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Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939.

cheehaw  2 | 263  
29 Jul 2010 /  #61
and not to forget that reports like this coming out of Russia were widely known by 1935-36.


The open virulent anti-Christ campaign, everywhere, was a shock. In public places were the tirades by loud speaker, in Russian (our friends translated). Atheist cartoons representing Christ as a villain, a drunk, the object of a cannibalistic orgy (Holy Communion); as an oppressor of labor; again as trash being dumped from a wheelbarrow by the Soviet "Five-Year-Plan"--these lurid cartoons filled the big bulletin boards in the churches our Soviet guides took us to visit.

In the Museum of the Revolution we were shown a huge world map. As our Guide turned a switch, lights came on indicating the places all over the world where Communist Party headquarters were then functioning. Proudly our Guide announced: "Our world revolution will start with China and end with the UNITED STATES".


The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia boasts of the Jews who led the Bolshevik revolution in Russia:

"The political revolution of March, 1917, brought about the complete emancipation of the Russian Jews." (Page 670, "Soviet Russia")

"Individual revolutionary leaders of Jewish origin — such as Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Sverdlov — played a conspicuous part in the revolution of November, 1917 which enabled the Bolsheviks to take possession of the state apparatus."

.. "Wherever the civil war was fought, the Whites identified [page 87] the Jews with the Bolsheviks and singled them out for attack ... from the first, Anti-Semitism was severely condemned by the Bolsheviks ... The recuperative process which set in with the end of the civil war was furthered by the New Economic Policy (NEP) adopted in the Spring of 1921 ... By 1924 nearly one-third of all the stores in Moscow were owned by Jews." (page 674, Encyclopedia)

From our Embassy in Russia came the report of: "conditions appalling; a veritable slaughter ... Men are shot without trial." (Sept. 21, 1918) And "bloody delirium now reigning at Moscow and Petrograd." (Sept. 25, 1918, page 694; State Department)

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
29 Jul 2010 /  #62
nice try boys, but I looked at the link BB provided and there was rampant anti- semitism in Poland during that time, which also happened to be the time when Endecja was in, whether Endecja had anything to do with it or not is not relevant in my opinion, but some anti- semitism has been generated within that organization, which spread out, or, as I would like to see it, was expressed by some Endecja members. The fact is, that at one point, the Jewish student body at Polish universities amounted to 1/3 and those were the people who were "segregated" on benches during that time.

Why deny the facts?
Zed  - | 195  
29 Jul 2010 /  #63
No denying of facts here. Just stating them. AS was alive and well in pre-war Poland but it wasn't state sponsored, had its roots elsewhere. Now, if you ever manage to find Rabbi Schneerson report of visiting New York in the 30ties and compare it to Jewish life in Poland, you will be surprised at what he concluded.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
29 Jul 2010 /  #64
and don't forget jewish boasts of the time, which went something like...

“We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America.” [The Jew, December 1925, Zinobit]
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11969  
29 Jul 2010 /  #65
Now, if you ever manage to find Rabbi Schneerson report of visiting New York in the 30ties and compare it to Jewish life in Poland, you will be surprised at what he concluded.

A short summary? (or a link) ?
Zed  - | 195  
29 Jul 2010 /  #66
BB: Just that for now


An interesting life... indeed. I remember reading more about his impressions, but that was so long ago... would have to google on end.
guzzler  1 | 88  
29 Jul 2010 /  #67
and don't forget jewish boasts of the time, which went something like...

“We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America.” [The Jew, December 1925, Zinobit]

You have taken that quote from a Neo Nazi website "French Connection" what a sad person you are.
cheehaw  2 | 263  
29 Jul 2010 /  #68
Not true.

I just happened to be reading this page earlier and it sort of stuck out and struck a chord being at the top of the page and all.

[i]USA: By Way of Deception Brands Itself Barbaric
opinion-maker.org/2010/07/usa-by-way-of-deception-brands-it self-barbaric/i]

I just thought I would share.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
29 Jul 2010 /  #69
I did a search on Endecja, the nationalist Polish party that came to power after the death of Pilsudski.

Mistake 1 - there were no such a party like endecja - its common abbreviation.
There was however party called National Democracy!
Mistake2 - that party never come to power in Poland!

Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. So this thread sells lie !
As for the sentence state sponsored anti-Semitism is false !
Polish state have taken some measures to curb and check minorities in Poland seemed as disloyal and potentiality dangerous to the Polish state.
Those steps were taken against Ukrainians and Jews mainly!
Those steps were supported by larger part of the National Democracy - nevertheless that party didn't participated in government.

I-S ( end of part I)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
29 Jul 2010 /  #70
It would be fair to describe it as a movement and not an outright party. It was a time when playing on sentiments was high and Dmowski pushed it through literature and appealing to those that were disillusioned with Piłsudski, of course pre-1935. Some might have felt, at that time, that the Jews were overextending their welcome and being a little too demanding but this is just based on stories I have heard.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
29 Jul 2010 /  #71
It would be fair to describe it as a movement and not an outright party

dead on !

lecture :

Jews in Poland - A Documentary History, Hippocrene Books, New York 1998
cheehaw  2 | 263  
30 Jul 2010 /  #72
It might be more fun to discuss Israel - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1948 -

we could discuss the palestinian issue, gaza, the left bank, Lebanon..

like, you know, how all these east european jews move to Israel and literally freak out because the native population have mediterranean complexions.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Jul 2010 /  #73
Well, here I am :) I've been pretty busy last few days, so again I apologize for coming back this late.

First of all, despite of what I've been reading from some in this thread, this thread is by no means intended to be anti-Polish. It merely wants to discuss a period in Polish history that hasn't been in the spotlights that often. Some have questioned my motives and felt the need to discuss me as a person in this thread. A few of them were the same that told me to learn more about Polish history. Besides the fact that I find it highly pathetic to discuss the person who starts a thread which may not be to everyone's liking, that's exactly what I was doing by starting this thread. I still think that all subjects concerning Polish history should be open for discussion.

A few have suggested that my motive was to show that Poland also wasn't clear of the fascist/National Socialistic wave that spread out over Europe in the 1930's. This is for 50 per cent true. Especially when on this forum, so -called "connaisseurs" claim there was no such thing whatsoever in Poland. The presence of Endecja, the popular name for the National Democrats, ND does prove that Poland was also swept by this virus at the time.

Yet nobody has decisively proved that it wasn't there. While some make a decent effort to rebuke the claim or try to minimalise it or analyse it, some, as expected, called it lies and anti-Polish propaganda or even blamed the Jews themselves for what happened.

Also I learned that the myth that Communism was Jewish, a fable that somewhere in the previous era came into existence is still very vivid in the Polish perception. But can anybody explain why this is ONLY in Poland the case? It may have existed in Russia at one time, but they have overgrown that idea, yet a lot of Poles haven't when it comes to the Jews.

Another person said that I would never be able to grasp the context in which things happened. I like to think of myself as smart enough to be capable to do so, but I am not waiting for a nationalistic version of events as they happened.

That should be it. It's late and I'm nearly off to bed. But I wanted to react to a few selected posts anyway:

I would like to point about that I didn't insult you in anyway as you requested but you made ironic remarks which could be read as insulting.

I didn't ask not to insult, but keep it a decent discussion. And besides, since you regard being called Einstein and being mentioned as one the world's smartest ppl, I would indeed call it an insult - for Einstein.

Endecja never exactly ruled!

"Rise to power" doesn't necessarily mean "being in the government". It can also mean very influential and there is no denying that ND were influential quite a bit in those days.

Jews, Ukrainians, Belorussians and Poles faced much worse fate in years to come.

If you're referring to WW2, which I think you are, then indeed, nothing what happened before can be compared to that. But then again, it wasn't in any country in Europe as bad before the war than what happened DURING the war.

Polish actions were completely legal, what was illegal was communist/jewish practices aimed at destruction of Poland.

Of course. As long as it's aimed at the Jews, everything is ok and everything they do is not ok, at least, following your reasoning and agenda.

I have suggested reading material to MG in the past which he has ignored, and he continues his antisemitism crusade, whatever that is. Funny, that a fake Jew is so concerned about Polish 'antisemitism'.

See, this is exactly the thing that disqualifies you as eligable discussion partner. How do you know, for instance, that I didn't read the stuff you presented?

I suggest MG begs his Indian employers to give him some time off to read books not wikipedia or take a course in Polish to access info that is reliable.

