank holiday!)


You might wanna read this:


...And this:


And there are plenty more. Compare the dissection of Robert Sungenis by William Cork here:


But then again, there is no discussing when the other party only says that it's all lies. Exactly what I thought would happen. Instead of an open discussion about a dark episode in Polish history the usual suspects come up with the assertion that it's "all lies", despite evidence given that it's not. Furthermore those asserting that it's "all lies" haven't given any conclusive evidence that it is, in fact, "all lies".


M-G (halleluyah)
Ironside  51 | 13113  
3 Aug 2010 /  #134
But then again, there is no discussing when the other party only says that it's all lies.

What are you talking about ? You posted me same stuff about CC and Jews in history!
Well?! I know it and I do not deny that CC had no love for Jews - so what?
Jews actually didn't love CC either.
However to conclude that CC is behind believe that many Jews were communists is really pushing boundary of imagination.
If point A is true and point C is true, it doesn't mean that you can assume that B is true and draw straight line from A to C.

Its also very risky to assume that C is consequence of A!

I-S ( you do not ask - you declare ! do you want to ask ......)
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366  
3 Aug 2010 /  #135
He wants to take back Berlin.......

Stop fibbing.
Charles DestrĂ©e  
14 Jul 2013 /  #136
As former resistance fighter I can explain some phenomena.
Charles Destrée,
(1926) historian
1 Jan 2014 /  #137
The Endecja (National Democrats) did NOT come to power after Marshal Pilsudski's death in 1935.His own followers Smygly,Beck,Moschitski,and Slawek held power from 1935-39.

And they are responsible for the acts you describe.The Endecja still criticized the government for not being sufficiently anti-Jewish.And Pilsudski,himself,was no Jew lover.Troops under his command massacred Jews in eastern Galicia,Ukraine,and Belarus.(1919-20)
Ranger  1 | 23  
3 Jan 2014 /  #138
People have a right to boycott Jewish shops/products as consumers. It is also your right to disagree with the boycott.
The United States boycotts Cuba.

Israel has state sanctioned racism and bigotry. But that's ok. I just wish more people would understand how much hypocrisy is found in the Jewish community.

Most people are unaware of the fact that they are successful by having strong cohesion. They do not want the goyim to do the same.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939.Archived