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Early begginings of `democracy` and Polish contribution to it

Crow  155 | 9700  
24 Apr 2009 /  #1
Now, this is topic that greatly intrigues me.

In general, it is accepted that Greeks and Romans gave fundaments to `democracy` and civilization. But feel free to forget about it. Actually there are numerous spirits that would tell you that fundaments of modern`democracy` and civilization ultimately beginning to develop inside of early Slavic (Proto-Slavic) societies.

Are you aware of great Polish contribution to beginnings of democracy and modern concept of civilization?
Let me remind you...


But, `Sarmatism` isn`t only reminder of Polish/Slavic contribution to fundaments of `democracy`.

Spot this and compare it with above quotation...


Origins of parliamentary government


NOTE: Inscriptions from Vedic texts are interesting here because Rg Veda`s reffering on Sarmatian/Scythian (Proto Slavic) cultural influence on Indian tradition. It is well known that Buddha was white and of Scythian origin. Buddha belonged to ruling lighter caste of Indian society. The term Buddha means `Awakened` and even today any Slav would recognize such a menaing of name `Buda (Buddha)` from the angle of Slavic languages.

for example, on modern day Serbian language... Probudjeni > proBudjeni > Budni(always meaning- one who is awaken)... Buda (Buddha)

few maps and plate from book- `Sarmaci` by Polish author Tadeusz Sulimirski:


The Scythians were in my opinion the Proto-Slavs(the Indo-Aryans). According to the History of Herodotus (Books III and IV), the Arimaspi, men with one eye, lived on the north near the gold-guarding griffins and the Hyperboreans.


NOTE: Scythians are nomadic (in general) branch of Sarmatians

gog & magog

Sarmatian tribes were no doubt Slavic. Jordanes gave the history of interaction between the Sclaveni and the Goths as they moved from Scandinavia circa 200 AD. "Sarmatian tribes were distinguished by Sclavonic language."

In order to analize development of `democracy` as product of ancient Proto Slavic society we should analize available data.

If we accept that hyperborean Aryans were Sarmatians (Scythians) and if we understand that Rg Veda texts preserved records of Sarmatian conflict with darker races and then retreat of Sarmatians from around Ind River, we must be aware that Sarmatian invasion onto India introduced different type of social organization to native Indian population. As well as more advanced (for that time) social structure, Sarmatians probably also introduced revolutionary knowledge of agriculture to domicile Indian population. After all, no wonder that Buddha `father` of Buddhism and Hinduism appeared on historical scene as hyperborean (wise stranger). As a member of ruling caste (Brahmin) once established from conquerors (Sarmatians/Scythians), he was accepted as God who transfered his knowledge to people that worshiped him.

Sarmatian woman
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
25 Apr 2009 /  #2
The Polish-Lithuanian federation was a 'prototype' for Parliamentary type of governance, although it was more along the British 'House of Lords' model...As far as 'Gog and Magog', I would suggest this term refers to the Khazars and the Red Kagans and their Turk cousins...For a Muslim perspective on this, 'google' 'Ya'juj wa Ma'Juj'...The prophet Ezekiel mentions them, but they are confused with Russians by many scholars/students.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
20 Feb 2010 /  #3
This is where Poland is streets ahead of its neighbours to the east. Compare Poland to Belarus and Russia, there is no comparison.
jeden  - | 226  
20 Feb 2010 /  #4
The more important thing is rather this :


this is polish Habeus Corpus Act
joepilsudski  26 | 1387  
20 Feb 2010 /  #5
Yes, this good, although only for szchlata, not peasants, ordinary people...But, yes, ahead of it's time in a sense.
jeden  - | 226  
20 Feb 2010 /  #6
although only for szchlata

yes but only szlachta was a nation...
pawian  226 | 27817  
23 Aug 2019 /  #7
Are you aware of great Polish contribution to beginnings of democracy and modern concept of civilization?

Yes, this good, although only for szchlata, not peasants,

Yes, that is why when talking about Polish contribution to democracy, we need to remember that 1st Commonwealth`s was gentry/nobility democracy and it applied only to 10% population which considered themselves elite. City residents and Jews were excluded, let alone peasants who were considered and treated as savages.

So, Poles can be proud of it but only a little.
OP Crow  155 | 9700  
23 Aug 2019 /  #8
it applied only to 10% population

If it applied to more people, Pope would declare crusade against Poland and western Europe would run to utterly destroy it as example of `devilish chaotic barbarous state` or they will find some other definition and explanation.

Archives - 2010-2019 / History / Early begginings of `democracy` and Polish contribution to itArchived