Hm, wonder what all the ppl I employ would say about that remark? And besides this, this is just the answer of an American who claims to know about Poland. Hm, as far as I know Steve Ballmer is the new CEO, hence my employer. and there are no Indians in the BOD. And just for your information: I probably earn more than you :) I know it must hurt you thoroughly :)) Of course it does as you never leave any opportunity unseized to try and put me down. How pathetic a little man you are. And besides all that, sure, only Polish material is reliable, eh? All the other historians from all across the globe are all dead wrong and only the Polish are correct and then not even ALL the Polish historians are right (Gross is of course a traitor as he writes uncomfortable things), only the ones that glorify Poland and put Poles and Poland either in a glorious role OR in the victim role solely. Bad Poles? They don't exist.

In other words you ask what has brought here MG?

He always asks that question. Let me tell you sth about Jola: he is an American who lives now in Poland, now that it's safe. When it wasn't, he had his butt safely in America. Some role model he is :)

MG why don't ask some elder polish jew how looked life in 30s in Poland?

Have you ever seen Shoah from Claude Lanzmann?

As for Endecja - they were terrible nationalists, that's true, but aren't you going too far in demonizing the situation of Jews in Poland?

I'm not demonizing anything or anybody here, just want an overview of things what happened in those 4 years and I summed up the things that i found. I also found that this line of thinking in those days mainly was common among the Polish bourgeoisie, youngsters and students. Funny enough, ND tried to grasp for the Polish lower-class workers, but they weren't successful in that respect. I read about how they felt sorry for their poor Jewish neighbour and helped them where they could. This was explained by the argument that Jews weren't necessarily competitors for the working-class Poles, not a direct thread. Apparently they were for the middle-class and the young Poles.

Is it not true that nearly half of the urban population was Jewish and a third of the doctors, lawyers and other intellectualists were Jewish? Isn't it true that there were mostly-Jewish or even all-Jewish parties in the Polish government?

For time's sake, let's see what Wiki has to say about this:

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Jews_in_Poland#Growin g_anti-Semitism

While Wiki may not always be reliable, you might wanna read this:


I think you confuse opposition to Zionism with anti-semitism most of the time

No I don't. What, for example, has having to sit on very seperate benches when going to a lecture at University to do with Zionism? It has nothing to do with Zionism.

And if Polish Jews, in a majority Catholic Poland, welcomed Soviet jews, when it was widely known that soviet jews were a large part of the bolshevik revolution, responsible in large part for the destruction of the Christian Russia that the Polish people previously knew

This is about the biggest myth throughout Polish history of the 20th century. It's time it got laid to rest.

but it really wasn't so fervent until close to the 1970's

Are you sure about that? There are pictures in existence, showing students in Lodz demonstrating for those so-called Ghetto Benches. What are Ghetto Benches? Simply, seperate benches where the Jewish students HAD to sit during lecture. It may not have been all official, but it was there.

His nemesis, Piłsudski, was always more for choice

But Pilsudski died in 1935.

I think what he was trying to imply was that Germany was not the only country to have "Nazi" like supporters. And that actually the attitude of many Germans during that time were the exact same as the attitude for most of the Poles at the time.

For 50 per cent this is true. The other half was just inspired by a desire to get a full picture, good AND bad, of Polish history. Polish history is not a chain of glorious events only :)

and most of europe of that time...

All of Europe, including Poland :)

and not to forget that reports like this coming out of Russia were widely known by 1935-36.

Hilarious source you present me :) Let's see the highlight of it:

The hub of world Jewish anti-Christ power, the financial and industrial power best described in Rev. 18:11-, is the AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE with its B'nai B'rith brotherhood, and its "secret police", smear and ruin arm, the Anti-Defamation League. After having pushed a reluctant USA into World War II--to spread Communism across the earth, and with its first world base, Soviet Russia, as our "ally", it was decided to crush all ANTI-COMMUNISTS by trying them as "Fascists, Nazis".

I thought that was very funny, didn't you? :)

"Individual revolutionary leaders of Jewish origin - such as Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev and Sverdlov - played a conspicuous part in the revolution of November, 1917 which enabled the Bolsheviks to take possession of the state apparatus."

You have forgotten that it was actually the German Kaiser William 2 who made the Bolshevik Revolution pssbl. It weren't the Jews, it was Germany: Zimmermann, Wilhelm 2 and the German Foreign minister, I forget his name. There were a few Jews among the Bolsheviks, the majority however, was by far (Christian) Russian and not Jewish. Yet the Jews get to hear it all the time. Must be some other, deeper reason for that as I never hear that the Russians started the Bolshevik Revolution.

Why deny the facts?

Good question. Any Dutch you ask will admit that there was a National Socialist Movement in NL in the 1930's and during the war, as will any Belgian, French, Norwegian and so on. Some Poles however, deny and I am curious as to why that is.

"We have exterminated the property owners in Russia. We are going to do the same thing in Europe and America." [The Jew, December 1925, Zinobit]

This is just nonsense. Not written by Jews as it makes no sense to blacken yourself further when you know that the others already hate you and are actively practicing anti semitism on you.

You have taken that quote from a Neo Nazi website "French Connection" what a sad person you are.

Wouldn't surprise me. I've caught her a few times before using utter questionable sources as proof. The other link leads to a sensationalist's conspiracy theorists' site. Not really serious, therefore. Oh, and it's hard to miss the quote as it is the first line and it's seperated from the rest, you can't miss it. But we have landed in cheehaw's favourite waters again.

Mistake 1 - there were no such a party like endecja - its common abbreviation.
There was however party called National Democracy!
Mistake2 - that party never come to power in Poland!

What are you trying to prove with "mistake 1"? Endecja was the name by which the ND was most commonly known, it's totally acceptable to use this term therefore.

As for "mistake 2", pls see my first response to Zed.

Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939. So this thread sells lie !
As for the sentence state sponsored anti-Semitism is false !

Again, what is your point? I don't sell anything, I ask a question and indeed, the question is enough to get some on their hind legs, which doesn't surprise me at all from you.

It would be fair to describe it as a movement and not an outright party.

From the same Wiki as earlier, for time reasons:

With the influence of the Endecja partygrowing, antisemitism gathered new momentum in Poland and was most felt in smaller towns and spheres in which Jews came into direct contact with Poles, such as in Polish schools or on the sports field

Let's assume it was a movement. But for a movement it had influence, a lot more influence after Pilsudski died. And that leads immediately to the next question: if they weren't a party, but were capable of influencing masses (with the help of the Catholic Church, let's not forget that), why weren't they capable to mobilize spirits before and during Pilsudski? I know Joe was popular, but yet I don't believe that he was popular everywhere in every layer of Polish society.

It might be more fun to discuss Israel - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1948 -

I'm pretty sure the original topic is much more fun. I know, it's easier to deflect everything to Israël and point out what a terrible state that is and turn attention away from a not-so-nice episode of Polish history, but that's not gonna happen :)

we could discuss the palestinian issue, gaza, the left bank, Lebanon..

We could, but we won't.

Tomorrow I'm off, then I have some more time to go in depth on certain things, for now, this will have to do. I haven't seen any conclusive dismissal of the presence of anti semitism instigated by Endecja in the four years immediately preceding the German invasion of Poland.


M-G (tired)
tow_stalin  - | 57  
30 Jul 2010 /  #75
hi m-g,

i'm gonna to show you other side of the coin.

endecja wasn't nice, but in mine opinion there was a reason for that. i will give you some facts about jews in pre-2 world war period.

* most of jews (75-80%) hardly spoke in polish. that's somehow amazing, they live here for 700 years, and they were unable to learn the language and understand their polish neighbors. most of jews lived in voluntarily closed communities, they chose to live like this. they have their own, separate school system, which was sponsored by polish state. and guess what they learned on history lessons? of course - the learned onlyhistory of palestine... after 700 years (!)...

* many jews despise poland and poles. the source of this lie in deep middle ages - e.g. - jews were hired by polish szlachta as a tax-collectors - they can read and count in opposition to most of polish farmers. who likes tax-collectors, especially those not very honest? jews started to use the opportunity, and they really didn't respect those farmers too much.

* many jews called up to polish army during mobilisation have deserted in the very first days of II world war. were they good citizens then? i don't think so. polish pre-war communist party was full of jews, and in mine opinion commie is the same pri.c.k as nazi.

* it was not "a few" jews to welcome liberation from glorious red army, it was a common view in eastern poland. and guess who helped nkvd establish there new order including plunge nearly two millions of poles to syberia, kazakhstan, etc?

* jews also didn't buy in polish shops, didn't go to polish doctors...

i'm not saying that poles were only poor victims of jews, i'm just showing the other side of the same coin. poles didn't like jews and jews didn't like poles. one side of the coin is what you called "state sponosred anti-semitism", and the other side is "community sponsored anti-polonism" and it's hard to say who was worse...

best reg,
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Jul 2010 /  #76
*feels left out*

*goes pouting*

Aw, I'm sorry my friend. I am only one person and I was tired at that moment as it was in the middle of the night and I had been working very long yesterday. You did well, my friend; if it's any consolation to you, there is a pan full of Guinness stew on the furnace, about the best dish Irish cuisine has to offer, if you like you can have a plate (or two) :)


That may very well be, but it's no cause to start violent towards them. I am aware of the fact that Jews didn't speak Polish that much, which is strange as I think you always should learn the language of the country you're living in, be it only for practical purposes. Secondly, I find the statement that "Jews despised Poland and the Poles" a bit strange as it makes no sense: I can reason that they didn't like the Poles as it happens that you meet ppl that you just don't like, but despising Poland? The country they chose to live in? That doesn't make sense. Jews helped Pilsudski in Poland's war of independence (it was not for nothing that Pilsudski was mordicus against anti semitism and put down as only criteria one's loyalty to the state); why would they do that if they despised Poland? That doesn't make any sense at all and I personally don't think it's that hefty either. Sure, there will have been cases of individual Jews disliking Poland, but there were also Poles that didn't like Poland as well. I personally think that's not a factor.


M-G (off)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Jul 2010 /  #77
* most of jews (75-80%) hardly spoke in polish. of course - the learned onlyhistory of palestine... after 700 years (!)...

so how do you explain that 1/3 of students at Polish unis were Jewish, which in my eyes was an attempt to join the Polish community, only to be told that they have to sit on the left side of the classroom?

Good question. Any Dutch you ask will admit that there was a National Socialist Movement in NL in the 1930's and during the war, as will any Belgian, French, Norwegian and so on. Some Poles however, deny and I am curious as to why that is.

is it possible that many people simply don't know the facts, so they fill the space with speculations and their own interpretation of the history. You need to understand that for the 50 years during the communist Poland the history was not presented in an objective light at all (including Jewish and Polish history), therefore you can see the result of it on PF so often. Most people don't know the history of Jews in Poland for those reasons alone.
tow_stalin  - | 57  
30 Jul 2010 /  #78
I find the statement that "Jews despised Poland and the Poles" a bit strange as it makes no sense

if you have nothing else to do today:

glaukopis.pl/pdf/czytelnia/TraditionalJewishAttitudesToward Poles_MarkPaul.pdf
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Jul 2010 /  #79
And in order to join a Polish Uni in those days I assume you were required to speak Polish.

if you have nothing else to do today:

Well, I am off today, but I do have a few chores to do and a few errands to run. I have however read about 15 pages of the .pdf you presented me (I will read the rest in due time, it's 128 pages, not sth you read in an hour), but I sure hope that later on in this dissertation, Mark Paul will shed light on the Polish attitude towards Jews as well as for now it's pretty one-sided. BUT he also points out that there were (Jewish) attempts to learn Polish, which is a good thing and comes closer to the truth imo than the statement that 80 per cent of the Jews couldn't and didn't want to speak the Polish language. I also hope that he gives a basis for the statement that Jews despised the Polish state. Did Pilsudski got it all wrong then? And where did this alledged despising come from?


M-G (yeah)
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Jul 2010 /  #80
And in order to join a Polish Uni in those days I assume you were required to speak Polish.

that would make sense, since I have not come across in let's say Polish justification for that action that those students insisted on speaking Yiddish.
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Jul 2010 /  #81
You need to understand that for the 50 years during the communist Poland the history was not presented in an objective light at all.

I agree with this. Therefore it's important that all aspects of Polish and Polish/Jewish history are being discussed. It helps with coming to terms with the past and I fear that a lot PF members haven't yet.

*Bratwurst is such a grateful person to cook for as we say in NL* :)


M-G (likes to cook)
Sokrates  8 | 3335  
30 Jul 2010 /  #82
Maregea you still didnt provide proof for your lie.

Let me reminded, you have posted an obvious lie, that instead of betraying Poland and siding with Bolsheviks 130.000 Jewish soldiers fought for Poland against Russians.

This is of course a lie and i asked you for proof of your claim which you ignored, so got any proof or are you, as always an anti-polish liar?
guzzler  1 | 88  
30 Jul 2010 /  #83
I am most likely one of the few people on this forum who actually knew, and has spoken to Hasidic Jews who lived in Poland before the war. And what I have written above is what they told me happened. As you will know it is hard to mistake a Hasidic by the way they dress, they started to dress like that in the 18Th century. Some Polish prince gave them permission to do so, and they have continued to do so ever since. Yiddish was spoken most of the time in their enclaves, but they could speak Polish with an accent, like if a German was speaking Polish. If you knew there religion you would understand how they could not live with the greater population. All the Jews in the towns and cities living among the general public, would be secular Jews and speaking perfect Polish. A secular Jew is a Jew by tradition, and not religious.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
30 Jul 2010 /  #84
And besides, since you regard being called Einstein and being mentioned as one the world's smartest ppl, I would indeed call it an insult - for Einstein.

**** you Bald-omir you fool nobody , you lousy **** !

I ask a question and indeed, the question is enough to get some on their hind legs, which doesn't surprise me at all from you.

Its is not question is a statement if is a question where is question mark?
Assuming that you asked question the answer is nay!
Endacja wasn't state sponsored ant-Semitism - it was movement political and ideological with the aim of strengthen Polish element in the Polish state and to ram home that in Poland, Poles are making rules not some minorities !

It wasn't aimed solely against Jews and element of "blood" present in anti-Semitic literate, wasn't there!
It seemed that state was prone to accept this ideology become, Polish state at the time had a vision of STRONG POLISH State - but it wasn't so!

I mean state didn't implemented endecja ideology !
At the time not only Jew but Ukrainian were disloyal citizens of Poland !

to start violent towards them

that was the times - political movements were violent to each other (Jewish workers beat to dead Polish student !)

what are you fishing for ? Ask away !

I will answer honestly

history is not a chain of glorious events only :)

well, and you concentrate on no glorious event - how glorious of you, not!

If you was really curious you would ask about Jews in Poland and set timetable!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Jul 2010 /  #85
I will answer honestly

he wants to know the TRUTH, not you biased interpretation of it. BIG difference.
Ironside  51 | 13113  
30 Jul 2010 /  #86
If he'll ask honestly, he'll get the truth not some biased interpretation like Gross's lies for example!
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
30 Jul 2010 /  #88
Still waiting MG, why dont you back up your lie for once?:)

Since when is the truth a lie?

As to where it comes to telling lies, you, without doubt claim the #1 position. I didn't have time as I have been pretty busy last few days. Here it is and I am man enough to admit that I confused 1919 with 1939:

About 100,000 Jewish soldiers found themselves in the ranks of the Polish Army at the start of World War II in September of 1939. Many were killed and wounded on the battlefield. For the duration of the war, many Jews were in the Polish Armed Forces in the West, in the Polish People's Army formed in the Soviet Union, as well as in civilian resistance movements and guerrilla detachments. Many lost their lives or were wounded; very many received the highest combat distinctions.


But then again, they must've participated substantially as Pilsudski was very fond of them - at least he forbade any anti semitism and declared Jews to be loyal to the state. And there is nothing that you in your patriottic haze can change about that.

NB: call me a liar one more time ans I will report you - given your bad reputation on here and without doubt are walking the plank as to where is that concerned, you might face a ban in that case. To say you are a despiccable person would be a waste of words. Guess I'll just waste them.

If he'll ask honestly, he'll get the truth not some biased interpretation like Gross's lies for example!

You know, when a child hears that its dad is a criminal, the first thing it will say: "it's all lies! It's all lies! My daddy didn't do that!" Later on, when it grows up, it will realise that daddy was indeed a criminal. I don't expect you to understand this metaphore, but give it a try as I am not going to explain it.


M-G (don't you just know it)
Ironside  51 | 13113  
31 Jul 2010 /  #89
You know

You know, I know one thing about you, and this is not game or insult but the way I read you!
You pretend to ask question, to pursue the truth and some people maybe are buying it!
I don't by it! I know you are biased as it get when it comes to Polish history and special Jewish Polish history if you forgive me that lame expression!

Why don't you come clean and we can have honest discussion?
Well, I keep forgetting that you would need an open mind.

whatever you say.

let's talk about Ukrainians and Jew, shall we ??
OP MareGaea  29 | 2751  
31 Jul 2010 /  #90
You know, I'm not even gonna respond to that. Maybe you should just get off your high horse. An open mind? That's very funny coming from YOU. You deny just about anything that's not favourable in Polish history.


M-G (tiens)

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Endecja - State Sponsored Anti Semitism 1935 - 1939.Archived